* Helma License Notice
* The contents of this file are subject to the Helma License
* Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
* http://adele.helma.org/download/helma/license.txt
* Copyright 1998-2003 Helma Software. All Rights Reserved.
* $RCSfile$
* $Author: hannes $
* $Revision: 9510 $
* $Date: 2009-02-17 17:04:53 +0100 (Die, 17. Feb 2009) $
package helma.framework.core;
import helma.objectmodel.INode;
import helma.objectmodel.db.DbSource;
import helma.util.CronJob;
import helma.util.SystemMap;
import helma.util.WrappedMap;
import helma.framework.repository.*;
import helma.framework.FutureResult;
import helma.main.Server;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* Application bean that provides a handle to the scripting environment to
* application specific functionality.
public class ApplicationBean implements Serializable {
transient Application app;
WrappedMap properties = null;
* Creates a new ApplicationBean object.
* @param app ...
public ApplicationBean(Application app) {
this.app = app;
* Clear the application cache.
public void clearCache() {
* Get the app's event logger. This is a Log with the
* category helma.[appname].event.
* @return the app logger.
public Log getLogger() {
return app.getEventLog();
* Get the app logger. This is a commons-logging Log with the
* category <code>logname</code>.
* @return a logger for the given log name.
public Log getLogger(String logname) {
return LogFactory.getLog(logname);
* Log a INFO message to the app log.
* @param msg the log message
public void log(Object msg) {
* Log a INFO message to the log defined by logname.
* @param logname the name (category) of the log
* @param msg the log message
public void log(String logname, Object msg) {
* Log a DEBUG message to the app log if debug is set to true in
* app.properties.
* @param msg the log message
public void debug(Object msg) {
if (app.debug()) {
* Log a DEBUG message to the log defined by logname
* if debug is set to true in app.properties.
* @param logname the name (category) of the log
* @param msg the log message
public void debug(String logname, Object msg) {
if (app.debug()) {
* Returns the app's repository list.
* @return the an array containing this app's repositories
public Object[] getRepositories() {
return app.getRepositories().toArray();
* Add a repository to the app's repository list. The .zip extension
* is automatically added, if the original library path does not
* point to an existing file or directory.
* @param obj the repository, relative or absolute path to the library.
public synchronized void addRepository(Object obj) {
Resource current = app.getCurrentCodeResource();
Repository parent = current == null ?
null : current.getRepository().getRootRepository();
Repository rep;
if (obj instanceof String) {
String path = (String) obj;
File file = findResource(null, path);
if (file == null) {
file = findResource(app.hopHome, path);
if (file == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Repository not found: " + path);
if (file.isDirectory()) {
rep = new FileRepository(file);
} else if (file.isFile()) {
if (file.getName().endsWith(".zip")) {
rep = new ZipRepository(file);
} else {
rep = new SingleFileRepository(file);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported file type in addRepository: " + file);
} else if (obj instanceof Repository) {
rep = (Repository) obj;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid argument to addRepository: " + obj);
app.addRepository(rep, parent);
try {
app.typemgr.checkRepository(rep, true);
} catch (IOException iox) {
getLogger().error("Error checking repository " + rep, iox);
* Helper method to resolve a repository path. Returns null if no file is found.
