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2. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
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"This product includes software parts from hipergate
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package com.knowgate.dataxslt.db;
import java.util.Date;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MalformedPatternException;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import dom.DOMSubDocument;
import com.knowgate.debug.DebugFile;
import com.knowgate.dfs.FileSystem;
import com.knowgate.jdc.JDCConnection;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DB;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBBind;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBCommand;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBPersist;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBSubset;
import com.knowgate.misc.Gadgets;
import com.knowgate.dataxslt.PageSet;
* <p>PageSet database index</p>
* @author Sergio Montoro Ten
* @version 5.0
public class PageSetDB extends DBPersist {
private String[] aRecipients;
private String[] aBlackList;
public PageSetDB() {
super(DB.k_pagesets, "PageSetDB");
aBlackList = null;
aRecipients = null;
public PageSetDB(JDCConnection oConn,String sPageSetGUID) throws SQLException {
super(DB.k_pagesets, "PageSetDB");
aBlackList = null;
aRecipients = null;
Object aPageSet[] = {sPageSetGUID};
if (!load(oConn,aPageSet))
throw new SQLException ("Could not find PageSet " + sPageSetGUID + " at " + DB.k_pagesets);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public PageSet getPageSet(JDCConnection oConn, String sBasePath)
throws SQLException,ClassNotFoundException,Exception {
MicrositeDB oMst = new MicrositeDB(oConn, getString(DB.gu_microsite));
return new PageSet(Gadgets.chomp(sBasePath,File.separator)+oMst.getString(DB.path_metadata),
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public boolean load(JDCConnection oConn, Object aPK[]) throws SQLException {
// Rutina especial de carga con procedimiento almacenado para maxima velocidad en el rendering
ResultSet oRSet;
PreparedStatement oStmt;
CallableStatement oCall;
String sNmPageSet;
Object sField;
boolean bRetVal;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin PageSetDB.load([Connection], {" + aPK[0] + "}");
if (oConn.getDataBaseProduct()==JDCConnection.DBMS_ORACLE ||
oConn.getDataBaseProduct()==JDCConnection.DBMS_MSSQL ||
oConn.getDataBaseProduct()==JDCConnection.DBMS_MYSQL ) {
if (DebugFile.trace)
DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareCall({ call k_sp_read_pageset ('" + aPK[0] + "',?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) }");
oCall = oConn.prepareCall("{ call k_sp_read_pageset (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) }");
oCall.setObject(1, aPK[0], Types.CHAR); // gu_pageset
oCall.registerOutParameter(2, Types.CHAR); // gu_microsite
oCall.registerOutParameter(3, Types.VARCHAR); // nm_microsite
oCall.registerOutParameter(4, Types.CHAR); // gu_workarea
oCall.registerOutParameter(5, Types.VARCHAR); // nm_pageset
oCall.registerOutParameter(6, Types.VARCHAR); // vs_stamp
oCall.registerOutParameter(7, Types.CHAR); // id_language
oCall.registerOutParameter(8, Types.TIMESTAMP); // dt_modified
oCall.registerOutParameter(9, Types.VARCHAR); // path_data
oCall.registerOutParameter(10, Types.VARCHAR); // id_status
oCall.registerOutParameter(11, Types.VARCHAR); // path_metadata
