Package helma.objectmodel.db

Source Code of helma.objectmodel.db.Relation$Constraint

* Helma License Notice
* The contents of this file are subject to the Helma License
* Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
* Copyright 1998-2003 Helma Software. All Rights Reserved.
* $RCSfile$
* $Author: hannes $
* $Revision: 9992 $
* $Date: 2009-11-24 11:34:50 +0100 (Die, 24. Nov 2009) $

package helma.objectmodel.db;

import helma.framework.core.Application;
import helma.objectmodel.INode;
import helma.objectmodel.IProperty;
import helma.util.StringUtils;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;

* This describes how a property of a persistent Object is stored in a
*  relational database table. This can be either a scalar property (string, date, number etc.)
*  or a reference to one or more other objects.
public final class Relation {
    // these constants define different type of property-to-db-mappings
    // there is an error in the description of this relation
    public final static int INVALID = -1;

    // a mapping of a non-object, scalar type
    public final static int PRIMITIVE = 0;

    // a 1-to-1 relation, i.e. a field in the table is a foreign key to another object
    public final static int REFERENCE = 1;

    // a 1-to-many relation, a field in another table points to objects of this type
    public final static int COLLECTION = 2;

    // a 1-to-1 reference with multiple or otherwise not-trivial constraints
    // this is managed differently than REFERENCE, hence the separate type.
    public final static int COMPLEX_REFERENCE = 3;

    // constraints linked together by OR or AND if applicable?
    public final static String AND = " AND ";
    public final static String OR = " OR ";
    public final static String XOR = " XOR ";
    private String logicalOperator = AND;

    // prefix to use for symbolic names of joined tables. The name is composed
    // from this prefix and the name of the property we're doing the join for
    final static String JOIN_PREFIX = "JOIN_";

    // direct mapping is a very powerful feature:
    // objects of some types can be directly accessed
    // by one of their properties/db fields.
    // public final static int DIRECT = 3;
    // the DbMapping of the type we come from
    DbMapping ownType;

    // the DbMapping of the prototype we link to, unless this is a "primitive" (non-object) relation
    DbMapping otherType;

    // the column type, as defined in java.sql.Types
    int columnType;

    //  if this relation defines a virtual node, we need to provide a DbMapping for these virtual nodes
    DbMapping virtualMapping;
    String propName;
    String columnName;
    int reftype;
    Constraint[] constraints;
    boolean virtual;
    boolean readonly;
    boolean lazyLoading;
    boolean aggressiveLoading;
    boolean aggressiveCaching;
    boolean isPrivate = false;
    boolean referencesPrimaryKey = false;
    String updateCriteria;
    String accessName; // db column used to access objects through this relation
    String order;
    boolean autoSorted = false;
    String groupbyOrder;
    String groupby;
    String prototype;
    String groupbyPrototype;
    String filter;
    private String additionalTables;
    private boolean additionalTablesJoined = false;
    String queryHints;
    Vector filterFragments;
    Vector filterPropertyRefs;
    int maxSize = 0;
    int offset = 0;

     * This constructor makes a copy of an existing relation. Not all fields are copied, just those
     * which are needed in groupby- and virtual nodes defined by this relation. use
     * {@link Relation#getClone()} to get a full copy of this relation.
    protected Relation(Relation rel) {
        // Note: prototype, groupby, groupbyPrototype and groupbyOrder aren't copied here.
        // these are set by the individual get*Relation() methods as appropriate.
        this.ownType =                  rel.ownType;
        this.otherType =                rel.otherType;
        this.propName =                 rel.propName;
        this.columnName =               rel.columnName;
        this.reftype =                  rel.reftype;
        this.order =                    rel.order;
        this.filter =                   rel.filter;
        this.filterFragments =          rel.filterFragments;
        this.filterPropertyRefs =       rel.filterPropertyRefs;
        this.additionalTables =         rel.additionalTables;
        this.additionalTablesJoined =   rel.additionalTablesJoined;
        this.queryHints =               rel.queryHints;
        this.maxSize =                  rel.maxSize;
        this.offset =                   rel.offset;
        this.constraints =              rel.constraints;
        this.accessName =               rel.accessName;
        this.logicalOperator =          rel.logicalOperator;
        this.lazyLoading =              rel.lazyLoading;
        this.aggressiveLoading =        rel.aggressiveLoading;
        this.aggressiveCaching =        rel.aggressiveCaching;
        this.updateCriteria =           rel.updateCriteria;
        this.autoSorted =               rel.autoSorted;

     * Reads a relation entry from a line in a properties file.
    public Relation(String propName, DbMapping ownType) {
        this.ownType = ownType;
        this.propName = propName;
        otherType = null;