* @param parent the parent file
* @param path the repository path
* @return an existing file, or null
private File findResource(File parent, String path) {
File file = new File(parent, path).getAbsoluteFile();
if (!file.exists()) {
// if file does not exist, try with .zip and .js extensions appended
file = new File(parent, path + ".zip").getAbsoluteFile();
if (!file.exists()) {
file = new File(parent, path + ".js").getAbsoluteFile();
return file.exists() ? file : null;
* Get the app's classloader
* @return the app's classloader
public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
return app.getClassLoader();
* Return the number of currently active sessions
* @return the current number of active sessions
public int countSessions() {
return app.countSessions();
* Get a session object for the specified session id
* @param sessionID the session id
* @return the session belonging to the session id, or null
public SessionBean getSession(String sessionID) {
if (sessionID == null) {
return null;
Session session = app.getSession(sessionID.trim());
if (session == null) {
return null;
return new SessionBean(session);
* Create a new session with the given session id
* @param sessionID the session id
* @return the newly created session
public SessionBean createSession(String sessionID) {
if (sessionID == null) {
return null;
Session session = app.createSession(sessionID.trim());
if (session == null) {
return null;
return new SessionBean(session);
* Get an array of all active sessions
* @return an array of session beans
public SessionBean[] getSessions() {
Map sessions = app.getSessions();
SessionBean[] array = new SessionBean[sessions.size()];
int i = 0;
Iterator it = sessions.values().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
array[i++] = new SessionBean((Session) it.next());
return array;
* Register a user with the given name and password using the
* database mapping of the User prototype
* @param username the user name
* @param password the user password
* @return the newly registered user, or null if we failed
public INode registerUser(String username, String password) {
if ((username == null) || (password == null) || "".equals(username.trim()) ||
"".equals(password.trim())) {
return null;
} else {
return app.registerUser(username, password);
* Get a user object with the given name
* @param username the user name
* @return the user object, or null
public INode getUser(String username) {
if ((username == null) || "".equals(username.trim())) {
return null;
return app.getUserNode(username);
* Get an array of currently active registered users
* @return an array of user nodes
public INode[] getActiveUsers() {
List activeUsers = app.getActiveUsers();
return (INode[]) activeUsers.toArray(new INode[0]);
* Get an array of all registered users
* @return an array containing all registered users
public INode[] getRegisteredUsers() {
List registeredUsers = app.getRegisteredUsers();
return (INode[]) registeredUsers.toArray(new INode[0]);
* Get an array of all currently active sessions for a given user node
* @param usernode the user node
* @return an array of sessions for the given user
public SessionBean[] getSessionsForUser(INode usernode) {
if (usernode == null) {
return new SessionBean[0];
} else {
return getSessionsForUser(usernode.getName());
* Get an array of all currently active sessions for a given user name
* @param username the user node
* @return an array of sessions for the given user
public SessionBean[] getSessionsForUser(String username) {
if ((username == null) || "".equals(username.trim())) {
return new SessionBean[0];
List userSessions = app.getSessionsForUsername(username);
return (SessionBean[]) userSessions.toArray(new SessionBean[0]);
* Add a cron job that will run once a minute
* @param functionName the function name
public void addCronJob(String functionName) {
CronJob job = new CronJob(functionName);
app.customCronJobs.put(functionName, job);
* Add a cron job that will run at the specified time intervals
* @param functionName the function name
* @param year comma separated list of years, or *
* @param month comma separated list of months, or *
* @param day comma separated list of days, or *
* @param weekday comma separated list of weekdays, or *
* @param hour comma separated list of hours, or *
* @param minute comma separated list of minutes, or *
public void addCronJob(String functionName, String year, String month, String day,
String weekday, String hour, String minute) {
CronJob job = CronJob.newJob(functionName, year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute);
app.customCronJobs.put(functionName, job);
* Unregister a previously registered cron job
* @param functionName the function name
public void removeCronJob(String functionName) {
* Returns an read-only map of the custom cron jobs registered with the app
* @return a map of cron jobs
public Map getCronJobs() {
return new WrappedMap(app.customCronJobs, true);
* Returns the number of elements in the NodeManager's cache
public int getCacheusage() {
return app.getCacheUsage();
* Returns the app's data node used to share data between the app's evaluators
* @return the app.data node
public INode getData() {
return app.getCacheNode();
* Returns the app's modules map used to register application modules
* @return the module map
public Map getModules() {
return app.modules;
* Returns the absolute path of the app dir. When using repositories this
* equals the first file based repository.
