Copyright (C) 2003 Know Gate S.L. All rights reserved.
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"This product includes software parts from hipergate
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package com.knowgate.dataxslt;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.Templates;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
import com.knowgate.debug.DebugFile;
import com.knowgate.misc.Gadgets;
* XSL File Cache
* This class keeps a master copy in memory of each XSL Stylesheet file.<br>
* When a Transformer object is requested a copy of the master Stylesheet is
* done. This is faster than re-loading de XSL file from disk.<br>
* StylesheetCache is a WeakHashMap so cached stylesheets can be automatically
* garbage collected is memory runs low.
* @author Sergio Montoro Ten
* @version 1.0
public class StylesheetCache {
private StylesheetCache() { }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get Transformer object for XSL file.
* StylesheetCache automatically checks file last modification date and compares
* it with loading date for cached objects. If file is more recent than its cached
* object then the disk copy is reloaded.
* @param sFilePath File Path
* @throws IOException
* @throws TransformerException
* @throws TransformerConfigurationException
public static synchronized Transformer newTransformer(String sFilePath)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin StylesheetCache.newTransformer(" + sFilePath + ")");
File oFile = new File(sFilePath);
if (!oFile.exists()) {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("File not found " + sFilePath);
throw new FileNotFoundException(sFilePath);
long lastMod = oFile.lastModified();
TransformerFactory oFactory;
Templates oTemplates;
StreamSource oStreamSrc;
SheetEntry oSheet = (SheetEntry) oCache.get(sFilePath);
if (null!=oSheet) {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Cache hit: Cached stylesheet date "+new Date(oSheet.lastModified).toString() + " Disk file date "+new Date(lastMod).toString());
if (lastMod>oSheet.lastModified) {
oSheet = null;
} // fi (oSheet)
if (null==oSheet) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("TransformerFactory.newInstance()");
oFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("new StreamSource("+sFilePath+")");
oStreamSrc = new StreamSource(sFilePath);
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("TransformerFactory.newTemplates(StreamSource)");
oTemplates = oFactory.newTemplates(oStreamSrc);
oSheet = new SheetEntry(lastMod, oTemplates);
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("WeakHashMap.put("+sFilePath+", SheetEntry)");
oCache.put(sFilePath, oSheet);
} // fi
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("javax.xml.transform.Templates.newTransformer()");
Transformer oTransformer = oSheet.templates.newTransformer();
if (DebugFile.trace) {
if (null==oTransformer)
DebugFile.writeln("End StylesheetCache.newTransformer() : null");
DebugFile.writeln("End StylesheetCache.newTransformer() : " + oTransformer.toString());
return oTransformer;
} // newTransformer()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set parameters for a StyleSheet taken from a properties collection.
* This method is primarily designed for setting environment parameters.
* @param oXSL Transformer object.
* @param oProps Properties to be set as parameters. The substring "param_"
* will be added as a preffix to each property name passed as parameter.
* So if you pass a property named "workarea" it must be retrieved from XSL
* as <xsl:param name="param_workarea"/>
* @throws NullPointerException if oXSL is <b>null</b> or oProps is <b>null</b>
public static void setParameters(Transformer oXSL, Properties oProps)
throws NullPointerException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin StylesheetCache.setParameters(Transformer, Properties)");
if (null==oXSL) throw new NullPointerException("StylesheetCache.setParameters() Transformer may not be null");
if (null==oProps) throw new NullPointerException("StylesheetCache.setParameters() Properties may not be null");
String sKey, sVal;
Iterator myIterator = oProps.keySet().iterator();
while (myIterator.hasNext())
sKey = (String) myIterator.next();
sVal = oProps.getProperty(sKey);
try {
oXSL.setParameter("param_" + sKey, sVal);
} catch (Exception xcpt) {
if (DebugFile.trace)
DebugFile.writeln("Transformer.setParameter(param_"+sKey+","+sVal+") "+xcpt.getClass().getName()+" "+xcpt.getMessage());
} // wend()
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End StylesheetCache.setParameters()");
} // setParameters
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Perform XSLT transformation
* @param sStyleSheetPath File Path to XSL style sheet file
* @param oXMLInputStream Input Stream for XML source data
* @param oOutputStream Stream where output is to be written
* @param oProps Parameters for Transformer. The substring "param_"
* will be added as a preffix to each property name passed as parameter.