oCall.registerOutParameter(12, Types.VARCHAR); // tx_comments
oCall.registerOutParameter(13, Types.CHAR); // gu_company
oCall.registerOutParameter(14, Types.CHAR); // gu_project
oCall.registerOutParameter(15, Types.VARCHAR); // tx_email_from
oCall.registerOutParameter(16, Types.VARCHAR); // tx_email_reply
oCall.registerOutParameter(17, Types.VARCHAR); // nm_from
oCall.registerOutParameter(18, Types.VARCHAR); // tx_subject
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("CallableStatement.execute()");
sNmPageSet = oCall.getString(5);
bRetVal = (null!=sNmPageSet);
put (DB.gu_pageset, aPK[0]);
if (bRetVal) {
put (DB.gu_microsite, oCall.getString(2).trim());
put (DB.nm_microsite, oCall.getString(3));
put (DB.gu_workarea, oCall.getString(4).trim());
put (DB.nm_pageset, oCall.getString(5));
sField = oCall.getObject(6);
if (!oCall.wasNull()) put(DB.vs_stamp, (String) sField);
sField = oCall.getObject(7);
if (!oCall.wasNull()) put(DB.id_language, ((String) sField).trim());
sField = oCall.getObject(8);
if (!oCall.wasNull()) put(DB.dt_modified, oCall.getDate(8));
sField = oCall.getObject(9);
if (!oCall.wasNull()) put(DB.path_data, (String) sField);
sField = oCall.getObject(10);
if (!oCall.wasNull()) put(DB.id_status, (String) sField);
sField = oCall.getObject(11);
if (!oCall.wasNull()) put(DB.path_metadata, (String) sField);
sField = oCall.getObject(12);
if (!oCall.wasNull()) put(DB.tx_comments, (String) sField);
sField = oCall.getObject(13);
if (!oCall.wasNull()) put(DB.gu_company, sField.toString().trim());
sField = oCall.getObject(14);
if (!oCall.wasNull()) put(DB.gu_project, sField.toString().trim());
sField = oCall.getObject(15);
if (!oCall.wasNull()) put(DB.tx_email_from, sField.toString().trim());
sField = oCall.getObject(16);
if (!oCall.wasNull()) put(DB.tx_email_reply, sField.toString().trim());
sField = oCall.getObject(17);
if (!oCall.wasNull()) put(DB.nm_from, sField.toString().trim());
sField = oCall.getObject(18);
if (!oCall.wasNull()) put(DB.tx_subject, sField.toString().trim());
} // fi (bRetVal)
else {
if (DebugFile.trace)
DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareStatement(SELECT m." + DB.gu_microsite + ",m." + DB.nm_microsite +
",p." + DB.gu_workarea + ",p." + DB.nm_pageset + ",p." + DB.vs_stamp +
",p." + DB.id_language + ",p." + DB.dt_modified + ",p." + DB.path_data +
",p." + DB.id_status + ",m." + DB.path_metadata + ",p." + DB.tx_comments +
",p." + DB.gu_company + ",p." + DB.gu_project + ",p." + DB.tx_email_from +
",p." + DB.tx_email_reply + ",p." + DB.nm_from + ",p." + DB.tx_subject +
" FROM " + DB.k_pagesets + " p LEFT OUTER JOIN " + DB.k_microsites +
" m ON p." + DB.gu_microsite + "=m." + DB.gu_microsite + " WHERE p." + DB.gu_pageset + "=" + aPK[0] + ")");
oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement("SELECT m." + DB.gu_microsite + ",m." + DB.nm_microsite +
",p." + DB.gu_workarea + ",p." + DB.nm_pageset + ",p." + DB.vs_stamp +
",p." + DB.id_language + ",p." + DB.dt_modified + ",p." + DB.path_data +
",p." + DB.id_status + ",m." + DB.path_metadata + ",p." + DB.tx_comments +
",p." + DB.gu_company + ",p." + DB.gu_project + ",p." + DB.tx_email_from +
",p." + DB.tx_email_reply + ",p." + DB.nm_from + ",p." + DB.tx_subject +
" FROM " + DB.k_pagesets+ " p LEFT OUTER JOIN " + DB.k_microsites +
" m ON p." + DB.gu_microsite + "=m." + DB.gu_microsite + " WHERE p." + DB.gu_pageset + "=?",
oStmt.setObject(1, aPK[0], Types.CHAR);
oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery();
bRetVal = oRSet.next();
