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package com.knowgate.hipergate;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import com.knowgate.debug.DebugFile;
import com.knowgate.jdc.JDCConnection;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DB;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBBind;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBSubset;
import com.knowgate.acl.ACLDomain;
* Singleton manager for Categories Tree
* @author Sergio Montoro Ten
* @version 4.0
public class Categories {
public Categories() {
iRootsCount = -1;
sRootsNamedTables = DB.k_categories + " c, " + DB.k_cat_labels + " n," + DB.k_cat_root + " r";
sRootsNamedFields = "c." + DB.gu_category + ", c." + DB.nm_category + ", " + DBBind.Functions.ISNULL + "(n." + DB.tr_category + ",''), c." + DB.nm_icon + ", c." + DB.nm_icon2;
sRootsNamedFilter = "n." + DB.gu_category + "=c." + DB.gu_category + " AND c." + DB.gu_category + "=r." + DB.gu_category + " AND n." + DB.id_language + "=?";
sChildNamedTables = DB.v_cat_tree_labels ;
sChildNamedFields = DB.gu_category + "," + DB.nm_category + "," + DB.tr_category + ", " + DB.nm_icon + ", " + DB.nm_icon2;
sChildNamedFilter = DB.gu_parent_cat + "=? AND (" + DB.id_language + "=? OR " + DB.id_language + " IS NULL)";
* Clear root categories cache.
* Root category names are loaded once and then cached into a static variable.
* Use this method for forcing reload of categories from database on next call
* to getRoots() or getRootsNamed().
public void clearCache() {
oRootsLoaded = false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Expand Category Childs into k_cat_expand table</p>
* @param oConn Database Connection
* @param sRootCategoryId GUID of Category to expand.
* @throws SQLException
public static void expand (JDCConnection oConn, String sRootCategoryId) throws SQLException {
Category oRoot = new Category(sRootCategoryId);
* <p>Get root category for a given Domain</p>
* The root Category for a Domain will be the one such that nm_category=nm_domain
* @param oConn Database Connection
* @param iDomain Domain Numeric Identifier
* @return Category GUID or <b>null</b> if root Category for Domain was not found.
* @throws SQLException
public Category forDomain(JDCConnection oConn, int iDomain) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement oStmt;
ResultSet oRSet;
Category oRetVal;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin Categories.forDomain([Connection], " + String.valueOf(iDomain) + ")");
DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareStatement(SELECT " + DB.gu_category + " FROM " + DB.k_categories + " WHERE " + DB.nm_category + "=(SELECT " + DB.nm_domain + " FROM " + DB.k_domains + " WHERE " + DB.id_domain + "=?)");
oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement("SELECT " + DB.gu_category + " FROM " + DB.k_categories + " WHERE " + DB.nm_category + "=(SELECT " + DB.nm_domain + " FROM " + DB.k_domains + " WHERE " + DB.id_domain + "=?)", ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
oStmt.setInt(1, iDomain);
oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery();
if (oRSet.next())
oRetVal = new Category(oConn, oRSet.getString(1));
oRetVal = null;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End Categories.forDomain() : " + (oRetVal==null ? "null" : "[Category]"));
return oRetVal;
} // forDomain()
* <p>Get shared files category for a given Domain</p>
* The shared files Category for a Domain will be the child of the root category for domain
* which nm_category = nm_domain + "_SHARED"
* @param oConn Database Connection
* @param iDomain Domain Numeric Identifier
* @return Category GUID or <b>null</b> if shared files Category for Domain was not found.
