Package com.knowgate.dataobjs

Source Code of com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBSubset

  Copyright (C) 2003  Know Gate S.L. All rights reserved.
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  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  2. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
     if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
     "This product includes software parts from hipergate
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package com.knowgate.dataobjs;


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.ParameterMetaData;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;

import com.knowgate.debug.DebugFile;
import com.knowgate.debug.StackTraceUtil;
import com.knowgate.jdc.JDCConnection;
import com.knowgate.misc.Gadgets;
import com.knowgate.misc.CSVParser;
import com.knowgate.math.Money;

* <p>A bidimensional array representing data readed from a database table.</p>
* The DBSubset object is used for reading a collection of registers from the database
* and kept them in memory for inmediate access.
* As hipergate reuses database connections by recycling them at the {@link JDCConnectionPool},
* it is a good programming practice to read just the needed number of registers in a single
* step operation and then free the connection as soon as possible for being used by another processs.
* Another reason for this "read fast and leave" tactic is that some JDBC drivers have problems
* managing multiple open resultsets with pending results in a single connection.
* @author Sergio Montoro Ten
* @version 3.0

public final class DBSubset {

   * </p>Contructs a DBSubset.</p>
   * @param sTableName Base table or tables, ie. "k_products" or "k_products p, k_x_cat_objs x"
   * @param sColumnList Column list to be retirved from base tables i.e "p.gu_product,p.nm_product"
   * @param sFilterClause SQL filter clause or <b>null</b> if there is no filter clause to be applied.
   * @param iFetchSize Space for number of rows initailly allocated. Is DBSubset later loads more rows
   * the buffer is automatically expanded. This parameter may also have a great effect on reducing
   * network round trips as the ResultSet.setFetchSize(iFetchSize) method is called prior to fetching
   * rows. Fetching rows in batches is much faster than doing so one by one. When iFetchSize is set,
   * the JDBC driver may optimize accesses to fetched rows by reading bursts and
   * caching rows at client side.

  public DBSubset (String sTableName, String sColumnList, String sFilterClause, int iFetchSize) {
    if (DebugFile.trace)
      DebugFile.writeln ("new DBSubset(" + sTableName + "," + sColumnList + "," + sFilterClause + "," + String.valueOf(iFetchSize)+")");

    sTable = sTableName;
    sColList = sColumnList;

    if (null!=sFilterClause) {
     sFilter = sFilterClause;

     if (sFilter.length()>0)
        sSelect = "SELECT " +  sColList + " FROM " + sTable + " WHERE " + sFilter;
        sSelect = "SELECT " +  sColList + " FROM " + sTable;
    else {
      sFilter = "";
      sSelect = "SELECT " +  sColList + " FROM " + sTable;

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln (sSelect);

    oResults = null;
    sInsert = "";
    iFetch = iFetchSize;
    iColCount = 0;
    iMaxRows = -1;
    iTimeOut = 60;
    bEOF = true;
    sColDelim = "`";
    sRowDelim = "¨";
    sTxtQualifier = "\"";
    oShortDate = null;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * Delete rows from base table
   * @param oConn Connection
   * @param aFilterValues Object[] Parameters for sFilter parameter specified at constructor
   * @return int Number of rows deleted
   * @throws SQLException
  public int clear(Connection oConn, Object[] aFilterValues) throws SQLException
    int iAffected=0;
    PreparedStatement oStmt;

    if (DebugFile.trace)
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.clear([Connection], Object[])");

    // Begin SQLException

      if (sFilter.length()>0)
        oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + sTable + " WHERE " + sFilter);
        oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + sTable);

      for (int c=0; c<aFilterValues.length; c++)
        oStmt.setObject(c+1, aFilterValues[c]);

      iAffected = oStmt.executeUpdate();

    // End SQLException

    oResults = null;
    oSubRecords = null;

    if (DebugFile.trace)
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.clear()");

    return iAffected;
  } // clear

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @return <b>true</b> if call() or load() methods readed all available rows,
   * <b>false</b> if more rows where pending of reading when getMaxRows() was
   * reached.<br>
   * Also, after calling store(), eof() is <b>true</b> if all rows were stored
   * successfully or <b>false</b> if any row failed to be inserted or updated.
  public boolean eof() {
    return bEOF;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @return Maximum number of rows to be readed from database
  public int getMaxRows() {
    return iMaxRows;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Maximum number of rows to be readed from database</p>
   * <p>The exact behavior of this property depends on the RDBMS used.</p>
   * <p>For <b>PostgreSQL</b> [LIMIT n] clause is appended to DBSubset query and all returned rows are readed.</p>
   * <p>For <b>Microsoft SQL Server</b> [OPTION FAST(n)] clause is appended to DBSubset query
   * and then the number of readed rows is limited at client side fetching.</p>
   * <p>For <b>Oracle</b> there is no standard way of limiting the resultset size.
   * The number of readed rows is just limited at client side fetching.</p>

  public void setMaxRows(int iMax) {
    iMaxRows = iMax;   

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @return Maximum amount of time in seconds that a query may run before being cancelled.

  public int getQueryTimeout() {
    return iTimeOut;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * Maximum number of seconds that a query can be executing before raising a timeout exception
   * @param iMaxSeconds
  public void setQueryTimeout(int iMaxSeconds) {
    iTimeOut = iMaxSeconds;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

  private void setFetchSize(JDCConnection oConn, ResultSet oRSet)
    throws SQLException {

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.setFetchSize()");

    if (oConn.getDataBaseProduct()==JDCConnection.DBMS_POSTGRESQL)
      // PostgreSQL does not support setFetchSize()
      iFetch = 1;

    else {

      try {
        if (0!=iFetch)
          oRSet.setFetchSize (iFetch);
          iFetch = oRSet.getFetchSize();
      catch (SQLException e) {
        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(e.getMessage());
        iFetch = 1;

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.setFetchSize() : " + iFetch);
    } // setFetchSize

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

  private int fetchResultSet (ResultSet oRSet, int iSkip)
    throws SQLException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    Vector oRow;
    int iCol;
    int iRetVal = 0;
    int iMaxRow = iMaxRows<0 ? 2147483647 : iMaxRows;
    long lFetchTime = 0;
    Object oFieldValue;

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.fetchResultSet([ResultSet], " + String.valueOf(iSkip) + ")");
      DebugFile.writeln("column count = " + String.valueOf(iColCount));
      DebugFile.writeln("max. rows = " + String.valueOf(iMaxRows));
      DebugFile.writeln("new Vector(" + String.valueOf(iFetch) + "," + String.valueOf(iFetch) + ")");
      lFetchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    oResults = new Vector(iFetch, iFetch);

    if (0!=iSkip) {;

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("ResultSet.relative(" + String.valueOf(iSkip-1) + ")");

      oRSet.relative (iSkip-1);
    } // fi(iSkip)

    boolean bHasNext =;

    while (bHasNext && iRetVal<iMaxRow) {

      oRow = new Vector(iColCount);

      for (iCol=1; iCol<=iColCount; iCol++) {
        oFieldValue = oRSet.getObject(iCol);
        if (oRSet.wasNull())
          oRow.add (null);
          oRow.add (oFieldValue);
      } // next


      bHasNext =;
    } // wend

    if (0==iRetVal || iRetVal<iMaxRow) {
      bEOF = true;
      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("readed " + String.valueOf(iRetVal) + " rows eof() = true");
    else {
      bEOF = !bHasNext;

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("readed max " + String.valueOf(iMaxRow) + " rows eof() = " + String.valueOf(bEOF));

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("fetching done in " + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()-lFetchTime) + " ms");
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.fetchResultSet() : " + String.valueOf(iRetVal));

    return iRetVal;
    } // fetchResultSet

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Execute a stored procedure returning a ResultSet</p>
   * @param oConn Database Connection
   * @return Number of rows retrieved
   * @throws SQLException

  public int call (JDCConnection oConn) throws SQLException {
    return call(oConn,0);

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Execute a stored procedure returning a ResultSet</p>
   * @param oConn Database Connection
   * @param iSkip Number of rows to be skipped before reading
   * @return Number of rows retrieved
   * @throws SQLException
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if iSkip<0
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  public int call (JDCConnection oConn, int iSkip)
      throws SQLException, IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    CallableStatement oStmt;
    ResultSet oRSet;
    ResultSetMetaData oMDat;
    int iRows = 0;
    int iType = (iSkip==0 ? ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY : ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE);

    if (DebugFile.trace)
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin[Connection]," + iSkip + ")");

    // Begin SQLException

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareCall({call " + sTable + "()}");
      oStmt = oConn.prepareCall("{call " + sTable + "()}", iType, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.executeQuery(" + sTable + ")");

      oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery();

      oMDat = oRSet.getMetaData();
      iColCount = oMDat.getColumnCount();
      ColNames = new String[iColCount];

      for (int c=1; c<=iColCount; c++) {
        ColNames[c-1] = oMDat.getColumnName(c).toLowerCase();
      oMDat = null;

      setFetchSize(oConn, oRSet);

      iRows = fetchResultSet(oRSet,iSkip);

      oRSet = null;

      oStmt = null;

    // End SQLException

    if (DebugFile.trace)

    return iRows;
  } // call()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Execute a stored procedure returning a ResultSet</p>
   * @param oConn Database Connection
   * @param aFilterValues Values to be binded and JDBC PreparedStatement query paramenters.
   * @return Number of rows retrieved
   * @throws SQLException

  public int call (JDCConnection oConn, Object[] aFilterValues) throws SQLException {
    return call(oConn, aFilterValues, 0);

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Execute a stored procedure returning a ResultSet</p>
   * @param oConn Database Connection
   * @param aFilterValues Values to be binded and JDBC PreparedStatement query paramenters.
   * @param iSkip Number of rows to be skipped before reading
   * @return Number of rows retrieved,
   * the maximum number of rows to be retrieved is determined by calling method
   * setMaxRows(), if setMaxRows() is not called before call() then all rows existing are retrieved.
   * @throws SQLException
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  public int call (JDCConnection oConn, Object[] aFilterValues, int iSkip)
    throws SQLException, IllegalArgumentException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    CallableStatement oStmt;
    ResultSet oRSet;
    ResultSetMetaData oMDat;

    int iRows = 0;
    int iType = (iSkip==0 ? ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY : ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE);

    if (DebugFile.trace)
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin[Connection:""], Object[]," + iSkip + ")");

    // Begin SQLException
      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareCall({call " + sTable + "()}");
      oStmt = oConn.prepareCall("{call " + sTable + "()}", iType, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);

      for (int p=0; p<aFilterValues.length; p++)
        oStmt.setObject(p+1, aFilterValues[p]);

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.executeQuery()");

      oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery();

      oMDat = oRSet.getMetaData();
      iColCount = oMDat.getColumnCount();
      ColNames = new String[iColCount];

      for (int c=1; c<=iColCount; c++) {
        ColNames[c-1] = oMDat.getColumnName(c).toLowerCase();
      oMDat = null;

      setFetchSize(oConn, oRSet);

      iRows = fetchResultSet(oRSet, iSkip);

      oRSet = null;

      oStmt = null;

