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package com.knowgate.hipermail;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;
import javax.mail.Address;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetHeaders;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import com.sun.mail.dsn.MultipartReport;
import com.sun.mail.dsn.Report;
import com.sun.mail.dsn.DispositionNotification;
import com.knowgate.jdc.JDCConnection;
import com.knowgate.debug.DebugFile;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DB;
import com.knowgate.crm.DistributionList;
import com.knowgate.misc.Gadgets;
* Helper class for working with recipients lists
* @author Sergio Montoro Ten
* @version 5.0
public class RecipientsHelper {
private InternetAddress[] aToAddrs;
private InternetAddress[] aCcAddrs;
private InternetAddress[] aBccAddrs;
private boolean bHasLists;
private String sWorkAreaId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default Constructor
public RecipientsHelper() {
bHasLists = false;
aToAddrs = null;
aCcAddrs = null;
aBccAddrs = null;
sWorkAreaId = null;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Construct and set default workarea for this recipients helper
public RecipientsHelper(String sWorkAreaGUID) {
bHasLists = false;
aToAddrs = null;
aCcAddrs = null;
aBccAddrs = null;
sWorkAreaId = sWorkAreaGUID;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create RecipientsHelper and fill it with MimeMessage recipients
* @param oMsg MimeMessage
* @throws MessagingException
public RecipientsHelper(MimeMessage oMsg)
throws MessagingException {
bHasLists = false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If called after parseRecipientsList(), this methods returns whether or not
* any distribution list was expanded during the parsing process
* @return boolean
public boolean hasLists() {
return bHasLists;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get array with recipients of a given type
* @param oRecTp RecipientType
* @return InternetAddress[]
public String[] getAddresses(Message.RecipientType oRecTp) {
String[] aEmails = null;
if (oRecTp.equals(Message.RecipientType.TO)) {
if (aToAddrs==null) {
aEmails = null;
} else {
aEmails = new String[aToAddrs.length];
for (int a=aToAddrs.length-1; a>=0; a--)
aEmails[a] = aToAddrs[a].getAddress();
else if (oRecTp.equals(Message.RecipientType.CC)) {
if (aCcAddrs==null) {
aEmails = null;
} else {
aEmails = new String[aCcAddrs.length];
for (int a=aCcAddrs.length-1; a>=0; a--)
aEmails[a] = aCcAddrs[a].getAddress();
else if (oRecTp.equals(Message.RecipientType.BCC)) {
if (aBccAddrs==null) {
aEmails = null;
} else {
aEmails = new String[aBccAddrs.length];
for (int a=aBccAddrs.length-1; a>=0; a--)
aEmails[a] = aBccAddrs[a].getAddress();
return aEmails;
} // getAddresses
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get array with recipients of a given type
* @param oRecTp RecipientType
* @return InternetAddress[]
public Address[] getRecipients(Message.RecipientType oRecTp) {
if (oRecTp.equals(Message.RecipientType.TO))
return aToAddrs;
else if (oRecTp.equals(Message.RecipientType.CC))
return aCcAddrs;
else if (oRecTp.equals(Message.RecipientType.BCC))
return aBccAddrs;
return null;
} // getRecipients
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void setRecipients(Address[] oAddrs, Message.RecipientType oRecTp)
throws ClassCastException {
if (oRecTp.equals(Message.RecipientType.TO))
aToAddrs = (InternetAddress[]) oAddrs;
else if (oRecTp.equals(Message.RecipientType.CC))
aCcAddrs = (InternetAddress[]) oAddrs;
else if (oRecTp.equals(Message.RecipientType.BCC))
aBccAddrs = (InternetAddress[]) oAddrs;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void setRecipients(MimeMessage oMsg)
throws ClassCastException, MessagingException {
try {
aToAddrs = (InternetAddress[]) oMsg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO);
} catch (AddressException adre) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Recipient AddressException " + adre.getMessage()); }
try {
aCcAddrs = (InternetAddress[]) oMsg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC);
} catch (AddressException adre) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Recipient AddressException " + adre.getMessage()); }
try {
aBccAddrs= (InternetAddress[]) oMsg.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC);
} catch (AddressException adre) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Recipient AddressException " + adre.getMessage()); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Add recipients of a given type
* @param oAddrs InternetAddress[]
* @param oRecTp RecipientType
* @throws ClassCastException
public void addRecipients(Address[] oAddrs, Message.RecipientType oRecTp)
