
Source Code of

  Copyright (C) 2003  Know Gate S.L. All rights reserved.
                      C/Oña, 107 1ยบ2 28050 Madrid (Spain)

  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
  are met:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  2. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
     if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
     "This product includes software parts from hipergate
     Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself,
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import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;

import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

import java.sql.SQLException;



import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.activation.FileDataSource;

import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException;
import javax.mail.BodyPart;

import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart;

import org.htmlparser.Parser;
import org.htmlparser.Node;
import org.htmlparser.Attribute;
import org.htmlparser.util.NodeList;
import org.htmlparser.util.NodeIterator;
import org.htmlparser.util.ParserException;
import org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode;
import org.htmlparser.tags.ImageTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.MetaTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.CompositeTag;

import org.apache.oro.text.regex.*;

import com.knowgate.debug.DebugFile;
import com.knowgate.jdc.JDCConnection;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DB;
import com.knowgate.dataxslt.FastStreamReplacer;
import com.knowgate.dfs.FileSystem;
import com.knowgate.misc.Gadgets;

import com.knowgate.scheduler.Atom;
import com.knowgate.scheduler.Job;

* <p>Add database fields to a document template and send it to a mail recipient</p>
* <p>Mails are send using Sun JavaMail</p>
* @author Sergio Montoro Ten
* @version 5.0

public class EmailSender extends Job {

  // This flag is set if the first Job execution finds replacements of the form
  // {#Section.Field} witch is data retrived from the database and inserted
  // dynamically into the document final template.
  // If the execution of this job for the first Atom find no tags of the form
  // {#Section.Field} then the replacement subroutine can be skipped in next
  // execution saving CPU cycles.
  private boolean bHasReplacements;

  // This is a soft reference to a String holding the base document template
  // if virtual memory runs low the garbage collector can discard the soft
  // reference that would be reloaded from disk later upon the next atom processing
  private SoftReference<String> oFileStr;

  // A reference to the replacer class witch maps tags of the form {#Section.Field}
  // to their corresponding database fields.
  private FastStreamReplacer oReplacer;

  // javax.mail objects
  Session oMailSession;
  Transport oMailTransport;

  // Images repeated at HTML document are only attached once and referenced multiple times
  // This hashmap keeps a record of the file names of images that have been already attached.
  HashMap<String,String> oDocumentImages;

  // Because the HTML may be loaded once and then passed throught FastStreamReplacer
  // and be send multiple times, a Soft Reference to a String holding the HTML is kept.
  private SoftReference<StringBufferInputStream> oHTMLStr;

  // FileSystem object shared among all atoms
  private FileSystem oFS;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  public EmailSender() {
    bHasReplacements = true;
    oFileStr = null;
    oHTMLStr = null;
    oFS = new FileSystem();
    oReplacer = new FastStreamReplacer();
    oDocumentImages = new HashMap<String,String>();
    oMailSession = null;
    oMailTransport = null;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  public void free() {}

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Set Job Status</p>
   * <p>If Status if set to Job.STATUS_FINISHED then dt_finished is set to current
   * system date.</p>
   * <p>If Status if set to any value other than Job.STATUS_RUNNING then the MailTransport is closed.
   * @param oConn Database Connection
   * @param iStatus Job Status
   * @throws SQLException
  public void setStatus(JDCConnection oConn, int iStatus) throws SQLException {

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin EmailSender.setStatus([Connection], " + String.valueOf(iStatus) + ")");

    super.setStatus(oConn, iStatus);

    if (Job.STATUS_RUNNING!=iStatus) {

      if (oMailTransport!=null) {
        try {
          if (oMailTransport.isConnected())
        catch (MessagingException msge) {
          if ( DebugFile.trace)
            DebugFile.writeln("Transport.close() MessagingException " + msge.getMessage());

        oMailTransport = null;
      } // fi (oMailTransport)

      if (null!=oMailSession) oMailSession = null;

    } // fi (STATUS_RUNNING)

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End EMailSender.setStatus()");
  } // setStatus

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  private String parseNode(Node oNode, PatternCompiler oCompiler, PatternMatcher oMatcher)
    throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin EmailSender.parseNode(" + oNode.getClass().getName() + ")");

