Package com.knowgate.misc

Source Code of com.knowgate.misc.Environment

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package com.knowgate.misc;


import java.lang.System;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Set;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import com.knowgate.debug.*;

* <p>Reads and keeps in memory properties from .cnf initialization files.</p>
* @author Sergio Montoro Ten
* @version 5.0

public class Environment {
  public static String DEFAULT_PROFILES_DIR = (System.getProperty("").equals("Windows XP") ? "C:\\Windows\\" : (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows") ? "C:\\WINNT\\" : "/etc/"));

  private Environment() { }


  private static String getEnvironmentDirectory() {
    if (DEFAULT_PROFILES_DIR.equalsIgnoreCase("C:\\WINNT\\")) {
      File oWinDir = new File("C:\\WINNT");
      if (!oWinDir.exists()) {
        oWinDir = new File ("C:\\WINDOWS");
        if (oWinDir.exists()) {
        else {
          DEFAULT_PROFILES_DIR = getEnvVar("windir", getEnvVar("SystemRoot"));


  private static void readEnvVars() throws IllegalArgumentException {
    envVars = new Properties();
    Runtime oRT;
    Process oPT;
    InputStream oST;

    final int ENV_BUFFER_SIZE = 131072;

    try {
      if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows")) {

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln ("Runtime.getRuntime()");

        oRT = Runtime.getRuntime();

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln ("Runtime.exec(\"cmd.exe /cset\")");

        oPT = oRT.exec("cmd.exe /cset");

        oST = oPT.getInputStream();

        byte[] byBuffer = new byte[ENV_BUFFER_SIZE];

        int iReaded = (byBuffer, 0, ENV_BUFFER_SIZE);



        oRT = null;

        // Double back slashes
        byte[] byEnvVars = new byte[ENV_BUFFER_SIZE+4096];
        int iEnvLength = 0;

        for (int i=0; i<iReaded; i++) {
          byEnvVars[iEnvLength++] = byBuffer[i];
          if (92==byBuffer[i])
            byEnvVars[iEnvLength++] = byBuffer[i];
        } // next

        byBuffer = null;

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln (new String(byEnvVars, 0, iEnvLength));

        envVars.load (new StringBufferInputStream(new String(byEnvVars, 0, iEnvLength)));

      else {

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln ("Runtime.getRuntime()");

        oRT = Runtime.getRuntime();

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln ("Runtime.exec(\"/usr/bin/env\")");

        oPT = oRT.exec("/usr/bin/env");

        oST = oPT.getInputStream();

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln ("Properties.load(Process.getInputStream())");




        oRT = null;
    catch (IOException ioe) {
      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln ("Runtime.getRuntime().exec(...) IOException " + ioe.getMessage());
    catch (NullPointerException npe) {
      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln ("Runtime.getRuntime().exec(...) NullPointerException " + npe.getMessage());
    finally {
      if (null==envVars.getProperty("KNOWGATE_PROFILES")) {
        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln ("KNOWGATE_PROFILES environment variable not found setting default to "+getEnvironmentDirectory());

        envVars.setProperty("KNOWGATE_PROFILES", getEnvironmentDirectory());
  } // readEnvVars


   * <p>Get value for an environment variable.</p>
   * This is not a Pure Java method since it uses the Runtime obeject for calling
   * OS specific shell commands.
   * @param sVarName Name of the variable to be readed.
   * @return Value of variable or <b>null</b> if no environment variable with such name was found.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If there is a Malformed \\uxxxx encoding or any other type of intrinsic error at the environment variables values

  public static String getEnvVar(String sVarName)
    throws IllegalArgumentException {

    if (envVars==null) readEnvVars();

    return envVars.getProperty(sVarName);
  } // getEnvVar()


   * <p>Get value for an environment variable.</p>
   * This is not a Pure Java method since it uses the Runtime object for calling
   * OS specific shell commands.
   * @param sVarName Name of the variable to be readed.
   * @return Value of variable or sDefault if no environment variable with such name was found.

  public static String getEnvVar(String sVarName, String sDefault)
    throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (envVars==null) readEnvVars();

    String sRetVal = envVars.getProperty(sVarName);

    if (sRetVal==null)
      return sDefault;
      return sRetVal;
  } // getEnvVar()