throws ClassCastException {
InternetAddress[] aTmpAddrs;
if (null==oAddrs) return;
if (oAddrs.length==0) return;
if (oRecTp.equals(Message.RecipientType.TO)) {
if (null==aToAddrs) {
aToAddrs = new InternetAddress[oAddrs.length];
System.arraycopy(oAddrs, 0, aToAddrs, 0, oAddrs.length);
} else {
aTmpAddrs = new InternetAddress[aToAddrs.length+oAddrs.length];
System.arraycopy(aToAddrs, 0, aTmpAddrs, 0, aToAddrs.length);
System.arraycopy(oAddrs, 0, aTmpAddrs, aToAddrs.length, oAddrs.length);
aToAddrs = aTmpAddrs;
} else if (oRecTp.equals(Message.RecipientType.CC)) {
if (null==aCcAddrs) {
aCcAddrs = new InternetAddress[oAddrs.length];
System.arraycopy(oAddrs, 0, aCcAddrs, 0, oAddrs.length);
} else {
aTmpAddrs = new InternetAddress[aCcAddrs.length+oAddrs.length];
System.arraycopy(aCcAddrs, 0, aTmpAddrs, 0, aCcAddrs.length);
System.arraycopy(oAddrs, 0, aTmpAddrs, aCcAddrs.length, oAddrs.length);
aCcAddrs = aTmpAddrs;
} else if (oRecTp.equals(Message.RecipientType.BCC))
if (null==aBccAddrs) {
aBccAddrs = new InternetAddress[oAddrs.length];
System.arraycopy(oAddrs, 0, aBccAddrs, 0, oAddrs.length);
} else {
aTmpAddrs = new InternetAddress[aBccAddrs.length+oAddrs.length];
System.arraycopy(aBccAddrs, 0, aTmpAddrs, 0, aBccAddrs.length);
System.arraycopy(oAddrs, 0, aTmpAddrs, aBccAddrs.length, oAddrs.length);
aBccAddrs = aTmpAddrs;
} // addRecipients
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Join mail addresses array on a single String
* @param aRecipients Address[]
* @return String Mail addresses delimited by semicolons
public static String joinAddressList (Address[] aRecipients) {
InternetAddress oInetAdr;
String sList = "";
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin RecipientsHelper.joinAddressList(Address[])");
if (aRecipients!=null) {
int cRecipients = aRecipients.length;
if (cRecipients>0) {
for (int a=0; a<cRecipients; a++) {
oInetAdr = (InternetAddress) aRecipients[a];
if (0!=a) sList += ";";
sList += oInetAdr.getAddress();
} // next
} // fi (cRecipients>0)
} // fi (aRecipients)
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End RecipientsHelper.joinAddressList() : " + sList);
return sList;
} // joinAddressList
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Parse a String of comma or semicolon delimited addresses</p>
* Addresses may be of any format accepted by DBInetAddr.parseAddress() method.<br>
* Distribution lists present at input string are expanded into BCC internal array.<br>
* Distribution list names begin with "list@" and end with ".list".<br>
* Or, also distribution list names are enclosed by brackets like "{this is a list}"<br>
* Thus if "engineers" is the GUID of a list containing members luke@engineers.com,peter@engineers.com
* then TO "jhon@code.com,martin@maths.com,list@engineers.list,steve@maths.com"
* will be parsed as<br>
* TO jhon@code.com,martin@maths.com,steve@maths.com<br>
* BCC luke@engineers.com,peter@engineers.com
* @param oAdCn JDCConnection
* @param sDelimitedList String with addresses to be parsed
* @param oRecTp RecipientType
* @throws SQLException
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws NullPointerException
* @throws AddressException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
public void parseRecipientsList(JDCConnection oAdCn,
String sDelimitedList,
Message.RecipientType oRecTp)
throws SQLException,IndexOutOfBoundsException,NullPointerException,
int nRecipients;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin RecipientsHelper.parseRecipientsList([JDCConnection],"+sDelimitedList+","+oRecTp+")");
String sLId;
String[] aRecipients = Gadgets.split(sDelimitedList, new char[]{',',';'});
InternetAddress[] aAdrSet;
InternetAddress[] aBccSet;
int iPos;
int iListCount = 0;
if (aRecipients!=null) {
nRecipients = aRecipients.length;
if (nRecipients>0) {
for (int a=0; a<nRecipients; a++) {
sLId = aRecipients[a].trim();
if (sLId.length()>4) {
if (sLId.startsWith("list@") && sLId.endsWith(".list") ||
sLId.charAt(0)=='{' && sLId.charAt(sLId.length()-1)=='}') {
// *******************************
// Resolve list name to member set
DistributionList oLst;
if (sLId.charAt(0)=='{') {
oLst = new DistributionList(oAdCn, sLId.substring(1,sLId.length()-1), sWorkAreaId);
if (oLst.isNull(DB.gu_list)) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
throw new AddressException("RecipientsHelper.parseRecipientsList() list "+sLId.substring(1,sLId.length()-1)+" not found");
} else {
oLst = new DistributionList(oAdCn, sLId.substring(sLId.indexOf('@')+1,sLId.indexOf('.')));
if (oLst.isNull(DB.gu_list)) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
throw new AddressException("RecipientsHelper.parseRecipientsList() list "+sLId.substring(sLId.indexOf('@')+1,sLId.indexOf('.'))+" not found");