  StringBuffer oBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    Pattern oPattern;
    String sTag, sCid;
    int iSlash;

    if (oNode instanceof ImageTag) {
      ImageTag oImgNode = (ImageTag) oNode;
      String sSrc = oImgNode.extractImageLocn();

      try {
        oPattern = oCompiler.compile(sSrc);
      } catch (MalformedPatternException neverthrown) {
        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("MalformedPatternException "+sSrc);

      iSlash = sSrc.lastIndexOf('/');
      if (iSlash>=0) {
        while (sSrc.charAt(iSlash)=='/') { if (++iSlash==sSrc.length()) break; }
        sCid = sSrc.substring(iSlash);
      } else {
        sCid = sSrc;
      } // fi
      if (!oDocumentImages.containsKey(sCid)) {

       if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("HashMap.put(" + sSrc + "," + sCid + ")");

        oDocumentImages.put(sCid, sSrc);
      } // fi (oDocumentImages.containsKey(sCid))

    sTag = oImgNode.toHtml(true);

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Util.substitute([Perl5Matcher], "+oPattern.getPattern()+", new Perl5Substitution(cid:"+oDocumentImages.get(sCid)+", Perl5Substitution.INTERPOLATE_ALL)"+", "+sTag+ ", Util.SUBSTITUTE_ALL)");

    oBuffer.append(Util.substitute(oMatcher, oPattern,
                                   new Perl5Substitution("cid:"+sCid,
                                     sTag, Util.SUBSTITUTE_ALL));

    } else if (oNode instanceof TagNode && oNode.toHtml().toLowerCase().startsWith("<link")) {

      TagNode oLnkNode = (TagNode) oNode;
      String sSrc = oLnkNode.getAttribute("href");
    String sType = oLnkNode.getAttribute("type");
    if (sType==null) sType="text/css";
    if (sType.equalsIgnoreCase("text/css")) {

      oBuffer.append("<style type=\"text/css\">\n<!--\n");
      try {
      } catch ( ftpe) {
        throw new IOException(sSrc, ftpe);

    } else {

        try {
          oPattern = oCompiler.compile(sSrc);
        } catch (MalformedPatternException neverthrown) {
          if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("MalformedPatternException "+sSrc);

        iSlash = sSrc.lastIndexOf('/');
        if (iSlash>=0) {
          while (sSrc.charAt(iSlash)=='/') { if (++iSlash==sSrc.length()) break; }
          sCid = sSrc.substring(iSlash);
        } else {
          sCid = sSrc;
        } // fi

        if (!oDocumentImages.containsKey(sCid)) {

         if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("HashMap.put(" + sSrc + "," + sCid + ")");

          oDocumentImages.put(sCid, sSrc);
        } // fi (oDocumentImages.containsKey(sCid))

      sTag = oLnkNode.toHtml(true);

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Util.substitute([Perl5Matcher], "+oPattern.getPattern()+", new Perl5Substitution(cid:"+oDocumentImages.get(sCid)+", Perl5Substitution.INTERPOLATE_ALL)"+", "+sTag+ ", Util.SUBSTITUTE_ALL)");

      oBuffer.append(Util.substitute(oMatcher, oPattern,
                                     new Perl5Substitution("cid:"+sCid,
                                       sTag, Util.SUBSTITUTE_ALL));
    } else if (oNode instanceof CompositeTag) {

      try {
        CompositeTag oCTag = (CompositeTag) oNode;
        Vector oAttrs = oCTag.getAttributesEx();
        int nAttrs = oAttrs.size();
        for (int a=0; a<nAttrs; a++) {
          Attribute oAttr = (Attribute) oAttrs.get(a);
        NodeList oChilds = oNode.getChildren();
        if (oChilds!=null) {
          for (NodeIterator i = oNode.getChildren().elements(); i.hasMoreNodes(); ) {
            Node oChildNode = i.nextNode();
            oBuffer.append(parseNode(oChildNode, oCompiler, oMatcher));
          } // next
        } // fi
      } catch (ParserException xcpt) {
        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("ParserException "+xcpt.getMessage());     

    } else if (oNode instanceof MetaTag) {

    // Ignore meta tags in e-mails

    } else {



    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End EmailSender.parseNode()");

    return oBuffer.toString();
  } // parseNode

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  private String attachFiles(String sHTMLPath) throws FileNotFoundException,IOException {
    String sHtml = null;