* So if you pass a property named "workarea" it must be retrieved from XSL
* as <xsl:param name="param_workarea"/>
* @throws NullPointerException if oProps is <b>null</b>
* @throws FileNotFoundException if sStyleSheetPath does not exist
* @throws IOException
* @throws TransformerException
* @throws TransformerConfigurationException
public static void transform (String sStyleSheetPath,
InputStream oXMLInputStream,
OutputStream oOutputStream, Properties oProps)
throws IOException, FileNotFoundException,
NullPointerException, TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException {
long lElapsed = 0;
if (null==sStyleSheetPath)
throw new NullPointerException ("StylesheetCache.transform() style sheet path may not be null");
if (null==oXMLInputStream)
throw new NullPointerException ("StylesheetCache.transform() InputStream may not be null");
if (null==oOutputStream)
throw new NullPointerException ("StylesheetCache.transform() OutputStream may not be null");
if (DebugFile.trace) {
if (!new File(sStyleSheetPath).exists())
throw new FileNotFoundException ("StylesheetCache.transform() "+sStyleSheetPath);
lElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis();
DebugFile.writeln("Begin StylesheetCache.transform(" + sStyleSheetPath + ", InputStream, Properties)");
Transformer oTransformer = StylesheetCache.newTransformer(sStyleSheetPath);
if (null!=oProps) setParameters(oTransformer, oProps);
StreamSource oStreamSrcXML = new StreamSource(oXMLInputStream);
StreamResult oStreamResult = new StreamResult(oOutputStream);
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Transformer.transform(StreamSource,StreamResult)");
oTransformer.transform(oStreamSrcXML, oStreamResult);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("done in " + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()-lElapsed) + " miliseconds");
DebugFile.writeln("End StylesheetCache.transform()");
} // transform
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Perform XSLT transformation
* @param sStyleSheetPath File Path to XSL style sheet file
* @param sXMLInput Input String with XML source data
* @param oProps Parameters for Transformer. The substring "param_"
* will be added as a preffix to each property name passed as parameter.
* So if you pass a property named "workarea" it must be retrieved from XSL
* as <xsl:param name="param_workarea"/>
* @return String Transformed document
* @throws NullPointerException if sXMLInput or oProps are <b>null</b>
* @throws FileNotFoundException if sStyleSheetPath does not exist
* @throws IOException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
* @throws TransformerException
* @throws TransformerConfigurationException
* @since 3.0
public static String transform (String sStyleSheetPath, String sXMLInput, Properties oProps)
throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException,
NullPointerException, TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin StylesheetCache.transform(" + sStyleSheetPath + ", String, Properties)");
if (null==sXMLInput) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
throw new NullPointerException("StylesheetCache.transform() XML input String may not be null");
// ****************************************
// Get character encoding of input XML data
String sEncoding;
int iEnc = Gadgets.indexOfIgnoreCase(sXMLInput, "encoding");
if (iEnc<0) {
sEncoding = "ISO8859_1";
} else {
int iBeg = iEnc+8;
int iEnd;
while (sXMLInput.charAt(iBeg)==' ' || sXMLInput.charAt(iBeg)=='=') iBeg++;
while (sXMLInput.charAt(iBeg)==' ') iBeg++;
if (sXMLInput.charAt(iBeg)=='"') {
iEnd = ++iBeg;
while (sXMLInput.charAt(iEnd)!='"') iEnd++;
} else {
iEnd = iBeg;
while (sXMLInput.charAt(iEnd)!=' ' && sXMLInput.charAt(iEnd)!='?') iEnd++;
} // fi
sEncoding = sXMLInput.substring(iBeg, iEnd);
} // fi
// ****************************************
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("XML input file encoding is "+sEncoding);
ByteArrayOutputStream oOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteArrayInputStream oXMLInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(sXMLInput.getBytes(sEncoding));
Transformer oTransformer = StylesheetCache.newTransformer(sStyleSheetPath);
if (null!=oProps) setParameters(oTransformer, oProps);
StreamSource oStreamSrcXML = new StreamSource(oXMLInputStream);
StreamResult oStreamResult = new StreamResult(oOutputStream);
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Transformer.transform(StreamSource,StreamResult)");
oTransformer.transform(oStreamSrcXML, oStreamResult);
oStreamSrcXML = null;
String sRetVal = oOutputStream.toString(sEncoding);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
if (null==sRetVal)
DebugFile.writeln("Transformer.transform() returned null");
DebugFile.writeln("Transformer.transform() returned "+String.valueOf(sRetVal.length())+" characters");
oStreamResult = null;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End StylesheetCache.transform()");
return sRetVal;
} // transform
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Perform XSLT transformation
* @param oStyleSheetStream Stream to XSL style sheet
* @param oXMLInput Input Stream with XML source data
* @param oEncoding Input Stream data encoding
* @param oProps Parameters for Transformer. The substring "param_"
* will be added as a preffix to each property name passed as parameter.
