* Helma License Notice
* The contents of this file are subject to the Helma License
* Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
* http://adele.helma.org/download/helma/license.txt
* Copyright 1998-2003 Helma Software. All Rights Reserved.
* $RCSfile$
* $Author: hannes $
* $Revision: 10000 $
* $Date: 2009-11-30 11:58:34 +0100 (Mon, 30. Nov 2009) $
package helma.framework.core;
import helma.extensions.ConfigurationException;
import helma.extensions.HelmaExtension;
import helma.framework.*;
import helma.framework.repository.*;
import helma.main.Server;
import helma.objectmodel.*;
import helma.objectmodel.db.*;
import helma.util.*;
import helma.scripting.ScriptingEngine;
import helma.scripting.ScriptingException;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* The central class of a Helma application. This class keeps a pool of
* request evaluators (threads with JavaScript interpreters), waits for
* requests from the Web server or XML-RPC port and dispatches them to
* the evaluators.
public final class Application implements Runnable {
// the name of this application
private String name;
// application sources
ArrayList repositories;
// properties and db-properties
ResourceProperties props;
// properties and db-properties
ResourceProperties dbProps;
// This application's main directory
File appDir;
// Helma server hopHome directory
File hopHome;
// embedded db directory
File dbDir;
// this application's node manager
protected NodeManager nmgr;
// the root of the website, if a custom root object is defined.
// otherwise this is managed by the NodeManager and not cached here.
Object rootObject = null;
String rootObjectClass;
// if defined this will cause us to get the root object straight
// from the scripting engine, circumventing all hopobject db fluff
String rootObjectPropertyName;
String rootObjectFunctionName;
// The session manager
SessionManager sessionMgr;
* The type manager checks if anything in the application's prototype definitions
* has been updated prior to each evaluation.
public TypeManager typemgr;
* The skin manager for this application
protected SkinManager skinmgr;
* Collections for evaluator thread pooling
protected Stack freeThreads;
protected Vector allThreads;
boolean running = false;
boolean debug;
long starttime;
Hashtable dbSources;
// map of app modules reflected at app.modules
Map modules;
// internal worker thread for scheduler, session cleanup etc.
Thread worker;
// request timeout defaults to 60 seconds
long requestTimeout = 60000;
ThreadGroup threadgroup;
// threadlocal variable for the current RequestEvaluator
ThreadLocal currentEvaluator = new ThreadLocal();
// Map of requesttrans -> active requestevaluators
Hashtable activeRequests;
String logDir;
// Two logs for each application
Log eventLog;
Log accessLog;
// Symbolic names for each log
String eventLogName;
String accessLogName;
// A transient node that is shared among all evaluators
protected INode cachenode;
// some fields for statistics
protected volatile long requestCount = 0;
protected volatile long xmlrpcCount = 0;
protected volatile long errorCount = 0;
// the URL-prefix to use for links into this application
private String baseURI;
// the name of the root prototype as far as href() is concerned
private String hrefRootPrototype;
// the id of the object to use as root object
String rootId = "0";
// Db mappings for some standard prototypes
private DbMapping rootMapping;
private DbMapping userRootMapping;
private DbMapping userMapping;
// name of response encoding
String charset;
// password file to use for authenticate() function
private CryptResource pwfile;
// Map of java class names to object prototypes
ResourceProperties classMapping;
// Map of extensions allowed for public skins
Properties skinExtensions;
// time we last read the properties file
private long lastPropertyRead = -1L;
// the set of prototype/function pairs which are allowed to be called via XML-RPC
private HashSet xmlrpcAccess;
// the name under which this app serves XML-RPC requests. Defaults to the app name
private String xmlrpcHandlerName;
// the list of currently active cron jobs
Hashtable activeCronJobs = null;
// the list of custom cron jobs
Hashtable customCronJobs = null;
private ResourceComparator resourceComparator;
private Resource currentCodeResource;
// Field to cache unmapped java classes
private final static String CLASS_NOT_MAPPED = "(unmapped)";
* Namespace search path for global macros
String[] globalMacroPath = null;
* Simple constructor for dead application instances.
public Application(String name) {
this.name = name;
* Build an application with the given name with the given sources. No
* Server-wide properties are created or used.
public Application(String name, Repository[] repositories, File dbDir)
throws RemoteException, IllegalArgumentException {
this(name, null, repositories, null, dbDir);
* Build an application with the given name and server instance. The
* app directories will be created if they don't exist already.
public Application(String name, Server server)
throws RemoteException, IllegalArgumentException {
this(name, server, new Repository[0], null, null);
* Build an application with the given name, server instance, sources and
* db directory.
