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package com.knowgate.hipermail;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Types;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import com.knowgate.debug.DebugFile;
import com.knowgate.jdc.JDCConnection;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DB;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBPersist;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
* <p>Internet Address register from k_inet_addrs</p>
* @author Sergio Montoro Ten
* @version 2.1
public class DBInetAddr extends InternetAddress {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2l;
private DBPersist oAddr;
public DBInetAddr(String sMsgGUID, int iPart) {
oAddr = new DBPersist(DB.k_inet_addrs, "InetAddrDB");
oAddr.put(DB.gu_mimemsg, sMsgGUID);
oAddr.put(DB.id_part, iPart);
* Constructor
* @param sMsgGUID Message GUID
* @param sMsgId Mime Message Identifier
* @param sTxEMail Mail address
* @param sTxPersonal Address displyed name
* @param sTpRecipient Recipient type { from, to, cc, bcc } case sensitive
* @param sGuUser GUID of User which tx_main_email is the same as this address
* @param sGuContact GUID of Contact which tx_main_email is the same as this address
* @param sGuCompany GUID of Copany which tx_main_email is the same as this address
* @throws NullPointerException If sMsgGUID or sMsgId or sTxEMail or sTpRecipient is <b>null</b>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If sTpRecipient is not one of { from, to, cc, bcc }
public DBInetAddr(String sMsgGUID, String sMsgId, String sTxEMail,
String sTxPersonal, String sTpRecipient,
String sGuUser, String sGuContact, String sGuCompany)
throws NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException {
if (null==sMsgGUID) throw new NullPointerException("DBInetAddr message GUID cannot be null");
if (null==sMsgId) throw new NullPointerException("DBInetAddr message identifier cannot be null");
if (null==sTxEMail) throw new NullPointerException("DBInetAddr mail address cannot be null");
if (null==sTpRecipient) throw new NullPointerException("DBInetAddr recipient type cannot be null");
if (!sTpRecipient.equals("from") && !sTpRecipient.equals("to") && !!sTpRecipient.equals("cc") && !!sTpRecipient.equals("bcc"))
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Recipient type must be either from, to, cc or bcc");
oAddr = new DBPersist(DB.k_inet_addrs, "InetAddrDB");
oAddr.put(DB.gu_mimemsg, sMsgGUID);
oAddr.put(DB.id_message, sMsgId);
oAddr.put(DB.tx_email, sTxEMail);
oAddr.put(DB.tp_recipient, sTpRecipient);
if (null!=sTxPersonal) oAddr.put(DB.tx_personal, sTxPersonal);
if (null!=sGuUser) oAddr.put(DB.gu_user, sGuUser);
if (null!=sGuContact) oAddr.put(DB.gu_contact, sGuContact);
if (null!=sGuCompany) oAddr.put(DB.gu_company, sGuCompany);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get e-mail address
* @return String
public String getAddress () { return oAddr.getStringNull (DB.tx_email, null); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
public String getString (String sKey) { return oAddr.getString (sKey); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
public String getStringNull (String sKey, String sDefault) { return oAddr.getStringNull (sKey, sDefault); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Two addresses are equal if they hold the same e-mail
* @param oOtherAddr DBInetAddr
* @return boolean <b>true</b> if e-mail of this is equal to e-mail of oOtherAddr (case insensitive comparison)
* @throws ClassCastException if oOtherAddr is not of type DBInetAddr
public boolean equals (Object oOtherAddr)
throws ClassCastException {
DBInetAddr oAddr2 = (DBInetAddr) oOtherAddr;
if (getAddress()==null || oAddr2.getAddress()==null)
return false;
return getAddress().equalsIgnoreCase(oAddr2.getAddress());
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @return String "rfc822"
public String getType () { return "rfc822"; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get display (personal) name
* @return String
public String getPersonal () { return oAddr.getStringNull (DB.tx_personal, null); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This method is unsupported and will always throw an exception when called
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException
public boolean store (JDCConnection oConn) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
if (true) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method InetAddrDB.store() is not supported");
return false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Write address resolving e-mails to contact and company GUIDs</p>
* This method writes to k_inet_addr table but it first lookup the given e-mail
* at table k_member_address and fills gu_contact and gu_company fields of
* k_inet_addr if there is a contact or company at the specified workarea that
* has that e-mail
* @param oConn JDCConnection
* @param iDomainId int Domain Identifier
* @param sWorkAreaId String WorkArea GUID (search for matches will be restricted to this WorkArea)
* @param sGuMimeMsg String Message GUID
* @param sIdMimeMsg String Message Identifier
* @param sTxEMail String e-mail
* @param sTpRecipient String One of {to, cc, bcc}
* @param sTxPersonal String Display Name
* @return boolean <b>true</b>
* @throws SQLException
public static boolean write (JDCConnection oConn, int iDomainId, String sWorkAreaId,
String sGuMimeMsg, String sIdMimeMsg, String sTxEMail,
String sTpRecipient, String sTxPersonal)
throws SQLException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBInetAddr.write([Connection], " + String.valueOf(iDomainId) + "," + sWorkAreaId + "," +
sGuMimeMsg + "," + sIdMimeMsg + "," + sTxEMail + "," + sTpRecipient + "," + sTxPersonal + ")");