* So if you pass a property named "workarea" it must be retrieved from XSL
* as <xsl:param name="param_workarea"/>
* @return String Transformed document
* @throws NullPointerException if sXMLInput or oProps are <b>null</b>
* @throws FileNotFoundException if sStyleSheetPath does not exist
* @throws IOException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
* @throws TransformerException
* @throws TransformerConfigurationException
* @since 6.0
public static String transform (InputStream oStyleSheetStream, InputStream oXMLInputStream, String sEncoding, Properties oProps)
throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException,
NullPointerException, TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin StylesheetCache.transform([InputStream], [InputStream], "+sEncoding+", [Properties])");
if (null==oStyleSheetStream) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
throw new NullPointerException("StylesheetCache.transform() XSL input stream may not be null");
if (null==oXMLInputStream) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
throw new NullPointerException("StylesheetCache.transform() XML input stream may not be null");
ByteArrayOutputStream oOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
TransformerFactory oFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
StreamSource oStreamSrc = new StreamSource(oStyleSheetStream);
Templates oTemplates = oFactory.newTemplates(oStreamSrc);
Transformer oTransformer = oTemplates.newTransformer();
if (null!=oProps) setParameters(oTransformer, oProps);
StreamSource oStreamSrcXML = new StreamSource(oXMLInputStream);
StreamResult oStreamResult = new StreamResult(oOutputStream);
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Transformer.transform(StreamSource,StreamResult)");
oTransformer.transform(oStreamSrcXML, oStreamResult);
oStreamSrcXML = null;
String sRetVal = oOutputStream.toString(sEncoding);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
if (null==sRetVal)
DebugFile.writeln("Transformer.transform() returned null");
DebugFile.writeln("Transformer.transform() returned "+String.valueOf(sRetVal.length())+" characters");
oStreamResult = null;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End StylesheetCache.transform()");
return sRetVal;
} // transform
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Perform XSLT transformation
* @param oStyleSheetStream Stream to XSL style sheet
* @param sXMLInput Input String with XML source data
* @param oProps Parameters for Transformer. The substring "param_"
* will be added as a preffix to each property name passed as parameter.
* So if you pass a property named "workarea" it must be retrieved from XSL
* as <xsl:param name="param_workarea"/>
* @return String Transformed document
* @throws NullPointerException if sXMLInput or oProps are <b>null</b>
* @throws FileNotFoundException if sStyleSheetPath does not exist
* @throws IOException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
* @throws TransformerException
* @throws TransformerConfigurationException
* @since 5.0
public static String transform (InputStream oStyleSheetStream, String sXMLInput, Properties oProps)
throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException,
NullPointerException, TransformerException, TransformerConfigurationException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin StylesheetCache.transform([InputStream], String, Properties)");
if (null==oStyleSheetStream) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
throw new NullPointerException("StylesheetCache.transform() XSL input stream may not be null");
if (null==sXMLInput) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
throw new NullPointerException("StylesheetCache.transform() XML input String may not be null");
// ****************************************
// Get character encoding of input XML data
String sEncoding;
int iEnc = Gadgets.indexOfIgnoreCase(sXMLInput, "encoding");
if (iEnc<0) {
sEncoding = "ISO8859_1";
} else {
int iBeg = iEnc+8;
int iEnd;
while (sXMLInput.charAt(iBeg)==' ' || sXMLInput.charAt(iBeg)=='=') iBeg++;
while (sXMLInput.charAt(iBeg)==' ') iBeg++;
if (sXMLInput.charAt(iBeg)=='"') {
iEnd = ++iBeg;
while (sXMLInput.charAt(iEnd)!='"') iEnd++;
} else {
iEnd = iBeg;
while (sXMLInput.charAt(iEnd)!=' ' && sXMLInput.charAt(iEnd)!='?') iEnd++;
} // fi
sEncoding = sXMLInput.substring(iBeg, iEnd);
} // fi
// ****************************************
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("XML input file encoding is "+sEncoding);
ByteArrayInputStream oXMLInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(sXMLInput.getBytes(sEncoding));
String sRetVal = transform(oStyleSheetStream, oXMLInputStream, sEncoding, oProps);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End StylesheetCache.transform()");
return sRetVal;
} // transform
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static class SheetEntry {
long lastModified;
Templates templates;
SheetEntry (long lLastModified, Templates oTemplats) {
lastModified = lLastModified;
templates = oTemplats;
} // SheetEntry
private static WeakHashMap oCache = new WeakHashMap();
} // StylesheetCache