    // End SQLException

    if (DebugFile.trace)

    return iRows;
  } // call

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Execute a JDBC Statement and load query ResultSet in an internal bidimensional matrix</p>
   * @param oConn Database Connection
   * @return Number of rows retrieved
   * the maximum number of rows to be retrieved is determined by calling method
   * setMaxRows(), if setMaxRows() is not called before call() then all rows existing are retrieved.
   * @throws SQLException

  public int load (JDCConnection oConn)
    throws SQLException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, NullPointerException {
    return load(oConn, 0);

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Execute a JDBC Statement and load query ResultSet in an internal bidimensional matrix</p>
   * @param oConn Database Connection
   * @param iSkip Number of rows to be skipped before reading. On database systems that support an
   * OFFSET clause (such as PostgreSQL) the native offset feature of the DBMS is used, in case that
   * the DBMS does not provide offset capabilities, the data is fetched and discarded at client side
   * before returning the DBSubset. Care must be taken when skipping a large number of rows in client
   * side mode as it may cause heavy network traffic and round trips to the database.
   * @return Number of rows retrieved
   * the maximum number of rows to be retrieved is determined by calling method
   * setMaxRows(), if setMaxRows() is not called before call() then all rows existing are retrieved.
   * @throws SQLException
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if iSkip<0
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @throws NullPointerException

  public int load (JDCConnection oConn, int iSkip)
    throws SQLException, IllegalArgumentException,
    ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, NullPointerException {

    Statement oStmt = null;
    ResultSet oRSet = null;
    ResultSetMetaData oMDat;
    int iRows = 0;
    int iType = (iSkip==0 ? ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY : ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE);
    long lQueryTime = 0;

    if (DebugFile.trace)
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.load([Connection]," + iSkip + ")");
      lQueryTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    if (iSkip<0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("row offset must be equal to or greater than zero");

    if (null==oConn)
      throw new NullPointerException("DBSubset.load() JDCConnection parameter is null");

    if (DebugFile.trace)

    try {

      oStmt = oConn.createStatement (iType, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);

      if (iMaxRows>0) {

        switch (oConn.getDataBaseProduct()) {

          case JDCConnection.DBMS_MSSQL:
            if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Statement.executeQuery(" + sSelect + " OPTION (FAST " + String.valueOf(iMaxRows) + ")" + ")");
            oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery(sSelect + " OPTION (FAST " + String.valueOf(iMaxRows) + ")");

          case JDCConnection.DBMS_MYSQL:
            if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Statement.executeQuery(" + sSelect + " LIMIT " + String.valueOf(iSkip) + "," + String.valueOf(iMaxRows+2) + ")");
            oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery(sSelect + " LIMIT " + String.valueOf(iSkip) + "," + String.valueOf(iMaxRows+2));
            iSkip = 0; // Use PostgreSQL native OFFSET clause, so do not skip any rows before client side fetching

          case JDCConnection.DBMS_POSTGRESQL:
            if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Statement.executeQuery(" + sSelect + " LIMIT " + String.valueOf(iMaxRows+2) + " OFFSET " + String.valueOf(iSkip) + ")");
            oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery(sSelect + " LIMIT " + String.valueOf(iMaxRows+2) + " OFFSET " + String.valueOf(iSkip));
            iSkip = 0; // Use PostgreSQL native OFFSET clause, so do not skip any rows before client side fetching

            if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Statement.executeQuery(" + sSelect + ")");
            oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery(sSelect);
        } // end switch
      else {
        switch (oConn.getDataBaseProduct()) {

          case JDCConnection.DBMS_MYSQL:
            if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Statement.executeQuery(" + sSelect + " LIMIT " + String.valueOf(iSkip) + ",2147483647)");
            oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery(sSelect + " LIMIT " + String.valueOf(iSkip) + ",2147483647" );
            iSkip = 0; // Use MySQL native LIMIT clause, so do not skip any rows before client side fetching

          case JDCConnection.DBMS_POSTGRESQL:
            if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Statement.executeQuery(" + sSelect + " OFFSET " + String.valueOf(iSkip) + ")");
            oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery(sSelect + " OFFSET " + String.valueOf(iSkip));
            iSkip = 0; // Use PostgreSQL native OFFSET clause, so do not skip any rows before client side fetching

            if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Statement.executeQuery(" + sSelect + ")");
            oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery(sSelect);
        } // end switch

      if (DebugFile.trace) {
        DebugFile.writeln("query executed in " + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()-lQueryTime) + " ms");

      oMDat = oRSet.getMetaData();
      iColCount = oMDat.getColumnCount();
      ColNames = new String[iColCount];

      for (int c=1; c<=iColCount; c++) {
        ColNames[c-1] = oMDat.getColumnName(c).toLowerCase();

      oMDat = null;

      setFetchSize(oConn, oRSet);

      iRows = fetchResultSet(oRSet,iSkip);

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("ResultSet.close()");

      oRSet = null;

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PreparedStatement.close()");

      oStmt = null;

    catch (SQLException sqle) {
      try { if (null!=oRSet) oRSet.close();
      } catch (Exception logit) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(logit.getClass().getName()+" "+logit.getMessage()); }
      try { if (null!=oStmt) oStmt.close();
      } catch (Exception logit) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(logit.getClass().getName()+" "+logit.getMessage()); }
      throw new SQLException(sqle.getMessage(), sqle.getSQLState(), sqle.getErrorCode());
    catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aiob) {
      try { if (null!=oRSet) oRSet.close();
      } catch (Exception logit) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(logit.getClass().getName()+" "+logit.getMessage()); }
      try { if (null!=oStmt) oStmt.close();
      } catch (Exception logit) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(logit.getClass().getName()+" "+logit.getMessage()); }
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("DBSubset.load() " + aiob.getMessage());
    catch (NullPointerException npe) {
      try { if (null!=oRSet) oRSet.close();
      } catch (Exception logit) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(logit.getClass().getName()+" "+logit.getMessage()); }
      try { if (null!=oStmt) oStmt.close();
      } catch (Exception logit) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(logit.getClass().getName()+" "+logit.getMessage()); }
      throw new NullPointerException("DBSubset.load()");

    if (DebugFile.trace)
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.load() : "+String.valueOf(iRows));

    return iRows;
  } // load()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Execute a JDBC Statement and load query ResultSet in an internal bidimensional matrix</p>
   * @param oConn Database Connection
   * @param aFilterValues Values to be binded and JDBC PreparedStatement query paramenters.
   * @return Number of rows retrieved
   * the maximum number of rows to be retrieved is determined by calling method
   * setMaxRows(), if setMaxRows() is not called before call() then all rows existing are retrieved.
   * @throws SQLException

  public int load (JDCConnection oConn, Object[] aFilterValues)
    throws SQLException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, NullPointerException {

    return load(oConn, aFilterValues, 0);

   * <p>Execute a JDBC Statement and load query ResultSet in an internal bidimensional matrix</p>
   * @param oConn Database Connection
   * @param aFilterValues Values to be binded and JDBC PreparedStatement query paramenters.
   * @param iSkip Number of rows to be skipped before reading. On database systems that support an
   * OFFSET clause (such as PostgreSQL) the native offset feature of the DBMS is used, in case that
   * the DBMS does not provide offset capabilities, the data is fetched and discarded at client side
   * before returning the DBSubset. Care must be taken when skipping a large number of rows in client
   * side mode as it may cause heavy network traffic and round trips to the database.
   * @return Number of rows retrieved
   * the maximum number of rows to be retrieved is determined by calling method
   * setMaxRows(), if setMaxRows() is not called before call() then all rows existing are retrieved.
   * @throws SQLException
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if iSkip<0

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

  public int load (JDCConnection oConn, Object[] aFilterValues, int iSkip)
    throws SQLException, IllegalArgumentException,
    ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, NullPointerException {

    PreparedStatement oStmt = null;
    ResultSet oRSet = null;
    ResultSetMetaData oMDat;

    int iRows = 0;
    int iType = (iSkip==0 ? ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY : ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE);
    long lQueryTime = 0;

    if (DebugFile.trace)
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.load([Connection], Object[]," + iSkip + ")");

    if (iSkip<0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("row offset must be equal to or greater than zero");

    if (null==oConn)
      throw new NullPointerException("DBSubset.load() JDCConnection parameter is null");

    if (DebugFile.trace)

    try {

      if (iMaxRows>0) {

        switch (oConn.getDataBaseProduct()) {

          case JDCConnection.DBMS_MSSQL:
            if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareStatement(" + sSelect + " OPTION (FAST " + String.valueOf(iMaxRows) + ")" + ")");
            oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement(sSelect + " OPTION (FAST " + String.valueOf(iMaxRows) + ")", iType, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);

          case JDCConnection.DBMS_POSTGRESQL:
          case JDCConnection.DBMS_MYSQL:
            if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareStatement(" + sSelect + " LIMIT " + String.valueOf(iMaxRows+2) + " OFFSET " + String.valueOf(iSkip) + ")");
            oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement(sSelect + " LIMIT " + String.valueOf(iMaxRows+2) + " OFFSET " + String.valueOf(iSkip), ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
            iSkip = 0; // Use PostgreSQL native OFFSET clause, so do not skip any rows before client side fetching

            if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareStatement(" + sSelect + ")");
            oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement(sSelect, iType, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
        } // end switch

      else {
        switch (oConn.getDataBaseProduct()) {

          case JDCConnection.DBMS_POSTGRESQL:
            if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareStatement(" + sSelect + " OFFSET " + String.valueOf(iSkip) + ")");
            oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement(sSelect + " OFFSET " + String.valueOf(iSkip), ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
            iSkip = 0; // Use PostgreSQL native OFFSET clause, so do not skip any rows before client side fetching

            if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.prepareStatement(" + sSelect + ")");
            oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement(sSelect, iType, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
        } // end switch

      } // fi (iMaxRows)

      try { if (oConn.getDataBaseProduct()!=JDCConnection.DBMS_POSTGRESQL) oStmt.setQueryTimeout(iTimeOut); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Error at PreparedStatement.setQueryTimeout(" + String.valueOf(iTimeOut) + ")" + sqle.getMessage()); }

      for (int p=0; p<aFilterValues.length; p++) {
        Object oParam = aFilterValues[p];
        if (null==oParam) {
          ParameterMetaData oParMDat = oStmt.getParameterMetaData();
          int pType;
          try {
            pType = oParMDat.getParameterType(p+1);
          } catch (SQLException parameternotavailable) {
            if (DebugFile.trace) {
              DebugFile.writeln("DBSubset.load() : SQLException "+parameternotavailable.getMessage()+" at ParameterMetaData.getParameterType("+String.valueOf(p+1)+")");
          pType = Types.NULL;
          if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PreparedStatement.setNull("+String.valueOf(p+1)+","+String.valueOf(pType)+")");
          oStmt.setNull(p+1, pType);
        } else {
          if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PreparedStatement.setObject("+String.valueOf(p+1)+","+oParam.toString()+")");
          oStmt.setObject(p+1, oParam);
        } // fi
      } // next

      if (DebugFile.trace) {
        lQueryTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

      oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery();

      if (DebugFile.trace) {
        DebugFile.writeln("query executed in " + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()-lQueryTime) + " ms");

      oMDat = oRSet.getMetaData();
      iColCount = oMDat.getColumnCount();
      ColNames = new String[iColCount];

      for (int c=1; c<=iColCount; c++) {
        ColNames[c-1] = oMDat.getColumnName(c).toLowerCase();
      oMDat = null;

      setFetchSize(oConn, oRSet);

      iRows = fetchResultSet(oRSet, iSkip);