put (DB.gu_pageset, aPK[0]);
if (bRetVal) {
put (DB.gu_microsite, oRSet.getString(1));
put (DB.nm_microsite, oRSet.getString(2));
put (DB.gu_workarea, oRSet.getString(3));
put (DB.nm_pageset, oRSet.getString(4));
sField = oRSet.getObject(5);
if (!oRSet.wasNull()) put(DB.vs_stamp, (String) sField);
sField = oRSet.getObject(6);
if (!oRSet.wasNull()) put(DB.id_language, (String) sField);
sField = oRSet.getObject(7);
if (!oRSet.wasNull()) put(DB.dt_modified, oRSet.getTimestamp(7));
sField = oRSet.getObject(8);
if (!oRSet.wasNull()) put(DB.path_data, (String) sField);
sField = oRSet.getObject(9);
if (!oRSet.wasNull()) put(DB.id_status, (String) sField);
sField = oRSet.getObject(10);
if (!oRSet.wasNull()) put(DB.path_metadata, (String) sField);
sField = oRSet.getObject(11);
if (!oRSet.wasNull()) put(DB.tx_comments, (String) sField);
sField = oRSet.getObject(12);
if (!oRSet.wasNull()) put(DB.gu_company, (String) sField);
sField = oRSet.getObject(13);
if (!oRSet.wasNull()) put(DB.gu_project, (String) sField);
sField = oRSet.getObject(14);
if (!oRSet.wasNull()) put(DB.tx_email_from, (String) sField);
sField = oRSet.getObject(15);
if (!oRSet.wasNull()) put(DB.tx_email_reply, (String) sField);
sField = oRSet.getObject(16);
if (!oRSet.wasNull()) put(DB.nm_from, (String) sField);
sField = oRSet.getObject(17);
if (!oRSet.wasNull()) put(DB.tx_subject, (String) sField);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End PageSetDB.load() : " + String.valueOf(bRetVal));
return bRetVal;
} // load
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public boolean store(JDCConnection oConn) throws SQLException {
java.sql.Timestamp dtNow = new java.sql.Timestamp(DBBind.getTime());
if (!AllVals.containsKey(DB.gu_pageset))
put(DB.gu_pageset, Gadgets.generateUUID());
// Forzar la fecha de modificación del registro
replace(DB.dt_modified, dtNow);
return super.store(oConn);
} // store
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public boolean delete(JDCConnection oConn) throws SQLException {
boolean bRetVal;
File oXFil;
Statement oStmt;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin PageSetDB.delete([Connection])");
if (exists(oConn)) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PageSet " + getString(DB.gu_pageset) + " exists");
if (!isNull(DB.path_data)) {
oXFil = new File(getString(DB.path_data));
if (oXFil.exists()) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("File.delete(" + getString(DB.path_data) + ")");
oXFil = null;
} // fi (path_data)
if (DBBind.exists(oConn, DB.k_list_jobs, "U")) {
oStmt = oConn.createStatement();
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.execute(" + "DELETE FROM " + DB.k_list_jobs + " WHERE " + DB.gu_pageset + "='" + getString(DB.gu_pageset) + "'" + ")");
oStmt.execute("DELETE FROM " + DB.k_list_jobs + " WHERE " + DB.gu_pageset + "='" + getString(DB.gu_pageset) + "'");
if (DBBind.exists(oConn, DB.k_pageset_answers, "U")) {
oStmt = oConn.createStatement();
oStmt.execute("DELETE FROM " + DB.k_pageset_answers + " WHERE " + DB.gu_pageset + "='" + getString(DB.gu_pageset) + "'");
oStmt.execute("DELETE FROM " + DB.k_pageset_datasheets + " WHERE " + DB.gu_pageset + "='" + getString(DB.gu_pageset) + "'");
oStmt.execute("DELETE FROM " + DB.k_datasheets_lookup + " WHERE " + DB.gu_owner + "='" + getString(DB.gu_pageset) + "'");
oStmt = oConn.createStatement();
oStmt.execute("DELETE FROM " + DB.k_pageset_pages + " WHERE " + DB.gu_pageset + "='" + getString(DB.gu_pageset) + "'");