public Application(String name, Server server, Repository[] repositories,
File customAppDir, File customDbDir)
throws RemoteException, IllegalArgumentException {
if ((name == null) || (name.trim().length() == 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid application name: " + name);
if (repositories.length == 0) {
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("No sources defined for application: " + name);
this.name = name;
this.repositories = new ArrayList();
resourceComparator = new ResourceComparator(this);
appDir = customAppDir;
dbDir = customDbDir;
// system-wide properties, default to null
ResourceProperties sysProps;
// system-wide properties, default to null
ResourceProperties sysDbProps;
sysProps = sysDbProps = null;
hopHome = null;
if (server != null) {
hopHome = server.getHopHome();
if (dbDir == null) {
dbDir = new File(server.getDbHome(), name);
// get system-wide properties
sysProps = server.getProperties();
sysDbProps = server.getDbProperties();
if (!dbDir.exists()) {
if (appDir == null) {
for (int i=repositories.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (repositories[i] instanceof FileRepository) {
appDir = new File(repositories[i].getName());
// give the Helma Thread group a name so the threads can be recognized
threadgroup = new ThreadGroup("TX-" + name);
// create app-level properties
props = new ResourceProperties(this, "app.properties", sysProps);
// get log names
accessLogName = props.getProperty("accessLog",
new StringBuffer("helma.").append(name).append(".access").toString());
eventLogName = props.getProperty("eventLog",
new StringBuffer("helma.").append(name).append(".event").toString());
// create app-level db sources
dbProps = new ResourceProperties(this, "db.properties", sysDbProps, false);
// the passwd file, to be used with the authenticate() function
CryptResource parentpwfile = null;
if (hopHome != null) {
parentpwfile = new CryptResource(new FileResource(new File(hopHome, "passwd")), null);
pwfile = new CryptResource(repositories[0].getResource("passwd"), parentpwfile);
// the properties that map java class names to prototype names
classMapping = new ResourceProperties(this, "class.properties");
// get class name of root object if defined. Otherwise native Helma objectmodel will be used.
rootObjectClass = classMapping.getProperty("root");
dbSources = new Hashtable();
modules = new SystemMap();
* Get the application ready to run, initializing the evaluators and type manager.
public void init()
throws DatabaseException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException,
ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException {
* Get the application ready to run, initializing the evaluators and type manager.
* @param ignoreDirs comma separated list of directory names to ignore
public void init(final String ignoreDirs)
throws DatabaseException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException,
ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException {
Initializer i = new Initializer(ignoreDirs);
if (i.exception != null) {
if (i.exception instanceof DatabaseException)
throw (DatabaseException) i.exception;
if (i.exception instanceof IllegalAccessException)
throw (IllegalAccessException) i.exception;
if (i.exception instanceof InstantiationException)
throw (InstantiationException) i.exception;
if (i.exception instanceof ClassNotFoundException)
throw (ClassNotFoundException) i.exception;
throw new RuntimeException(i.exception);
// We need to call initialize in a fresh thread because the calling thread could
// already be associated with a rhino context, for example when starting from the
// manage application.
class Initializer extends Thread {
Exception exception = null;
String ignoreDirs;
Initializer(String dirs) {
super(name + "-init");
ignoreDirs = dirs;
public void run() {
try {
synchronized (Application.this) {
} catch (Exception x) {
exception = x;
private void initInternal()
throws DatabaseException, IllegalAccessException,
InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException {
running = true;
// create and init type mananger
typemgr = new TypeManager(Application.this, ignoreDirs);
// set the context classloader. Note that this must be done before
// using the logging framework so that a new LogFactory gets created
// for this app.
try {
} catch (Exception x) {
logError("Error creating prototypes", x);
if (Server.getServer() != null) {
Vector extensions = Server.getServer().getExtensions();
for (int i = 0; i < extensions.size(); i++) {
HelmaExtension ext = (HelmaExtension) extensions.get(i);
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
logEvent("couldn't init extension " + ext.getName() + ": " +
// create and init evaluator/thread lists
freeThreads = new Stack();
allThreads = new Vector();
activeRequests = new Hashtable();
activeCronJobs = new Hashtable();
customCronJobs = new Hashtable();
// create the skin manager
skinmgr = new SkinManager(Application.this);
// read in root id, root prototype, user prototype
rootId = props.getProperty("rootid", "0");
String rootPrototype = props.getProperty("rootprototype", "root");
String userPrototype = props.getProperty("userprototype", "user");
rootMapping = getDbMapping(rootPrototype);
if (rootMapping == null)
throw new RuntimeException("rootPrototype does not exist: " + rootPrototype);
userMapping = getDbMapping(userPrototype);
if (userMapping == null)
throw new RuntimeException("userPrototype does not exist: " + userPrototype);
// The whole user/userroot handling is basically old
// ugly obsolete crap. Don't bother.
ResourceProperties p = new ResourceProperties();
String usernameField = (userMapping != null) ? userMapping.getNameField() : null;
if (usernameField == null) {
usernameField = "name";
p.put("_children", "collection(" + userPrototype + ")");
p.put("_children.accessname", usernameField);
userRootMapping = new DbMapping(Application.this, "__userroot__", p);
// create the node manager
nmgr = new NodeManager(Application.this);
nmgr.init(dbDir.getAbsoluteFile(), props);
// create the app cache node exposed as app.data
cachenode = new TransientNode("app");
// create and init session manager
String sessionMgrImpl = props.getProperty("sessionManagerImpl",
sessionMgr = (SessionManager) Class.forName(sessionMgrImpl).newInstance();
logEvent("Using session manager class " + sessionMgrImpl);
// read the sessions if wanted
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(getProperty("persistentSessions"))) {
RequestEvaluator ev = getEvaluator();
try {
sessionMgr.loadSessionData(null, ev.scriptingEngine);
} finally {
// preallocate minThreads request evaluators
int minThreads = 0;
try {
minThreads = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("minThreads"));
} catch (Exception ignore) {
// not parsable as number, keep 0
if (minThreads > 0) {
logEvent("Starting "+minThreads+" evaluator(s) for " + name);
for (int i = 0; i < minThreads; i++) {
RequestEvaluator ev = new RequestEvaluator(Application.this);
if (i == 0) {
* Create and start scheduler and cleanup thread
public synchronized void start() {
starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// as first thing, invoke global onStart() function
RequestEvaluator eval = null;
try {
eval = getEvaluator();
eval.invokeInternal(null, "onStart", RequestEvaluator.EMPTY_ARGS);
} catch (Exception xcept) {
logError("Error in " + name + ".onStart()", xcept);
} finally {
worker = new Thread(this, name + "-worker");
worker.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY + 1);
* This is called to shut down a running application.