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("ResultSet.close()");

      oRSet = null;

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("PreparedStatement.close()");

      oStmt = null;
    catch (SQLException sqle) {
      try {
        if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("SQLException "+sqle.getMessage()+"\n"+StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(sqle));
      } catch ( ignore) {}
      try { if (null!=oRSet) oRSet.close();
      } catch (Exception logit) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(logit.getClass().getName()+" "+logit.getMessage()); }
      try { if (null!=oStmt) oStmt.close();
      } catch (Exception logit) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(logit.getClass().getName()+" "+logit.getMessage()); }
      if (aFilterValues==null
        throw new SQLException(sqle.getMessage()+" "+sSelect+" with no parameters set", sqle.getSQLState(), sqle.getErrorCode());
      else if (aFilterValues.length==0)
        throw new SQLException(sqle.getMessage()+" "+sSelect+" with zero parameters set", sqle.getSQLState(), sqle.getErrorCode());
    else {
      String sParams = "";
      for (int v=0; v<aFilterValues.length; v++)
        sParams += (v==0 ? "" : ",") + aFilterValues[v];
        throw new SQLException(sqle.getMessage()+" "+sSelect+" with parameters "+sParams, sqle.getSQLState(), sqle.getErrorCode());   
    catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aiob) {
      try { if (null!=oRSet) oRSet.close();
      } catch (Exception logit) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(logit.getClass().getName()+" "+logit.getMessage()); }
      try { if (null!=oStmt) oStmt.close();
      } catch (Exception logit) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(logit.getClass().getName()+" "+logit.getMessage()); }
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("DBSubset.load() " + aiob.getMessage());
    catch (NullPointerException npe) {
      try { if (null!=oRSet) oRSet.close();
      } catch (Exception logit) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(logit.getClass().getName()+" "+logit.getMessage()); }
      try { if (null!=oStmt) oStmt.close();
      } catch (Exception logit) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(logit.getClass().getName()+" "+logit.getMessage()); }
      throw new NullPointerException("DBSubset.load()");

    if (DebugFile.trace)
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.load() : "+String.valueOf(iRows));

    return iRows;
  } // load()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get list of distinct values for a column<p>
   * If column contains null values, those are never included at the output list
   * @param iCol Column to be searched [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @return ArrayList with distinct values.
   * @since 4.0

  public ArrayList distinct (int iCol) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    final int nCount = getRowCount();
    ArrayList oDistinct = new ArrayList(nCount);
    HashMap oMap = new HashMap(nCount+10);
    for (int iRow=0; iRow<nCount; iRow++) {
      Object oObj = get(iCol,iRow);
      if (null!=oObj) {
        if (!oMap.containsKey(oObj)) {
        } // fi
      } // fi     
    } // next
    return oDistinct;
  } // distinct

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Find first match of a value in a given column<p>
   * Value is searched by brute force from the begining to the end of the column.<br>
   * Trying to find a <b>null</b> value is allowed.<br>
   * For strings, find is case sensitive.
   * @param iCol Column to be searched [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param oVal Value searched
   * @return Row where seached value was found or -1 is value was not found.

  public int find (int iCol, Object oVal) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    int iFound = -1;
    int iRowCount;
    Object objCol;

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      if (null==oVal)
        DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.find(" + String.valueOf(iCol)+ ", null)");
        DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.find(" + String.valueOf(iCol)+ ", " + oVal.toString() + ")");


    if (oResults!=null)
      iRowCount = oResults.size();
      iRowCount = -1;

    if (DebugFile.trace)
      DebugFile.writeln("row count is " + String.valueOf(iRowCount));

    for (int iRow=0; iRow<iRowCount; iRow++) {

      objCol = get(iCol,iRow);

      if (null!=objCol) {
        if (null!=oVal) {
            if (objCol.equals(oVal)) {
              iFound = iRow;
      else if (null==oVal) {
        iFound = iRow;
      } // fi()

    } // next (iRow)

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.find() : " + String.valueOf(iFound));

    return iFound;
  } // find

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Find a String in a given column using case insensitive search<p>
   * Value is searched by brute force from the begining to the end of the column.<br>
   * Trying to find a <b>null</b> value is allowed.<br>
   * Find is case insensitive.
   * @param iCol Column to be searched [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param sVal Value searched
   * @return Row where seached value was found or -1 is value was not found.
   * @since 4.0

  public int findi (int iCol, String sVal) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    int iFound = -1;
    int iRowCount;
    String strCol;

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      if (null==sVal)
        DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.findi(" + String.valueOf(iCol)+ ", null)");
        DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.findi(" + String.valueOf(iCol)+ ", " + sVal + ")");


    if (oResults!=null)
      iRowCount = oResults.size();
      iRowCount = -1;

    if (DebugFile.trace)
      DebugFile.writeln("row count is " + String.valueOf(iRowCount));

    for (int iRow=0; iRow<iRowCount; iRow++) {

      strCol = getStringNull(iCol,iRow,null);

      if (null!=strCol) {
        if (null!=sVal) {
            if (strCol.equalsIgnoreCase(sVal)) {
              iFound = iRow;
      else if (null==sVal) {
        iFound = iRow;
      } // fi()

    } // next (iRow)

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.findi() : " + String.valueOf(iFound));

    return iFound;
  } // findi

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * </p>Find columns lexicographically close to a given one</p>
   * This method uses Levenshtein distance to compare a given value
   * with all not null values of a DBSubset column.
   * @param iCol int Position of column being searched [0..getRowCount()]
   * @param iRowGuidCol int Position of column holding the DBSubset primary key,
   * if it is -1 then a new GUID is automatically assigned to each new match.
   * @param sSought String being sought
   * @param nMaxResults int Maximum number of results to return
   * @param bAccents boolean If this parameter is <b>true</b> then search will be
   * case sensitive and accents will be taken into account, if it is <b>false</b>
   * then search will be case insensitive and accents will not be taken into account.
   * @param fThreshold float [0..100] The minimum match grade percentage that a result must reach in order to be included at the matches set
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if fThreshold is not between 0 and 100
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @return DBMatchSet
   * @since 4.0
  public DBMatchSet findClose(int iCol, int iRowGuidCol,
                  String sSought, int nMaxResults,
                  boolean bAccents, float fThreshold)
    throws IllegalArgumentException,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    final int iRowCount = getRowCount();
    if (fThreshold<0f || fThreshold>100f) throw new IllegalArgumentException("DBSubset.findClose() Match threshold must be between 0 and 100");

  if (nMaxResults<0) nMaxResults = iRowCount;

    DBMatchSet oMSet = new DBMatchSet(nMaxResults);
    if (sSought!=null) {
    if (!bAccents) sSought = Gadgets.ASCIIEncode(sSought).toUpperCase();
      final int iLenSght = sSought.length();
    for (int iRow=0; iRow<iRowCount; iRow++) {
      if (!isNull(iCol, iRow)) {
        String sSearched = getString(iCol,iRow);
        if (!bAccents) sSearched = Gadgets.ASCIIEncode(sSearched).toUpperCase();
      int iLenSrch = sSearched.length();
      float fMaxLen = (float) (iLenSrch>iLenSght ? iLenSrch : iLenSght);
      float fLevDis = (float) Gadgets.getLevenshteinDistance(sSearched, sSought);
      float fMatchGrade =  100f*(1f-(fLevDis/fMaxLen));
      if (fMatchGrade>=fThreshold) {
        if (-1==iRowGuidCol)
          oMSet.put(Gadgets.generateUUID(), getString(iCol,iRow), iRow, fMatchGrade);
          oMSet.put(get(iRowGuidCol,iRow).toString(), getString(iCol,iRow), iRow, fMatchGrade);
      } // fi (fMatchGrade>fThreshold)
      } // fi
    } // next
    } // fi (sSought)
    return oMSet;
  } // findClose

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Find a Comparable object using binary search<p>
   * The searched column must have been previously sorted in ascending order.<br>
   * Trying to find <b>null</b> always return -1 even thought the column contains indeed a <b>null</b> value.<br>
   * @param iCol Column to be searched [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param oVal Value searched
   * @return Row where seached value was found or -1 if value was not found.
   * @throws ClassCastException if column iCol is not Comparable
   * @since 4.0

  public int binaryFind(int iCol, Comparable oVal)
    throws ClassCastException {
    int iFound = -1;
  int iLow = 0;
  int iHigh = getRowCount()-1;

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      if (null==oVal)
        DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.binaryFind(" + String.valueOf(iCol)+ ", null)");
        DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.binaryFind(" + String.valueOf(iCol)+ ", " + oVal.toString() + ")");
  if (oVal!=null) {
    while (iLow<=iHigh) {
      Comparable oCmp;
      int iComparison;
     if (iLow==iHigh) {
        oCmp = (Comparable) get(iCol, iLow);
        iComparison = oCmp.compareTo(oVal);
      if (0==iComparison) iFound = iLow;
     } else if (iLow==iHigh-1) {
        oCmp = (Comparable) get(iCol, iLow);
        iComparison = oCmp.compareTo(oVal);
      if (0==iComparison) iFound = iLow;
        oCmp = (Comparable) get(iCol, iHigh);
        iComparison = oCmp.compareTo(oVal);
      if (0==iComparison) iFound = iHigh;
      } else {
          int iMid = (iLow + iHigh) / 2;
        oCmp = (Comparable) get(iCol, iMid);
        iComparison = oCmp.compareTo(oVal);
      if (0==iComparison) {
        iFound = iMid;
      } else if (iComparison>0) {
        iHigh = iMid - 1;
      } else {
            iLow = iMid + 1;
      } // fi
    } // wend
  } // fi

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.binaryFind() : " + String.valueOf(iFound));

  return iFound;
  } // binaryFind

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @return Column delimiter for print() and toString() methods.
  public String getColumnDelimiter() {
    return sColDelim;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @param sDelim Column delimiter for print() and toString() methods.
   * The default delimiter is '&grave;' character
  public void setColumnDelimiter(String sDelim) {

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @return Row delimiter for print() and toString() methods.
  public String getRowDelimiter() {
    return sRowDelim;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @param sDelim Row delimiter for print() and toString() methods.
   * The default delimiter is '&uml;' character

  public void setRowDelimiter(String sDelim) {

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @return Text qualifier for quoting fields in print() and toString() methods.
  public String getTextQualifier() {
    return sTxtQualifier;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @param sQualifier Text qualifier for quoting fields in print() and toString() methods.
  public void setTextQualifier(String sQualifier) {