bRetVal = super.delete(oConn);
bRetVal = false;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End PageSetDB.delete()" + String.valueOf(bRetVal));
return bRetVal;
} // delete
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public boolean existsFile() {
if (!isNull(DB.path_data))
return new File(getString(DB.path_data)).exists();
return false;
} // existsFile
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public void setPage(JDCConnection oConn, String sIdPage, int iPgPage, String sTlPage, String sPathPage) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement oStmt;
ResultSet oRSet;
String sGuPage;
String sSQL;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin PageSetDB.setPage([Connection], " + sIdPage + "," + String.valueOf(iPgPage) + "," + sTlPage + "," + sPathPage + ")");
sSQL = "SELECT " + DB.gu_page + " FROM " + DB.k_pageset_pages + " WHERE " + DB.gu_pageset + "=? AND " + DB.pg_page + "=?";
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareStatement(" + sSQL + ")");
oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement(sSQL);
oStmt.setString(1, getString(DB.gu_pageset));
oStmt.setInt(2, iPgPage);
oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery();
if (oRSet.next())
sGuPage = oRSet.getString(1);
sGuPage = null;
if (null==sGuPage) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareStatement(" + "INSERT INTO " + DB.k_pageset_pages + " (" + DB.gu_page + "," + DB.pg_page + "," + DB.gu_pageset + "," + DB.dt_modified + "," + DB.tl_page + "," + DB.path_page + ") VALUES ('" + sIdPage + "'," + String.valueOf(iPgPage) + ",'" + getString(DB.gu_pageset) + "'," + DBBind.escape(new Date(), "ts") + ",'" + sTlPage + "','" + sPathPage + "')" + ")");
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " + DB.k_pageset_pages + " (" + DB.gu_page + "," + DB.pg_page + "," + DB.gu_pageset + "," + DB.dt_modified + "," + DB.tl_page + "," + DB.path_page + ") VALUES (?,?,?," + DBBind.escape(new Date(), "ts") + ",?,?)";
oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement(sSQL);
oStmt.setString(1, sIdPage);
oStmt.setInt(2, iPgPage);
oStmt.setString(3, getString(DB.gu_pageset));
oStmt.setString(4, sTlPage);
oStmt.setString(5, sPathPage);
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PreparedStatement.execute()");
else {
sSQL = "UPDATE " + DB.k_pageset_pages + " SET " + DB.dt_modified + "=" + DBBind.escape(new Date(), "ts") + "," + DB.tl_page + "=?," + DB.path_page + "=? WHERE " + DB.gu_page + "=?";
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareStatement)" + sSQL + ")");
oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement(sSQL);
oStmt.setString(1, sTlPage);
oStmt.setString(2, sPathPage);
oStmt.setString(3, sGuPage);
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PreparedStatement.executeUpdate()");
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End PageSetDB.setPage()");
} // setPage
// **********************************************************
// Metodos Estáticos
* <p>Get relative path to XML data file</p>
* Relative path is readed from field path_data of table k_pagesets.<br>
* For example: domains/2049/workareas/c0a801ccf90ee54e40100000ffd3af4f/apps/Mailwire/data/Basic (Dec 8 2003 11.00.01 PM).xml<br>
* @param oConn Database Connection
* @param sPageSetGUID GUID of PageSet witch data file relative path is to be retrieved
* @return Relative path to XML metadata file or <b>null</b> if no Microsite with such GUID was found at k_microsites table.