     * Update this relation object from a properties object.
     * @param desc the top level relation descriptor. For relations
     *             defined in a file, this is a string like
     *             "collection(Type)", but for relations defined from
     *             JavaScript, it is the top level descriptor object.
     * @param props The subproperties for this relation.
    public void update(Object desc, Properties props) {
        Application app = ownType.getApplication();

        if (desc instanceof Properties || parseDescriptor(desc, props)) {
            // converted to internal foo.collection = Bar representation
            String proto;
            if (props.containsKey("collection")) {
                proto = props.getProperty("collection");
                virtual = !"_children".equalsIgnoreCase(propName);
                reftype = COLLECTION;
            } else if (props.containsKey("mountpoint")) {
                proto = props.getProperty("mountpoint");
                reftype = COLLECTION;
                virtual = true;
                this.prototype = proto;
            } else if (props.containsKey("object")) {
                proto = props.getProperty("object");
                if (reftype != COMPLEX_REFERENCE) {
                    reftype = REFERENCE;
                virtual = false;
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid property Mapping: " + desc);

            otherType = app.getDbMapping(proto);

            if (otherType == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("DbMapping for " + proto +
                                           " not found from " + ownType.getTypeName());

            // make sure the type we're referring to is up to date!
            if (otherType.needsUpdate()) {


        readonly = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(props.getProperty("readonly"));
        isPrivate = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(props.getProperty("private"));

        // the following options only apply to object and collection relations
        if ((reftype != PRIMITIVE) && (reftype != INVALID)) {
            Vector newConstraints = new Vector();

            parseOptions(newConstraints, props);

            constraints = new Constraint[newConstraints.size()];

            if (reftype == REFERENCE || reftype == COMPLEX_REFERENCE) {
                if (constraints.length == 0) {
                    referencesPrimaryKey = true;
                } else {
                    boolean rprim = false;
                    for (int i=0; i<constraints.length; i++) {
                        if (constraints[i].foreignKeyIsPrimary()) {
                            rprim = true;
                    referencesPrimaryKey = rprim;

                // check if this is a non-trivial reference
                if (constraints.length > 1 || !usesPrimaryKey()) {
                    reftype = COMPLEX_REFERENCE;
                } else {
                    reftype = REFERENCE;

            if (reftype == COLLECTION) {
                referencesPrimaryKey = (accessName == null) ||

            // if DbMapping for virtual nodes has already been created,
            // update its subnode relation.
            // FIXME: needs to be synchronized?
            if (virtualMapping != null) {
                virtualMapping.lastTypeChange = ownType.lastTypeChange;
                virtualMapping.subRelation = getVirtualSubnodeRelation();
                virtualMapping.propRelation = getVirtualPropertyRelation();
        } else {
            referencesPrimaryKey = false;

     * Converts old style foo = collection(Bar) mapping to new style
     * foo.collection = Bar mappinng and returns true if a non-primitive mapping
     * was encountered.
     * @param value the value of the top level property mapping
     * @param config the sub-map for this property mapping
     * @return true if the value describes a valid, non-primitive property mapping
    protected boolean parseDescriptor(Object value, Map config) {
        String desc = value instanceof String ? (String) value : null;

        if (desc == null || "".equals(desc.trim())) {
            if (propName != null) {
                reftype = PRIMITIVE;
                columnName = propName;
            } else {
                reftype = INVALID;
                columnName = propName;
            return false;
        } else {
            desc = desc.trim();

            int open = desc.indexOf("(");
            int close = desc.indexOf(")", open);

            if (open > -1 && close > open) {
                String ref = desc.substring(0, open).trim();
                String proto = desc.substring(open + 1, close).trim();

                if ("collection".equalsIgnoreCase(ref)) {
                    config.put("collection", proto);
                } else if ("mountpoint".equalsIgnoreCase(ref)) {
                    config.put("mountpoint", proto);
                } else if ("object".equalsIgnoreCase(ref)) {
                    config.put("object", proto);
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid property Mapping: " + desc);

                return true;

            } else {
                virtual = false;
                columnName = desc;
                reftype = PRIMITIVE;
                return false;


    protected void parseOptions(Vector cnst, Properties props) {
        String loading = props.getProperty("loadmode");

        if (loading != null) {
            loading = loading.trim();
            if ("aggressive".equalsIgnoreCase(loading)) {
                aggressiveLoading = true;
                lazyLoading = false;
            } else if ("lazy".equalsIgnoreCase(loading)) {
                lazyLoading = true;
                aggressiveLoading = false;
            } else {
                System.err.println("Unsupported loadmode property in " + ownType + ": " + loading);
                aggressiveLoading = lazyLoading = false;
        } else {
            aggressiveLoading = lazyLoading = false;

        String caching = props.getProperty("cachemode");

        aggressiveCaching = (caching != null) &&

        // get order property
        order = props.getProperty("order");

        if ((order != null) && (order.trim().length() == 0)) {
            order = null;

        // get the criteria(s) for updating this collection
        updateCriteria = props.getProperty("updatecriteria");

        // get the autosorting flag
        autoSorted = "auto".equalsIgnoreCase(props.getProperty("sortmode"));

