package com.knowgate.hipermail;
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MatchResult;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcher;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternCompiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.StringSubstitution;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcherInput;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MalformedPatternException;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Util;
import org.htmlparser.Parser;
import org.htmlparser.Node;
import org.htmlparser.util.NodeList;
import org.htmlparser.util.NodeIterator;
import org.htmlparser.util.ParserException;
import org.htmlparser.Tag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.LinkTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.ImageTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.TableTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.TableColumn;
import org.htmlparser.beans.StringBean;
import org.htmlparser.filters.TagNameFilter;
import org.htmlparser.visitors.NodeVisitor;
import com.knowgate.misc.Gadgets;
import com.knowgate.misc.Base64Encoder;
import com.knowgate.debug.DebugFile;
import com.knowgate.debug.StackTraceUtil;
* <p>Used to perform some maipulations in HTML source code for e-mails</p>
* @author Sergio Montoro Ten
* @version 5.0
public class HtmlMimeBodyPart {
private PatternMatcher oMatcher = new Perl5Matcher();
private static PatternCompiler oCompiler = new Perl5Compiler();
private static Pattern oFullHref = null;
private static Pattern oGoodHref = null;
private static Pattern oHostHref = null;
private static Pattern oFullSrc = null;
private static Pattern oGoodSrc = null;
private static Pattern oHostSrc = null;
private String sBody;
private String sEnc;
private HashMap<String,String> oImgs;
public HtmlMimeBodyPart(String sHtml, String sEncoding) {
sBody = sHtml;
sEnc = sEncoding;
oImgs = new HashMap<String,String>(23);
public void setHtml(String sHtml) {
sBody = sHtml;
public ArrayList<String> extractHrefs() {
ArrayList<String> aHrefs = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
if (null==oFullHref) oFullHref = oCompiler.compile("<a ((accesskey|charset|class|coords|dir|hreflang|id|lang|name|rel|rev|shape|style|tabindex|target|title)\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?)* href\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?", Perl5Compiler.CASE_INSENSITIVE_MASK);
PatternMatcherInput oPinpt = new PatternMatcherInput(sBody);
while (oMatcher.contains(oPinpt, oFullHref)) {
if (oPinpt.endOfInput()) break;
} // wend
} catch (MalformedPatternException neverthrown) { }
return aHrefs;
} // extractHrefs()
* Get a list of <img src="..." tags that point to a local resource
* such as src="/tmp/myfile.gif" or src="http://localhost/imgs/myfile.gif"
public ArrayList<String> extractLocalUrls()
throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
ArrayList<String> aLocalUrls = new ArrayList<String>();
PatternMatcherInput oPinpt;
String sSrcUrl, sHrefUrl;
try {
synchronized(oCompiler) {
if (null==oFullHref) oFullHref = oCompiler.compile("<a( (accesskey|charset|class|coords|dir|hreflang|id|lang|name|rel|rev|shape|style|tabindex|target|title)\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?)* href\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?", Perl5Compiler.CASE_INSENSITIVE_MASK);
if (null==oGoodHref) oGoodHref = oCompiler.compile("<a( (accesskey|charset|class|coords|dir|hreflang|id|lang|name|rel|rev|shape|style|tabindex|target|title)\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?)* href\\s*=\\s*[\"']?(http://|https://|mailto:)\\w+([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?", Perl5Compiler.CASE_INSENSITIVE_MASK);
if (null==oHostHref) oHostHref = oCompiler.compile("<a( (accesskey|charset|class|coords|dir|hreflang|id|lang|name|rel|rev|shape|style|tabindex|target|title)\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?)* href\\s*=\\s*[\"']?(http://|https://)localhost([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?", Perl5Compiler.CASE_INSENSITIVE_MASK);
if (null==oFullSrc) oFullSrc = oCompiler.compile("<img( (align|alt|border|class|dir|height|hspace|id|ismap|lang|longdesc|style|title|usemap|vspace|width)\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?)* src\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?", Perl5Compiler.CASE_INSENSITIVE_MASK);