* @throws SQLException
public static String filePath(JDCConnection oConn, String sPageSetGUID) throws SQLException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin PageSetDB.filePath([Connection], " + sPageSetGUID + ")");
PreparedStatement oStmt;
ResultSet oRSet;
String sFilePath;
oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement("SELECT " + DB.path_data + " FROM " + DB.k_pagesets + " WHERE " + DB.gu_pageset + "=?", ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
oStmt.setString(1, sPageSetGUID);
oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery();
if (oRSet.next())
sFilePath = oRSet.getString(1);
sFilePath = null;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End PageSetDB.filePath() : " + (sFilePath!=null ? sFilePath : "null"));
return sFilePath;
} // filePath
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* First Page of this PageSet
* @param oConn Database Connection
* @return PageDB object or <b>null</b> if this PageSet has no pages at k_pageset_pages table
* @throws SQLException
public PageDB getFirstPage(JDCConnection oConn) throws SQLException {
PageDB oPage = new PageDB();
DBSubset oPages = new DBSubset (DB.k_pageset_pages,oPage.getTable(oConn).getColumnsStr(),
DB.gu_pageset+"=? ORDER BY "+DB.pg_page, 1);
int nPages = oPages.load(oConn, new Object[]{getString(DB.gu_pageset)});
if (0==nPages) {
oPage = null;
} else {
return oPage;
} // getFirstPage
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* Pages of this PageSet
* @param oConn Database Connection
* @return Array of PageDB objects or <b>null</b> if this PageSet has no pages at k_pageset_pages table
* @throws SQLException
public PageDB[] getPages(JDCConnection oConn) throws SQLException {
PageDB[] aPages;
PageDB oPage = new PageDB();
DBSubset oPages = new DBSubset (DB.k_pageset_pages,oPage.getTable(oConn).getColumnsStr(),
DB.gu_pageset+"=? ORDER BY "+DB.pg_page, 10);
int nPages = oPages.load(oConn, new Object[]{getString(DB.gu_pageset)});
if (0==nPages) {
aPages = null;
} else {
aPages = new PageDB[nPages];
for (int p=0; p<nPages; p++) {
aPages[p] = new PageDB();
} // next
return aPages;
} // getPages
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Clone another page set including all its pages into current object instance</p>
* Both database registers and XML and HTML files are cloned.
* @param oConn JDCConnection
* @param sProtocol File transfer protocol (usually "file://") if <b>null</b> then file:// is the default
* @param sStorage String Absolute path to storage directory (from storage property of hipergate.cnf file)
* @param oSource Source PageSetDB object instance to be cloned
* @throws IOException
* @throws SQLException
* @since 5.0
public void clone(JDCConnection oConn, String sProtocol, String sStorage, PageSetDB oSource)
throws IOException, SQLException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin PageSetDB.clone([Connection], [PageSetDB])");
FileSystem oFS = new FileSystem();
if (sProtocol==null) sProtocol = "file://";
sStorage = Gadgets.chomp(sStorage, File.separator);
SimpleDateFormat oFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH.mm.ss");
int iLastSlash, iParenthesis;
String sPathMetadata = DBCommand.queryStr(oConn, "SELECT "+DB.path_metadata+" FROM "+DB.k_microsites+" WHERE "+DB.gu_microsite+"='"+oSource.getString(DB.gu_microsite)+"'");
replace(DB.gu_pageset, Gadgets.generateUUID());
if (getStringNull(DB.id_language,"").equals("es"))
replace(DB.nm_pageset, Gadgets.left("Copia de "+oSource.getString(DB.nm_pageset),100));
replace(DB.nm_pageset, Gadgets.left("Copy of "+oSource.getString(DB.nm_pageset),100));
String sPathData = getString(DB.path_data);
iLastSlash = sPathData.lastIndexOf('/');
if (-1==iLastSlash) iLastSlash = sPathData.lastIndexOf('\\');
sPathData = sPathData.substring(0, iLastSlash+1);
Date dtCreated = new Date();
String sXmlFileName = oSource.getString(DB.nm_pageset);
