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package com.knowgate.addrbook.jical;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import com.knowgate.jdc.JDCConnection;
import com.knowgate.acl.ACL;
import com.knowgate.acl.ACLUser;
import com.knowgate.debug.DebugFile;
import com.knowgate.misc.Gadgets;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DB;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBSubset;
import com.knowgate.hipergate.DBLanguages;
import com.knowgate.addrbook.*;
import org.jical.ICalendar;
import org.jical.ICalendarParser;
import org.jical.ICalendarVEvent;
* <p>Create an ICalendar object for a given hipergate Fellow meetings</p>
* @author Sergio Montoro Ten
* @version 1.0
public class ICalendarFactory {
public ICalendarFactory() {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static String duration(Date dtStart, Date dtEnd) {
final long lSecond = 1000;
final long lMinute = lSecond*60l;
final long lHour = lMinute*60l;
final long lDay = lHour*24l;
long lDuration = dtEnd.getTime()-dtStart.getTime();
return (lDuration>=0 ? "" : "-")+"P"+String.valueOf(lDuration/lDay)+"DT"+String.valueOf(lDuration/lHour)+"H"+String.valueOf(lDuration/lMinute)+"M"+String.valueOf(lDuration/lSecond)+"S";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get an <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2445.txt">RFC 2445</a> calendar for a Fellow
* @param oConn JDCConnection
* @param sGuFellow String Fellow GUID from k_fellows table
* @param dtFrom Date from which to start exporting meetings
* @param dtTo Date when stop exporting meetings
* @param sLanguage String Two letter identifier of language to be used if this parameter is <b>null</b> then the default Locale is used.
* @return ICalendar
* @throws SQLException If not fellow with specified GUID is found at k_fellows table
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if dtFrom>dtTo
* @throws NullPointerException if sGuFellow or dtFrom or dtTo is <b>null</b>
public static ICalendar createICalendar(JDCConnection oConn, String sGuFellow,
Date dtFrom, Date dtTo, String sLanguage)
throws SQLException,IllegalArgumentException,NullPointerException {
ICalendarVEvent oEvt;
String sTpRoom, sOrganizerName, sOrganizerMail;
Date dtNow = new Date();
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin ICalendarFactory([JDCConnection],"+sGuFellow+","+dtFrom.toString()+","+dtTo.toString()+","+sLanguage+")");
if (sGuFellow==null) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
throw new NullPointerException("ICalendarFactory.createICalendar() Fellow GUID parameter is required");
if (dtFrom==null || dtTo==null) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
throw new NullPointerException("ICalendarFactory.createICalendar() Both start and end date are required");
if (dtFrom.compareTo(dtTo)>0) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ICalendarFactory.createICalendar() End date cannot be prior to start date");
if (sLanguage==null) sLanguage=Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
Fellow oFlw = new Fellow();
if (!oFlw.load(oConn, new Object[]{sGuFellow})) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
throw new SQLException("Fellow "+sGuFellow+" not found at "+DB.k_fellows+" table");
DBSubset oMeetings = new DBSubset (DB.k_meetings+" m,"+DB.k_x_meeting_fellow+" f",
"f."+DB.gu_fellow+"=? AND m."+DB.gu_fellow+"=f."+DB.gu_fellow, 100);
int iMeetings = oMeetings.load(oConn, new Object[]{sGuFellow});
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(String.valueOf(iMeetings)+" meetings found");
DBSubset oRooms = new DBSubset(DB.k_x_meeting_room+" x,"+DB.k_rooms+" r",
"x."+DB.gu_meeting+"=? AND "+"x."+DB.nm_room+"=r."+DB.nm_room,2);
int iRooms;
ICalendar oCal = new ICalendar();
for (int m=0; m<iMeetings; m++) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Loading meeting "+oMeetings.getStringNull(7,m,""));
oEvt = new ICalendarVEvent(oMeetings.getDate(1,m),oMeetings.getDate(2,m),
oMeetings.getStringNull(7,m,""), null, null);
oEvt.setEventClass(oMeetings.getShort(3,m)==0 ? "PUBLIC" : "PRIVATE");
if (!oMeetings.isNull(6,m)) oEvt.setCategories(oMeetings.getString(6,m));
if (oMeetings.isNull(4,m) || sGuFellow.equals(oMeetings.get(4,m))) {
sOrganizerName = (oFlw.getStringNull(DB.tx_name,"")+" "+oFlw.getStringNull(DB.tx_surname,"")).trim();
sOrganizerMail = oFlw.getStringNull(DB.tx_email,"");
} else {
ACLUser oWrt = new ACLUser();
if (oWrt.load(oConn, new Object[]{oMeetings.get(4,m)})) {
sOrganizerName = (oFlw.getStringNull(DB.nm_user,"")+" "+oFlw.getStringNull(DB.tx_surname1,"")+" "+oFlw.getStringNull(DB.tx_surname2,"")).trim();
sOrganizerMail = oFlw.getStringNull(DB.tx_main_email,"");
} else {
sOrganizerName = (oFlw.getStringNull(DB.tx_name,"")+" "+oFlw.getStringNull(DB.tx_surname,"")).trim();
sOrganizerMail = oFlw.getStringNull(DB.tx_email,"");
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Organizer is \""+sOrganizerName+"\" <"+sOrganizerMail+">");
if (!oMeetings.isNull(9,m)) oEvt.setStatus(oMeetings.getString(9,m));
iRooms = oRooms.load(oConn, new Object[]{oMeetings.getString(0,m)});
if (iRooms>0) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(String.valueOf(iRooms)+" rooms found");
if (sLanguage!=null)
sTpRoom = DBLanguages.getLookUpTranslation(oConn, DB.k_rooms_lookup, oRooms.getString(1,0), DB.tp_room, sLanguage, oRooms.getString(2,0));
sTpRoom = null;
if (null==sTpRoom) sTpRoom=""; else sTpRoom+=" ";
oEvt.setLocation(sTpRoom+oRooms.getString(2,0)+(oRooms.isNull(3,0) ? "" : " "+oRooms.getStringNull(3,0,"")));
} // next
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End ICalendarFactory()");
return oCal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get an <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2445.txt">RFC 2445</a> calendar for a Fellow
* @param oConn JDCConnection
* @param sTxEmail String Fellow e-mail. Must be that of tx_main-email of the corresponding User at k_users table.