if (null==oGoodSrc) oGoodSrc = oCompiler.compile("<img( (align|alt|border|class|dir|height|hspace|id|ismap|lang|longdesc|style|title|usemap|vspace|width)\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?)* src\\s*=\\s*[\"']?(cid:|http://|https://)([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?", Perl5Compiler.CASE_INSENSITIVE_MASK);
if (null==oHostSrc) oHostSrc = oCompiler.compile("<img( (align|alt|border|class|dir|height|hspace|id|ismap|lang|longdesc|style|title|usemap|vspace|width)\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?)* src\\s*=\\s*[\"']?(http://localhost|https://localhost)([^'\"\\r\\n]+)[\"']?", Perl5Compiler.CASE_INSENSITIVE_MASK);
oPinpt = new PatternMatcherInput(sBody);
while (oMatcher.contains(oPinpt, oFullSrc)) {
sSrcUrl = oMatcher.getMatch().toString();
if (!oMatcher.matches(sSrcUrl, oGoodSrc))
if (oPinpt.endOfInput()) break;
} // wend
while (oMatcher.contains(oPinpt, oFullSrc)) {
sSrcUrl = oMatcher.getMatch().toString();
if (oMatcher.matches(sSrcUrl, oHostSrc))
if (oPinpt.endOfInput()) break;
} // wend
while (oMatcher.contains(oPinpt, oFullHref)) {
sHrefUrl = oMatcher.getMatch().toString();
if (!oMatcher.matches(sHrefUrl, oGoodHref))
if (oPinpt.endOfInput()) break;
} // wend
while (oMatcher.contains(oPinpt, oFullHref)) {
sHrefUrl = oMatcher.getMatch().toString();
if (oMatcher.matches(sHrefUrl, oHostHref))
if (oPinpt.endOfInput()) break;
} // wend
} catch (MalformedPatternException neverthrown) { }
return aLocalUrls;
} // extractLocalUrls
public HashMap getImagesCids() {
return oImgs;
private String doSubstitution(final String sBase, final String sAttributeName, final String sFormerValue, final String sNewValue)
throws ParserException {
String sMatch = "";
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("HtmlMomeBodyPart.doSubstitution(..., "+sAttributeName+","+sFormerValue+","+sNewValue);
StringSubstitution oSrcSubs = new StringSubstitution();
final String sPattern = "("+sAttributeName.toLowerCase()+"|"+sAttributeName.toUpperCase()+"|"+sAttributeName+")\\s*=\\s*(\"|')?" + sFormerValue + "(\"|')?";
try {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Perl5Compiler.compile(\""+sPattern+"\", Perl5Compiler.SINGLELINE_MASK)");
Pattern oPattern = oCompiler.compile(sPattern, Perl5Compiler.SINGLELINE_MASK);
if (oMatcher.contains(sBase, oPattern)) {
MatchResult oMtrs = oMatcher.getMatch();
if (oMtrs!=null) sMatch = oMtrs.toString();
if (sMatch.length()==0) {
oCompiler = new Perl5Compiler();
oMatcher = new Perl5Matcher();
oPattern = oCompiler.compile(sPattern, Perl5Compiler.SINGLELINE_MASK);
if (oMatcher.contains(sBase, oPattern)) {
oMtrs = oMatcher.getMatch();
if (oMtrs!=null) sMatch = oMtrs.toString();
} // fi
if (sMatch.length()==0)
throw new ParserException("Match could not be retrieved for pattern " + sPattern);
int iDquote = sMatch.indexOf('"');
int iSquote = sMatch.indexOf("'");
char cQuote = (char) 0;
if (iDquote>0 && iSquote>0)
cQuote = iDquote<iSquote ? (char)34 : (char)39;
else if (iDquote>0)
cQuote = (char)34;
else if (iSquote>0)
cQuote = (char)39;
if (cQuote==(char)0)
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Util.substitute("+sPattern+","+sMatch.substring(0,sAttributeName.length())+"="+cQuote+sNewValue+cQuote+")");
return Util.substitute(oMatcher, oPattern, oSrcSubs, sBase);
} else {
return sBase;
} // fi (oMatcher.contains())
} catch (MalformedPatternException mpe) {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("MalformedPatternException " + mpe.getMessage());
try { DebugFile.writeln(StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(mpe)); } catch (Exception ignore) { }
throw new ParserException("MalformedPatternException " + mpe.getMessage()+ " pattern " + sPattern + " substitution " + sNewValue, mpe);
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aiob) {
String sStack = "";
try { sStack = StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(aiob); } catch (Exception ignore) { }
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException " + aiob.getMessage());
int iAt = sStack.indexOf("at ");
if (iAt>0) {
int iLf = sStack.indexOf("\n",iAt);
if (iLf>iAt)