String sPer = oLst.getStringNull(DB.de_list,null);
String sLst = oLst.activeMembers(oAdCn);
if (sLst.length()>0) {
String[] aLst = Gadgets.split(sLst,',');
int iLst = aLst.length;
if (null==aBccAddrs) {
iPos = 0;
aBccSet = new InternetAddress[iLst];
} else {
iPos = aBccAddrs.length;
aBccSet = new InternetAddress[iLst+iPos];
System.arraycopy(aBccSet, 0, aBccAddrs, 0, iPos);
if (sPer==null) {
for (int l=0; l<iLst; l++) aBccSet[l+iPos] = new InternetAddress(aLst[l]);
} else {
for (int l=0; l<iLst; l++) aBccSet[l+iPos] = new InternetAddress(aLst[l],sPer);
} // fi (sPer)
aBccAddrs = aBccSet;
aRecipients[a] = null;
} // fi (sLst!="")
} // fi (aRecipients[a] LIKE list@%.list)
} // fi (sLId.length>4)
} // next (a)
aAdrSet = new InternetAddress[nRecipients-iListCount];
iPos = 0;
for (int a=0; a<nRecipients; a++) {
if (null!=aRecipients[a]) {
aAdrSet[iPos] = DBInetAddr.parseAddress(aRecipients[a]);
} // next
addRecipients(aAdrSet, oRecTp);
} // fi (nRecipients==0)
} // fi (aTo!=null)
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End RecipientsHelper.parseRecipientsList()");
} // parseRecipientsList
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Delete rows at k_inet_addrs table for given message
* @param oConn JDCConnection
* @param sGuMimeMsg String GUID of message which addresses are to be cleared
* @throws SQLException
public static void clearRecipientsForMessage (JDCConnection oConn, String sGuMimeMsg) throws SQLException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin RecipientsHelper.clearRecipientsForMessage([JDCConnection], "+sGuMimeMsg+")");
PreparedStatement oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM "+DB.k_inet_addrs+" WHERE "+DB.gu_mimemsg+"=?");
oStmt.setString(1, sGuMimeMsg);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End RecipientsHelper.clearRecipientsForMessage()");
} // clearRecipientsForMessage
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static InternetAddress getFromAddress(MimeMessage oMsg) throws MessagingException {
Address[] aFrom = null;
try {
aFrom = oMsg.getFrom();
} catch (AddressException adre) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("From AddressException " + adre.getMessage());
InternetAddress oFrom;
if (aFrom!=null) {
if (aFrom.length>0)
oFrom = (InternetAddress) aFrom[0];
oFrom = null;
oFrom = null;
return oFrom;
} // getFromAddress
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static InternetAddress getReplyAddress(MimeMessage oMsg) throws MessagingException {
Address[] aReply = null;
InternetAddress oReply;
try {
aReply = oMsg.getReplyTo();
} catch (AddressException adre) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Reply-To AddressException " + adre.getMessage());
if (aReply!=null) {
if (aReply.length>0)
oReply = (InternetAddress) aReply[0];
oReply = null;
} else {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("no reply-to address found");
oReply = null;
return oReply;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static int acknowledgeNotification(JDCConnection oCon, MultipartReport oCnt)
throws SQLException, IOException, MessagingException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin acknowledgeNotification([JDCConnection],[MimeMessage])");
int iAffected = 0;
DispositionNotification oRpt = (DispositionNotification) oCnt.getReport();
InternetHeaders oInetHdrs = oRpt.getNotifications();
String sHeader = oInetHdrs.getHeader("Disposition", null);
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Disposition: "+sHeader);
if (sHeader!=null) {
if (sHeader.endsWith("displayed")) {
String sSQL = "UPDATE "+DB.k_inet_addrs+ " SET "+DB.dt_displayed+"=";
PreparedStatement oUpdt = oCon.prepareStatement("UPDATE "+DB.k_inet_addrs+ " SET "+DB.dt_displayed+"=?,"+DB.user_agent+"=? WHERE "+DB.id_message+"=? AND "+DB.tx_email+"=?");
Timestamp oTs = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime());
oUpdt.setTimestamp(1, oTs);
sHeader = oInetHdrs.getHeader("Reporting-UA", null);
if (null==sHeader) {
oUpdt.setNull(2, Types.VARCHAR);
} else {
sSQL+="'"+Gadgets.left(sHeader, 254)+"'";
oUpdt.setString(2, Gadgets.left(sHeader, 254));
String sMsgId = oInetHdrs.getHeader("Original-Message-ID",null);
sSQL+=" WHERE "+DB.id_message+"='"+sMsgId+"' AND ";
oUpdt.setString(3, sMsgId);
String sTxEmail = oInetHdrs.getHeader("Final-Recipient", null);
if (sTxEmail.indexOf(';')>0)
sTxEmail = Gadgets.split2(sTxEmail,';')[1];
oUpdt.setString(4, sTxEmail);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
iAffected = oUpdt.executeUpdate();
} // fi
} // fi
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End acknowledgeNotification() : "+String.valueOf(iAffected));
return iAffected;
} // acknowledgeNotification
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------