public synchronized void stop() {
// invoke global onStop() function
RequestEvaluator eval = null;
try {
eval = getEvaluator();
eval.invokeInternal(null, "onStop", RequestEvaluator.EMPTY_ARGS);
} catch (Exception x) {
logError("Error in " + name + ".onStop()", x);
// mark app as stopped
running = false;
// stop all threads, this app is going down
if (worker != null) {
worker = null;
// stop evaluators
if (allThreads != null) {
for (Enumeration e = allThreads.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
RequestEvaluator ev = (RequestEvaluator) e.nextElement();
// remove evaluators
// shut down node manager and embedded db
try {
} catch (DatabaseException dbx) {
System.err.println("Error shutting down embedded db: " + dbx);
// tell the extensions that we're stopped.
if (Server.getServer() != null) {
Vector extensions = Server.getServer().getExtensions();
for (int i = 0; i < extensions.size(); i++) {
HelmaExtension ext = (HelmaExtension) extensions.get(i);
// store the sessions if wanted
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(getProperty("persistentSessions"))) {
// sessionMgr.storeSessionData(null);
sessionMgr.storeSessionData(null, eval.scriptingEngine);
* Returns true if this app is currently running
* @return true if the app is running
public boolean isRunning() {
return running;
* Get the application directory.
* @return the application directory, or first file based repository
public File getAppDir() {
return appDir;
* Get a comparator for comparing Resources according to the order of
* repositories they're contained in.
* @return a comparator that sorts resources according to their repositories
public ResourceComparator getResourceComparator() {
return resourceComparator;
* Returns a free evaluator to handle a request.
public RequestEvaluator getEvaluator() {
if (!running) {
throw new ApplicationStoppedException();
// first try
try {
return (RequestEvaluator) freeThreads.pop();
} catch (EmptyStackException nothreads) {
int maxThreads = 50;
String maxThreadsProp = props.getProperty("maxThreads");
if (maxThreadsProp != null) {
try {
maxThreads = Integer.parseInt(maxThreadsProp);
} catch (Exception ignore) {
logEvent("Couldn't parse maxThreads property: " + maxThreadsProp);
synchronized (this) {
// allocate a new evaluator
if (allThreads.size() < maxThreads) {
logEvent("Starting engine " + (allThreads.size() + 1) +
" for " + name);
RequestEvaluator ev = new RequestEvaluator(this);
return (ev);
// we can't create a new evaluator, so we wait if one becomes available.
// give it 3 more tries, waiting 3 seconds each time.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
try {
return (RequestEvaluator) freeThreads.pop();
} catch (EmptyStackException nothreads) {
// do nothing
} catch (InterruptedException inter) {
throw new RuntimeException("Thread interrupted.");
// no luck, give up.
throw new RuntimeException("Maximum Thread count reached.");
* Returns an evaluator back to the pool when the work is done.
public void releaseEvaluator(RequestEvaluator ev) {
if (ev != null) {
* This can be used to set the maximum number of evaluators which will be allocated.
* If evaluators are required beyound this number, an error will be thrown.
public boolean setNumberOfEvaluators(int n) {
if ((n < 2) || (n > 511)) {
return false;
int current = allThreads.size();
synchronized (allThreads) {
if (n > current) {
int toBeCreated = n - current;
for (int i = 0; i < toBeCreated; i++) {
RequestEvaluator ev = new RequestEvaluator(this);
} else if (n < current) {
int toBeDestroyed = current - n;
for (int i = 0; i < toBeDestroyed; i++) {
try {
RequestEvaluator re = (RequestEvaluator) freeThreads.pop();
} catch (EmptyStackException empty) {
return false;
return true;
* Return the number of currently active threads
public int getActiveThreads() {
return 0;
* Execute a request coming in from a web client.
public ResponseTrans execute(RequestTrans req) {
requestCount += 1;
// get user for this request's session
Session session = createSession(req.getSession());
ResponseTrans res = null;
RequestEvaluator ev = null;
// are we responsible for releasing the evaluator and closing the result?
boolean primaryRequest = false;
try {
// first look if a request with same user/path/data is already being executed.