        // get additional filter property
        filter = props.getProperty("filter");

        if (filter != null) {
            if (filter.trim().length() == 0) {
                filter = null;
                filterFragments = filterPropertyRefs = null;
            } else {
                // parenthesise filter
                Vector fragments = new Vector();
                Vector propertyRefs = new Vector();
                parsePropertyString(filter, fragments, propertyRefs);
                // if no references where found, just use the filter string
                // otherwise use the filter fragments and proeprty refs instead
                if (propertyRefs.size() > 0) {
                    filterFragments = fragments;
                    filterPropertyRefs = propertyRefs;
                } else {
                    filterFragments = filterPropertyRefs = null;

        // get additional tables
        additionalTables = props.getProperty("filter.additionalTables");

        if (additionalTables != null) {
            if (additionalTables.trim().length() == 0) {
                additionalTables = null;
            } else {
                String ucTables = additionalTables.toUpperCase();
                // create dependencies implied by additional tables
                DbSource dbsource = otherType.getDbSource();
                if (dbsource != null) {
                    String[] tables = StringUtils.split(ucTables, ", ");
                    for (int i=0; i<tables.length; i++) {
                        // Skip some join-related keyworks we might encounter here
                        if ("AS".equals(tables[i]) || "ON".equals(tables[i])) {
                        DbMapping dbmap = dbsource.getDbMapping(tables[i]);
                        if (dbmap != null) {
                // see wether the JOIN syntax is used. look for " join " with whitespaces on both sides
                // and for "join " at the beginning:
                additionalTablesJoined = (ucTables.indexOf(" JOIN ") != -1 ||
                        ucTables.startsWith("STRAIGHT_JOIN ") || ucTables.startsWith("JOIN "));

        // get query hints
        queryHints = props.getProperty("hints");

        // get max size of collection
        maxSize = getIntegerProperty("maxSize", props, 0);
        if (maxSize == 0) {
            // use limit as alias for maxSize
            maxSize = getIntegerProperty("limit", props, 0);
        offset = getIntegerProperty("offset", props, 0);

        // get group by property
        groupby = props.getProperty("group");

        if (groupby != null && groupby.trim().length() == 0) {
            groupby = null;

        if (groupby != null) {
            groupbyOrder = props.getProperty("group.order");

            if (groupbyOrder != null && groupbyOrder.trim().length() == 0) {
                groupbyOrder = null;

            groupbyPrototype = props.getProperty("group.prototype");

            if (groupbyPrototype != null && groupbyPrototype.trim().length() == 0) {
                groupbyPrototype = null;

            // aggressive loading and caching is not supported for groupby-nodes
            // aggressiveLoading = aggressiveCaching = false;

        // check if subnode condition should be applied for property relations
        accessName = props.getProperty("accessname");

        // parse contstraints
        String local = props.getProperty("local");
        String foreign = props.getProperty("foreign");

        if (local != null && foreign != null) {
            cnst.addElement(new Constraint(local, foreign, false));
            columnName = local;

        // parse additional contstraints from *.1 to *.9
        for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
            local = props.getProperty("local."+i);
            foreign = props.getProperty("foreign."+i);

            if (local != null && foreign != null) {
                cnst.addElement(new Constraint(local, foreign, false));

        // parse constraints logic
        if (cnst.size() > 1) {
            String logic = props.getProperty("logicalOperator");
            if ("and".equalsIgnoreCase(logic)) {
                logicalOperator = AND;
            } else if ("or".equalsIgnoreCase(logic)) {
                logicalOperator = OR;
            } else if ("xor".equalsIgnoreCase(logic)) {
                logicalOperator = XOR;
            } else {
                logicalOperator = AND;
        } else {
            logicalOperator = AND;


    private int getIntegerProperty(String name, Properties props, int defaultValue) {
        Object value = props.get(name);
        if (value instanceof Number) {
            return ((Number) value).intValue();
        } else if (value instanceof String) {
            try {
                return Integer.parseInt((String) value);
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfx) {
                ownType.getApplication().logError("Can't parse integer for property "
                        + name + " from value " + value, nfx);
        return defaultValue;


     * Get the configuration properties for this relation.
    public Map getConfig() {
        return ownType.getSubProperties(propName + '.');

     * Does this relation describe a virtual (collection) node?
    public boolean isVirtual() {
        return virtual;

     * Return the target type of this relation, or null if this is a primitive mapping.
    public DbMapping getTargetType() {
        return otherType;

     * Get the reference type of this relation.
    public int getRefType() {
        return reftype;

     * Tell if this relation represents a primitive (scalar) value mapping.
    public boolean isPrimitive() {
        return reftype == PRIMITIVE;

     *  Returns true if this Relation describes an object reference property
    public boolean isReference() {
        return reftype == REFERENCE;

     *  Returns true if this Relation describes either a primitive value
     *  or an object reference.
    public boolean isPrimitiveOrReference() {
        return reftype == PRIMITIVE || reftype == REFERENCE;

     *  Returns true if this Relation describes a collection.
     *  <b>NOTE:</b> this will return true both for collection objects
     *  (aka virtual nodes) and direct child object relations, so
     *  isVirtual() should be used to identify relations that define
     *  <i>collection properties</i>!
    public boolean isCollection() {
        return reftype == COLLECTION;