* @param sTxPwd String User password in clear text.
* @param dtFrom Date from which to start exporting meetings
* @param dtTo Date when stop exporting meetings
* @param sLanguage String Two letter identifier of language to be used if this parameter is <b>null</b> then the default Locale is used.
* @return ICalendar
* @throws SQLException If not fellow with specified e-amil is found at k_users table
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if dtFrom>dtTo
* @throws NullPointerException if sGuFellow or dtFrom or dtTo is <b>null</b>
* @throws SecurityException e-mail/password pair does not match the one set at the database
public static ICalendar createICalendar(JDCConnection oConn, String sTxEmail, String sTxPwd,
Date dtFrom, Date dtTo, String sLanguage)
throws SQLException,IllegalArgumentException,NullPointerException,SecurityException {
String sGuFellow = ACLUser.getIdFromEmail(oConn, sTxEmail);
if (null==sGuFellow)
throw new SQLException(ACL.getErrorMessage(ACL.USER_NOT_FOUND));
short iAuth = ACL.autenticate(oConn, sGuFellow, sTxPwd, ACL.PWD_CLEAR_TEXT);
if (iAuth<0) throw new SecurityException(ACL.getErrorMessage(iAuth));
return createICalendar(oConn, sGuFellow, dtFrom, dtTo, sLanguage);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Load a calendar file into k_meetings table</p>
* @param oConn JDCConnection
* @param sGuFellow String
* @param oCalFile File
* @param sEncoding String
* @throws SQLException
public static void loadCalendar(JDCConnection oConn, String sGuFellow,
File oCalFile, String sEncoding)
throws SQLException {
Meeting oMeet;
String sGuid;
String sCats;
Fellow oFllw = new Fellow();
if (!oFllw.load(oConn, new Object[]{sGuFellow})) {
throw new SQLException(ACL.getErrorMessage(ACL.USER_NOT_FOUND));
Room oRoom = new Room();
oRoom.put(DB.gu_workarea, oFllw.getString(DB.gu_workarea));
ICalendarVEvent oEvnt;
ICalendarParser oPrsr = new ICalendarParser();
ICalendar oCal = oPrsr.parse(oCalFile, sEncoding);
Iterator oIter = oCal.icalEventCollection.iterator();
while (oIter.hasNext()) {
oEvnt = (ICalendarVEvent) oIter.next();
// remove - from Mozilla UIDs
sGuid = Gadgets.removeChar(oEvnt.getUid(),'-').trim();
sCats = oEvnt.getCategories();
if (sCats!=null) sCats = (Gadgets.split(sCats,','))[0];
oMeet = new Meeting();
if (oMeet.load(oConn, new Object[]{sGuid})) {
// Current meeting is only modified if the one comming in the iCalendar file is newer
if (oMeet.lastModified().compareTo(oEvnt.getLastModified()==null ? new Date() : oEvnt.getLastModified())<0) {
oMeet.replace(DB.dt_start, oEvnt.getDateStart());
oMeet.replace(DB.dt_end, oEvnt.getDateEnd());
if (null==oEvnt.getEventClass())
oMeet.replace(DB.bo_private, (short)1);
oMeet.replace(DB.bo_private, (short)(oEvnt.getEventClass().equals("PRIVATE") ? 1 : 0));
oMeet.replace(DB.tx_status, oEvnt.getStatus());
oMeet.replace(DB.tp_meeting, sCats);
oMeet.replace(DB.tx_meeting, oEvnt.getSummary());
oMeet.replace(DB.tx_meeting, oEvnt.getDescription());
} else {
oMeet.put(DB.gu_meeting, sGuid);
oMeet.put(DB.gu_workarea, oFllw.getString(DB.gu_workarea));
oMeet.put(DB.id_domain, oFllw.getInt(DB.id_domain));
oMeet.put(DB.gu_fellow, sGuFellow);
oMeet.put(DB.gu_writer, sGuFellow);
oMeet.put(DB.dt_start, oEvnt.getDateStart());
oMeet.put(DB.dt_end, oEvnt.getDateEnd());
if (null==oEvnt.getEventClass())
oMeet.put(DB.bo_private, (short)1);
oMeet.put(DB.bo_private, (short)(oEvnt.getEventClass().equals("PRIVATE") ? 1 : 0));
oMeet.put(DB.tx_status, oEvnt.getStatus());
oMeet.replace(DB.tp_meeting, sCats);
oMeet.put(DB.tx_meeting, oEvnt.getSummary());
oMeet.put(DB.tx_meeting, oEvnt.getDescription());
oMeet.setAttendant(oConn, sGuFellow);
if (oEvnt.getLocation()!=null) {
oRoom.replace(DB.nm_room, oEvnt.getLocation());
if (oRoom.exists(oConn))
oMeet.setRoom(oConn, oEvnt.getLocation());
} // fi (getLocation())
} // wend
} // loadCalendar
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------