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin EmailSender.attachFiles(" + sHTMLPath + ")");
      DebugFile.writeln("new File(" + sHTMLPath + ")");

    try {
      sHtml = oFS.readfilestr(sHTMLPath, null);
    catch ( ftpe) {}

  if (null==sHtml) throw new FileNotFoundException(sHTMLPath);
  if (sHtml.length()==0) throw new FileNotFoundException(sHTMLPath);

    PatternMatcher oMatcher = new Perl5Matcher();
    PatternCompiler oCompiler = new Perl5Compiler();

    Parser parser = Parser.createParser(sHtml, null);

    StringBuffer oRetVal = new StringBuffer(sHtml.length());

    try {
      for (NodeIterator i = parser.elements(); i.hasMoreNodes(); ) {
        Node oNode = i.nextNode();
    oRetVal.append(parseNode(oNode, oCompiler, oMatcher));
      } // next
    catch (ParserException pe) {
      if (DebugFile.trace) {
        DebugFile.writeln("ParserException " + pe.getMessage());

      oRetVal = new StringBuffer(sHtml.length());

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End EmailSender.attachFiles() : " + oRetVal.toString().replace('\n',' '));

    return oRetVal.toString();
  } // attachFiles

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Send PageSet document instance by e-mail.</p>
   * <p>Transforming and sending aPageSet is a two stages task. First the PageSet
   * stylesheet is combined via XSLT with user defined XML data and an XHTML
   * document is pre-generated. This document still contains fixed database reference
   * tags. At second stage the database reference tags are replaced for each document
   * using FastStreamReplacer. Thus PageSet templates must have been previously
   * transformed via XSLT before sending the PageSet instance by e-mail.</p>
   * <p>This method uses javax.mail package for e-mail sending</p>
   * <p>Parameters for locating e-mail server are stored at properties
   * mail.transport.protocol,, mail.user from hipergate.cnf</p>
   * <p>If parameter bo_attachimages is set to "1" then any &lt;IMG SRC=""&gt; tag
   * will be replaced by a cid: reference to an attached file.</p>
   * @param oAtm Atom containing reference to PageSet.<br>
   * Atom must have the following parameters set:<br>
   * <table border=1 cellpadding=4>
   * <tr><td>gu_workarea</td><td>GUID of WorkArea owner of document to be sent</td></tr>
   * <tr><td>gu_pageset</td><td>GUID of PageSet to be sent</td></tr>
   * <tr><td>nm_pageset</td><td>Name of PageSet to be sent</td></tr>
   * <tr><td>nm_page</td><td>File Name of HTML page to be sent</td></tr>
   * <tr><td>bo_attachimages</td><td>"1" if must attach images on document,<br>"0" if images must be absolute references</td></tr>
   * <tr><td>tx_sender</td><td>Full Name of sender to be displayed</td></tr>
   * <tr><td>tx_from</td><td>Sender e-mail address</td></tr>
   * <tr><td>tx_subject</td><td>e-mail subject</td></tr>
   * </table>
   * @return String with document template after replacing database tags
   * @throws FileNotFoundException
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws MessagingException
   * @see com.knowgate.dataxslt.FastStreamReplacer
  public Object process (Atom oAtm) throws FileNotFoundException,IOException,MessagingException {

    File oFile;                      // Document Template File
    FileReader oFileRead;            // Document Template Reader
    String sPathHTML;                // Full Path to Document Template File
    char cBuffer[];                  // Internal Buffer for Document Template File Data
    StringBufferInputStream oInStrm; // Document Template File Data after replacing images src http: with cid:
    String oReplaced;                // Document Template File Data after FastStreamReplacer processing
    final String Yes = "1";

    final String sSep = System.getProperty("file.separator"); // Alias for file.separator

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin EMailSender.process([Job:" + getStringNull(DB.gu_job, "") + ", Atom:" + String.valueOf(oAtm.getInt(DB.pg_atom)) + "])");
      DebugFile.writeln("document has "+(bHasReplacements ? "" : " no ")+"replacements");

    if (bHasReplacements) { // Initially the document is assumed to have tags to replace

      // *************************************************
      // Compose the full path to document template file

      // First get the storage base path from hipergate.cnf
      sPathHTML = getParameter("workareasput");
      if (null==sPathHTML) sPathHTML = getProperty("workareasput");
      if (!sPathHTML.endsWith(sSep)) sPathHTML += sSep;

        // Concatenate PageSet workarea guid and subpath to Mailwire application directory
      sPathHTML += getParameter("gu_workarea") + sSep + "apps" + sSep + "Mailwire" + sSep + "html" + sSep + getParameter("gu_pageset") + sSep;