* @throws SQLException
* @since 4.0
public Category getSharedFilesCategoryForDomain(JDCConnection oConn, int iDomain)
throws SQLException {
Category oDomainShared;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin ACLDomain.getSharedFilesCategory([Connection])");
ACLDomain oDomain = new ACLDomain();
if (oDomain.load(oConn, new Object[]{new Integer(iDomain)})) {
Category oDomainRoot = forDomain(oConn, iDomain);
if (null!=oDomainRoot) {
String sSQL = "SELECT c." + DB.gu_category + " FROM " + DB.k_categories + " c," + DB.k_cat_tree + " t WHERE c." + DB.gu_category + "=t." + DB.gu_child_cat + " AND t." + DB.gu_parent_cat + "=? AND c." + DB.nm_category + "=?";
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareStatement(" + sSQL + ")");
PreparedStatement oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement (sSQL, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
oStmt.setString (1, oDomainRoot.getString(DB.gu_category));
oStmt.setString (2, oDomain.getString(DB.nm_domain) + "_SHARED");
ResultSet oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery();
if (oRSet.next())
oDomainShared = new Category(oConn,oRSet.getString(1));
oDomainShared = null;
oRSet = null;
oStmt = null;
} else {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Root category for domain "+String.valueOf(iDomain)+" not found");
oDomainShared = null;
}// fi (oDomainRoot)
} else {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Domain "+String.valueOf(iDomain)+" not found");
oDomainShared = null;
}// fi
if (DebugFile.trace) {
if (oDomainShared==null)
DebugFile.writeln("End ACLDomain.getSharedFilesCategory() : null");
DebugFile.writeln("End ACLDomain.getSharedFilesCategory() : " + oDomainShared.getString(DB.gu_category));
return oDomainShared;
} // getSharedFilesCategoryForDomain
* <p>Get root categories as a DBSubset.</p>
* Root categories are those present at k_cat_root table.<br>
* It is recommended to use this criteria instead of seeking those categories
* not present as childs at k_cat_tree. Selecting from k_cat_root is much faster
* than scanning the k_cat_tree table.
* @param oConn Database Connection
* @return A single column DBSubset containing th GUID of root categories.
* @throws SQLException
public DBSubset getRoots(JDCConnection oConn) throws SQLException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin Categories.getRoots([Connection])");
oRoots = new DBSubset(DB.k_cat_root,DB.gu_category,"",10);
iRootsCount = oRoots.load (oConn);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End Categories.getRoots()");
return oRoots;
} // getRoots
* Get root categories count.
* @throws IllegalStateException If getRoots() or getRootsNamed() have not
* been called prior to getRootsCount()
public int getRootsCount() throws IllegalStateException {
if (-1==iRootsCount) throw new IllegalStateException("Must call getRoots() or getRootsNamed() prior to getRootsCount()");
return iRootsCount;
* <p>Get Root Caetgories and their names as a DBSubset</p>
* Categories not having any translation at k_cat_labels will not be retrieved.<br>
* Root Category Names are loaded once and then cached internally as a static object.<br>
* Use clearCahce() method for refreshing root categories from database.
* @param oConn Database Connection
* @param sLanguage Language for category label retrieval.
* @param iOrderBy Column for order by { ORDER_BY_NONE, ORDER_BY_NEUTRAL_NAME, ORDER_BY_LOCALE_NAME }
* @return A DBSubset with the following columns:<br>
* <table border=1 cellpadding=4>
* <tr><td><b>gu_category</b></td><td><b>nm_category</b></td><td><b>tr_category</b></td><td><b>nm_icon</b></td><td><b>nm_icon2</b></td></tr>
* <tr><td>Category GUID</td><td>Category Internal Name</td><td>Category Translated Label</td><td>Icon for Closed Folder</td><td>Icon for Opened Folder</td></tr>
* </table>
* @throws SQLException
public DBSubset getRootsNamed(JDCConnection oConn, String sLanguage, int iOrderBy) throws SQLException {
sRootsNamedFields = "c." + DB.gu_category + ", c." + DB.nm_category + ", " + DBBind.Functions.ISNULL + "(n." + DB.tr_category + ",''), c." + DB.nm_icon + ", c." + DB.nm_icon2;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin Categories.getRootsNamed([Connection], " + sLanguage + String.valueOf(iOrderBy) + ")");
if (!oRootsLoaded) {
Object[] aLang = { sLanguage };
if (iOrderBy>0)
oRootsNamed = new DBSubset (sRootsNamedTables, sRootsNamedFields, sRootsNamedFilter + " ORDER BY " + iOrderBy, 16);
oRootsNamed = new DBSubset (sRootsNamedTables, sRootsNamedFields, sRootsNamedFilter, 16);
iRootsCount = oRootsNamed.load(oConn, aLang);
oRootsLoaded = true;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End Categories.getRootsNamed()");
return oRootsNamed;
} // getRootsNamed()
* <p>Get first level childs for a given category.</p>
* Categories not having any translation at k_cat_labels will not be retrieved.