     *  Returns true if this Relation describes a complex object reference property
    public boolean isComplexReference() {
        return reftype == COMPLEX_REFERENCE;

     *  Tell wether the property described by this relation is to be handled as private, i.e.
     *  a change on it should not result in any changed object/collection relations.
    public boolean isPrivate() {
        return isPrivate;

     *  Check whether aggressive loading is set for this relation
    public boolean loadAggressively() {
        return aggressiveLoading;

     *  Returns the number of constraints for this relation.
    public int countConstraints() {
        if (constraints == null)
            return 0;
        return constraints.length;

     *  Returns true if the object represented by this Relation has to be
     *  created on demand at runtime by the NodeManager. This is true for:
     *  - collection (aka virtual) nodes
     *  - nodes accessed via accessname
     *  - group nodes
     *  - complex reference nodes
    public boolean createOnDemand() {
        if (otherType == null) {
            return false;

        return virtual ||
            (otherType.isRelational() && accessName != null) ||
            (groupby != null) || isComplexReference();

     *  Returns true if the object represented by this Relation has to be
     *  persisted in the internal db in order to be functional. This is true if
     *  the subnodes contained in this collection are stored in the embedded
     *  database. In this case, the collection itself must also be an ordinary
     *  object stored in the db, since a virtual collection would lose its
     *  its content after restarts.
    public boolean needsPersistence() {
        if (!virtual) {
            // ordinary object references always need to be persisted
            return true;

        // collections/mountpoints need to be persisted if the
        // child object type is non-relational. Depending on
        // whether prototype is null or not, we need to look at
        // otherType itself or otherType's subnode mapping.
        if (prototype == null) {
            // an ordinary, unprototyped virtual node -
            // otherType is the content type
            return !otherType.isRelational();
        } else {
            // a prototyped virtual node or mountpoint -
            // otherType is the virtual node type itself
            DbMapping sub = otherType.getSubnodeMapping();
            return sub != null && !sub.isRelational();

     * Return the prototype to be used for object reached by this relation
    public String getPrototype() {
        return prototype;

     * Return the name of the local property this relation is defined for
    public String getPropName() {
        return propName;

     * @param ct ...
    public void setColumnType(int ct) {
        columnType = ct;

     * @return ...
    public int getColumnType() {
        return columnType;

     *  Get the group for a collection relation, if defined.
     * @return the name of the column used to group child objects, if any.
    public String getGroup() {
        return groupby;

     * Add a constraint to the current list of constraints
    protected void addConstraint(Constraint c) {
        if (constraints == null) {
            constraints = new Constraint[1];
            constraints[0] = c;
        } else {
            Constraint[] nc = new Constraint[constraints.length + 1];

            System.arraycopy(constraints, 0, nc, 0, constraints.length);
            nc[nc.length - 1] = c;
            constraints = nc;

     * @return true if the foreign key used for this relation is the
     * other object's primary key.
    public boolean usesPrimaryKey() {
        return referencesPrimaryKey;

     * @return ...
    public boolean hasAccessName() {
        return accessName != null;

     * @return ...
    public String getAccessName() {
        return accessName;

     * @return ...
    public Relation getSubnodeRelation() {
        // return subnoderelation;
        return null;

     * Return the local field name for updates.
    public String getDbField() {
        return columnName;

     * This is taken from
     * distributed under the Apache Software License, Version 1.1
     * Parses a string containing <code>${xxx}</code> style property
     * references into two lists. The first list is a collection
     * of text fragments, while the other is a set of string property names.
     * <code>null</code> entries in the first list indicate a property
     * reference from the second list.
     * @param value     Text to parse. Must not be <code>null</code>.
     * @param fragments List to add text fragments to.
     *                  Must not be <code>null</code>.
     * @param propertyRefs List to add property names to.
     *                     Must not be <code>null</code>.
    protected void parsePropertyString(String value, Vector fragments, Vector propertyRefs) {
        int prev = 0;
        int pos;
        //search for the next instance of $ from the 'prev' position
        while ((pos = value.indexOf("$", prev)) >= 0) {

            //if there was any text before this, add it as a fragment
            //TODO, this check could be modified to go if pos>prev;
            //seems like this current version could stick empty strings
            //into the list
            if (pos > 0) {
                fragments.addElement(value.substring(prev, pos));
            //if we are at the end of the string, we tack on a $
            //then move past it
            if (pos == (value.length() - 1)) {
                prev = pos + 1;
            } else if (value.charAt(pos + 1) != '{') {
                //peek ahead to see if the next char is a property or not
                //not a property: insert the char as a literal
                fragments.addElement(value.substring(pos + 1, pos + 2));
                prev = pos + 2;
                if (value.charAt(pos + 1) == '$') {
                    //backwards compatibility two $ map to one mode
                    prev = pos + 2;
                } else {
                    //new behaviour: $X maps to $X for all values of X!='$'
                    fragments.addElement(value.substring(pos, pos + 2));
                    prev = pos + 2;