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @return Number of columns retrieved.
  public int getColumnCount() {
    return iColCount;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get column names</p>
   * @return String[] An array with names of columns from the most recently SQL SELECT sentence.
   * @since 3.0
  public String[] getColumnNames() {
    return ColNames;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get name for column given its index</p>
   * @param iColumnPosition [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @return String Column Name
   * @since 5.0
  public String getColumnName(int iColumnPosition) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    return ColNames[iColumnPosition];

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @param sColumnName Name of column witch position is to be returned. Column names are case insensitive.
   * @return Column position or -1 if no column with such name exists.
  public int getColumnPosition(String sColumnName) {
    int iColPos = -1;

    for (int iCol=0; iCol<iColCount; iCol++) {
      if (sColumnName.equalsIgnoreCase(ColNames[iCol])) {
        iColPos = iCol;
    } // endfor

    return iColPos;
  } // getColumnPosition

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @return number of rows retrieved by last call() or load() method invocation.
  public int getRowCount() {
    int iRows;

    if (null==oResults)
      iRows = 0;
      iRows = oResults.size();

    return iRows;

  } // getRowCount

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * Get DBSubset column as a List interface
   * @param iCol int Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @return List
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @throws IllegalStateException if DBSubset has not been loaded
  public List getColumnAsList (int iCol)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,IllegalStateException {
    Vector oRow, oCol;
    int iRowCount;
    if (oResults==null)
      throw new IllegalStateException("DBSubset.getColumnAsList("+String.valueOf(iCol)+") DBSubset not loaded");
      iRowCount = oResults.size();
    if (0==iRowCount) {
      oCol = new Vector();
    } else {
      oCol = new Vector(iRowCount);
      for (int iRow=0; iRow<iRowCount; iRow++) {
        oRow = (Vector) oResults.get(iRow);
      } // next
    return oCol;
  } // getColumnAsList

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * Get DBSubset row as a List interface
   * @param iRow int Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return List
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @throws IllegalStateException if DBSubset has not been loaded
  public List getRowAsList (int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,IllegalStateException {
    if (oResults!=null)
      return (List) oResults.get(iRow);
      throw new IllegalStateException("DBSubset.getRowAsList("+String.valueOf(iRow)+") DBSubset not loaded");
  } // getRowAsList

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * Get DBSubset row as a Map interface
   * @param iRow int Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return Map
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @throws IllegalStateException if DBSubset has not been loaded
  public Map getRowAsMap (int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,IllegalStateException {
    if (oResults==null)
      throw new IllegalStateException("DBSubset.getRowAsMap("+String.valueOf(iRow)+") DBSubset not loaded");

    Vector oRow = (Vector) oResults.get(iRow);
    HashMap oRetVal = new HashMap(iColCount*2);

    for (int iCol=0; iCol<iColCount; iCol++) {
      oRetVal.put(ColNames[iCol], oRow.get(iCol));
    } // endfor

    return oRetVal;
  } // getRowMap

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * Get DBSubset row as a Vector
   * @param iRow int Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return Vector
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @throws IllegalStateException if DBSubset has not been loaded
   * @since 3.0
  public Vector getRowAsVector (int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,IllegalStateException {
    if (oResults!=null)
      return (Vector) oResults.get(iRow);
      throw new IllegalStateException("DBSubset.getRowAsList("+String.valueOf(iRow)+") DBSubset not loaded");
  } // getRowAsVector

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded field</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  public Object get (int iCol, int iRow) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    return ((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol);

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded field by name</p>
   * @param sCol Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If no column with such name was found
  public Object get (String sCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    return ((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol);

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value for a Boolean field</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return <b>boolean</b> value for field.
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @throws NullPointerException
  public boolean getBoolean (int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ClassCastException,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,NullPointerException {

    boolean bRetVal;
    Object oObj = get(iCol, iRow);

    if (oObj.getClass().equals(Integer.TYPE))

      bRetVal = (((Integer)oObj).intValue()!=0 ? true : false);

    else if (oObj.getClass().equals(Short.TYPE))
      bRetVal = (((Short)oObj).shortValue()!=(short)0 ? true : false);

      bRetVal = ((Boolean) get(iCol, iRow)).booleanValue();

    return bRetVal;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value for a Date field</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @version 3.1

  public java.util.Date getDate(int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ClassCastException,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    Object oDt = ((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol);

    if (null!=oDt) {
      if (oDt.getClass().equals(ClassUtilDate))
        return (java.util.Date) oDt;
      else if (oDt.getClass().equals(ClassTimestamp))
        return new java.util.Date(((java.sql.Timestamp) oDt).getTime());
      else if (oDt.getClass().equals(ClassSQLDate))
        return new java.util.Date(((java.sql.Date) oDt).getYear(), ((java.sql.Date) oDt).getMonth(), ((java.sql.Date) oDt).getDate());
      else if (oDt.getClass().equals(ClassLangString)) {
        if (null==oDateTime24) oDateTime24 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
        try {
          return oDateTime24.parse((String) oDt);
        } catch (java.text.ParseException pe) {
          throw new ClassCastException("Cannot parse Date " + oDt);
        throw new ClassCastException("Cannot cast " + oDt.getClass().getName() + " to Date");
      return null;

  } // getDate()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value for a Date field</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return java.sql.Date
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @since 3.0

  public java.sql.Date getSQLDate(int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ClassCastException,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    Object oDt = ((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol);

    if (null!=oDt) {
      if (oDt.getClass().equals(ClassSQLDate))
        return (java.sql.Date) oDt;
      else if (oDt.getClass().equals(ClassTimestamp))
        return new java.sql.Date(((java.sql.Timestamp) oDt).getTime());
      else if (oDt.getClass().equals(ClassUtilDate))
        return new java.sql.Date(((java.util.Date) oDt).getTime());
        throw new ClassCastException("Cannot cast " + oDt.getClass().getName() + " to Date");
      return null;
  } // getSQLDate()

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value for a Date field</p>
   * @param sCol String Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return java.sql.Date
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @since 3.0
  public java.sql.Date getSQLDate (String sCol, int iRow) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    return getSQLDate(iCol, iRow);
  } // getSQLDate()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value for a Time field</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @since 3.0

  public java.sql.Time getSQLTime(int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ClassCastException,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    Object oDt = ((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol);

    if (null!=oDt) {
      if (oDt.getClass().equals(ClassSQLTime))
        return (java.sql.Time) oDt;
      else if (oDt.getClass().equals(ClassTimestamp))
        return new java.sql.Time(((java.sql.Timestamp) oDt).getTime());
      else if (oDt.getClass().equals(ClassUtilDate))
        return new java.sql.Time(((java.util.Date) oDt).getTime());
        throw new ClassCastException("Cannot cast " + oDt.getClass().getName() + " to Time");
      return null;
  } // getTime()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value for a Time field</p>
   * @param sCol Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return Time
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @since 3.0
  public java.sql.Time getSQLTime (String sCol, int iRow)
    throws ClassCastException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    return getSQLTime(iCol, iRow);
  } // getSQLTime()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value for a Date field</p>
   * @param sCol Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if column is not found

  public java.util.Date getDate (String sCol, int iRow) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    return getDate(iCol, iRow);
  } // getDate()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value for a Date field formated as a short Date "yyyy-MM-dd"</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return String with format "yyyy-MM-dd" or <b>null</b>.
   * @throws ClassCastException
  public String getDateShort(int iCol, int iRow) {
    java.util.Date oDt = getDate(iCol, iRow);

    if (null==oShortDate) oShortDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

    if (null!=oDt)
      return oShortDate.format(oDt);
      return null;

  } // getDateShort()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value for a Date field formated as a DateTime "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return String with format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" or <b>null</b>.
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @since 2.1

  public String getDateTime24(int iCol, int iRow) {
    java.util.Date oDt = getDate(iCol, iRow);

    if (null==oDateTime24) oDateTime24 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

    if (null!=oDt)
      return oDateTime24.format(oDt);
      return null;

  } // getDateTime24()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value for a Date field formated as a DateTime "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @return String with format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss" or <b>null</b>.

  public String getDateTime(int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ClassCastException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    java.util.Date oDt = getDate(iCol, iRow);

    if (null==oDateTime) oDateTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");

    if (null!=oDt)
      return oDateTime.format(oDt);
      return null;
  } // getDateTime()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value for a Date field formated with a used defind formar</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @param sFormat Date Format (like "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @return Date value formated as String.
   * @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat

  public String getDateFormated(int iCol, int iRow, String sFormat)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException {

    java.util.Date oDt = getDate(iCol, iRow);
    SimpleDateFormat oSimpleDate;

    if (null!=oDt) {
      oSimpleDate = new SimpleDateFormat(sFormat);
      return oSimpleDate.format(oDt);
      return null;
  } // getDateFormated()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value for a Date field formated with a used defind formar</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @param oFmt Date Format
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @return Date value formated as String.
   * @since 4.0

  public String getDateFormated(int iCol, int iRow, SimpleDateFormat oFmt)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException {

    java.util.Date oDt = getDate(iCol, iRow);

    if (null!=oDt)
      return oFmt.format(oDt);
      return null;

  } // getDateFormated()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into a Short</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws NullPointerException If field value is <b>null</b>
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  public short getShort (int iCol, int iRow)
    throws NullPointerException,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    Object oVal = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));
    Class oCls;
    short iRetVal;

    oCls = oVal.getClass();

    try {
      if (oCls.equals(Short.TYPE))
        iRetVal = ((Short) oVal).shortValue();
      else if (oCls.equals(Integer.TYPE))
        iRetVal = (short) ((Integer) oVal).intValue();
      else if (oCls.equals(Class.forName("java.math.BigDecimal")))
        iRetVal = (short) ((java.math.BigDecimal) oVal).intValue();
      else if (oCls.equals(Float.TYPE))
        iRetVal = (short) ((Float) oVal).intValue();
      else if (oCls.equals(Double.TYPE))
        iRetVal = (short) ((Double) oVal).intValue();
        iRetVal = new Short(oVal.toString()).shortValue();
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { /* never thrown */ iRetVal = (short)0; }

    return iRetVal;
  } // getShort

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into a Short</p>
   * @param sCol Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws NullPointerException If field value is <b>null</b>
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @since 4.0
  public short getShort (String sCol, int iRow)
    throws NullPointerException,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Column " + sCol + " not found");

  return getShort(iCol, iRow);
  } // getShort
  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into a int</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws NullPointerException If field value is <b>null</b>
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  public int getInt (int iCol, int iRow)
    throws NullPointerException,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    Object oVal = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));

    if (oVal.getClass().equals(Integer.TYPE))
      return ((Integer)oVal).intValue();
      return getInteger(iCol, iRow).intValue();

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into a Short</p>
   * @param sCol Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if column is not found
   * @throws NullPointerException If field value is <b>null</b>

  public int getInt (String sCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, NullPointerException {

    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    Object oVal = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));

    if (oVal.getClass().equals(Integer.TYPE))

      return ((Integer)oVal).intValue();


      return getInteger(iCol, iRow).intValue();