// if so, attach the request to its output instead of starting a new evaluation
// this helps to cleanly solve "doubleclick" kind of users
ev = (RequestEvaluator) activeRequests.get(req);
if (ev != null) {
res = ev.attachHttpRequest(req);
if (res != null) {
// we can only use the existing response object if the response
// wasn't written to the HttpServletResponse directly.
if (res.getContent() == null) {
res = null;
if (res == null) {
primaryRequest = true;
// if attachHttpRequest returns null this means we came too late
// and the other request was finished in the meantime
// check if the properties file has been updated
// get evaluator and invoke
ev = getEvaluator();
res = ev.invokeHttp(req, session);
} catch (ApplicationStoppedException stopped) {
// let the servlet know that this application has gone to heaven
throw stopped;
} catch (Exception x) {
errorCount += 1;
res = new ResponseTrans(this, req);
} finally {
if (primaryRequest) {
// response needs to be closed/encoded before sending it back
try {
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
logError("Unsupported response encoding", uee);
return res;
* Called to execute a method via XML-RPC, usally by helma.main.ApplicationManager
* which acts as default handler/request dispatcher.
public Object executeXmlRpc(String method, Vector args)
throws Exception {
xmlrpcCount += 1;
Object retval = null;
RequestEvaluator ev = null;
try {
// check if the properties file has been updated
// get evaluator and invoke
ev = getEvaluator();
retval = ev.invokeXmlRpc(method, args.toArray());
} finally {
return retval;
public Object executeExternal(String method, Vector args)
throws Exception {
Object retval = null;
RequestEvaluator ev = null;
try {
// check if the properties file has been updated
// get evaluator and invoke
ev = getEvaluator();
retval = ev.invokeExternal(method, args.toArray());
} finally {
return retval;
* Reset the application's object cache, causing all objects to be refetched from
* the database.
public void clearCache() {
* Returns the number of elements in the NodeManager's cache
public int getCacheUsage() {
return nmgr.countCacheEntries();
* Set the application's root element to an arbitrary object. After this is called
* with a non-null object, the helma node manager will be bypassed. This function
* can be used to script and publish any Java object structure with Helma.
public void setDataRoot(Object root) {
this.rootObject = root;
* This method returns the root object of this application's object tree.
public Object getDataRoot() throws Exception {
return getDataRoot(null);
* This method returns the root object of this application's object tree.
protected Object getDataRoot(ScriptingEngine engine) throws Exception {
if (rootObject != null) {
return rootObject;
// check if we have a custom root object class
if (rootObjectClass != null) {
// create custom root element.
try {
if (classMapping.containsKey("root.factory.class") &&
classMapping.containsKey("root.factory.method")) {
String rootFactory = classMapping.getProperty("root.factory.class");
Class c = typemgr.getClassLoader().loadClass(rootFactory);
Method m = c.getMethod(
(Class[]) null);
rootObject = m.invoke(c, (Object[]) null);
} else {
String rootClass = classMapping.getProperty("root");
Class c = typemgr.getClassLoader().loadClass(rootClass);
rootObject = c.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error creating root object: " +
return rootObject;
} else if (rootObjectPropertyName != null || rootObjectFunctionName != null) {
// get root object from a global scripting engine property or function
if (engine == null) {
RequestEvaluator reval = getEvaluator();
try {
return getDataRootFromEngine(reval.getScriptingEngine());
} finally {
} else {
return getDataRootFromEngine(engine);
} else {
// no custom root object is defined - use standard helma objectmodel
return nmgr.getRootNode();
private Object getDataRootFromEngine(ScriptingEngine engine)
throws ScriptingException {
return rootObjectPropertyName != null ?
engine.getGlobalProperty(rootObjectPropertyName) :
engine.invoke(null, rootObjectFunctionName,
ScriptingEngine.ARGS_WRAP_DEFAULT, true);
* Return the prototype of the object to be used as this application's root object
public DbMapping getRootMapping() {
return rootMapping;
* Return the id of the object to be used as this application's root object
public String getRootId() {
return rootId;
* Returns the Object which contains registered users of this application.
public INode getUserRoot() {
INode users = nmgr.safe.getNode("1", userRootMapping);
return users;
* Returns the node manager for this application. The node manager is
* the gateway to the helma.objectmodel packages, which perform the mapping
* of objects to relational database tables or the embedded database.
public NodeManager getNodeManager() {
return nmgr;
* Returns a wrapper containing the node manager for this application. The node manager is
* the gateway to the helma.objectmodel packages, which perform the mapping of objects to
* relational database tables or the embedded database.
public WrappedNodeManager getWrappedNodeManager() {
return nmgr.safe;
* Return the application's session manager
* @return the SessionManager instance used by this app
public SessionManager getSessionManager() {
return sessionMgr;
* Return a transient node that is shared by all evaluators of this application ("app node")
public INode getCacheNode() {
return cachenode;
* Returns a Node representing a registered user of this application by his or her user name.
public INode getUserNode(String uid) {
try {
INode users = getUserRoot();
return (INode) users.getChildElement(uid);
} catch (Exception x) {
return null;
* Return a prototype for a given node. If the node doesn't specify a prototype,
* return the generic hopobject prototype.
public Prototype getPrototype(Object obj) {
String protoname = getPrototypeName(obj);
if (protoname == null) {
return typemgr.getPrototype("hopobject");
Prototype p = typemgr.getPrototype(protoname);
if (p == null) {
p = typemgr.getPrototype("hopobject");
return p;
* Return the prototype with the given name, if it exists
public Prototype getPrototypeByName(String name) {
return typemgr.getPrototype(name);
* Return a collection containing all prototypes defined for this application
public Collection getPrototypes() {
return typemgr.getPrototypes();
* Programmatically define a new prototype. If a prototype with this name already exists return
* the existing prototype.