   * <P>Get temporary directory</P>
   * @return For UNIX Sytems this function always return "/tmp/".<BR>
   * For Windows Systems getTempDir() returns the value set at the environment
   * variable "TEMP" or C:\\%WINDIR%\\TEMP\\ if TEMP variable is not set.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException
  public static String getTempDir() throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows")) {
      String sTempDir = getEnvVar("TEMP");
      if (null==sTempDir) {
        File oWinDir;
        oWinDir = new File("C:\\WINNT\\TEMP\\");
        if (oWinDir.exists()) {
          return "C:\\WINNT\\TEMP\\";
        } else {
          oWinDir = new File("C:\\WINDOWS\\TEMP\\");
          if (oWinDir.exists()) {
            return "C:\\WINDOWS\\TEMP\\";
          } else {
            return "C:\\TEMP\\";
      } else {
        return sTempDir;
    } else { // Unix
      return "/tmp/";
  } // getTempDir()


   * <p>Get a Properties collection from a .CNF file</p>
   * Property files must be in the directory pointed by a operating system environment variable names
   * <b>KNOWGATE_PROFILES</b>. If KNOWGATE_PROFILES environment variable is not found, the files will
   * be seeked by default on C:\WINNT\ or C:\WINDOWS\ on Window Systems and /etc/ on UNIX systems.
   * @param sProfile Properties file to read (for example "hipergate.cnf")
   * @since v2.2 The behaviour of this function has changed: it first tries to get KNOWGATE_PROFILES
   * from Java environment variables as set on startup "java -DKNOWGATE_PROFILES=..." if there is no
   * Java property named KNOWGATE_PROFILES then operating system environment variabled are scanned and
   * last if neither is found the default C:\WINNT\ C:\WINDOWS\ or /etc/ is returned
  public static Properties getProfile(String sProfile) {
    String sProfilesHome = null;
    Properties oProfile = null;

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Begin Environment.getProfile()");

    oProfile = (Properties ) profiles.get(sProfile);

  if (oProfile==null) oProfile = loadProfile(sProfile);
    if (oProfile==null) {
      try {
        sProfilesHome = System.getProperty("KNOWGATE_PROFILES", getEnvVar("KNOWGATE_PROFILES"));
      catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        sProfilesHome = getEnvironmentDirectory();

        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Environment.getEnvVar(KNOWGATE_PROFILES) IllegalArgumentException " + iae.getMessage());

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("  KNOWGATE_PROFILES=" + sProfilesHome);

      if (!sProfilesHome.endsWith(System.getProperty("file.separator")))
        sProfilesHome += System.getProperty("file.separator");

      oProfile = loadProfile(sProfile, sProfilesHome + (sProfile.endsWith(".cnf") ? sProfile : sProfile + ".cnf"));

    } // fi (oProfile)

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("End Environment.getProfile()");

    return oProfile;
  } // getProfile()


   * <p>Load a Profile from a Properties file</p>
   * <p>The loaded Profile is cached in memory and will be returned in
   * future calls to getProfile()</p>
   * <p>If profile had been already loaded, then it is overwritten.</p>
   * @param sProfile Profile name, for example "hipergate"
   * @param sPath Full path to properties file, fo example "/etc/knowgate/hipergate.cnf"
  public static Properties loadProfile(String sProfile, String sPath) {
    FileInputStream oFileStream;
    Properties oProfile;

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Begin Environment.loadProfile(" + sProfile + "," + sPath + ")");

    if (profiles.containsKey(sProfile))

    oProfile = new Properties();
    try  {
      oFileStream = new FileInputStream(sPath);


      profiles.put(sProfile, oProfile);
    catch (FileNotFoundException nfe) {
      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("FileNotFoundException " + sPath + " " + nfe.getMessage());
    catch (IOException ioe) {
      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("IOException " + sPath + " " + ioe.getMessage());

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("End Environment.loadProfile()");

    return oProfile;
  } // loadProfile


   * <p>Load a Profile from a resource bundle</p>
   * <p>The loaded Profile is cached in memory and will be returned in
   * future calls to getProfile()</p>
   * <p>If profile had been already loaded, then it is overwritten.</p>
   * @param sProfile Profile name, for example "hipergate"
   * @since 5.0
  public static Properties loadProfile(String sProfile) {
    Properties oProfile = null;

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Begin Environment.loadProfile(" + sProfile + ")");

    if (profiles.containsKey(sProfile))

    try  {
      Class oThisClass = Class.forName("com.knowgate.misc.Environment");
    InputStream oInStrm = oThisClass.getResourceAsStream((sProfile.endsWith(".cnf") ? sProfile : sProfile + ".cnf"));
      if (oInStrm!=null) {   
        oProfile = new Properties();
        profiles.put(sProfile, oProfile);
      } else {
        oProfile = null;
    catch (ClassNotFoundException neverthrown) { }
    catch (IOException ioe) {
      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("IOException " + ioe.getMessage());

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("End Environment.loadProfile()");

    return oProfile;
  } // loadProfile


   * Get a Set with all loaded profiles names
   * @return Set of profile names
  public static Set getProfilesSet() {
    return profiles.keySet();


