Package com.flaptor.hounder.classifier

Source Code of com.flaptor.hounder.classifier.CacheCalculatorBean

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package com.flaptor.hounder.classifier;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.flaptor.hounder.classifier.bayes.BayesCalculator;
import com.flaptor.hounder.classifier.bayes.BayesClassifier;
import com.flaptor.hounder.classifier.bayes.PersistenceManager;
import com.flaptor.hounder.classifier.util.DocumentParser;
import com.flaptor.hounder.classifier.util.ProbsUtils;
import com.flaptor.util.Config;
import com.flaptor.util.Execute;
import com.flaptor.util.cache.FileCache;

* For a given category, reads the list of URLs that match that category
* (cat_included_urls) and those that don't (cat_notIncluded_urls).
* It then parses each document and uses a BayesCalculator to calculate the
* probability of each token.
* Finally it writes the probability file for the given category
* Also updates the .my.probabilities file for the given category.
* @author Flaptor Development Team
public class CacheCalculatorBean extends TrainingBean{

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Execute.whoAmI());

    private List<String> includedUrlsList;
    private List<String> notIncludedUrlsList;
    private Config cfg;
    private int maxTuple;
    private FileCache<String>  cache;

    public CacheCalculatorBean(){       
    public boolean initialize(ConfigBean config) {
        if (!super.initialize(config)){
            return false;
        cfg= Config.getConfig("");
        maxTuple= cfg.getInt("document.parser.tuples.size");
        inited= true;
        cache = new FileCache<String> (config.getCacheDir() + "/text"); // TODO: softcode /text
        return inited;

     * Loads the data from cat_included_urls/cat_notIncluded_urls
    void loadIncludedNotIncludedUrls(String catName){
        includedUrlsList= ProbsUtils.loadUrlsList(config.getBaseDir(), catName, ProbsUtils.INCLUDED);
        notIncludedUrlsList= ProbsUtils.loadUrlsList(config.getBaseDir(), catName, ProbsUtils.NOT_INCLUDED);

    public Date getProbabilitiesFileDate(String categoryName){
        return BayesCalculator.getProbabilitiesFileDate(config.getBaseDir(), categoryName);       
    public Map<String,Double> readProbabilities(String categoryName) {
        Map<String,Double> probs= PersistenceManager.readProbabilitiesFromFile(config.getBaseDir(),
                categoryName+".probabilities"); // TODO softcode it
        return probs;
     * Calculates the probabilities for the given cat, and writes to the disc
     * 'cat'.probabilities file
     * For the given 'cat', loads the files cat_SUFFIX_INCLUDED and
     * cat_SUFFIX_NOT_INCLUDED, calculates the cat.probabilities
     * and writes the cat.probabilities file
     * @param catName
     * @throws IOException
    public void calculate(String catName) throws IOException{
        BayesCalculator calculator= new BayesCalculator(config.getBaseDir(), catName, cfg, maxTuple);       
        for (String url: includedUrlsList){
            String item=cache.getItem(url);
            if (null==item){
                LOGGER.warn("Page " + url + "is in included for " + catName + " but not in cache");
            calculator.addData(DocumentParser.parse(item, maxTuple),true, url);

        for (String url: notIncludedUrlsList){
            String item=cache.getItem(url);
            if (null==item){
                LOGGER.warn("Page " + url + "is in notIncluded for " + catName + " but not in cache");               
            calculator.addData(DocumentParser.parse(item, maxTuple),false, url);
        calculator.computeProbabilities(); //and save the .probabilities to disk

    public void setMyProbs(String newProbs, String catName) throws IOException{
        BayesCalculator calculator= new BayesCalculator(config.getBaseDir(), catName, cfg, maxTuple);
        String[] tokVals= newProbs.split("\\s+;\\s+");
        String key=null;
        Double val=null;
        for (String tv: tokVals){
            String []s= tv.split("=");
            key= s[0];
            val= Double.valueOf(s[1]);
            LOGGER.warn("Writing " + key + " = " + val);
            calculator.updateMyProbabilities(key, val, false); //false ~ noflush           
        LOGGER.warn("Writing " + key + " = " + val);
        calculator.updateMyProbabilities(key, val, true); // true ~ flush       

    public Map<String,Double> getMyProbabilities(String catName) throws IOException{
        BayesCalculator calculator= new BayesCalculator(config.getBaseDir(), catName, cfg, maxTuple);
        return calculator.getMyProbabilities();