      // Concatenate HTML Page Name
      sPathHTML += getParameter("nm_page").replace(' ', '_');

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PathHTML = " + sPathHTML);

      // ***********************************************************************
      // Change <IMG SRC=""> tags for embeding document images into mime message

      if (Yes.equals(getParameter("bo_attachimages"))) {

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("bo_attachimages=true");

        // Check first the SoftReference to the tag-replaced in-memory String cache
        oInStrm = null;

        if (null!=oHTMLStr) {
          if (null!=oHTMLStr.get())
            // Get substituted html source as a StringBufferInputStream suitable
            // for FastStreamReplacer replace() method.
            oInStrm = oHTMLStr.get();
        if (null==oInStrm)
          // If SoftReference was not found then
          // call html processor for <IMG> tag substitution
          oInStrm = new StringBufferInputStream(attachFiles(sPathHTML));

        oHTMLStr = new SoftReference<StringBufferInputStream>(oInStrm);

        // Call FastStreamReplacer for {#Section.Field} tags
        oReplaced = oReplacer.replace(oInStrm, oAtm.getItemMap());

      else { // do not attach images with message body

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("bo_attachimages=false");

        // Call FastStreamReplacer for {#Section.Field} tags
        oReplaced = oReplacer.replace(sPathHTML, oAtm.getItemMap());

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("document has "+String.valueOf(oReplacer.lastReplacements())+" replacements");

      // Count number of replacements done and update bHasReplacements flag accordingly
      bHasReplacements = (oReplacer.lastReplacements() > 0);

    else { // !bHasReplacements

      oReplaced = null;

      if (null != oFileStr)
        oReplaced = oFileStr.get();

      if (null == oReplaced) {

        // If document template has no database replacement tags
        // then just cache the document template into a SoftReference String

        // Compose the full path to document template file
        sPathHTML = getProperty("workareasput");
        if (!sPathHTML.endsWith(sSep)) sPathHTML += sSep;

        sPathHTML += getParameter("gu_workarea") + sSep + "apps" + sSep + "Mailwire" + sSep + "html" + sSep + getParameter("gu_pageset") + sSep + getParameter("nm_page").replace(' ', '_');

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PathHTML = " + sPathHTML);

        // ***************************
        // Read document template file

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("new File(" + sPathHTML + ")");

        oFile = new File(sPathHTML);

        cBuffer = new char[new Long(oFile.length()).intValue()];

        oFileRead = new FileReader(oFile);;

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(String.valueOf(cBuffer.length) + " characters readed");

        if (Yes.equals(getParameter("bo_attachimages")))
          oReplaced = attachFiles(new String(cBuffer));
          oReplaced = new String(cBuffer);

        // *********************************************************
        // Assign SoftReference to File cached in-memory as a String

        oFileStr = new SoftReference<String>(oReplaced);

      } // fi (oReplaced)

    } // fi (bHasReplacements)

    // ***********************************************
    // Send replaced file data by e-mail

    if (null==oMailSession) {
      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Session.getInstance(Job.getProperties(), null)");

      java.util.Properties oMailProps = getProperties();

      if (oMailProps.getProperty("mail.transport.protocol")==null)

      if (oMailProps.getProperty("")==null)

      oMailSession = Session.getInstance(getProperties(), null);

      if (null!=oMailSession) {
        oMailTransport = oMailSession.getTransport();

        try {
        catch (NoSuchProviderException nspe) {
          if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("MailTransport.connect() NoSuchProviderException " + nspe.getMessage());
          throw new MessagingException(nspe.getMessage(), nspe);
      } // fi (Session.getInstance())
    } // fi (oMailSession)

    MimeMessage oMsg;
    InternetAddress oFrom, oTo;
    MimeMultipart oAltParts = new MimeMultipart("alternative");
    // Set alternative plain/text part to avoid spam filters as much as possible
    MimeBodyPart oMsgTextPart = new MimeBodyPart();
  oMsgTextPart.setText("This message is HTML, but your e-mail client is not capable of rendering HTML messages", "UTF-8", "plain");

    MimeBodyPart oMsgBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    try {
      if (null==getParameter("tx_sender"))
        oFrom = new InternetAddress(getParameter("tx_from"));
        oFrom = new InternetAddress(getParameter("tx_from"), getParameter("tx_sender"));