throw new ParserException("ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException " + sStack.substring(iAt,iLf) + " " + aiob.getMessage()+ " attribute " + sAttributeName + " pattern " + sPattern + " match " + sMatch + " former value " + sFormerValue + " substitution " + sNewValue, aiob);
throw new ParserException("ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException " + sStack.substring(iAt) + " " + aiob.getMessage()+ " attribute " + sAttributeName + " pattern " + sPattern + " match " + sMatch + " former value " + sFormerValue + " substitution " + sNewValue, aiob);
} else {
throw new ParserException("ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException " + aiob.getMessage()+ " attribute " + sAttributeName + " pattern " + sPattern + " match " + sMatch + " former value " + sFormerValue + " substitution " + sNewValue, aiob);
} // doSubstitution
* <p>Add a preffix to <IMG SRC="..."> <TABLE BACKGROUND="..."> and <TD BACKGROUND="..."> tags</p>
* @param sPreffix String preffix to be added to <img> src attribute and <table> and <td> background
* @return New HTML source with preffixed attributes
* @throws ParserException
public String addPreffixToImgSrc(String sPreffix)
throws ParserException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin HtmlMimeBodyPart.addPreffixToImgSrc("+sPreffix+")");
int iSlash;
Parser oPrsr;
String sCid, sSrc;
String sBodyCid = sBody;
NodeList oCollectionList;
TagNameFilter oImgFilter;
// **********************************************************************
// Replace <IMG SRC="..." >
oPrsr = Parser.createParser(sBodyCid, sEnc);
oCollectionList = new NodeList();
oImgFilter = new TagNameFilter ("IMG");
for (NodeIterator e = oPrsr.elements(); e.hasMoreNodes();)
e.nextNode().collectInto(oCollectionList, oImgFilter);
int nImgs = oCollectionList.size();
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Images NodeList.size() = " + String.valueOf(nImgs));
for (int i=0; i<nImgs; i++) {
ImageTag oImgTag = (ImageTag) oCollectionList.elementAt(i);
sSrc = oImgTag.extractImageLocn().replace('\\','/');
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Processing image location "+sSrc);
// Keep a reference to every related image name so that the same image is not included twice in the message
if (!oImgs.containsKey(sSrc)) {
// Find last slash from image url
iSlash = sSrc.lastIndexOf('/');
// Take image name
if (iSlash>=0) {
while (sSrc.charAt(iSlash)=='/') { if (++iSlash==sSrc.length()) break; }
sCid = sSrc.substring(iSlash);
else {
sCid = sSrc;
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("HashMap.put("+sSrc+","+sCid+")");
oImgs.put(sSrc, sCid);
} // fi (!oImgs.containsKey(sSrc))
sBodyCid = doSubstitution (sBodyCid, "Src", Gadgets.replace(Gadgets.replace(oImgTag.extractImageLocn(),'\\',"\\\\"),'.',"\\x2E"), sPreffix+oImgs.get(sSrc));
} // next
// **********************************************************************
// Replace <TABLE BACKGROUND="..." >
oCollectionList = new NodeList();
TagNameFilter oTableFilter = new TagNameFilter("TABLE");
oPrsr = Parser.createParser(sBodyCid, sEnc);
for (NodeIterator e = oPrsr.elements(); e.hasMoreNodes();)
e.nextNode().collectInto(oCollectionList, oTableFilter);
nImgs = oCollectionList.size();
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Tables NodeList.size() = " + String.valueOf(nImgs));
for (int i=0; i<nImgs; i++) {
sSrc = ((TableTag) oCollectionList.elementAt(i)).getAttribute("background");
if (sSrc!=null) {
if (sSrc.length()>0) {
sSrc = sSrc.replace('\\','/');
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Processing background location "+sSrc);
// Keep a reference to every related image name so that the same image is not included twice in the message
if (!oImgs.containsKey(sSrc)) {
// Find last slash from image url
iSlash = sSrc.lastIndexOf('/');
// Take image name
if (iSlash>=0) {
while (sSrc.charAt(iSlash)=='/') { if (++iSlash==sSrc.length()) break; }
sCid = sSrc.substring(iSlash);
} // fi
else {
sCid = sSrc;
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("HashMap.put("+sSrc+","+sCid+")");
oImgs.put(sSrc, sCid);
} // fi (!oImgs.containsKey(sSrc))
sBodyCid = doSubstitution (sBodyCid, "Background", Gadgets.replace(Gadgets.replace(((TableTag) oCollectionList.elementAt(i)).getAttribute("background"),'\\',"\\\\"),'.',"\\x2E"), sPreffix+oImgs.get(sSrc));
} // fi