  } // getInt

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into a double</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws NullPointerException If field value is <b>null</b>
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  public double getDouble (int iCol, int iRow)
    throws NullPointerException,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    Object oVal = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));
    Class oCls;
    double dRetVal;

    oCls = oVal.getClass();

    try {
      if (oCls.equals(Short.TYPE))
        dRetVal = (double) ((Short) oVal).shortValue();
      else if (oCls.equals(Integer.TYPE))
        dRetVal = (double) ((Integer) oVal).intValue();
      else if (oCls.equals(Class.forName("java.math.BigDecimal")))
        dRetVal = ((java.math.BigDecimal) oVal).doubleValue();
      else if (oCls.equals(Float.TYPE))
        dRetVal = ((Float) oVal).doubleValue();
      else if (oCls.equals(Double.TYPE))
        dRetVal = ((Double) oVal).doubleValue();
        dRetVal = new Double(Gadgets.removeChar(oVal.toString(),',')).doubleValue();
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { /* never thrown */ dRetVal = 0d; }

    return dRetVal;
  } // getDouble

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into a float</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws NullPointerException If field value is <b>null</b>
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  public float getFloat (int iCol, int iRow)
    throws NullPointerException,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    Object oVal = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));
    Class oCls;
    float fRetVal;

    oCls = oVal.getClass();

    try {
      if (oCls.equals(Short.TYPE))
        fRetVal = (float) ((Short) oVal).shortValue();
      else if (oCls.equals(Integer.TYPE))
        fRetVal = (float) ((Integer) oVal).intValue();
      else if (oCls.equals(Class.forName("java.math.BigDecimal")))
        fRetVal = ((java.math.BigDecimal) oVal).floatValue();
      else if (oCls.equals(Float.TYPE))
        fRetVal = ((Float) oVal).floatValue();
      else if (oCls.equals(Double.TYPE))
        fRetVal = ((Double) oVal).floatValue();
        fRetVal = new Float(Gadgets.removeChar(oVal.toString(),',')).floatValue();
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { /* never thrown */ fRetVal = 0f; }

    return fRetVal;
  } // getFloat

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into a Short</p>
   * @param sCol Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if column is not found
   * @throws NullPointerException If field value is <b>null</b>

  public float getFloat (String sCol, int iRow)
    throws NullPointerException,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    return getFloat(iCol, iRow);

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into a float</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @param iDecimals Decimal places for float value
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if column is not found
   * @throws NullPointerException If field value is <b>null</b>

  public float getFloat (int iCol, int iRow, int iDecimals)
    throws NullPointerException,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    float p, f = getFloat (iCol, iRow);
    int i;

    if (0==iDecimals)

      return (float) ((int) f);

    else {

      p = 10f;
      for (int d=0; d<iDecimals; d++) p*=10;
      i = (int) (f * p);

      return  ((float)i) / p;
  } // getFloat

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into a float</p>
   * @param sCol Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @param iDecimals Decimal places for float value
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if column is not found
   * @throws NullPointerException If field value is <b>null</b>

  public float getFloat (String sCol, int iRow, int iDecimals)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, NullPointerException {

    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    return getFloat(iCol, iRow, iDecimals);
  } // getFloat

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into an Integer</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return Field value converted to Integer or <b>null</b> if field was NULL.

  public Integer getInteger (int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    Object oVal = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));
    Class oCls;
    Integer iRetVal;

    if (null==oVal) return null;

    oCls = oVal.getClass();

    try {
      if (oCls.equals(Short.TYPE))
        iRetVal = new Integer(((Short) oVal).intValue());
      else if (oCls.equals(Integer.TYPE))
        iRetVal = (Integer) oVal;
      else if (oCls.equals(Class.forName("java.math.BigDecimal")))
        iRetVal = new Integer(((java.math.BigDecimal) oVal).intValue());
      else if (oCls.equals(Float.TYPE))
        iRetVal = new Integer(((Float) oVal).intValue());
      else if (oCls.equals(Double.TYPE))
        iRetVal = new Integer(((Double) oVal).intValue());
        iRetVal = new Integer(oVal.toString());
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { /* never thrown */ iRetVal = null; }

    return iRetVal;

  } // getInteger

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into a Long</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return Field value converted to Integer or <b>null</b> if field was NULL.
   * @since 5.0

  public Long getLong (int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    Object oVal = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));
    Class oCls;
    Long iRetVal;

    if (null==oVal) return null;

    oCls = oVal.getClass();

    try {
      if (oCls.equals(Short.TYPE))
        iRetVal = new Long(((Short) oVal).shortValue());
      else if (oCls.equals(Integer.TYPE))
        iRetVal = new Long(((Integer) oVal).intValue());
      else if (oCls.equals(Long.TYPE))
        iRetVal = (Long) oVal;
      else if (oCls.equals(Class.forName("java.math.BigDecimal")))
        iRetVal = new Long(((java.math.BigDecimal) oVal).longValue());
      else if (oCls.equals(Float.TYPE))
        iRetVal = new Long(((Float) oVal).longValue());
      else if (oCls.equals(Double.TYPE))
        iRetVal = new Long(((Double) oVal).longValue());
        iRetVal = new Long(oVal.toString());
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { /* never thrown */ iRetVal = null; }

    return iRetVal;

  } // getLong

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into an Integer</p>
   * @param sCol Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return Field value converted to Integer or <b>null</b> if field was NULL.
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if column is not found

  public Integer getInteger (String sCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    return getInteger(iCol, iRow);

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into a BigDecimal</p>
   * If column is NULL then <b>null</b> value is returned.<BR>
   * If base columnn is of type String then thsi function will try to parse the
   * value into a BigDecimal. A single dot '.' is used as decimal delimiter no
   * matter which is the current locale. All comma characters ',' are removed
   * before parsing String into BigDecimal.
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return Field value converted to BigDecimal or <b>null</b> if field was NULL.
   * @throws java.lang.ClassCastException
   * @throws java.lang.NumberFormatException

  public BigDecimal getDecimal (int iCol, int iRow)
    throws java.lang.ClassCastException, java.lang.NumberFormatException {
    Object oVal = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));
    Class oCls;
    BigDecimal oDecVal;

    if (oVal==null) return null;

    oCls = oVal.getClass();

      if (oCls.equals(Short.TYPE))
        oDecVal = new BigDecimal(((Short) oVal).doubleValue());
      else if (oCls.equals(Integer.TYPE))
        oDecVal = new BigDecimal(((Integer) oVal).doubleValue());
      else if (oCls.equals(Float.TYPE))
        oDecVal = new BigDecimal(((Float) oVal).doubleValue());
      else if (oCls.equals(Double.TYPE))
        oDecVal = new BigDecimal(((Double) oVal).doubleValue());
      else if (oCls.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("java.lang.String"))
        oDecVal = new BigDecimal(Gadgets.removeChar((String) oVal, ','));
      else {
        try {
          oDecVal = (BigDecimal) oVal;
        } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
          throw new ClassCastException("Cannot cast column of type " + oVal.getClass().getName() + " to BigDecimal");

    return oDecVal;
  } // getDecimal

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get pre-loaded value and tries to convert it into a BigDecimal</p>
   * @param sCol Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return Field value converted to BigDecimal or <b>null</b> if field was NULL.
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if column is not found
  public BigDecimal getDecimal (String sCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    return getDecimal(iCol, iRow);
  } // getDecimal

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get decimal formated as a String using the given pattern and the symbols for the default locale</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @param sPattern A non-localized pattern string, for example: "#0.00"
   * @return String decimal value formated according to sPatern or <b>null</b>
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @throws NumberFormatException
   * @throws NullPointerException if sPattern is <b>null</b>
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if sPattern is invalid
  public String getDecimalFormated (int iCol, int iRow, String sPattern)
    throws java.lang.ClassCastException, java.lang.NumberFormatException,
    java.lang.NullPointerException, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
    BigDecimal oDecVal = getDecimal(iCol, iRow);

    if (null==oDecVal) {
      return null;
    } else {
      if (oDecFmt==null) {
        oDecFmt = new DecimalFormat(sPattern);
        return oDecFmt.format(oDecVal.doubleValue());
      } else {
        if (oDecFmt.toPattern().equals(sPattern)) {
          return oDecFmt.format(oDecVal.doubleValue());
        } else {
          oDecFmt = new DecimalFormat(sPattern);
          return oDecFmt.format(oDecVal.doubleValue());
  } // getDecimalFormated

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get decimal formated as a String using the given pattern and the symbols for the default locale</p>
   * @param sCol Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @param sPattern A non-localized pattern string, for example: "#0.00"
   * @return String decimal value formated according to sPatern or <b>null</b>
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @throws NumberFormatException
   * @throws NullPointerException if sPattern is <b>null</b>
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if sPattern is invalid
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if column is not found
  public String getDecimalFormated (String sCol, int iRow, String sPattern)
    throws java.lang.ClassCastException, java.lang.NumberFormatException,
           java.lang.NullPointerException, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
           java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    return getDecimalFormated(iCol, iRow, sPattern);
  } // getDecimalFormated

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get value of a VARCHAR field that holds a money+currency amount<p>
   * Money values are stored with its currency sign embedded inside,
   * like "26.32 USD" or "$48.3" or "35.44 €"
   * @param iCol int Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow int Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return com.knowgate.math.Money
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @throws NumberFormatException
   * @since 3.0
  public Money getMoney(int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,NumberFormatException {
    Object obj = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));

    if (null!=obj)
      if (obj.toString().length()>0)
        return Money.parse(obj.toString());
        return null;
      return null;
  } // getMoney

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get value of a VARCHAR field that holds a money+currency amount<p>
   * Money values are stored with its currency sign embedded inside,
   * like "26.32 USD" or "$48.3" or "35.44 €"
   * @param iCol int Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow int Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return com.knowgate.math.Money
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if column is not found
   * @throws NumberFormatException
   * @since 3.0
  public Money getMoney(String sCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,NumberFormatException {
    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    return getMoney(iCol, iRow);
  } // getMoney

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get toString() form of pre-loaded value</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return Field value converted to String or <b>null</b> if field was NULL.
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  public String getString (int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    Object obj = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));

    if (null!=obj)
      return obj.toString();
      return null;

  } // getString

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get toString() form of pre-loaded value</p>
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @param sDef Default value
   * @return Field value converted to String default value sDef if field was NULL.

  public String getStringNull (int iCol, int iRow, String sDef)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException{
    String str = getString(iCol,iRow);

    return (null!=str ? str : sDef);

  } // getStringNull

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get toString() form of pre-loaded value</p>
   * @param sCol Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return Field value converted to String or <b>null</b> if field was NULL.
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if column is not found

  public String getString (String sCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    Object obj = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));

    if (null!=obj)
      return obj.toString();
      return null;
  } // getString

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get toString() form of pre-loaded value</p>
   * @param sCol Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @param sDef Default value
   * @return Field value converted to String default value sDef if field was NULL.
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if column is not found

  public String getStringNull (String sCol, int iRow, String sDef)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    String str = getString(iCol,iRow);

    return (null!=str ? str : sDef);
  } // getStringNull

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get value for a CHAR, VARCHAR or LONGVARCHAR field replacing <b>null</b>
   * with a default value and replacing non-ASCII and quote values with &#<i>code</i>;<p>
   * @param iCol Column index
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @param sDef Default value
   * @return Field value or default value encoded as HTML numeric entities.
   * @since 5.5

  public String getStringHtml(int iCol, int iRow, String sDef)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    String sStr = getString(iCol,iRow);
    if (null==sStr) sStr = sDef;
  try {
    if (null!=sStr)
      sStr = Gadgets.replace(Gadgets.replace(Gadgets.replace(Gadgets.replace(Gadgets.XHTMLEncode(sStr),"\"", "&#34;"),"'", "&#39;"),"<","&lt;"),">","&gt;");
  } catch (org.apache.oro.text.regex.MalformedPatternException neverthrown) { }
  return sStr;
  } // getStringHtml