   * <p>Get a single property from a .CNF file.</p>
   * <p>Properties are readed once from disk and then cached in memory.
   * If .CNF file is changed, refresh() method must be called for refreshing
   * in-memory cached values.</p>
   * @param sProfile .CNF file name
   * @param sVarName Property Name
   * @return Value of property or <b>null</b> if no property with such name was found.
  public static String getProfileVar(String sProfile, String sVarName) {
    String sRetVal;
    Properties oProfile;

    //if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Begin Environment.getProfileVar(" + sProfile + "," + sVarName + ")");

    oProfile = getProfile(sProfile);

    if (oProfile==null)
      sRetVal = null;
      sRetVal = oProfile.getProperty(sVarName);
    // fi (oProfile)

    //if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("End Environment.getProfileVar() : " + (sRetVal!=null ? sRetVal : "null"));

    return sRetVal;
  } // getProfileVar()


   * Get names of all properties in a profile
   * @param sProfile Profile Name
   * @return Set of property names
  public static Set getProfileVarSet(String sProfile) {

    Set oRetVal;
    Properties oProfile;

    //if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Begin Environment.getProfileVarSet(" + sProfile + ")");

    oProfile = getProfile(sProfile);

    if (oProfile==null)
      oRetVal = null;
      oRetVal = oProfile.keySet();
    // fi (oProfile)

    if (DebugFile.trace)
      if (null==oRetVal)
        DebugFile.writeln("End Environment.getProfileVarSet() : null");
        DebugFile.writeln("End Environment.getProfileVarSet() : " + String.valueOf(oRetVal.size()));

    return oRetVal;

  } // getProfileVarSet


   * <p>Get a property from a .CNF file representing a file path.</p>
   * <p>This method is equivalent to getProfileVar except that a
   * file separator is always appended to the end of the readed value.</p>
   * @param sProfile .CNF file name
   * @param sVarName Property Name
   * @return Value terminated with a file separator or <b>null</b> if no property with such name was found.

  public static String getProfilePath(String sProfile, String sVarName) {
    String sPath = getProfileVar(sProfile, sVarName);
    return Gadgets.chomp(sPath, System.getProperty("file.separator"));


   * <p>Get the value of a property that represents a boolean type.</p>
   * @param sProfile .CNF file name
   * @param sVarName Property Name
   * @param bDefault Default Value
   * @return If no property named sVarName is found at sProfile then bDefault value is returned.
   * If sVarName is one of {true , yes, on, 1} then return value is <b>true</b>.
   * If sVarName is one of {false, no, off, 0} then return value is <b>false</b>.
   * If sVarName is any other value then then return value is bDefault
   * @since 4.0

  public static boolean getProfileBool(String sProfile, String sVarName, boolean bDefault) {
    boolean bRetVal = bDefault;
    String sBool = getProfileVar(sProfile, sVarName);
    if (null!=sBool) {
      sBool = sBool.trim();
      if (sBool.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || sBool.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || sBool.equalsIgnoreCase("on") || sBool.equals("1"))
        bRetVal = true;
      else if (sBool.equalsIgnoreCase("false") || sBool.equalsIgnoreCase("no") || sBool.equalsIgnoreCase("off") || sBool.equals("0"))
        bRetVal = false;
        bRetVal = bDefault;       
    } // fi
    return bRetVal;
  } // getProfileBool


   * <p>Get a single property from a .CNF file.</p>
   * @param sProfile .CNF file name
   * @param sVarName Property Name
   * @param sDefault Default Value
   * @return Value of property or sDefault if no property with such name was found.

  public static String getProfileVar(String sProfile, String sVarName, String sDefault) {
    String sRetVal;
    Properties oProfile;

    //if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Begin Environment.getProfileVar(" + sProfile + "," + sVarName + "," + sDefault +  ")");

    oProfile = getProfile(sProfile);

    if (oProfile==null)
      sRetVal = null;
      sRetVal = oProfile.getProperty(sVarName);
    // fi (oProfile)

    //if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("End Environment.getProfileVar() : " + (sRetVal!=null ? sRetVal : sDefault));

    return (null!=sRetVal ? sRetVal : sDefault);
  } // getProfileVar()


   * <p>Set value for a profile property</p>
   * Value is change in memory cache but not saved to disk.
   * @param sProfile Profile Name
   * @param sVarName Property Name
   * @param sVarValue Prioperty Value
  public static void setProfileVar(String sProfile, String sVarName, String sVarValue) {
    Properties oProfile = Environment.getProfile(sProfile);

    oProfile.setProperty(sVarName,  sVarValue);
  } // setProfileVar()


  private static boolean execCommand(String sCmd) {
    boolean bRetVal=true;

    try {
    catch (IOException ioe) {

    return bRetVal;
  } // execCommand


   * <p>Refresh in-memory cached properties by re-reading then from disk files.</p>

  public static void refresh() {
    envVars = null;
    profiles = new HashMap();