} // fi
} // next
// **********************************************************************
// Replace <TD BACKGROUND="..." >
oCollectionList = new NodeList();
TagNameFilter oTDFilter = new TagNameFilter("TD");
oPrsr = Parser.createParser(sBodyCid, sEnc);
for (NodeIterator e = oPrsr.elements(); e.hasMoreNodes();)
e.nextNode().collectInto(oCollectionList, oTDFilter);
nImgs = oCollectionList.size();
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("TD NodeList.size() = " + String.valueOf(nImgs));
for (int i=0; i<nImgs; i++) {
sSrc = ((TableColumn) oCollectionList.elementAt(i)).getAttribute("background");
if (sSrc!=null) {
if (sSrc.length()>0) {
sSrc = sSrc.replace('\\','/');
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Processing td bg location "+sSrc);
// Keep a reference to every related image name so that the same image is not included twice in the message
if (!oImgs.containsKey(sSrc)) {
// Find last slash from image url
iSlash = sSrc.lastIndexOf('/');
// Take image name
if (iSlash>=0) {
while (sSrc.charAt(iSlash)=='/') { if (++iSlash==sSrc.length()) break; }
sCid = sSrc.substring(iSlash);
} // fi
else {
sCid = sSrc;
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("HashMap.put("+sSrc+","+sCid+")");
oImgs.put(sSrc, sCid);
} // fi (!oImgs.containsKey(sSrc))
sBodyCid = doSubstitution(sBodyCid, "Background", Gadgets.replace(Gadgets.replace(((TableColumn) oCollectionList.elementAt(i)).getAttribute("background"),'\\',"\\\\"),'.',"\\x2E"), sPreffix+oImgs.get(sSrc));
} // fi
} // fi
} // next
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End HtmlMimeBodyPart.addPreffixToImgSrc()");
return sBodyCid;
} // addPreffixToImgSrcs
* <p>Remove a preffix from <IMG SRC="..."> <TABLE BACKGROUND="..."> and <TD BACKGROUND="..."> tags</p>
* @param sPreffix String preffix to be removed from <img> src attribute and <table> and <td> background
* @return New HTML source with unpreffixed attributes
* @throws ParserException
public String removePreffixFromImgSrcs(String sPreffix)
throws ParserException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin HtmlMimeBodyPart.removePreffixFromImgSrcs("+sPreffix+")");
int iSlash;
Parser oPrsr;
String sCid, sSrc;
String sBodyCid = sBody;
NodeList oCollectionList;
TagNameFilter oImgFilter;
// **********************************************************************
// Replace <IMG SRC="..." >
oPrsr = Parser.createParser(sBodyCid, sEnc);
oCollectionList = new NodeList();
oImgFilter = new TagNameFilter ("IMG");
for (NodeIterator e = oPrsr.elements(); e.hasMoreNodes();)
e.nextNode().collectInto(oCollectionList, oImgFilter);
int nImgs = oCollectionList.size();
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Images NodeList.size() = " + String.valueOf(nImgs));
for (int i=0; i<nImgs; i++) {
sSrc = (((ImageTag) oCollectionList.elementAt(i)).extractImageLocn()).replace('\\','/');
// Keep a reference to every related image name so that the same image is not included twice in the message
if (!oImgs.containsKey(sSrc)) {
// Find last slash from image url
iSlash = sSrc.lastIndexOf('/');
// Take image name
if (iSlash>=0) {
while (sSrc.charAt(iSlash)=='/') { if (++iSlash==sSrc.length()) break; }
sCid = sSrc.substring(iSlash);
else {
sCid = sSrc;
// String sUid = Gadgets.generateUUID();
// sCid = sUid.substring(0,12)+"$"+sUid.substring(12,20)+"$"+sUid.substring(20,28)+"";
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("HashMap.put("+sSrc+","+sCid+")");
oImgs.put(sSrc, sCid);
} // fi (!oImgs.containsKey(sSrc))
String sImgSrc = ((ImageTag) oCollectionList.elementAt(i)).extractImageLocn();
if (sImgSrc.startsWith(sPreffix)) {
sBodyCid = doSubstitution(sBodyCid, "Src", Gadgets.replace(Gadgets.replace(sImgSrc,'\\',"\\\\"),'.',"\\x2E"), sImgSrc.substring(sPreffix.length()));
} // next
// **********************************************************************
// Replace <TABLE BACKGROUND="..." >
oCollectionList = new NodeList();
TagNameFilter oTableFilter = new TagNameFilter("TABLE");
oPrsr = Parser.createParser(sBodyCid, sEnc);
for (NodeIterator e = oPrsr.elements(); e.hasMoreNodes();)
e.nextNode().collectInto(oCollectionList, oTableFilter);
nImgs = oCollectionList.size();
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Tables NodeList.size() = " + String.valueOf(nImgs));