            } else {
                //property found, extract its name or bail on a typo
                int endName = value.indexOf('}', pos);
                if (endName < 0) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Syntax error in property: "
                                                 + value);
                String propertyName = value.substring(pos + 2, endName);
                prev = endName + 1;
        //no more $ signs found
        //if there is any tail to the file, append it
        if (prev < value.length()) {

     *  get a DbMapping to use for virtual aka collection nodes.
    public DbMapping getVirtualMapping() {
        // return null unless this relation describes a virtual/collection node.
        if (!virtual) {
            return null;

        // create a synthetic DbMapping that describes how to fetch the
        // collection's child objects.
        if (virtualMapping == null) {
            // if the collection node is prototyped (a mountpoint), create
            // a virtual sub-mapping from the app's DbMapping for that prototype
            if (prototype != null) {
                virtualMapping = new DbMapping(, prototype);
            } else {
                virtualMapping = new DbMapping(, null);
                virtualMapping.subRelation = getVirtualSubnodeRelation();
                virtualMapping.propRelation = getVirtualPropertyRelation();
        virtualMapping.lastTypeChange = ownType.lastTypeChange;
        return virtualMapping;

     * Return the db mapping for a propery relation.
     * @return the target mapping of this property relation
    public DbMapping getPropertyMapping() {
        // if this is an untyped virtual node, it doesn't have a dbmapping
        if (!virtual || prototype != null) {
            return otherType;
        return null;

     * Return a Relation that defines the subnodes of a virtual node.
    Relation getVirtualSubnodeRelation() {
        if (!virtual) {
            throw new RuntimeException("getVirtualSubnodeRelation called on non-virtual relation");

        Relation vr = new Relation(this);

        vr.groupby = groupby;
        vr.groupbyOrder = groupbyOrder;
        vr.groupbyPrototype = groupbyPrototype;

        return vr;

     * Return a Relation that defines the properties of a virtual node.
    Relation getVirtualPropertyRelation() {
        if (!virtual) {
            throw new RuntimeException("getVirtualPropertyRelation called on non-virtual relation");

        Relation vr = new Relation(this);

        vr.groupby = groupby;
        vr.groupbyOrder = groupbyOrder;
        vr.groupbyPrototype = groupbyPrototype;

        return vr;

     * Return a Relation that defines the subnodes of a group-by node.
    Relation getGroupbySubnodeRelation() {
        if (groupby == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("getGroupbySubnodeRelation called on non-group-by relation");

        Relation vr = new Relation(this);

        vr.prototype = groupbyPrototype;
        vr.addConstraint(new Constraint(null, groupby, true));

        return vr;

     * Return a Relation that defines the properties of a group-by node.
    Relation getGroupbyPropertyRelation() {
        if (groupby == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("getGroupbyPropertyRelation called on non-group-by relation");

        Relation vr = new Relation(this);

        vr.prototype = groupbyPrototype;
        vr.addConstraint(new Constraint(null, groupby, true));

        return vr;

    public StringBuffer getIdSelect() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("SELECT ");

        if (queryHints != null) {
                buf.append(queryHints).append(" ");

        String table = otherType.getTableName();
        String idfield;
        if (groupby == null) {
            idfield = otherType.getIDField();
        } else {
            idfield = groupby;
            buf.append("DISTINCT ");

        if (idfield.indexOf('(') == -1 && idfield.indexOf('.') == -1) {
        buf.append(idfield).append(" FROM ").append(table);

        return buf;

    public StringBuffer getCountSelect() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("SELECT ");
        if (otherType.isOracle() && maxSize > 0) {
            buf.append("* FROM ");
        } else {
            if (groupby == null) {
                buf.append("count(*) FROM ");
            } else {
                buf.append("count(DISTINCT ").append(groupby).append(") FROM ");


        return buf;

    public StringBuffer getNamesSelect() {
        // if we do a groupby query (creating an intermediate layer of groupby nodes),
        // retrieve the value of that field instead of the primary key
        String namefield = (groupby == null) ? accessName : groupby;
        String table = otherType.getTableName();
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("SELECT ");
        buf.append(namefield).append(" FROM ").append(table);

        return buf;

     *  Build the second half of an SQL select statement according to this relation
     *  and a local object.
    public void buildQuery(StringBuffer q, Node home, boolean useOrder, boolean isCount)
            throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
        buildQuery(q, home, otherType, null, useOrder, isCount);

     *  Build the second half of an SQL select statement according to this relation
     *  and a local object.
    public void buildQuery(StringBuffer q, Node home, DbMapping otherDbm, String kstr,
                           boolean useOrder, boolean isCount)
            throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
        String prefix = " WHERE ";
        Node nonvirtual = home.getNonVirtualParent();

        if (kstr != null && !isComplexReference()) {

            String accessColumn = (accessName == null) ?
                    otherDbm.getIDField() : accessName;
            otherDbm.appendCondition(q, accessColumn, kstr);

            prefix = " AND ";

        // render the constraints and filter
        renderConstraints(q, home, nonvirtual, otherDbm, prefix);