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * Get Time column
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return java.sql.Time
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @since 3.0
  public Time getTimeOfDay (int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException {

    Object obj = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));

    if (null!=obj)
      return (Time) obj;
      return null;
  } // getTimeOfDay

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * Get Timestamp columnn
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return java.sql.Timestamp
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @since 2.2
  public Timestamp getTimestamp(int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,ClassCastException {
    Object obj = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));

    if (null!=obj) {
      if (obj instanceof Timestamp)
        return (Timestamp) obj;
      else if (obj instanceof Date)
        return new Timestamp(((Date)obj).getTime());
        throw new ClassCastException("Cannot cast "+obj.getClass().getName()+" to Timestamp");
      return null;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * Returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return long Miliseconds or zero if column is <b>null</b>
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @since 2.2
  public long getTimeMilis(int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,ClassCastException {
    Object obj = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));

    if (null!=obj) {
      if (obj instanceof Timestamp)
        return ((Timestamp) obj).getTime();
      else if (obj instanceof Date)
        return ((Date) obj).getTime();
        throw new ClassCastException("Cannot cast "+obj.getClass().getName()+" to Timestamp");
      return 0;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Return interval value in miliseconds</p>
   * This method is only for PostgreSQL 8.0 or later
   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return long Interval in miliseconds. If interval is null then zero is returned.<br>
   * For Postgres 7.4 and earlier versions this method always return zero
   * even if the interval column is not null.
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @since v2.2
  public long getIntervalMilis (int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,ClassCastException {
    Object obj = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));
    //   0 years 0 mons 0 days 0 hours 0 mins 0.00 secs
    String s;
    if (null==obj)
      return 0l;
    else if (obj.getClass().getName().equals("org.postgresql.util.PGInterval")) {
      final float SecMilis = 1000f;
      final long MinMilis = 60000l, HourMilis=3600000l, DayMilis=86400000l;
      long lInterval = 0;
      String[] aParts = obj.toString().trim().split("\\s");
    for (int p=0; p<aParts.length-1; p+=2) {
      Float fPart = new Float(aParts[p]);
      if (fPart.floatValue()!=0f) {
        if (aParts[p+1].startsWith("year"))
          lInterval += fPart.longValue()*DayMilis*365l;
        else if (aParts[p+1].startsWith("mon"))
          lInterval += fPart.longValue()*DayMilis*30l;
        else if (aParts[p+1].startsWith("day"))
          lInterval += fPart.longValue()*DayMilis;
        else if (aParts[p+1].startsWith("hour"))
          lInterval += fPart.longValue()*HourMilis;
        else if (aParts[p+1].startsWith("min"))
          lInterval += fPart.longValue()*MinMilis;
        else if (aParts[p+1].startsWith("sec"))
          lInterval += new Float(fPart.floatValue()*SecMilis).longValue();         
      return lInterval;
      throw new ClassCastException("Cannot cast "+obj.getClass().getName()+" to Timestamp");
  } // getIntervalMilis

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * Pre-allocate a given number of empty rows and columns
   * @param nCols Number of columns per row
   * @param nRows Number of rows to allocate
   * @since 2.2
  public void ensureCapacity(int nCols, int nRows) {
    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.ensureCapacity("+String.valueOf(nCols)+","+String.valueOf(nRows)+")");

    oResults = new Vector(nRows);
    for (int r=0;r<nRows; r++) {
      Vector oNewRow = new Vector(nCols);
      for (int c=0; c<nCols; c++) {
    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.ensureCapacity()");
  } // ensureCapacity

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * Set an element for a loaded DBSubset
   * @param oObj Object Reference
   * @param iCol Column Index [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row Index [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  public void setElementAt (Object oObj, int iCol, int iRow) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      if (oObj==null)

    if (null==oResults) {
      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("new Vector("+String.valueOf(iFetch)+",1)");
      oResults = new Vector(iFetch, 1);

    Vector oRow;
    Object oRaw = oResults.get(iRow);

    if (null==oRaw) {
      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("new Vector("+String.valueOf(iCol)+",1)");
      oRow = new Vector(iCol, 1);
      oResults.add(iRow, oRow);
    else {
      oRow = (Vector) oRaw;

    oRow.setElementAt (oObj, iCol);

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.setElementAt()");
  } // setElementAt

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * Set an element for a loaded DBSubset
   * @param oObj Object Reference
   * @param sCol Column Name
   * @param iRow Row Index [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  public void setElementAt (Object oObj, String sCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);
    if (-1==iCol)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("DBSubset.setElementAt() column "+sCol+" not found");
      setElementAt (oObj, iCol, iRow);
  } // setElementAt

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @param iCol Column position [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return <b>true</b> if pre-load field is <b>null</b>, <b>false</b> otherwise.
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  public boolean isNull (int iCol, int iRow)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    Object obj = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));

    return (null==obj);

  } // isNull()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * @param sCol Column name
   * @param iRow Row position [0..getRowCount()-1]
   * @return <b>true</b> if pre-load field is <b>null</b>, <b>false</b> otherwise.
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if column is not found

  public boolean isNull (String sCol, int iRow) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    int iCol = getColumnPosition(sCol);

    if (iCol==-1)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Column " + sCol + " not found");

    Object obj = (((Vector) oResults.get(iRow)).get(iCol));

    return (null==obj);
  } // isNull()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Write DBSubset to a delimited text string using the column and row delimiters
   * stablished at setColumnDelimiter() and setRowDelimiter() properties.</p>
   * @return String dump of the whole DBSubset pre-loaded data.

  public String toString() {
    Vector vRow;
    int iCol;
    int iRowCount;
    StringBuffer strBuff;

    if (oResults==null) return "";

    iRowCount = oResults.size();

    if (iRowCount==0) return "";

    strBuff = new StringBuffer(64*iRowCount);

    for (int iRow=0; iRow<iRowCount; iRow++)
      vRow = (Vector) oResults.get(iRow);
      iCol = 0;
      while (iCol<iColCount)
        if (++iCol<iColCount) strBuff.append(sColDelim);

  return strBuff.toString();
  } // toString()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Write DBSubset to an XML string</p>
   * @param sIdent Initial space identations on the left for fields
   * @param sNode Name of top parent node. If <b>null</b> then main table name
   * for this DBSubset is used.
   * @param sDateFormat Output format for date values
   * @param sDecimalFormat Output format for decimal and floating point values
   * @return XML string dump of the whole DBSubset pre-loaded data.

  public String toXML(String sIdent, String sNode,
                      String sDateFormat, String sDecimalFormat) {
    Vector vRow;
    int iAs;
    int iCol;
    int iDot;
    int iRowCount;
    int iTokCount;
    StringBuffer strBuff;
    StringTokenizer strTok;
    String sLabel;
    String sNodeName;
    Object oColValue;
    Class oColClass, ClassString = null, ClassDateTime = null, ClassTimeStamp = null,
                     ClassBigDecimal = null, ClassDouble = null, ClassFloat = null;
    SimpleDateFormat oXMLDate;
    DecimalFormat oDecFmt = null;

    if (sDateFormat==null)
      oXMLDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss");
    else if (sDateFormat.length()==0)
      oXMLDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss");
      oXMLDate = new SimpleDateFormat(sDateFormat);

    if (null!=sDecimalFormat) {
      if (sDecimalFormat.length()>0)
        oDecFmt = new DecimalFormat(sDecimalFormat);
    } // fi

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.toXML(" + sNode + ")");

    try {
      ClassString = Class.forName("java.lang.String");
      ClassDateTime = Class.forName("java.util.Date");
      ClassTimeStamp = Class.forName("java.sql.Timestamp");
      ClassBigDecimal = Class.forName("java.math.BigDecimal");
      ClassDouble = Class.forName("java.lang.Double");
      ClassFloat = Class.forName("java.lang.Float");
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) { }

    if (oResults!=null) {

      sNodeName = (null!=sNode ? sNode : sTable);

      iRowCount = oResults.size();
      strBuff = new StringBuffer(256*iRowCount);

      strTok = new StringTokenizer(sColList,",");
      iTokCount = strTok.countTokens();
      String[] Labels = new String[iTokCount];

      for (int iTok=0; iTok<iTokCount; iTok++) {
        sLabel = strTok.nextToken();
        iAs = sLabel.toUpperCase().indexOf(" AS ");
        if (-1!=iAs) sLabel = sLabel.substring(iAs+4);
        iDot = sLabel.indexOf('.');
        if (-1!=iDot) sLabel = sLabel.substring(++iDot);
        Labels[iTok] = sLabel.trim();
      } // next

      for (int iRow=0; iRow<iRowCount; iRow++)
        vRow = (Vector) oResults.get(iRow);
        iCol = 0;
        strBuff.append(sIdent + "<" + sNodeName + ">\n");
        while (iCol<iColCount)
          strBuff.append(sIdent + "  <" + Labels[iCol] + ">");
          oColValue = vRow.get(iCol);
          if (null!=oColValue) {
            oColClass = oColValue.getClass();

            if (oColClass.equals(ClassString) && !Labels[iCol].startsWith("gu_"))
              strBuff.append("<![CDATA[" + oColValue + "]]>");

            else if (oColClass.equals(ClassDateTime))
              strBuff.append (oXMLDate.format((java.util.Date) oColValue));

            else if (oColClass.equals(ClassTimeStamp))
              strBuff.append (oXMLDate.format(new Date (((java.sql.Timestamp) oColValue).getTime())));

            else if (oColClass.equals(ClassBigDecimal) && (oDecFmt!=null))
              strBuff.append (oDecFmt.format((java.math.BigDecimal) oColValue));

            else if (oColClass.equals(ClassDouble) && (oDecFmt!=null))
              strBuff.append (oDecFmt.format(((java.lang.Double) oColValue).doubleValue()));

            else if (oColClass.equals(ClassFloat) && (oDecFmt!=null))
              strBuff.append (oDecFmt.format((double)((java.lang.Float) oColValue).floatValue()));

            else if (oColClass.equals(getClass()))
              strBuff.append ("<"+getColumnName(iCol)+"s>\n"+((DBSubset)oColValue).toXML(sIdent+"  ", getColumnName(iCol), sDateFormat, sDecimalFormat)+"\n</"+getColumnName(iCol)+"s>\n");

          strBuff.append("</" + Labels[iCol] + ">\n");
        strBuff.append(sIdent + "</" + sNodeName + ">\n");
        } // wend
      strBuff = new StringBuffer();

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.toXML() : " + String.valueOf(strBuff.length()));

    return strBuff.toString();