for (int i=0; i<nImgs; i++) {
sSrc = ((TableTag) oCollectionList.elementAt(i)).getAttribute("background");
if (sSrc!=null) {
if (sSrc.length()>0) {
sSrc = sSrc.replace('\\','/');
// Keep a reference to every related image name so that the same image is not included twice in the message
if (!oImgs.containsKey(sSrc)) {
// Find last slash from image url
iSlash = sSrc.lastIndexOf('/');
// Take image name
if (iSlash>=0) {
while (sSrc.charAt(iSlash)=='/') { if (++iSlash==sSrc.length()) break; }
sCid = sSrc.substring(iSlash);
} // fi
else {
sCid = sSrc;
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("HashMap.put("+sSrc+","+sCid+")");
oImgs.put(sSrc, sCid);
} // fi (!oImgs.containsKey(sSrc))
String sBckGrnd = ((TableTag) oCollectionList.elementAt(i)).getAttribute("background");
if (sBckGrnd.startsWith(sPreffix)) {
sBodyCid = doSubstitution(sBodyCid, "Background", Gadgets.replace(Gadgets.replace(sBckGrnd,'\\',"\\\\"),'.',"\\x2E"), sBckGrnd.substring(sPreffix.length()));
} // fi
} // fi
} // next
// **********************************************************************
// Replace <TD BACKGROUND="..." >
oCollectionList = new NodeList();
TagNameFilter oTDFilter = new TagNameFilter("TD");
oPrsr = Parser.createParser(sBodyCid, sEnc);
for (NodeIterator e = oPrsr.elements(); e.hasMoreNodes();)
e.nextNode().collectInto(oCollectionList, oTDFilter);
nImgs = oCollectionList.size();
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("TD NodeList.size() = " + String.valueOf(nImgs));
for (int i=0; i<nImgs; i++) {
sSrc = ((TableColumn) oCollectionList.elementAt(i)).getAttribute("background");
if (sSrc!=null) {
if (sSrc.length()>0) {
sSrc = sSrc.replace('\\','/');
// Keep a reference to every related image name so that the same image is not included twice in the message
if (!oImgs.containsKey(sSrc)) {
// Find last slash from image url
iSlash = sSrc.lastIndexOf('/');
// Take image name
if (iSlash>=0) {
while (sSrc.charAt(iSlash)=='/') { if (++iSlash==sSrc.length()) break; }
sCid = sSrc.substring(iSlash);
} // fi
else {
sCid = sSrc;
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("HashMap.put("+sSrc+","+sCid+")");
oImgs.put(sSrc, sCid);
} // fi (!oImgs.containsKey(sSrc))
String sTdBckg = ((TableColumn) oCollectionList.elementAt(i)).getAttribute("background");
if (sTdBckg.startsWith(sPreffix)) {
sBodyCid = doSubstitution(sBodyCid, "Background", Gadgets.replace(Gadgets.replace(sTdBckg,'\\',"\\\\"),'.',"\\x2E"), sTdBckg.substring(sPreffix.length()));
} // fi
} // fi
} // next
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End HtmlMimeBodyPart.removePreffixFromImgSrcs()");
return sBodyCid;
} // removePreffixFromImgSrcs
* <p>Replace a preffix from <IMG SRC="..."> <TABLE BACKGROUND="..."> and <TD BACKGROUND="..."> tags with another one</p>
* @param sFormerPreffix String
* @param sNewPreffix String
* @return New HTML source with replaced preffixed attributes
* @throws ParserException
public String replacePreffixFromImgSrcs(String sFormerPreffix, String sNewPreffix)
throws ParserException {
HtmlMimeBodyPart oHtml = new HtmlMimeBodyPart(removePreffixFromImgSrcs(sFormerPreffix), sEnc);
return oHtml.addPreffixToImgSrc(sNewPreffix);
} // replacePreffixFromImgSrcs
* <p>Replace HREF targets with an intermediate page for tracking click through</p>
* @param sRedirectorUrl String Full HTTP path where all HREF URLs must be redirected
* @return New HTML source with replaced HREF attributes
* @throws ParserException
public String addClickThroughRedirector(final String sRedirectorUrl)
throws ParserException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin HtmlMimeBodyPart.addClickThroughRedirector("+sRedirectorUrl+")");
final NodeVisitor linkVisitor = new NodeVisitor() {
public void visitTag(Tag tag) {
// Process any tag/node in your HTML
String name = tag.getTagName();
// Set the Link's target to _blank if the href is external
if ("a".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
LinkTag lnk = (LinkTag) tag;
String sUrl = lnk.extractLink();
if(sUrl.startsWith("http://") || sUrl.startsWith("https://")) {
Parser parser = Parser.createParser(sBody, sEnc);
NodeList list = parser.parse(null);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End HtmlMimeBodyPart.addClickThroughRedirector()");
return list.toHtml();
} // addClickThroughRedirector