* @param name the prototype name
* @param typeProps custom type properties map
* @return the new prototype
public Prototype definePrototype(String name, Map typeProps) {
Prototype proto = typemgr.getPrototype(name);
if (proto == null) {
proto = typemgr.createPrototype(name, null, typeProps);
} else {
return proto;
* Return a skin for a given object. The skin is found by determining the prototype
* to use for the object, then looking up the skin for the prototype.
public Skin getSkin(String protoname, String skinname, Object[] skinpath) throws IOException {
Prototype proto = getPrototypeByName(protoname);
if (proto == null) {
return null;
return skinmgr.getSkin(proto, skinname, skinpath);
* Return the session currently associated with a given Hop session ID.
* Create a new session if necessary.
public Session createSession(String sessionId) {
return sessionMgr.createSession(sessionId);
* Return a list of Helma nodes (HopObjects - the database object representing the user,
* not the session object) representing currently logged in users.
public List getActiveUsers() {
return sessionMgr.getActiveUsers();
* Return a list of Helma nodes (HopObjects - the database object representing the user,
* not the session object) representing registered users of this application.
public List getRegisteredUsers() {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
INode users = getUserRoot();
// add all child nodes to the list
for (Enumeration e = users.getSubnodes(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
// if none, try to get them from properties (internal db)
if (list.size() == 0) {
for (Enumeration e = users.properties(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
list.add(users.getNode((String) e.nextElement()));
return list;
* Return an array of <code>SessionBean</code> objects currently associated
* with a given Helma user.
public List getSessionsForUsername(String username) {
return sessionMgr.getSessionsForUsername(username);
* Return the session currently associated with a given Hop session ID.
public Session getSession(String sessionId) {
return sessionMgr.getSession(sessionId);
* Return the whole session map.
public Map getSessions() {
return sessionMgr.getSessions();
* Returns the number of currenty active sessions.
public int countSessions() {
return sessionMgr.countSessions();
* Register a user with the given user name and password.
public INode registerUser(String uname, String password) {
if (uname == null) {
return null;
uname = uname.toLowerCase().trim();
if ("".equals(uname)) {
return null;
INode unode;
try {
INode users = getUserRoot();
// check if a user with this name is already registered
unode = (INode) users.getChildElement(uname);
if (unode != null) {
return null;
unode = new Node(uname, "user", nmgr.safe);
String usernameField = (userMapping != null) ? userMapping.getNameField() : null;
String usernameProp = null;
if (usernameField != null) {
usernameProp = userMapping.columnNameToProperty(usernameField);
if (usernameProp == null) {
usernameProp = "name";
unode.setString(usernameProp, uname);
unode.setString("password", password);
return users.addNode(unode);
} catch (Exception x) {
logEvent("Error registering User: " + x);
return null;
* Log in a user given his or her user name and password.
public boolean loginSession(String uname, String password, Session session) {
// Check the name/password of a user and log it in to the current session
if (uname == null) {
return false;
uname = uname.toLowerCase().trim();
if ("".equals(uname)) {
return false;
try {
INode users = getUserRoot();
Node unode = (Node) users.getChildElement(uname);
if (unode == null)
return false;
String pw = unode.getString("password");
if ((pw != null) && pw.equals(password)) {
// let the old user-object forget about this session
return true;
} catch (Exception x) {
return false;
return false;
* Log out a session from this application.
public void logoutSession(Session session) {
* In contrast to login, this works outside the Hop user object framework. Instead, the user is
* authenticated against a passwd file in the application directory. This is to have some sort of
* authentication available *before* the application is up and running, i.e. for application setup tasks.
public boolean authenticate(String uname, String password) {
if ((uname == null) || (password == null)) {
return false;
return pwfile.authenticate(uname, password);
* Return the href to the root of this application.
* @return the root element's URL
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the application's charset property
* is not a valid encoding name
public String getRootHref() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
return getNodeHref(null, null, null);
* Return a path to be used in a URL pointing to the given element and action
* @param elem the object to get the URL for
* @param actionName an optional action name
* @param queryParams optional map of query parameters
* @return the element's URL
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the application's charset property
* is not a valid encoding name
public String getNodeHref(Object elem, String actionName, Map queryParams)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(baseURI);
composeHref(elem, buffer, 0);
if (actionName != null) {
buffer.append(UrlEncoded.encode(actionName, charset));
if (queryParams != null) {
appendQueryParams(buffer, queryParams, null, 0);
return buffer.toString();
private int appendQueryParams(StringBuffer buffer, Map params,
String prefix, int count)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
for (Iterator it = params.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next();
Object value = entry.getValue();
if (value == null) {
String key = UrlEncoded.encode(entry.getKey().toString(), charset);
if (prefix != null) key = prefix + '[' + key + ']';
if (value instanceof Map) {
count = appendQueryParams(buffer, (Map) value, key, count);
} else {
buffer.append(count++ == 0 ? '?' : '&');
buffer.append(UrlEncoded.encode(value.toString(), charset));
return count;
private void composeHref(Object elem, StringBuffer b, int pathCount)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
if ((elem == null) || (pathCount > 50)) {
if ((hrefRootPrototype != null) &&
hrefRootPrototype.equals(getPrototypeName(elem))) {
Object parent = getParentElement(elem);
if (parent == null) {
// recurse to parent element
composeHref(getParentElement(elem), b, ++pathCount);
// append ourselves
String ename = getElementName(elem);
if (ename != null) {
b.append(UrlEncoded.encode(ename, charset));
* Returns the baseURI for Hrefs in this application.