        // add joined fetch constraints
        ownType.addJoinConstraints(q, prefix);

        // add group and order clauses
        if (groupby != null) {
            if (useOrder && (groupbyOrder != null)) {
                q.append(" ORDER BY ").append(groupbyOrder);
        } else if (useOrder && (order != null)) {
            q.append(" ORDER BY ").append(order);

        // apply limit and offset, but not if the query is for a single object
        if (maxSize > 0 && kstr == null) {
            if (otherType.isOracle()) {
                // see
                String selectItem = isCount ? "count(*)" : "*";
                if (offset > 0) {
                    q.insert(0, "SELECT " + selectItem + " FROM ( SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(n) */ a.*, ROWNUM rnum FROM (");
                    q.append(") a WHERE ROWNUM <= ").append(offset + maxSize).append(") WHERE rnum > ").append(offset);
                } else {
                    q.insert(0, "SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(n) */ " + selectItem + " FROM (");
                    q.append(") WHERE ROWNUM <= ").append(maxSize);
            } else {
                q.append(" LIMIT ").append(maxSize);
                if (offset > 0) {
                    q.append(" OFFSET ").append(offset);


    protected void appendAdditionalTables(StringBuffer q) {
        if (additionalTables != null) {
            q.append(additionalTablesJoined ? ' ' : ',');

     *  Build the filter.
    protected void appendFilter(StringBuffer q, INode nonvirtual, String prefix) {
        if (filterFragments == null) {
        } else {
            Enumeration i = filterFragments.elements();
            Enumeration j = filterPropertyRefs.elements();
            while (i.hasMoreElements()) {
                String fragment = (String) i.nextElement();
                if (fragment == null) {
                    // begin column version
                    String columnName = (String) j.nextElement();
                    Object value = null;
                    if (columnName != null) {
                        DbMapping dbmap = nonvirtual.getDbMapping();
                        String propertyName = dbmap.columnNameToProperty(columnName);
                        if (propertyName == null)
                            propertyName = columnName;
                        IProperty property = nonvirtual.get(propertyName);
                        if (property != null) {
                            value = property.getStringValue();
                        if (value == null) {
                            if (columnName.equalsIgnoreCase(dbmap.getIDField())) {
                                value = nonvirtual.getID();
                            } else if (columnName.equalsIgnoreCase(dbmap.getNameField())) {
                                value = nonvirtual.getName();
                            } else if (columnName.equalsIgnoreCase(dbmap.getPrototypeField())) {
                                value = dbmap.getExtensionId();
                    // end column version
                    if (value != null) {
                    } else {
                } else {

     * Render contraints and filter conditions to an SQL query string buffer.
     * @param q the query string
     * @param home our home node
     * @param prefix the prefix to use to append to the existing query (e.g. " AND ")
     * @throws SQLException sql related exception
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException driver class not found
    public void renderConstraints(StringBuffer q, Node home, String prefix)
                             throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
        renderConstraints(q, home, home.getNonVirtualParent(), otherType, prefix);

     * Render contraints and filter conditions to an SQL query string buffer.
     * @param q the query string
     * @param home our home node
     * @param nonvirtual our non-virtual home nod
     * @param otherDbm the DbMapping of the remote Node
     * @param prefix the prefix to use to append to the existing query (e.g. " AND ")
     * @throws SQLException sql related exception
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException driver class not found
    public void renderConstraints(StringBuffer q, Node home, Node nonvirtual,
                                  DbMapping otherDbm, String prefix)
                             throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {

        if (constraints.length > 1 && logicalOperator != AND) {
            prefix = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
            if (constraints[i].foreignKeyIsPrototype()) {
                // if foreign key is $prototype we already have this constraint
                // covered by doing the select on the proper table
            constraints[i].addToQuery(q, home, nonvirtual, otherDbm);
            prefix = logicalOperator;

        if (constraints.length > 1 && logicalOperator != AND) {
            prefix = " AND ";

        // also take the prototype into consideration if someone
        // specifies an extension of an prototype inside the brakets of
        // a's collection, only nodes having this proto
        // sould appear inside the collection
        if (otherDbm.inheritsStorage()) {
            String protoField = otherDbm.getPrototypeField();
            String[] extensions = otherDbm.getExtensions();

            // extensions should never be null for extension- and
            // extended prototypes. nevertheless we check it here
            if (extensions != null && protoField != null) {
                otherDbm.appendCondition(q, protoField, extensions);
                prefix = " AND ";

        if (filter != null) {
            appendFilter(q, nonvirtual, prefix);

     *  Render the constraints for this relation for use within
     *  a left outer join select statement for the base object.
     * @param select the string buffer to write to
     * @param isOracle create Oracle pre-9 style left outer join
    public void renderJoinConstraints(StringBuffer select, boolean isOracle) {
        for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
            select.append(" = ");
            if (isOracle) {
                // create old oracle style join - see
            if (i == constraints.length-1) {
                select.append(" ");
            } else {
                select.append(" AND ");