  } // toXML()

   * <p>Write DBSubset to an XML string</p>
   * Use default output format for date values: yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss
   * @param sIdent Initial space identations on the left for fields
   * @param sNode Name of top parent node. If <b>null</b> then main table name
   * for this DBSubset is used.
   * @return XML string dump of the whole DBSubset pre-loaded data.

  public String toXML(String sIdent, String sNode) {
    return toXML(sIdent, sNode, null, null);

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Print DBSubset to an output stream<p>
   * This method is quite different in behavior from toString() and toXML().
   * In toString() and toXML() methods data is first pre-loaded by invoking
   * call() or load() methods and then written to a string buffer.
   * For toString() and toXML() memory consumption depends on how many rows
   * are pre-loaded in memory.
   * print() method directly writes readed data to the output stream without creating
   * the bidimimensional internal array for holding readed data.
   * This way data is directly piped from database to output stream.
   * @param oConn Database Connection
   * @param oOutStrm Output Stream
   * @throws SQLException

  public void print(Connection oConn, OutputStream oOutStrm) throws SQLException {
    String sCol;
    int iRows;
    int iCol;
    short jCol;
    float fCol;
    double dCol;
    Date dtCol;
    BigDecimal bdCol;
    Object oCol;
    boolean bQualify = sTxtQualifier.length()>0;

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.print([Connection], [Object])");

    Statement oStmt = oConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Statement.executeQuery(" + sSelect + ")");

    ResultSet oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery(sSelect);

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("ResultSet.getMetaData()");

    ResultSetMetaData oMDat = oRSet.getMetaData();
    int iCols = oMDat.getColumnCount();

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("column count = " + String.valueOf(iCols));

    PrintWriter oWriter = new PrintWriter(oOutStrm);

    iRows = 0;
    while ( {
      for (int c=1; c<=iCols; c++) {
        switch (oMDat.getColumnType(c)) {
          case Types.VARCHAR:
          case Types.CHAR:
            sCol = oRSet.getString(c);
            if (!oRSet.wasNull()) {
              sCol = sCol.replace('\n',' ');
              if (bQualify)
                oWriter.print(sTxtQualifier + sCol + sTxtQualifier);
          case Types.DATE:
            dtCol = oRSet.getDate(c);
            if (!oRSet.wasNull()) oWriter.write(dtCol.toString());
          case Types.INTEGER:
            iCol = oRSet.getInt(c);
            if (!oRSet.wasNull()) oWriter.print(iCol);
          case Types.SMALLINT:
            jCol = oRSet.getShort(c);
            if (!oRSet.wasNull()) oWriter.print(jCol);
          case Types.FLOAT:
            fCol = oRSet.getFloat(c);
            if (!oRSet.wasNull()) oWriter.print(fCol);
          case Types.REAL:
            dCol =  oRSet.getDouble(c);
            if (!oRSet.wasNull()) oWriter.print(dCol);
          case Types.DECIMAL:
            bdCol = oRSet.getBigDecimal(c);
            if (!oRSet.wasNull()) oWriter.print(bdCol.toString());
            oCol = oRSet.getObject(c);
            if (!oRSet.wasNull()) oWriter.print(oCol.toString());
        } // end switch()
        if (c<iCols) oWriter.print(getColumnDelimiter());
      } // next (c)
    } // wend()

    oWriter = null;

    oRSet = null;
    oStmt = null;

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.print() : " + String.valueOf(iRows));

  } // print()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

  private static String removeQuotes (String sStr) {
    final int iLen = sStr.length();
    StringBuffer oStr = new StringBuffer(iLen);
    char c;

    for (int i=0; i<iLen; i++) {
      c = sStr.charAt(i);
      if (c!='"' && c!=' ' && c!='\n' && c!='\t' && c!='\r')
    } // next (c)

    return oStr.toString();
  } // removeQuotes

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Store full contents of this DBSubset at base table</p>
   * <p>This method takes all the dat contained in memory for this DBSubsets and
   * stores it at the database. For each row, if it does not exist then it is
   * inserted, if it exists then it is updated.
   * @param oConn JDBC Database Connection
   * @param oDBPersistSubclass DBPersist subclass for rows. DBSubset will call the
   * proper derived method for each row, executing specific code
   * for the subclass such as automatic GUID at modification date generation.
   * @param bStopOnError <b>true</b> if process should stop if any SQLException is
   * thrown, <b>false</b> if process must continue upon an SQLException and leave
   * return addional information throught SQLException[] array.
   * @return An array with a SQLException object per stored row, if no SQLException
   * was trown for a row then the entry at the array for that row is <b>null</b>.<br>
   * eof() property is set to <b>true</b> if all rows were inserted successfully,
   * and, thus, all entries of the returned SQLException array are null; if any row
   * failed to be inserted or updated then eof() is set to <b>false</b>
   * @throws SQLException Only if bStopOnError is <b>true</b>
   * @trhows ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If a table column is not found by its name
   * @throws IllegalAccessException
   * @throws InstantiationException
  public SQLException[] store (JDCConnection oConn, Class oDBPersistSubclass, boolean bStopOnError)
    throws SQLException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {

    DBPersist oDBP;
    DBTable oTbl;
    Object oFld;
    String sClssName;
    Statement oStmt;
    ResultSet oRSet;
    ResultSetMetaData oMDat;
    SQLException[] aExceptions;
    int iExceptions = 0;
    int iType = Types.NULL;

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      if (null==oDBPersistSubclass)
        DebugFile.writeln("Begin[Connection],[" + oDBPersistSubclass.getName() + "]");

    String[] aCols = Gadgets.split(removeQuotes(sColList), ',');

    iColCount = aCols.length ;

    if (oDBPersistSubclass!=null) {
      oDBP =  (DBPersist) oDBPersistSubclass.newInstance();
      oTbl = oDBP.getTable();

      sColList = "";
      for (int c=0; c<iColCount; c++)
        if (null!=oTbl.getColumnByName(aCols[c]))
          sColList += (c==0 ? "" : "," ) + aCols[c];
          sColList += (c==0 ? "" : "," ) + "'void' AS " + aCols[c];

    final int iRowCount = getRowCount();

    if (bStopOnError)
      aExceptions = null;
      aExceptions = new SQLException[iRowCount];

    oStmt = oConn.createStatement();

    if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Statement.executeQuery(SELECT " + sColList + " FROM " + sTable + " WHERE 1=0)");

    oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + sColList + " FROM " + sTable + " WHERE 1=0");
    oMDat = oRSet.getMetaData();

    int[] aTypes = new int[oMDat.getColumnCount()];

    ColNames = new String[oMDat.getColumnCount()];

    for (int t=1; t<=iColCount; t++) {
      ColNames[t-1] = oMDat.getColumnName(t).toLowerCase();
      aTypes  [t-1] = oMDat.getColumnType(t);

    oMDat = null;

    if (oDBPersistSubclass!=null)
      oDBP = (DBPersist) oDBPersistSubclass.newInstance();
      oDBP = new DBPersist(sTable, sTable);

    for (int r=0; r<iRowCount; r++) {

      if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("processing row " + String.valueOf(r));

      for (int c=0; c<iColCount; c++) {

        oFld = get(c, r);

        if (null!=oFld) {
          iType = aTypes[c];
          if (iType==Types.BLOB) iType = Types.LONGVARBINARY;
          if (iType==Types.CLOB) iType = Types.LONGVARCHAR;
          try {
            if (oFld.toString().length()>0 && !oDBP.AllVals.containsKey(aCols[c])) {
              sClssName = oFld.getClass().getName();
              if (sClssName.equals("java.util.Date"))
                oDBP.put(aCols[c], (java.util.Date) oFld);
              else if (sClssName.equals("java.sql.Timestamp"))
                oDBP.put(aCols[c], new java.util.Date(((java.sql.Timestamp) oFld).getTime()));
                oDBP.put(aCols[c], oFld.toString(), iType);
          } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { /* never thrown */ }
        } // fi (null!=oFld)
      } // next (c)

      if (bStopOnError) {;
      else {

        try {

          aExceptions[r] = null;

        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
          aExceptions[r] = sqle;
      } // fi (bStopOnError)

    } // next (r)

    ColNames = null;

    aTypes = null;

    bEOF = (0==iExceptions);

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End : " + String.valueOf(iExceptions));

    return aExceptions;
  } // store

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>For each DBSubset row, load another DBSubset with related records from another table<p>
   * For example for loading the categories of a user and then the Products inside them do:<BR>
   * DBSubset oCats = new DBSubset(DB.k_categories, DB.gu_category+","+DB.nm_category, DB.gu_owner+"=?", 10);<BR>
   * int nCats = oCats.load (oJdbcConnection, new Object[]{"guid_of_user_owner_of_categories"});<BR>
   * int nProds = oCats.loadSubrecords(oJdbcConnection, DB.v_prod_cat, DB.gu_category, 0);<BR>
   * if (nProds!=0) {<BR>
   *   for (int c=0; c&lt;nCats; c++) {<BR>
   *     for (int p=0; p&lt;oCats.getSubrecords(c).getRowCount(); p++) {<BR>
   *     System.out.writeln(oCats.getSubrecords(c).getString(DB.nm_product,p));<BR>
   *   }<BR>
   *   }<BR>
   * }
   * @param oConn JDCConnection
   * @param sSubrecordsTable String Name of table where subrecords are to be taken from
   * @param sForeignKey String name of a column at subrecords table
   * @param iPrimaryKey int Position of column from this DBSubset which must be binded into foreign key for filtering child subrecords
   * @return int Total count of subrecords found for all rows of this DBSubset
   * @throws SQLException
   * @since 4.0
  public int loadSubrecords(JDCConnection oConn, String sSubrecordsTable,
                String sForeignKey, int iPrimaryKey) throws SQLException {

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.loadSubrecords([JDCConnection], "+sSubrecordsTable+
                  ", "+sForeignKey+", "+String.valueOf(iPrimaryKey)+")");

  DBSubset oSubRecs;
  int nCount = 0;
  int nSubRecs = 0;
  Statement oStmt = oConn.createStatement();
  ResultSet oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM "+sSubrecordsTable+" WHERE 1=1");
  ResultSetMetaData oMDat = oRSet.getMetaData();
  int nColCount = oMDat.getColumnCount();
  StringBuffer oColsList = new StringBuffer(50*nColCount);
  for (int c=2; c<=nColCount; c++) {
  } // next

  final int nRowCount = getRowCount();

  if (nRowCount>0) {
      oSubRecords = new Vector<DBSubset>(nRowCount);
    for (int r=0; r<nRowCount; r++) {
      if (isNull(iPrimaryKey,r)) {
        oSubRecs = new DBSubset(sSubrecordsTable,oColsList.toString(),sForeignKey+" IS NULL",10);
        nSubRecs = oSubRecs.load(oConn);
      } else {
        oSubRecs = new DBSubset(sSubrecordsTable,oColsList.toString(),sForeignKey+"=?",10);
        nSubRecs = oSubRecs.load(oConn, new Object[]{get(iPrimaryKey,r)});
      nCount += nSubRecs;
    } // next   
  } else {
    oSubRecords = null;
  }// fi