   * <p>Replace values of environment variables at given string</p>
   * Change all substrings of the form %[A-Z]% to the corresponding environment variables values<br>
   * For example, in Windows %ProgramFiles% typically maps to "C:\Program Files"<br>
   * Variable matching is case sensitive
   * @param sInput String
   * @return String
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If there is a Malformed \\uxxxx encoding or any other type of intrinsic error at the environment variables values
   * @since 3.1
  public static String resolveEnvironmentVariables(String sInput)
    throws IllegalArgumentException {
    // If input is null then ouput is null
    if (null==sInput) return null;
    final int iLen = sInput.length();
    // If input is empty string then ouput is empty string
    if (0==iLen) return "";
    StringBuffer oOutput = new StringBuffer(sInput.length()*2);
    int iPct1 = sInput.indexOf('%');
    // If input does not contain any percentage symbol then return input as is
    if (iPct1<0) return sInput;
    int iPct2 = sInput.indexOf('%', iPct1+1);
    // If input does not contain at least two percentage symbols then return input as is
    if (iPct2<0) return sInput;
    int iFrom = 0;
    // If the first percentage found is not the first character the append prior
    // characters to temporary output buffer
    if (iPct1>0) oOutput.append(sInput.substring(0, iPct1));
    while (true) {
      if (iPct1+1==iPct2) {
        // If second percentage is just next to first one then append a double "%%"
      } else {
        // The environment variable name is the substring between the two percentage symbols
        String sVariableName = sInput.substring(iPct1+1, iPct2);
        // Try to get environment variable with the candidate name
        String sVariableValue = getEnvVar(sVariableName);
        if (null==sVariableValue) {
          // If no environment variable is found with such name then everything
          // is left untouched, so %NotFoundVariable% is appended to temporary
          // ouput buffer
          oOutput.append(sInput.substring(iPct1, iPct2+1));
        } else {
          // If an environment variable is found, then the %VariableName%
          // substring is replaced with the environmnet variable value
        // Continue searching for percetage symbols after the second one
        iFrom = iPct2+1;
        // Exit loop if end of string has been reached
        if (iFrom>=iLen) break;
        iPct1 = sInput.indexOf('%', iFrom);
        // If no more percentage symbols are found,
        // or the symbols is at end of string, then append the rest of the input
        if (iPct1<0 || iPct1==iLen-1) {
        iPct2 = sInput.indexOf('%', iPct1+1);
        // If a second percentage symbol is not found,
        // then append the rest of the input
        if (iPct2<0) {
        // Append the characters between the last percentage pair and the current one
        if (iPct1>iFrom) oOutput.append(sInput.substring(iFrom, iPct1));
      } // fi (iPct1+1==iPct2)
    } // wend
    return oOutput.toString();
  } // resolveEnvironmentVariables

   * <p>Update system time</p>
   * <p>This is an alpha testing method, do not use in production environments.</p>
   * @param lTime New System Date

  public static void updateSystemTime(long lTime) {
        String system = System.getProperty("");
        String cmdDate = "";
        String cmdTime = "";
        Date curDate = new Date();
        SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(getProfileVar("hipergate", "dateformat", "dd-MM-yyyy"));
        //SimpleTimeZone atz = null;
        //fmt.setCalendar(new GregorianCalendar(atz));
        String actDate = fmt.format(curDate);
        String actTime = fmt.format(curDate);
        if (system.startsWith("Windows NT") || system.startsWith("Windows 2000")) {
            execCommand("cmd /c date " + actDate);
            cmdTime = "cmd /c time " + actTime;
        } else
        // Win 95/98. Dirty skunk. Doesn't tell us about who it is in real
        if (system.indexOf("Windows") == 0) {
            actDate = fmt.format(curDate);
            execCommand("c:\\ /c date " + actDate);
            actDate = fmt.format(curDate);
            execCommand("c:\\command /c date " + actDate);
            actDate = fmt.format(curDate);
            execCommand("c:\\command /c date " + actDate);
            cmdTime = "c:\\ /c time " + actTime;
        } else
        //if ((system.toUpperCase().indexOf("UNIX") == 0) || (system.toUpperCase().indexOf("LINUX") == 0))
            fmt.applyPattern("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
            actDate = fmt.format(curDate);
            cmdDate = "date -u -s'" + actDate + "' +'%D %T'";
    catch (Exception e) {
  } // updateSystemTime


  private static Properties envVars = null;
  private static HashMap profiles = new HashMap();

} // Environment

Related Classes of com.knowgate.misc.Environment

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