* @return the app dir
public String getDir() {
return app.getAppDir().getAbsolutePath();
* @return the app name
public String getName() {
return app.getName();
* @return the application start time
public Date getUpSince() {
return new Date(app.starttime);
* @return the number of requests processed by this app
public long getRequestCount() {
return app.getRequestCount();
* @return the number of XML-RPC requests processed
public long getXmlrpcCount() {
return app.getXmlrpcCount();
* @return the number of errors encountered
public long getErrorCount() {
return app.getErrorCount();
* @return the wrapped helma.framework.core.Application object
public Application get__app__() {
return app;
* Get a wrapper around the app's properties
* @return a readonly wrapper around the application's app properties
public Map getProperties() {
if (properties == null) {
properties = new WrappedMap(app.getProperties(), true);
return properties;
* Get a wrapper around the app's db properties
* @return a readonly wrapper around the application's db properties
public Map getDbProperties() {
return new WrappedMap(app.getDbProperties(), true);
* Return a DbSource object for a given name.
public DbSource getDbSource(String name) {
return app.getDbSource(name);
* Get a wrapper around the app's apps.properties
* @return a readonly wrapper around the application's apps.properties
public Map getAppsProperties() {
Server server = Server.getServer();
if (server == null)
return new SystemMap();
return new WrappedMap(server.getAppsProperties(app.getName()), true);
* Get an array of this app's prototypes
* @return an array containing the app's prototypes
public Prototype[] getPrototypes() {
return (Prototype[]) app.getPrototypes().toArray(new Prototype[0]);
* Get a prototype by name.
* @param name the prototype name
* @return the prototype
public Prototype getPrototype(String name) {
return app.getPrototypeByName(name);
* Get the number of currently available threads/request evaluators
* @return the currently available threads
public int getFreeThreads() {
return app.countFreeEvaluators();
* Get the number of currently active request threads
* @return the number of currently active threads
public int getActiveThreads() {
return app.countActiveEvaluators();
* Get the maximal thread number for this application
* @return the maximal number of threads/request evaluators
public int getMaxThreads() {
return app.countEvaluators();
* Set the maximal thread number for this application
* @param n the maximal number of threads/request evaluators
public void setMaxThreads(int n) {
// add one to the number to compensate for the internal scheduler.
app.setNumberOfEvaluators(n + 1);
* Return a skin for a given object. The skin is found by determining the prototype
* to use for the object, then looking up the skin for the prototype.
public Skin getSkin(String protoname, String skinname, Object[] skinpath) {
try {
return app.getSkin(protoname, skinname, skinpath);
} catch (Exception x) {
return null;
* Return a map of skin resources
* @return a map containing the skin resources
public Map getSkinfiles() {
Map skinz = new SystemMap();
for (Iterator it = app.getPrototypes().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Prototype p = (Prototype) it.next();
Object skinmap = p.getScriptableSkinMap();
skinz.put(p.getName(), skinmap);
skinz.put(p.getLowerCaseName(), skinmap);
return skinz;
* Return a map of skin resources including the app-specific skinpath
* @param skinpath an array of directory paths or HopObjects to search for skins
* @return a map containing the skin resources
public Map getSkinfilesInPath(Object[] skinpath) {
Map skinz = new SystemMap();
for (Iterator it = app.getPrototypes().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Prototype p = (Prototype) it.next();
Object skinmap = p.getScriptableSkinMap(skinpath);
skinz.put(p.getName(), skinmap);
skinz.put(p.getLowerCaseName(), skinmap);
return skinz;
* Return the absolute application directory (appdir property
* in apps.properties file)
* @return the app directory as absolute path
public String getAppDir() {
return app.getAppDir().getAbsolutePath();
* Return the absolute server directory
* @return the server directory as absolute path
public String getServerDir() {
File f = app.getServerDir();
if (f == null) {
return app.getAppDir().getAbsolutePath();
return f.getAbsolutePath();
* Return the app's default charset/encoding.
* @return the app's charset
public String getCharset() {
return app.getCharset();
* Set the path for global macro resolution
* @param path an array of global namespaces, or null
public void setGlobalMacroPath(String[] path) {
app.globalMacroPath = path;
* Get the path for global macro resolution
* @return an array of global namespaces, or null
public String[] getGlobalMacroPath() {
return app.globalMacroPath;
* Trigger a synchronous Helma invocation with a default timeout of 30 seconds.