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.loadSubrecords() : " + String.valueOf(nCount));

    return nCount;
  } // loadSubrecords

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Get subrecords of a given row of this DBSubset</p>
   * Subrecords must have been prevoiously loaded by calling loadSubrecords()
   * @return DBSubset or <b>null</b> if there are no subrecords for any row of this DBSubset
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @since 4.0
  public DBSubset getSubrecords(int nRow) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    if (null==oSubRecords)
      return null;
      return oSubRecords.get(nRow);
  } // getSubrecords
  // ----------------------------------------------------------

  private boolean swapRows(int iRow1, int iRow2)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    Object oRow1 = oResults.get(iRow1);
    Object oRow2 = oResults.get(iRow2);
    oResults.setElementAt(oRow2, iRow1);
    oResults.setElementAt(oRow1, iRow2);
    return true;

   * <p>Sort in memory an already loaded ResultSet by a given column</p>
   * A modified bubble sort algorithm is used. Resulting in a O(n&sup2;) worst case
   * and O(n) best case if the ResultSet was already sorted by the given column.
   * @param iCol int Column Index [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @since 3.0
  public void sortBy(int iCol)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException {

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.sortBy("+String.valueOf(iCol)+")");

    final int iRows = getRowCount();
    final int iRows1 = iRows-1;
    boolean bSwapFlag = true;

    for (int q=0; q<iRows && bSwapFlag; q++) {
      bSwapFlag = false;
      for (int r=0; r<iRows1; r++) {
        if (!isNull(iCol,r) || !isNull(iCol,r+1)) {
          if (!isNull(iCol,r) && isNull(iCol,r+1))
            bSwapFlag = swapRows(r,r+1);
          else if (isNull(iCol,r) && !isNull(iCol,r+1))
            bSwapFlag = true;
          else if (((Comparable) get(iCol, r)).compareTo(get(iCol, r+1))>0)
            bSwapFlag = swapRows(r,r+1);
        } // fi
      } // next (r)
    } // next (q)

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.sortBy("+String.valueOf(iCol)+")");
  } // sortBy

   * <p>Sort in memory an already loaded ResultSet by a given column</p>
   * A modified bubble sort algorithm is used. Resulting in a O(n&sup2;) worst case
   * and O(n) best case if the ResultSet was already sorted by the given column.
   * @param iCol int Column Index [0..getColumnCount()-1]
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   * @throws ClassCastException
   * @since 5.0
  public void sortByDesc(int iCol)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException {

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.sortByDesc("+String.valueOf(iCol)+")");

    final int iRows = getRowCount();
    final int iRows1 = iRows-1;
    boolean bSwapFlag = true;

    for (int q=0; q<iRows && bSwapFlag; q++) {
      bSwapFlag = false;
      for (int r=0; r<iRows1; r++) {
        if (!isNull(iCol,r) || !isNull(iCol,r+1)) {
          if (isNull(iCol,r) && !isNull(iCol,r+1))
            bSwapFlag = swapRows(r,r+1);
          else if (!isNull(iCol,r) && isNull(iCol,r+1))
            bSwapFlag = true;
          else if (((Comparable) get(iCol, r)).compareTo(get(iCol, r+1))<0)
            bSwapFlag = swapRows(r,r+1);
        } // fi
      } // next (r)
    } // next (q)

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.sortByDesc("+String.valueOf(iCol)+")");
  } // sortByDesc

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

  private BigDecimal sumDecimal(int iCol)
    throws NumberFormatException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    BigDecimal oRetVal = new BigDecimal(0);
    final int iRows = getRowCount();

    for (int r=0; r<iRows; r++)
      if (!isNull(iCol, r))
        oRetVal.add(getDecimal(iCol, r));

    return oRetVal;

  private Long sumLong(int iCol) {
    long iRetVal = 0l;
    final int iRows = getRowCount();

    for (int r=0; r<iRows; r++)
      if (!isNull(iCol, r))
        iRetVal += getLong(iCol, r);

    return new Long(iRetVal);

  private Integer sumInteger(int iCol) {
    int iRetVal = 0;
    final int iRows = getRowCount();

    for (int r=0; r<iRows; r++)
      if (!isNull(iCol, r))
        iRetVal += getInt(iCol, r);

    return new Integer(iRetVal);

  private Short sumShort(int iCol) {
    short iRetVal = 0;
    final int iRows = getRowCount();

    for (int r=0; r<iRows; r++)
      if (!isNull(iCol, r))
        iRetVal += getShort(iCol, r);

    return new Short(iRetVal);

  private Float sumFloat(int iCol) {
    float fRetVal = 0;
    final int iRows = getRowCount();

    for (int r=0; r<iRows; r++)
      if (!isNull(iCol, r))
        fRetVal += getFloat(iCol, r);

    return new Float(fRetVal);

  private Double sumDouble(int iCol) {
    double dRetVal = 0;
    final int iRows = getRowCount();

    for (int r=0; r<iRows; r++)
      if (!isNull(iCol, r))
        dRetVal += getDouble(iCol, r);

    return new Double(dRetVal);

  public Object sum(int iCol)
    throws NumberFormatException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    final int iRows = getRowCount();

    if (0==iRows) return null;

    Object oFirst = null;
    int r = 0;
      oFirst = get(iCol, 0);
    while ((null==oFirst) && (r<iRows));

    if (null==oFirst) return new BigDecimal(0);

    if (oFirst.getClass().getName().equals("java.math.BigDecimal"))
      return sumDecimal(iCol);
    else if (oFirst.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.Long"))
      return sumLong(iCol);
    else if (oFirst.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.Integer"))
      return sumInteger(iCol);
    else if (oFirst.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.Short"))
      return sumShort(iCol);
    else if (oFirst.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.Float"))
      return sumFloat(iCol);
    else if (oFirst.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.Double"))
      return sumDouble(iCol);
      throw new NumberFormatException("Column " + String.valueOf(iCol) + " of type " + oFirst.getClass().getName() + " is not a suitable type for sum()");

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Append rows from given DBSubset to this DBSubset</p>
   * @param oDbs DBSubset An already loaded DBSubset
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If both DBSubsets do not have the same number of columns
   * @throws NullPointerException If oDbs is <b>null</b>
   * @since 3.0
  public void union(DBSubset oDbs)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,NullPointerException {
    if (this.getColumnCount()!=oDbs.getColumnCount()) {
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("DBSubset.union() subsets to be unified must have the same number of columns");
    final int iDbsRows = oDbs.getRowCount();
    if (iDbsRows>0) {
      for (int r=0; r<iDbsRows; r++) {
      } // next
    } // fi
  } // union

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Parse a delimited text file into DBSubset bi-dimensional array</p>
   * The parsed file must have the same column structure as the column list set when the DBSubset constructor was called.
   * @param sFilePath File Path
   * @param sCharSet Character set encoding for file
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws FileNotFoundException
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Delimited values for a file is greater
   * than columns specified at descriptor.
   * @throws RuntimeException If delimiter is not one of { ',' ';' or '\t' }
   * @throws NullPointerException if sFileDescriptor is <b>null</b>
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if sFileDescriptor is ""

  public void parseCSV (String sFilePath, String sCharSet)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,IOException,FileNotFoundException,
           RuntimeException,NullPointerException,IllegalArgumentException {

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.parseCSV(" + sFilePath + ")");

    Vector oRow;

    String[] aCols = Gadgets.split (removeQuotes(sColList), ',');

    iColCount = aCols.length;

    CSVParser oParser = new CSVParser (sCharSet);

    oParser.parseFile (sFilePath, sColList.replace(',',sColDelim.charAt(0)));

    final int iRowCount = oParser.getLineCount();

    oResults = new Vector (iRowCount, 1);

    for (int r=0; r<iRowCount; r++) {
      oRow = new Vector (iColCount);

      for (int c=0; c<iColCount; c++)
        oRow.add (oParser.getField(c,r));

      oResults.add (oRow);
    } // next

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.parseCSV()");
  } // parseCSV()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Parse a delimited text file into DBSubset bi-dimensional array</p>
   * The parsed file must have the same column structure as the column list set when the DBSubset constructor was called.
   * @param sFilePath File Path

  public void parseCSV (String sFilePath)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,IOException,FileNotFoundException,
           RuntimeException,NullPointerException,IllegalArgumentException {

    parseCSV (sFilePath, null);

  } // parseCSV()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Parse character data into DBSubset bi-dimensional array</p>
   * The parsed file must have the same column structure as the column list set when the DBSubset constructor was called.
   * @param sFilePath Character Data to be parsed
   * @param sCharSet Character set encoding for file

  public void parseCSV (char[] aData, String sCharSet)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException, NullPointerException,
           IllegalArgumentException, UnsupportedEncodingException {

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin DBSubset.parseCSV(char[], " + sCharSet + ")");

    Vector oRow;

    String[] aCols = Gadgets.split (removeQuotes(sColList), ',');

    CSVParser oParser = new CSVParser (sCharSet);

    oParser.parseData (aData, sColList.replace(',',sColDelim.charAt(0)));

    final int iRowCount = oParser.getLineCount();
    iColCount = aCols.length;

    oResults = new Vector (iRowCount, 1);

    for (int r=0; r<iRowCount; r++) {
      oRow = new Vector (iColCount);

      for (int c=0; c<iColCount; c++)
        oRow.add (oParser.getField(c,r));

      oResults.add (oRow);
    } // next

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("End DBSubset.parseCSV()");
  } // parseCSV()

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

   * <p>Parse character data into DBSubset bi-dimensional array</p>
   * The parsed file must have the same column structure as the column list set when the DBSubset constructor was called.
   * @param sFilePath Character Data to be parsed

  public void parseCSV (char[] aData)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException, NullPointerException,
           IllegalArgumentException, UnsupportedEncodingException {

    parseCSV(aData, null);

  // **********************************************************
  // Private Variables

  private static Class getClassForName(String sClassName) {
    Class oRetVal;
    try {
      oRetVal = Class.forName(sClassName);
    catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { oRetVal = null; }

    return oRetVal;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------

  private static Class ClassLangString  = getClassForName("java.lang.String");
  private static Class ClassUtilDate  = getClassForName("java.util.Date");
  private static Class ClassSQLDate  = getClassForName("java.sql.Date");
  private static Class ClassSQLTime = getClassForName("java.sql.Time");
  private static Class ClassTimestamp = getClassForName("java.sql.Timestamp");

  private int iFetch;
  private int iTimeOut;
  private int iColCount;
  private int iMaxRows;
  private boolean bEOF;
  private String sTable;
  private String sColList;
  private String sFilter;
  private String sSelect;
  private String sInsert;
  private String sColDelim;
  private String sRowDelim;
  private String sTxtQualifier;
  private Vector oResults;
  private Vector<DBSubset> oSubRecords;
  private String ColNames[];
  private SimpleDateFormat oShortDate;
  private SimpleDateFormat oDateTime;
  private SimpleDateFormat oDateTime24;
  private DecimalFormat oDecFmt;

} // DBSubset

Related Classes of com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBSubset

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