iParenthesis = sXmlFileName.indexOf('(');
if (iParenthesis>0) sXmlFileName = sXmlFileName.substring(0, iParenthesis);
sXmlFileName = Gadgets.ASCIIEncode(sXmlFileName).toLowerCase();
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("path_data="+sPathData+sXmlFileName+" ("+oFmt.format(dtCreated)+").xml");
replace(DB.path_data, sPathData+sXmlFileName+" ("+oFmt.format(dtCreated)+").xml");
setCreationDate(oConn, dtCreated);
PageSet oPSet = null;
try {
oPSet = new PageSet(sStorage+sPathMetadata, sStorage+oSource.getString(DB.path_data), false);
} catch (Exception xcpt) {
throw new IOException(xcpt.getMessage(), xcpt);
Node oRoot = oPSet.getRootNode();
Node oPgst = oPSet.seekChildByName(oRoot, "pageset");
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PageSet.setAttribute("+oPgst+",\"guid\",\""+getString(DB.gu_pageset)+"\")");
oPSet.setAttribute(oPgst, "guid", getString(DB.gu_pageset));
PageDB[] aPags = oSource.getPages(oConn);
if (aPags!=null) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PageSet.seekChildByName("+oPgst+",\"pages\")");
Node oPags = oPSet.seekChildByName(oPgst,"pages");
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PageSet.filterChildsByName("+oPags+",\"page\")");
Vector<DOMSubDocument> vPags = oPSet.filterChildsByName((Element) oPags, "page");
for (int p=0; p<aPags.length; p++) {
PageDB oPage = aPags[p];
oPage.replace(DB.gu_page, Gadgets.generateUUID());
oPage.replace(DB.gu_pageset, getString(DB.gu_pageset));
String sTlPage = oPage.getString(DB.tl_page);
iParenthesis = sTlPage.indexOf('(');
if (iParenthesis>0) sTlPage = sTlPage.substring(0, iParenthesis)+" ("+oFmt.format(dtCreated)+").html";
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PageDB.replace(DB.tl_page, \""+sTlPage+"\")");
oPage.replace(DB.tl_page, sTlPage);
final String sSrcPathPage = oPage.getString(DB.path_page);
String sPathPage = sSrcPathPage;
iLastSlash = sPathPage.indexOf("/"+oSource.getString(DB.gu_pageset)+"/");
if (-1==iLastSlash) iLastSlash = sPathPage.indexOf("\\"+oSource.getString(DB.gu_pageset)+"\\");
char cSep = sPathPage.charAt(iLastSlash);
String sPathPages = sPathPage.substring(0, ++iLastSlash)+getString(DB.gu_pageset);
sPathPage = sPathPages+cSep+sTlPage.replace(' ','_');
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Page.replace(DB.path_page, \""+sPathPages+cSep+sTlPage.replace(' ','_')+"\")");
oPage.replace(DB.path_page, sPathPages+cSep+sTlPage.replace(' ','_'));
oPage.setCreationDate(oConn, dtCreated);
oPSet.setAttribute(vPags.get(p).getNode(), "guid", oPage.getString(DB.gu_page));
try {
if (oFS.exists(sProtocol+sSrcPathPage))
oFS.copy(sProtocol+sSrcPathPage, sProtocol+sPathPage);
} catch (Exception xcpt) {
throw new IOException(xcpt.getMessage(), xcpt);
} // next
} // fi (aPags)
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End PageSetDB.clone()");
} // clone
// ----------------------------------------------------------
private String[] concatArrays(String[] a1, String a2[]) {
final int l1 = a1.length;
final int l2 = a2.length;
final int ll = l1+l2;
String[] aRetVal = Arrays.copyOf(a1, ll);
for (int e=0; e<l2; e++) aRetVal[e+l1] = a2[e];
return aRetVal;
} // concatArrays
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public String[] getBlackList() {
return aBlackList;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public void addBlackList(String[] aEMails)
throws MalformedPatternException {
if (aEMails!=null) {
if (aEMails.length>0) {
if (aBlackList==null) {
aBlackList = aEMails;
} else {
aBlackList = concatArrays(aBlackList, aEMails);
} // fi (aRecipients!=null)
final int nBlackList = aBlackList.length;
Arrays.sort(aBlackList, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
} // addBlackList
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public void clearRecipients() {
aRecipients = null;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public String[] getRecipients() {