if (oConn.getDataBaseProduct()==JDCConnection.DBMS_POSTGRESQL) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("SELECT k_sp_write_inet_addr ("+String.valueOf(iDomainId)+",'"+sWorkAreaId+"',"+(sGuMimeMsg==null ? "null" : "'"+sGuMimeMsg+"'")+",'"+sIdMimeMsg+"','"+sTxEMail+"','"+sTpRecipient+"','"+(sTxPersonal==null ? "null" : "'"+sTxPersonal+"'")+"')");
PreparedStatement oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement("SELECT k_sp_write_inet_addr (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
oStmt.setInt (1, iDomainId);
oStmt.setString(2, sWorkAreaId);
oStmt.setString(3, sGuMimeMsg);
oStmt.setString(4, sIdMimeMsg);
oStmt.setString(5, sTxEMail);
oStmt.setString(6, sTpRecipient);
if (sTxPersonal!=null)
oStmt.setString(7, sTxPersonal);
oStmt.setNull(7, Types.VARCHAR);
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PreparedStatement.executeQuery()");
ResultSet oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery();
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("found "+String.valueOf(oRSet.getInt(1))+" rows");
else if (oConn.getDataBaseProduct()==JDCConnection.DBMS_ORACLE) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("{call K_SP_WRITE_INET_ADDR (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}");
CallableStatement oCall = oConn.prepareCall("{call K_SP_WRITE_INET_ADDR (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}");
oCall.setBigDecimal(1 , new java.math.BigDecimal(iDomainId));
oCall.setString(2, sWorkAreaId);
oCall.setString(3, sGuMimeMsg);
oCall.setString(4, sIdMimeMsg);
if (sTpRecipient!=null)
oCall.setString(5, sTpRecipient);
oCall.setNull(5, Types.VARCHAR);
oCall.setString(6, sTxEMail);
if (sTxPersonal!=null)
oCall.setString(7, sTxPersonal);
oCall.setNull(7, Types.VARCHAR);
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("CallableStatement.execute()");
else {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("{call k_sp_write_inet_addr (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}");
CallableStatement oCall = oConn.prepareCall("{call k_sp_write_inet_addr (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}");
oCall.setInt (1, iDomainId);
oCall.setString(2, sWorkAreaId);
oCall.setString(3, sGuMimeMsg);
oCall.setString(4, sIdMimeMsg);
oCall.setString(5, sTpRecipient);
oCall.setString(6, sTxEMail);
if (sTxPersonal!=null)
oCall.setString(7, sTxPersonal);
oCall.setNull(7, Types.VARCHAR);
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("CallableStatement.execute()");
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End DBInetAddr.write()");
return true;
} // write
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Forward call to static method DBInetAddr.write()</p>
* @param oConn JDCConnection
* @param iDomainId int Domain Identifier
* @param sWorkAreaId String WorkArea GUID (search for matches will be restricted to this WorkArea)
* @return boolean <b>true</b>
* @throws SQLException
public boolean write (JDCConnection oConn, int iDomainId, String sWorkAreaId) throws SQLException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBInetAddrDB.write([Connection], " + String.valueOf(iDomainId) + "," + sWorkAreaId + ")");
boolean bRetVal =
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End InetAddrDB.write()");
return bRetVal;
} // write
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parse address of the form (Name) <user@domain.com>, <user@domain.com> (Name),
* "Name" <user@domain.com>, <user@domain.com> "Name", Name <user@domain.com>,
* <user@domain.com> , user@domain.com
* @param sNamePlusEMail String Display name and e-mail address
* @return InternetAddress
* @throws AddressException
* @throws NullPointerException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
public static InternetAddress parseAddress(String sNamePlusEMail)
throws AddressException,NullPointerException,UnsupportedEncodingException {
InternetAddress oRetAdr = null;
String sAddr = sNamePlusEMail.trim();
int iLeftAng = sAddr.indexOf('<');
int iRightAng= sAddr.indexOf('>');
int iLeftPar = sAddr.indexOf('(');
int iRightPar= sAddr.indexOf(')');
int iLeftQuo = sAddr.indexOf('"');
int iRightQuo;
if (iLeftQuo>=0) iRightQuo = sAddr.indexOf('"',iLeftQuo+1); else iRightQuo = -1;
if (iRightAng<iLeftAng) throw new AddressException("Misplaced right angle");
if (iLeftAng<0 && iRightAng>=0) throw new AddressException("Missing left angle");
if (iLeftAng>=0 && iRightAng<0) throw new AddressException("Missing right angle");
if (iLeftPar<0 && iRightPar>=0) throw new AddressException("Missing left parenthesis");
if (iLeftPar>=0 && iRightPar<0) throw new AddressException("Missing right parenthesis");
if (iRightPar<iLeftPar) throw new AddressException("Misplaced right parenthesis");
if (iLeftQuo>=0 && iRightQuo<0) throw new AddressException("Unclosed quote");
if (iLeftAng>=0 && iRightAng>=0 && iLeftPar>=0 && iRightPar>=0) {
// Address is (Name) <user@domain.com> or <user@domain.com> (Name)
oRetAdr = new InternetAddress(sAddr.substring(iLeftAng+1,iRightAng),sAddr.substring(iLeftPar+1,iRightPar));
} else if (iLeftAng>=0 && iRightAng>=0 && iLeftQuo>=0 && iRightQuo>=0) {
// Address is "Name" <user@domain.com> or "Name" <user@domain.com>
oRetAdr = new InternetAddress(sAddr.substring(iLeftAng+1,iRightAng),sAddr.substring(iLeftQuo+1,iRightQuo));
} else if (iLeftAng>=0 && iRightAng>=0) {
// Address is Name <user@domain.com> or <user@domain.com> Name
if (0==iLeftAng)
oRetAdr = new InternetAddress(sAddr.substring(1,iRightAng),sAddr.substring(iRightAng+1));
oRetAdr = new InternetAddress(sAddr.substring(iLeftAng+1,iRightAng),sAddr.substring(0,iLeftAng));
} else {
oRetAdr = new InternetAddress(sAddr);
return oRetAdr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get Display name concatenated with e-mail into angles
* @return String "Personal Name <user@domain.com>"
public String toString() {
return getPersonal()+" <"+getAddress()+">";