public String getBaseURI() {
return baseURI;
* This method sets the base URL of this application which will be prepended to
* the actual object path.
public void setBaseURI(String uri) {
if (uri == null) {
this.baseURI = "/";
} else if (!uri.endsWith("/")) {
this.baseURI = uri + "/";
} else {
this.baseURI = uri;
* Return true if the baseURI property is defined in the application
* properties, false otherwise.
public boolean hasExplicitBaseURI() {
return props.containsKey("baseuri");
* Returns the prototype name that Hrefs in this application should
* start with.
public String getHrefRootPrototype() {
return hrefRootPrototype;
* Tell other classes whether they should output logging information for
* this application.
public boolean debug() {
return debug;
* Get the current RequestEvaluator, or null if the calling thread
* is not evaluating a request.
* @return the RequestEvaluator belonging to the current thread
public RequestEvaluator getCurrentRequestEvaluator() {
return (RequestEvaluator) currentEvaluator.get();
* Set the current RequestEvaluator for the calling thread.
* @param eval the RequestEvaluator belonging to the current thread
protected void setCurrentRequestEvaluator(RequestEvaluator eval) {
* Utility function invoker for the methods below. This *must* be called
* by an active RequestEvaluator thread.
private Object invokeFunction(Object obj, String func, Object[] args) {
RequestEvaluator reval = getCurrentRequestEvaluator();
if (reval != null) {
if (args == null) {
args = RequestEvaluator.EMPTY_ARGS;
try {
return reval.invokeDirectFunction(obj, func, args);
} catch (Exception x) {
if (debug) {
System.err.println("Error in Application.invokeFunction (" +
func + "): " + x);
return null;
* Return the application's classloader
public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
return typemgr.getClassLoader();
/// The following methods mimic the IPathElement interface. This allows us
/// to script any Java object: If the object implements IPathElement (as does
/// the Node class in Helma's internal objectmodel) then the corresponding
/// method is called in the object itself. Otherwise, a corresponding script function
/// is called on the object.
* Return the name to be used to get this element from its parent
public String getElementName(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof IPathElement) {
return ((IPathElement) obj).getElementName();
Object retval = invokeFunction(obj, "getElementName", RequestEvaluator.EMPTY_ARGS);
if (retval != null) {
return retval.toString();
return null;
* Retrieve a child element of this object by name.
public Object getChildElement(Object obj, String name) {
if (obj instanceof IPathElement) {
return ((IPathElement) obj).getChildElement(name);
Object[] arg = new Object[] { name };
return invokeFunction(obj, "getChildElement", arg);
* Return the parent element of this object.
public Object getParentElement(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof IPathElement) {
return ((IPathElement) obj).getParentElement();
return invokeFunction(obj, "getParentElement", RequestEvaluator.EMPTY_ARGS);
* Get the name of the prototype to be used for this object. This will
* determine which scripts, actions and skins can be called on it
* within the Helma scripting and rendering framework.
public String getPrototypeName(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return "global";
} else if (obj instanceof IPathElement) {
// check if e implements the IPathElement interface
return ((IPathElement) obj).getPrototype();
// How class name to prototype name lookup works:
// If an object is not found by its direct class name, a cache entry is added
// for the class name. For negative result, the string "(unmapped)" is used
// as cache value.
// Caching is done directly in classProperties, as ResourceProperties have
// the nice effect of being purged when the underlying resource is updated,
// so cache invalidation happens implicitely.
Class clazz = obj.getClass();
String className = clazz.getName();
String protoName = classMapping.getProperty(className);
// fast path: direct hit, either positive or negative
if (protoName != null) {
return protoName == CLASS_NOT_MAPPED ? null : protoName;
// walk down superclass path. We already checked the actual class,
// and we know that java.lang.Object does not implement any interfaces,
// and the code is streamlined a bit to take advantage of this.
while (clazz != Object.class) {
// check interfaces
Class[] classes = clazz.getInterfaces();
for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
protoName = classMapping.getProperty(classes[i].getName());
if (protoName != null) {
// cache the class name for the object so we run faster next time
classMapping.setProperty(className, protoName);
return protoName;
clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
protoName = classMapping.getProperty(clazz.getName());
if (protoName != null) {
// cache the class name for the object so we run faster next time
classMapping.setProperty(className, protoName);
return protoName == CLASS_NOT_MAPPED ? null : protoName;
// not mapped - cache negative result
classMapping.setProperty(className, CLASS_NOT_MAPPED);
return null;
* Log an application error
public void logError(String msg, Throwable error) {
if (eventLog == null) {
eventLog = getLogger(eventLogName);
eventLog.error(msg, error);
* Log an application error
public void logError(String msg) {
if (eventLog == null) {
eventLog = getLogger(eventLogName);
* Log a generic application event
public void logEvent(String msg) {
* Log a generic application debug message
public void logDebug(String msg) {
* Log an application access
public void logAccess(String msg) {
* get the app's event log.