return aRecipients;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public String getAllowPattern() {
return getStringNull(DB.tx_allow_regexp, "");
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public void setAllowPattern(String sAllowPattern) {
replace(DB.tx_allow_regexp, sAllowPattern);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public String getDenyPattern() {
return getStringNull(DB.tx_deny_regexp, "");
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public void setDenyPattern(String sDenyPattern) {
replace(DB.tx_deny_regexp, sDenyPattern);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public void addRecipients(String[] aEMails)
throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,MalformedPatternException {
String sAllowPattern, sDenyPattern;
ArrayList<String> oRecipientsWithoutDuplicates;
boolean bAllowed;
if (aEMails!=null) {
if (aEMails.length>0) {
if (aRecipients==null) {
aRecipients = aEMails;
} else {
aRecipients = concatArrays(aRecipients, aEMails);
} // fi (aRecipients!=null)
final int nRecipients = aRecipients.length;
Arrays.sort(aRecipients, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
oRecipientsWithoutDuplicates = new ArrayList<String>(nRecipients);
sAllowPattern = getAllowPattern();
sDenyPattern = getDenyPattern();
for (int r=0; r<nRecipients-1; r++) {
bAllowed = true;
try {
if (sAllowPattern.length()>0) bAllowed &= Gadgets.matches(aRecipients[r], sAllowPattern);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aiob) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Gadgets.matches("+aRecipients[r]+","+sAllowPattern+")");
try {
if (sDenyPattern.length()>0) bAllowed &= !Gadgets.matches(aRecipients[r], sDenyPattern);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aiob) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Gadgets.matches("+aRecipients[r]+","+sDenyPattern+")");
if (bAllowed) {
if (!aRecipients[r].equalsIgnoreCase(aRecipients[r+1])) {
if (aBlackList==null) {
if (aRecipients[r].trim().length()>0) oRecipientsWithoutDuplicates.add(aRecipients[r].trim());
} else if (Arrays.binarySearch(aBlackList, aRecipients[r].toLowerCase(), String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER)<0) {
if (aRecipients[r].trim().length()>0) oRecipientsWithoutDuplicates.add(aRecipients[r].trim());
} // fi
} // fi
} // fi bAllowed
} // next
try {
if (sAllowPattern.length()>0) bAllowed &= Gadgets.matches(aRecipients[nRecipients-1], sAllowPattern);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aiob) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Gadgets.matches("+aRecipients[nRecipients-1]+","+sAllowPattern+")");
try {
if (sDenyPattern.length()>0) bAllowed &= !Gadgets.matches(aRecipients[nRecipients-1], sDenyPattern);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aiob) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Gadgets.matches("+aRecipients[nRecipients-1]+","+sDenyPattern+")");
if (bAllowed) {
if (aBlackList==null) {
if (aRecipients[nRecipients-1].trim().length()>0) oRecipientsWithoutDuplicates.add(aRecipients[nRecipients-1].trim());
} else if (Arrays.binarySearch(aBlackList, aRecipients[nRecipients-1].toLowerCase(), String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER)<0) {
if (aRecipients[nRecipients-1].trim().length()>0) oRecipientsWithoutDuplicates.add(aRecipients[nRecipients-1].trim());
} // fi (bAllowed)
aRecipients = oRecipientsWithoutDuplicates.toArray(new String[oRecipientsWithoutDuplicates.size()]);
} // fi (aEMails != {})
} // fi (aEMails != null)
} // addRecipients
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public static boolean delete(JDCConnection oConn, String sPageSetGUID) throws SQLException {
PageSetDB oPGDB = new PageSetDB(oConn, sPageSetGUID);
return oPGDB.delete(oConn);
} // delete
// **********************************************************
// * Variables estáticas
public static final short ClassId = 71;