     * Verify the bayesian guesses.
     * Takes the urls in cat_included and cat_not_included and checks what the
     * bayesian classifier say.
     * @param catId: the id of the cat (it's position on the catOk array).
     * @return a map String => Set as follow
     *     'uinc_cinc' : list of urls that both the user and the classifier say are included
     *     'unot_cnot' : list of urls that both the user and the classifier say are not included
     *     'uinc_cnot' : list of urls that the user marked as included but the classifier say are not included
     *     'unot_cinc' : list of urls that the user marked as not included but the classifier say are included    
    public Map<String,Map<String, Double>> verify(String catName) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{
        return verify(catName, true);
    public Map<String,Map<String, Double>> verify(String catName, boolean loadMaps)
    throws UnsupportedEncodingException{
        if (loadMaps) loadIncludedNotIncludedUrls(catName);
        BayesClassifier classifier= new BayesClassifier(config.getBaseDir(), catName);
        if (classifier.isProbabilitiesFileEmpty()){
            return null;

        Map<String,Map<String, Double>> mp= new HashMap<String,Map<String, Double>>();       
        mp.put("uinc_cinc", new HashMap<String, Double>());
        mp.put("unot_cnot", new HashMap<String, Double>());
        mp.put("uinc_cnot", new HashMap<String, Double>());
        mp.put("unot_cinc", new HashMap<String, Double>());
        // traverse the list of included urls and check what the classifier say
        for (String url: includedUrlsList){
            String item=cache.getItem(url);
            if (null==item){
                LOGGER.warn("Page " + url + "is in included for " + catName + " but not in cache");
            double classifierScore = classifier.classify(DocumentParser.parse(item, classifier.getMaxTuple()));
            boolean classifierIncluded = (classifierScore > 0.5);
            addToIncNotIncMap(mp, url, true, classifierIncluded, classifierScore);           
        // traverse the list of not included urls and check what the classifier say
        for (String url: notIncludedUrlsList){
            String item=cache.getItem(url);
            if (null==item){
                LOGGER.warn("Page " + url + "is in notIncluded for " + catName + " but not in cache");
            double classifierScore = classifier.classify(DocumentParser.parse(item, classifier.getMaxTuple()));
            boolean classifierIncluded = (classifierScore > 0.5);
            addToIncNotIncMap(mp, url, false, classifierIncluded, classifierScore);           
        return mp;

    private void addToIncNotIncMap(Map<String,Map<String, Double>> mp, String url,
            boolean userIncluded, boolean classifierIncluded, double classifierScore){
        Map<String, Double> map;
        if (userIncluded){
            if (classifierIncluded){
                map= mp.get("uinc_cinc");
            } else {
                map= mp.get("uinc_cnot");
        } else {
            if (classifierIncluded){
                map= mp.get("unot_cinc");
            } else {
                map= mp.get("unot_cnot");
        map.put(url, classifierScore);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String [] categoriesName = null;
        String cacheDirName = null;
        CacheCalculatorBean cc= null;       

        cacheDirName= args[0];
        categoriesName= args[1].split(",");       
        cc= new CacheCalculatorBean();

        ConfigBean bu= new ConfigBean();
        bu.initialize(categoriesName, cacheDirName, ".", null, -1);
        for (String cat: categoriesName){
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {

Related Classes of com.flaptor.hounder.classifier.CacheCalculatorBean

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