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package com.knowgate.dataobjs;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.LineNumberReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.knowgate.jdc.JDCConnection;
import com.knowgate.misc.Gadgets;
* Keeps an operations log at a file or database table.
* @author Sergio Montoro ten
* @version 3.0
public class DBAudit {
protected void finalize() throws IOException {
if (sAuditFile!="") oLogWriter.close();
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* Write a log entry into k_auditing database table
* @param oConn Database connection, if null then data if dumped to a flat file.
* @param iIdEntity - Internal ClassId short nombre for audited class.
* @param sCoOp - Operation Code (4 alphanumeric digits)
* @param sGUUser - GUID of user performing the operation (máx. 32 characters)
* @param sGUEntity1 - GUID of primary entity (or source entitity) for the operation (máx. 32 characters)
* @param sGUEntity2 - GUID of secondary entity (or target entitity) for the operation (máx. 32 characters)
* @param iIdTransact - Transaction Identifier
* @param iIPAddr - User IP address
* @param sTxParams1 - Aditional parameters related to entity 1 (máx 255 characters)
* @param sTxParams2 - Aditional parameters related to entity 2 (máx 255 characters)
* @throws SQLException
* @throws SecurityException
public static void log(JDCConnection oConn, short iIdEntity, String sCoOp, String sGUUser, String sGUEntity1, String sGUEntity2, int iIdTransact, int iIPAddr, String sTxParams1, String sTxParams2)
throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement oStmt;
if (sCoOp==null) throw new SQLException("DBAudit.log() operation code cannot be null", "23000", 23000);
if (sCoOp.length()>4) throw new SQLException("DBAudit.log() operation code " + sCoOp + " cannot be longer than 4 characters", "01004", 1004);
if (sGUUser==null) throw new SQLException("DBAudit.log() user GUID cannot be null", "23000", 23000);
if (sGUUser.length()>32) throw new SQLException("DBAudit.log() user GUID cannot be longer than 32 characters", "23000", 23000);
if (sGUEntity1==null) throw new SQLException("DBAudit.log() user entity GUID cannot be null", "23000", 23000);
if (sGUEntity1.length()>32) throw new SQLException("DBAudit.log() entity GUID cannot be longer than 32 characters", "23000", 23000);
if (null==oConn) {
writeLog (iIdEntity, sCoOp, sGUUser, sGUEntity1, sGUEntity2, iIdTransact, String.valueOf(iIPAddr), sTxParams1, sTxParams2);
else {
oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO k_auditing VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
oStmt.setShort (1, iIdEntity);
oStmt.setString (2, sCoOp);
oStmt.setString (3, sGUUser);
oStmt.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(new java.util.Date().getTime()));
oStmt.setString (5, sGUEntity1);
if (null==sGUEntity2)
oStmt.setNull (6, Types.VARCHAR);
oStmt.setString (6, sGUEntity2);
oStmt.setInt (7, iIdTransact);
oStmt.setInt (8, iIPAddr);
if (null==sTxParams1)
oStmt.setNull (9, Types.VARCHAR);
oStmt.setString (9, Gadgets.left(sTxParams1,100));
if (null==sTxParams2)
oStmt.setNull (10, Types.VARCHAR);
oStmt.setString (10, Gadgets.left(sTxParams2, 100));
} // fi (oConn)
} // log()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* Write a log entry into javatrx.txt file
* @param iIdEntity - Internal ClassId short nombre for audited class.