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("to: " + oAtm.getStringNull(DB.tx_email, "ERROR Atom[" + String.valueOf(oAtm.getInt(DB.pg_atom)) + "].tx_email is null!"));

      oTo = new InternetAddress(oAtm.getString(DB.tx_email), oAtm.getStringNull(DB.tx_name,"") + " " + oAtm.getStringNull(DB.tx_surname,""));
    catch (AddressException adre) {
      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("AddressException " + adre.getMessage() + " job " + getString(DB.gu_job) + " atom " + String.valueOf(oAtm.getInt(DB.pg_atom)));

      oFrom = null;
      oTo = null;

      throw new MessagingException ("AddressException " + adre.getMessage() + " job " + getString(DB.gu_job) + " atom " + String.valueOf(oAtm.getInt(DB.pg_atom)));

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("new MimeMessage([Session])");

    oMsg = new MimeMessage(oMailSession);



    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("MimeMessage.addRecipient(MimeMessage.RecipientType.TO, " + oTo.getAddress());

    oMsg.addRecipient(MimeMessage.RecipientType.TO, oTo);

    String sSrc = null, sCid = null;

    try {
    // Insert Web Beacon just before </BODY> tag
    if (Yes.equals(getParameter("bo_webbeacon"))) {
      int iEndBody = Gadgets.indexOfIgnoreCase(oReplaced, "</body>", 0);
      if (iEndBody>0) {
        String sWebBeaconDir = getProperty("webbeacon");       
        if (sWebBeaconDir==null) {
          sWebBeaconDir = Gadgets.chomp(getParameter("webserver"),'/')+"hipermail/";
        } else if (sWebBeaconDir.trim().length()==0) {
          sWebBeaconDir = Gadgets.chomp(getParameter("webserver"),'/')+"hipermail/";
        oReplaced = oReplaced.substring(0, iEndBody)+"<img src=\""+Gadgets.chomp(sWebBeaconDir,'/')+"web_beacon.jsp?gu_job="+getString(DB.gu_job)+"&pg_atom="+String.valueOf(oAtm.getInt(DB.pg_atom))+"&gu_company="+oAtm.getStringNull(DB.gu_company,"")+"&gu_contact="+oAtm.getStringNull(DB.gu_contact,"")+"&tx_email="+oAtm.getStringNull(DB.tx_email,"")+"\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />"+oReplaced.substring(iEndBody);         
      } // fi </body>
    } // fi (bo_webbeacon)
      // Images may be attached into message or be absolute http source references
      if (Yes.equals(getParameter("bo_attachimages"))) {

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("BodyPart.setText("+oReplaced.replace('\n',' ')+",UTF-8,html)");

        oMsgBodyPart.setText(oReplaced, "UTF-8", "html");

        // Create a related multi-part to combine the parts
        MimeMultipart oRelatedMultiPart = new MimeMultipart("related");

        Iterator<String> oImgs = oDocumentImages.keySet().iterator();

        while (oImgs.hasNext()) {
          MimeBodyPart oImgBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();

          sCid =;
          sSrc = oDocumentImages.get(sCid);

          if (sSrc.startsWith("www."))
            sSrc = "http://" + sSrc;

          if (sSrc.startsWith("http://") || sSrc.startsWith("https://")) {
            oImgBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(new URL(sSrc)));
          else {
            oImgBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(sSrc)));


          // Add part to multi-part
        } // wend

        MimeBodyPart oTextHtmlRelated = new MimeBodyPart();


      MimeMultipart oSentMsgParts = new MimeMultipart("mixed");
     MimeBodyPart oMixedPart = new MimeBodyPart();

      else {

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("BodyPart.setText("+oReplaced.replace('\n',' ')+",UTF-8,html)");

    oMsgBodyPart.setText(oReplaced, "UTF-8", "html");





      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Transport.sendMessage([MimeMessage], MimeMessage.getAllRecipients())");

      oMailTransport.sendMessage(oMsg, oMsg.getAllRecipients());

      // ************************************************************
      // Decrement de count of atoms peding of processing at this job
    catch (MalformedURLException urle) {

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("MalformedURLException " + sSrc);
      throw new MessagingException("MalformedURLException " + sSrc);

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End EMailSender.process([Job:" + getStringNull(DB.gu_job, "") + ", Atom:" + String.valueOf(oAtm.getInt(DB.pg_atom)) + "])");

    return oReplaced;

  } //process

} // EmailSender

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