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package com.knowgate.dataxslt;
import java.util.HashMap;
* A SoftReferences cache to Microsite objects.
* When working with XSL tranformations, typically only a small number of Microsite
* definitions are used. the definitions are stored in XML files that have to be parsed
* for adding data to PageSets.<br>
* MicrositeFactory loads once and the reuses Microsite objects reducing disk access
* and CPU intensive XML parsing routines.
* @author Sergio Montoro Ten
* @version 1.0
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
public class MicrositeFactory {
public static boolean bCache = true;
public static HashMap oMicrosites = new HashMap();
public MicrositeFactory() {
* @return Caching status on/off
public static boolean cache () {
return bCache;
* Turns Microsite caching on/off
* @param bCacheOnOf <b>true</b> if Microsite caching is to be activated,
* <b>false</b> if Microsite caching is to be deactivated.
public static void cache (boolean bCacheOnOf) {
bCache = bCacheOnOf;
if (false==bCacheOnOf)
* Get a Microsite from an XML file
* If Microsite is cached then cached instance is returned.
* @param sURI XML file URI starting with file://
* (for example file:///opt/knowgate/storage/xslt/templates/Comtemporary.xml)
* @param bValidateXML <b>true</b> if XML validation with W3C schemas is to be done,
* <b>false</b> is no validation is to be done.
* @return Microsite instance
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
public static synchronized Microsite getInstance(String sURI, boolean bValidateXML) throws ClassNotFoundException, Exception, IllegalAccessException {
Microsite oRetObj;
Object oRefObj;
if (bCache) {
oRefObj = oMicrosites.get(sURI);
if (null == oRefObj) {
oRetObj = new Microsite(sURI, bValidateXML);
oMicrosites.put(sURI, new SoftReference(oRetObj));
else {
oRetObj = (Microsite) ( (SoftReference) oRefObj).get();
if (null == oRetObj)
oRetObj = new Microsite(sURI, bValidateXML);
return oRetObj;
oRetObj = new Microsite(sURI, bValidateXML);
return oRetObj;
} // getInstance
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get a Microsite from an XML file
* If Microsite is cached then cached instance is returned.
* XML validation is disabled.
* @param sURI XML file path
* @return Microsite instance
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
public static Microsite getInstance(String sURI) throws ClassNotFoundException, Exception, IllegalAccessException {
return getInstance(sURI, false);
} // getInstance