     * Get the order section to use for this relation
    public String getOrder() {
        if (groupby != null) {
            return groupbyOrder;
        } else {
            return order;

     *  Tell wether the property described by this relation is to be handled
     *  as readonly/write protected.
    public boolean isReadonly() {
        return readonly;

     * Get a copy of this relation.
     * @return a clone of this relation
    public Relation getClone() {
        Relation rel = new Relation(this);
        rel.prototype        = prototype;
        rel.groupby          = groupby;
        rel.groupbyPrototype = groupbyPrototype;
        rel.groupbyOrder     = groupbyOrder;
        return rel;

     * Check if the child node fullfills the constraints defined by this relation.
     * FIXME: This always returns false if the relation has a filter value set,
     * since we can't determine if the filter constraints are met without
     * querying the database.
     * @param parent the parent object - may be a virtual or group node
     * @param child the child object
     * @return true if all constraints are met
    public boolean checkConstraints(Node parent, Node child) {
        // problem: if a filter property is defined for this relation,
        // i.e. a piece of static SQL-where clause, we'd have to evaluate it
        // in order to check the constraints. Because of this, if a filter
        // is defined, we return false as soon as the modified-time is greater
        // than the create-time of the child, i.e. if the child node has been
        // modified since it was first fetched from the db.
        if (filter != null && child.lastModified() > child.created()) {
            return false;

        // counter for constraints and satisfied constraints
        int count = 0;
        int satisfied = 0;

        INode nonvirtual = parent.getNonVirtualParent();
        DbMapping otherDbm = child.getDbMapping();
        if (otherDbm == null) {
            otherDbm = otherType;

        for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
            Constraint cnst = constraints[i];
            String propname = cnst.foreignProperty(otherDbm);

            if (propname != null) {
                INode home = cnst.isGroupby ? parent
                                            : nonvirtual;
                String value = null;

                if (cnst.localKeyIsPrimary(home.getDbMapping())) {
                    value = home.getID();
                } else if (cnst.localKeyIsPrototype()) {
                    value = home.getDbMapping().getStorageTypeName();
                } else if (ownType.isRelational()) {
                    value = home.getString(cnst.localProperty());
                } else {
                    value = home.getString(cnst.localKey);


                if (value != null && value.equals(child.getString(propname))) {

        // check if enough constraints are met depending on logical operator
        if (logicalOperator == OR) {
            return satisfied > 0;
        } else if (logicalOperator == XOR) {
            return satisfied == 1;
        } else {
            return satisfied == count;

     * Make sure that the child node fullfills the constraints defined by this relation by setting the
     * appropriate properties
    public void setConstraints(Node parent, Node child) {

        // if logical operator is OR or XOR we just return because we
        // wouldn't know what to do anyway
        if (logicalOperator != AND) {

        Node home = parent.getNonVirtualParent();

        for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
            Constraint cnst = constraints[i];
            // don't set groupby constraints since we don't know if the
            // parent node is the base node or a group node
            if (cnst.isGroupby) {

            // check if we update the local or the other object, depending on
            // whether the primary key of either side is used.
            boolean foreignIsPrimary = cnst.foreignKeyIsPrimary();
            if (foreignIsPrimary || cnst.foreignKeyIsPrototype()) {
                String localProp = cnst.localProperty();
                if (localProp == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Error: column " + cnst.localKey +
                       " must be mapped in order to be used as constraint in " +
                } else if (foreignIsPrimary && child.getState() == Node.TRANSIENT) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(propName + " set to transient object, " +
                       "can't derive persistent ID for " + localProp);
                } else {
                    String value = foreignIsPrimary ?
                            child.getID() : child.getDbMapping().getStorageTypeName();
                    home.setString(localProp, value);

            DbMapping otherDbm = child.getDbMapping();
            if (otherDbm == null) {
                otherDbm = otherType;

            Relation crel = otherDbm.columnNameToRelation(cnst.foreignKey);

            if (crel != null) {

                if (cnst.localKeyIsPrimary(home.getDbMapping())) {
                    // only set node if property in child object is defined as reference.
                    if (crel.reftype == REFERENCE) {
                        INode currentValue = child.getNode(crel.propName);

                        // we set the backwards reference iff the reference is currently unset, if
                        // is set to a transient object, or if the new target is not transient. This
                        // prevents us from overwriting a persistent refererence with a transient one,
                        // which would most probably not be what we want.
                        if ((currentValue == null) ||
                                ((currentValue != home) &&
                                ((currentValue.getState() == Node.TRANSIENT) ||
                                (home.getState() != Node.TRANSIENT)))) try {
                            child.setNode(crel.propName, home);
                        } catch (Exception ignore) {
                            // in some cases, getNonVirtualParent() doesn't work
                            // correctly for transient nodes, so this may fail.
                    } else if (crel.reftype == PRIMITIVE) {
                        if (home.getState() == Node.TRANSIENT) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Object is transient, can't derive persistent ID for " + crel);
                        child.setString(crel.propName, home.getID());
                } else if (crel.reftype == PRIMITIVE) {
                    if (cnst.localKeyIsPrototype()) {
                        child.setString(crel.propName, home.getDbMapping().getStorageTypeName());
                    } else {
                        Property prop = home.getProperty(cnst.localProperty());
                        if (prop != null) {
                            child.set(crel.propName, prop.getValue(), prop.getType());
                        } else {
                            prop = child.getProperty(cnst.foreignProperty(child.getDbMapping()));
                            if (prop != null) {
                                home.set(cnst.localProperty(), prop.getValue(), prop.getType());