* @param thisObject the object to invoke the function on,
* or null for global invokation
* @param function the function or function name to invoke
* @param args an array of arguments
* @return the value returned by the function
* @throws Exception exception thrown by the function
public Object invoke(Object thisObject, Object function, Object[] args)
throws Exception {
// default timeout of 30 seconds
return invoke(thisObject, function, args, 30000L);
* Trigger a synchronous Helma invocation.
* @param thisObject the object to invoke the function on,
* or null for global invokation
* @param function the function or function name to invoke
* @param args an array of arguments
* @param timeout the timeout in milliseconds. After waiting
* this long, we will try to interrupt the invocation
* @return the value returned by the function
* @throws Exception exception thrown by the function
public Object invoke(Object thisObject, Object function,
Object[] args, long timeout)
throws Exception {
RequestEvaluator reval = app.getEvaluator();
try {
return reval.invokeInternal(thisObject, function, args, timeout);
} finally {
* Trigger an asynchronous Helma invocation. This method returns
* immedately with an object that allows to track the result of the
* function invocation with the following properties:
* <ul>
* <li>running - true while the function is running, false afterwards</li>
* <li>result - the value returned by the function, if any</li>
* <li>exception - the exception thrown by the function, if any</li>
* <li>waitForResult() - wait indefinitely until invocation terminates
* and return the result</li>
* <li>waitForResult(t) - wait for the specified number of milliseconds
* for invocation to terminate and return the result</li>
* </ul>
* @param thisObject the object to invoke the function on,
* or null for global invokation
* @param function the function or function name to invoke
* @param args an array of arguments
* this long, we will try to interrupt the invocation
* @return an object with the properties described above
public FutureResult invokeAsync(Object thisObject,
final Object function,
final Object[] args) {
// default timeout of 15 minutes
return new AsyncInvoker(thisObject, function, args, 60000L * 15);
* Trigger an asynchronous Helma invocation. This method returns
* immedately with an object that allows to track the result of the
* function invocation with the following methods and properties:
* <ul>
* <li>running - true while the function is running, false afterwards</li>
* <li>result - the value returned by the function, if any</li>
* <li>exception - the exception thrown by the function, if any</li>
* <li>waitForResult() - wait indefinitely until invocation terminates
* and return the result</li>
* <li>waitForResult(t) - wait for the specified number of milliseconds
* for invocation to terminate and return the result</li>
* </ul>
* @param thisObject the object to invoke the function on,
* or null for global invokation
* @param function the function or function name to invoke
* @param args an array of arguments
* @param timeout the timeout in milliseconds. After waiting
* this long, we will try to interrupt the invocation
* @return an object with the properties described above
public FutureResult invokeAsync(Object thisObject, Object function,
Object[] args, long timeout) {
return new AsyncInvoker(thisObject, function, args, timeout);
* Return a string presentation of this AppBean
* @return string description of this app bean object
public String toString() {
return "[Application " + app.getName() + "]";
class AsyncInvoker extends Thread implements FutureResult {
private Object thisObject;
private Object function;
private Object[] args;
private long timeout;
private Object result;
private Exception exception;
private boolean running = true;
private AsyncInvoker(Object thisObj, Object func, Object[] args, long timeout) {
thisObject = thisObj;
function = func;
this.args = args;
this.timeout = timeout;
public void run() {
RequestEvaluator reval = null;
try {
reval = app.getEvaluator();
setResult(reval.invokeInternal(thisObject, function, args, timeout));
} catch (Exception x) {
} finally {
running = false;
public synchronized boolean getRunning() {
return running;
private synchronized void setResult(Object obj) {
result = obj;
running = false;
public synchronized Object getResult() {
return result;
public synchronized Object waitForResult() throws InterruptedException {
if (!running)
return result;
return result;
public synchronized Object waitForResult(long timeout)
throws InterruptedException {
if (!running)
return result;
return result;
private synchronized void setException(Exception x) {
exception = x;
running = false;
public synchronized Exception getException() {
return exception;
public String toString() {
return new StringBuffer("AsyncInvokeThread{running: ").append(running)
.append(", result: ").append(result).append(", exception: ")