* @param sCoOp - Operation Code (4 alphanumeric digits)
* @param sGUUser - GUID of user performing the operation (máx. 32 characters)
* @param sGUEntity1 - GUID of primary entity (or source entitity) for the operation (máx. 32 characters)
* @param sGUEntity2 - GUID of secondary entity (or target entitity) for the operation (máx. 32 characters)
* @param iIdTransact - Transaction Identifier
* @param iIPAddr - User IP address
* @param sTxParams1 - Aditional parameters related to entity 1 (máx 255 characters)
* @param sTxParams2 - Aditional parameters related to entity 2 (máx 255 characters)
* @throws SecurityException if there aren't sufficient permissions for writting at javatrc.txt file
public static void log (short iIdEntity, String sCoOp, String sGUUser, String sGUEntity1, String sGUEntity2, int iIdTransact, String sIPAddr, String sTxParams1, String sTxParams2) {
writeLog (iIdEntity, sCoOp, sGUUser, sGUEntity1, sGUEntity2, iIdTransact, sIPAddr, sTxParams1, sTxParams2);
} // log()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* Set path to log output file
* @param sFilePath Physical file path
* @throws IOException
public static void setAuditFile(String sFilePath) throws IOException {
if (sAuditFile!="") oLogWriter.close();
sAuditFile = "";
oLogWriter = new FileWriter(sFilePath, true);
sAuditFile = sFilePath;
} // setAuditFile
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* Write an operation line to the log file
* @param sTransactId Transaction Identifier
* @param sUserId GUID of user performing the operation (máx. 32 characters)
* @param sObject GUID of primary entity for the operation
* @param sOpCode Operation code (máx. 4 characters)
* @param sParams Aditional parameters related to entity 1 (máx 255 characters)
* @throws SecurityException if there aren't sufficient permissions for writting at javatrc.txt file
private static void writeLog (short iIdEntity, String sCoOp, String sUserId, String sGUEntity1, String sGUEntity2, int iIdTransact, String sIPAddr, String sTxParams1, String sTxParams2)
throws SecurityException {
try {
if (null==oLogWriter)
if (sOSName.startsWith("Windows"))
oLogWriter.write (new java.util.Date().toString() + ";" + String.valueOf(iIdEntity) + ";" + sCoOp + ";" + sUserId + ";" + sGUEntity1 + ";" + sGUEntity2 + ";" + String.valueOf(iIdTransact) + ";" + sIPAddr + ";" + sTxParams1 + ";" + sTxParams2 + "\n");
catch (IOException ioe) { }
catch (NullPointerException npe) {}
} // writeLog()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
public static String analyze(String sFile) throws IOException {
int f, s, e;
StringBuffer oReport = new StringBuffer(4096);
String sLine, sOpCode = null, sEntity = null;
TreeMap oOpen = new TreeMap();
Integer oCount;
LineNumberReader lnr;
FileReader oReader = new FileReader(sFile);
BufferedReader oBuffer = new BufferedReader(oReader);
LineNumberReader oLines = new LineNumberReader(oBuffer);
while ((sLine = oLines.readLine())!=null) {
f = 0;
s = -1;
while ((s=sLine.indexOf(';',s+1))!=-1) {
switch (f) {
case 2:
sOpCode = sLine.substring(s, sLine.indexOf(';', s+1));
case 4:
sEntity = sLine.substring(s, sLine.indexOf(';', s+1));
if (sOpCode.equals("ODBC") || sOpCode.equals("OJSP")) {
oCount = (Integer) oOpen.get(sEntity);
if (oCount==null) {
oCount = new Integer(1);
oOpen.put(sEntity, oCount);
else {
oCount = new Integer(oCount.intValue()+1);
oOpen.put(sEntity, oCount);
} // fi (sOpCode==ODBC)
else if (sOpCode.equals("CDBC") || sOpCode.equals("CJSP")) {
oCount = (Integer) oOpen.get(sEntity);
if (oCount==null) {
oCount = new Integer(-1);
oOpen.put(sEntity, oCount);
else {
oCount = new Integer(oCount.intValue()-1);
oOpen.put(sEntity, oCount);
} // switch(f)
} // wend
if (f%10==0) System.out.print('.');
} // wend
Iterator oKeys = oOpen.keySet().iterator();
while (oKeys.hasNext()) {
sEntity = (String) oKeys.next();
oCount = (Integer) oOpen.get(sEntity);
if (oCount.intValue()!=0) {
oReport.append(sEntity + " open/close mismatch " + oCount.toString() + "\n");
} // wend
return oReport.toString();
// ----------------------------------------------------------
private static void printUsage() {
System.out.println("DBAudit analyze <file_path>");
public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException {
if (argv.length<2)
else if (!argv[0].equals("analyze"))
// ----------------------------------------------------------
private static String sOSName = System.getProperty("os.name");
private static String sAuditFile = "";
private static FileWriter oLogWriter = null;
} // DBAudit