public Log getEventLog() {
if (eventLog == null) {
eventLog = getLogger(eventLogName);
return eventLog;
* get the app's access log.
public Log getAccessLog() {
if (accessLog == null) {
accessLog = getLogger(accessLogName);
return accessLog;
* Get a logger object to log events for this application.
public Log getLogger(String logname) {
if ("console".equals(logDir) || "console".equals(logname)) {
return Logging.getConsoleLog();
} else {
return LogFactory.getLog(logname);
private void setEventLogLevel() {
// set log level for event log in case it is a helma.util.Logger
if (eventLog instanceof Logger) {
if (debug) {
if (!eventLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
((Logger) eventLog).setLogLevel(Logger.DEBUG);
} else if (eventLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
((Logger) eventLog).setLogLevel(Logger.INFO);
* The run method performs periodic tasks like executing the scheduler method and
* kicking out expired user sessions.
public void run() {
// interval between session cleanups
long lastSessionCleanup = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (Thread.currentThread() == worker) {
try {
// interval between scheduler runs
long sleepInterval = 60000;
try {
String sleepProp = props.getProperty("schedulerInterval");
if (sleepProp != null) {
sleepInterval = Math.max(1000, Integer.parseInt(sleepProp) * 1000);
} else {
sleepInterval = CronJob.millisToNextFullMinute();
} catch (Exception ignore) {
// we'll use the default interval
// sleep until the next full minute
try {
} catch (InterruptedException x) {
worker = null;
// purge sessions
try {
lastSessionCleanup = sessionMgr.cleanupSessions(lastSessionCleanup);
} catch (Exception x) {
logError("Error in session cleanup: " + x, x);
} catch (LinkageError x) {
logError("Error in session cleanup: " + x, x);
// execute cron jobs
try {
} catch (Exception x) {
logError("Error in cron job execution: " + x, x);
} catch (LinkageError x) {
logError("Error in cron job execution: " + x, x);
} catch (VirtualMachineError error) {
logError("Error in scheduler loop: " + error, error);
// when interrupted, shutdown running cron jobs
synchronized (activeCronJobs) {
for (Iterator i = activeCronJobs.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
((CronRunner) i.next()).interrupt();
logEvent("Scheduler for " + name + " exiting");
* Executes cron jobs for the application, which are either
* defined in app.properties or via app.addCronJob().
* This method is called by run().
private void executeCronJobs() {
// loop-local cron job data
List jobs = CronJob.parse(props.getSubProperties("cron."));
Date date = new Date();
if (debug) {
logEvent("Running cron jobs: " + jobs);
if (!activeCronJobs.isEmpty()) {
logEvent("Cron jobs still running from last minute: " + activeCronJobs);
for (Iterator i = jobs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
CronJob job = (CronJob) i.next();
if (job.appliesToDate(date)) {
// check if the job is already active ...
if (activeCronJobs.containsKey(job.getName())) {
logEvent(job + " is still active, skipped in this minute");
RequestEvaluator evaluator;
try {
evaluator = getEvaluator();
} catch (RuntimeException rt) {
if (running) {
logEvent("couldn't execute " + job +
", maximum thread count reached");
} else {
// if the job has a long timeout or we're already late during this minute
// the job is run from an extra thread
if ((job.getTimeout() > 20000) ||
(CronJob.millisToNextFullMinute() < 30000)) {
CronRunner runner = new CronRunner(evaluator, job);
activeCronJobs.put(job.getName(), runner);
} else {
try {
evaluator.invokeInternal(null, job.getFunction(),
RequestEvaluator.EMPTY_ARGS, job.getTimeout());
} catch (Exception ex) {
logEvent("error running " + job + ": " + ex);
} finally {
* Check whether a prototype is for scripting a java class, i.e. if there's an entry
* for it in the class.properties file.
public boolean isJavaPrototype(String typename) {
return classMapping.contains(typename);
* Return the java class that a given prototype wraps, or null.
public String getJavaClassForPrototype(String typename) {
for (Iterator it = classMapping.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next();
if (typename.equals(entry.getValue())) {
return (String) entry.getKey();
return null;
* Return a DbSource object for a given name. A DbSource is a relational database defined
* in a db.properties file.
public DbSource getDbSource(String name) {
String dbSrcName = name.toLowerCase();
DbSource dbs = (DbSource) dbSources.get(dbSrcName);
if (dbs != null) {
return dbs;
try {
dbs = new DbSource(name, dbProps);
dbSources.put(dbSrcName, dbs);
} catch (Exception problem) {
logEvent("Error creating DbSource " + name +": ");
return dbs;
* Return the name of this application
public String getName() {
return name;
* Add a repository to this app's repository list. This is used for
* ZipRepositories contained in top-level file repositories, for instance.