* @param oConn Database Connection
* @param idParent Parent Category
* @param sLanguage Language for label retrieval
* @param iOrderBy Column for order by { ORDER_BY_NONE, ORDER_BY_NEUTRAL_NAME, ORDER_BY_LOCALE_NAME }
* @return A DBSubset with the following columns:<br>
* <table border=1 cellpadding=4>
* <tr><td><b>gu_category</b></td><td><b>nm_category</b></td><td><b>tr_category</b></td><td><b>nm_icon</b></td><td><b>nm_icon2</b></td></tr>
* <tr><td>Category GUID</td><td>Category Internal Name</td><td>Category Translated Label</td><td>Icon for Closed Folder</td><td>Icon for Opened Folder</td></tr>
* </table>
* @throws SQLException
public DBSubset getChildsNamed(JDCConnection oConn, String idParent, String sLanguage, int iOrderBy) throws SQLException {
long lElapsed = 0;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
lElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis();
DebugFile.writeln("Begin Categories.getChildsNamed([Connection], " + (idParent==null ? "null" : idParent) + "," + (sLanguage==null ? "null" : sLanguage) + "," + String.valueOf(iOrderBy) + ")");
Object[] aParams = { idParent, sLanguage, idParent, idParent, sLanguage };
DBSubset oChilds;
if (iOrderBy>0)
oChilds = new DBSubset (sChildNamedTables, sChildNamedFields, sChildNamedFilter +
"c." + DB.gu_category + ",c." + DB.nm_category + ",c." + DB.nm_category + "," +
"c." + DB.nm_icon + ",c." + DB.nm_icon2 + " FROM " + DB.k_categories + " c, " +
DB.k_cat_tree + " t WHERE c." + DB.gu_category + "=t." + DB.gu_child_cat + " AND " +
"t." + DB.gu_parent_cat + "=? AND c." + DB.gu_category + " NOT IN " +
"(SELECT " + DB.gu_category + " FROM " + sChildNamedTables + " WHERE " + sChildNamedFilter + ") ORDER BY " + iOrderBy, 32);
oChilds = new DBSubset (sChildNamedTables, sChildNamedFields, sChildNamedFilter +
"c." + DB.gu_category + ",c." + DB.nm_category + ",c." + DB.nm_category + ", " +
"c." + DB.nm_icon + ",c." + DB.nm_icon2 + " FROM " + DB.k_categories + " c, " +
DB.k_cat_tree + " t WHERE c." + DB.gu_category + "=t." + DB.gu_child_cat + " AND " +
"t." + DB.gu_parent_cat + "=? AND c." + DB.gu_category + " NOT IN " +
"(SELECT " + DB.gu_category + " FROM " + sChildNamedTables + " WHERE " + sChildNamedFilter + ")", 32);
int iChilds = oChilds.load(oConn, aParams);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln(String.valueOf(iChilds) + " childs readed in " + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()-lElapsed) + " ms");
DebugFile.writeln("End Categories.getChildsNamed()");
return oChilds;
} // getChildsNamed()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Remove object from all Categories</p>
* Removing an object from a Category does not delete it.
* @param oConn Database Connection
* @param sIdObject Object GUID
* @param iClassId Object Class Numeric Identifier
* @return A Positive integer if the object was present
* at any category or 0 if the object was not present
* at any category.
* @throws SQLException
* @since 4.0
public static int removeObject(JDCConnection oConn, String sIdObject, int iClassId) throws SQLException {
int iRetVal;
PreparedStatement oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + DB.k_x_cat_objs + " WHERE " + DB.gu_object + "=? AND " + DB.id_class + "=?");
oStmt.setString(1, sIdObject);
oStmt.setInt(2, iClassId);
iRetVal = oStmt.executeUpdate();
return iRetVal;
} // removeObject
private DBSubset oRoots;
private DBSubset oRootsNamed;
private boolean oRootsLoaded;
private int iRootsCount;
private String sRootsNamedTables;
private String sRootsNamedFields;
private String sRootsNamedFilter;
private String sChildNamedTables;
private String sChildNamedFields;
private String sChildNamedFilter;
private String sChildNamedNoLang;
public static final int ORDER_BY_NONE = 0;
public static final int ORDER_BY_ID = 1;
public static final int ORDER_BY_NEUTRAL_NAME = 2;
public static final int ORDER_BY_LOCALE_NAME = 3;