     * Unset the constraints that link two objects together.
    public void unsetConstraints(Node parent, INode child) {
        Node home = parent.getNonVirtualParent();

        for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
            Constraint cnst = constraints[i];
            // don't set groupby constraints since we don't know if the
            // parent node is the base node or a group node
            if (cnst.isGroupby) {

            // check if we update the local or the other object, depending on
            // whether the primary key of either side is used.

            if (cnst.foreignKeyIsPrimary() || cnst.foreignKeyIsPrototype()) {
                String localProp = cnst.localProperty();
                if (localProp != null) {
                    home.setString(localProp, null);

            DbMapping otherDbm = child.getDbMapping();
            if (otherDbm == null) {
                otherDbm = otherType;

            Relation crel = otherDbm.columnNameToRelation(cnst.foreignKey);

            if (crel != null) {
                if (cnst.localKeyIsPrimary(home.getDbMapping())) {
                    // only set node if property in child object is defined as reference.
                    if (crel.reftype == REFERENCE) {
                        INode currentValue = child.getNode(crel.propName);

                        if ((currentValue == home)) {
                            child.setString(crel.propName, null);
                    } else if (crel.reftype == PRIMITIVE) {
                        child.setString(crel.propName, null);
                } else if (crel.reftype == PRIMITIVE) {
                    child.setString(crel.propName, null);

     *  Returns a map containing the key/value pairs for a specific Node
    public Map getKeyParts(INode home) {
        Map map = new HashMap();
        for (int i=0; i<constraints.length; i++) {
            Constraint cnst = constraints[i];
            if (cnst.localKeyIsPrimary(ownType)) {
                map.put(cnst.foreignKey, home.getID());
            } else if (cnst.localKeyIsPrototype()) {
                map.put(cnst.foreignKey, home.getDbMapping().getStorageTypeName());
            } else {
                map.put(cnst.foreignKey, home.getString(cnst.localProperty()));
        // add filter as pseudo-constraint
        if (filter != null) {
            map.put("__filter__", filter);
        return map;

     * @return ...
    public String toString() {
        String c = "";
        String spacer = "";

        if (constraints != null) {
            c = " constraints: ";
            for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
                c += spacer;
                c += constraints[i].toString();
                spacer = ", ";

        String target = otherType == null ? columnName : otherType.toString();

        return "Relation " + ownType+"."+propName + " -> " + target + c;

     * The Constraint class represents a part of the where clause in the query used to
     * establish a relation between database mapped objects.
    class Constraint {
        String localKey;
        String foreignKey;
        boolean isGroupby;

        Constraint(String local, String foreign, boolean groupby) {
            localKey = local;
            foreignKey = foreign;
            isGroupby = groupby;

        public void addToQuery(StringBuffer q, INode home, INode nonvirtual, DbMapping otherDbm)
                        throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
            String local;
            INode ref = isGroupby ? home : nonvirtual;

            if (localKeyIsPrimary(ref.getDbMapping())) {
                local = ref.getID();
            } else if (localKeyIsPrototype()) {
                local = ref.getDbMapping().getStorageTypeName();
            } else {
                String homeprop = ownType.columnNameToProperty(localKey);
                if (homeprop == null) {
                    throw new SQLException("Invalid local name '" + localKey +
                            "' on " + ownType);
                local = ref.getString(homeprop);

            String columnName;
            if (foreignKeyIsPrimary()) {
                columnName = otherDbm.getIDField();
            } else {
                columnName = foreignKey;
            otherDbm.appendCondition(q, columnName, local);

        public boolean foreignKeyIsPrimary() {
            return (foreignKey == null) ||
                    "$id".equalsIgnoreCase(foreignKey) ||

        public boolean foreignKeyIsPrototype() {
            return "$prototype".equalsIgnoreCase(foreignKey);

        public boolean localKeyIsPrimary(DbMapping homeMapping) {
            return (homeMapping == null) || (localKey == null) ||
                   "$id".equalsIgnoreCase(localKey) ||

        public boolean localKeyIsPrototype() {
            return "$prototype".equalsIgnoreCase(localKey);

        public String foreignProperty(DbMapping otherDbm) {
            if (otherDbm.isRelational())
                return otherDbm.columnNameToProperty(foreignKey);
            return foreignKey;

        public String localProperty() {
            if (ownType.isRelational())
                return ownType.columnNameToProperty(localKey);
            return localKey;

        public String toString() {
            return localKey + "=" + otherType.getTypeName() + "." + foreignKey;

Related Classes of helma.objectmodel.db.Relation$Constraint

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