* @param rep the repository to add
* @param current the current/parent repository
* @return if the repository was not yet contained
public boolean addRepository(Repository rep, Repository current) {
if (rep != null && !repositories.contains(rep)) {
// Add the new repository before its parent/current repository.
// This establishes the order of compilation between FileRepositories
// and embedded ZipRepositories, or repositories added
// via app.addRepository()
if (current != null) {
int pos = repositories.indexOf(current);
if (pos > -1) {
repositories.add(pos, rep);
return true;
// no parent or parent not in app's repositories, add at end of list.
return true;
return false;
* Searches for the index of the given repository for this app.
* The arguement must be a root argument, or -1 will be returned.
* @param rep one of this app's root repositories.
* @return the index of the first occurrence of the argument in this
* list; returns <tt>-1</tt> if the object is not found.
public int getRepositoryIndex(Repository rep) {
return repositories.indexOf(rep);
* Returns the repositories of this application
* @return iterator through application repositories
public List getRepositories() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(repositories);
* Set the code resource currently being evaluated/compiled. This is used
* to set the proper parent repository when a new repository is added
* via app.addRepository().
* @param resource the resource being currently evaluated/compiled
public void setCurrentCodeResource(Resource resource) {
currentCodeResource = resource;
* Set the code resource currently being evaluated/compiled. This is used
* to set the proper parent repository when a new repository is added
* via app.addRepository().
* @return the resource being currently evaluated/compiled
public Resource getCurrentCodeResource() {
return currentCodeResource;
* Return the directory of the Helma server
public File getServerDir() {
return hopHome;
* Get the DbMapping associated with a prototype name in this application
public DbMapping getDbMapping(String typename) {
Prototype proto = typemgr.getPrototype(typename);
if (proto == null) {
return null;
return proto.getDbMapping();
* Return the current upload status.
* @param req the upload RequestTrans
* @return the current upload status.
public UploadStatus getUploadStatus(RequestTrans req) {
String uploadId = (String) req.get("upload_id");
if (uploadId == null)
return null;
String sessionId = req.getSession();
Session session = getSession(sessionId);
if (session == null)
return null;
return session.createUpload(uploadId);
private synchronized void updateProperties() {
// if so property file has been updated, re-read props.
if (props.lastModified() > lastPropertyRead) {
// force property update
// character encoding to be used for responses
charset = props.getProperty("charset", "UTF-8");
// debug flag
debug = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(props.getProperty("debug"));
// if rhino debugger is enabled use higher (10 min) default request timeout
String defaultReqTimeout =
"true".equalsIgnoreCase(props.getProperty("rhino.debug")) ?
"600" : "60";
String reqTimeout = props.getProperty("requesttimeout", defaultReqTimeout);
try {
requestTimeout = Long.parseLong(reqTimeout) * 1000L;
} catch (Exception ignore) {
// go with default value
requestTimeout = 60000L;
// set base URI
String base = props.getProperty("baseuri");
if (base != null) {
} else if (baseURI == null) {
baseURI = "/";
hrefRootPrototype = props.getProperty("hrefrootprototype");
rootObjectPropertyName = props.getProperty("rootobjectpropertyname");
rootObjectFunctionName = props.getProperty("rootobjectfunctionname");
// update the XML-RPC access list, containting prototype.method
// entries of functions that may be called via XML-RPC
String xmlrpcAccessProp = props.getProperty("xmlrpcaccess");
HashSet xra = new HashSet();
if (xmlrpcAccessProp != null) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(xmlrpcAccessProp, ",; ");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = st.nextToken().trim();
xmlrpcAccess = xra;
// if node manager exists, update it
if (nmgr != null) {
// update extensions
if (Server.getServer() != null) {
Vector extensions = Server.getServer().getExtensions();
for (int i = 0; i < extensions.size(); i++) {
HelmaExtension ext = (HelmaExtension) extensions.get(i);
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
logEvent("Error updating extension "+ext+": "+e);
String loggerFactory = props.getProperty("loggerFactory", "helma.util.Logging");
if ("helma.util.Logging".equals(loggerFactory)) {
logDir = props.getProperty("logdir", "log");
if (System.getProperty("helma.logdir") == null) {
// set up helma.logdir system property in case we're using it
// FIXME: this sets a global System property, should be per-app
File dir = new File(logDir);
System.setProperty("helma.logdir", dir.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
logDir = null;
// set log level for event log in case debug flag has changed
// set prop read timestamp
lastPropertyRead = props.lastModified();
* Get a checksum that mirrors the state of this application in the sense
* that if anything in the applciation changes, the checksum hopefully will
* change, too.
public long getChecksum() {
return starttime +
typemgr.getLastCodeUpdate() +
* Proxy method to get a property from the applications properties.
public String getProperty(String propname) {
return props.getProperty(propname);
* Proxy method to get a property from the applications properties.
public String getProperty(String propname, String defvalue) {
return props.getProperty(propname, defvalue);
* Get the application's app properties
* @return the properties reflecting the app.properties
public ResourceProperties getProperties() {
return props;
* Get the application's db properties
* @return the properties reflecting the db.properties
public ResourceProperties getDbProperties() {
return dbProps;
* Return the XML-RPC handler name for this app. The contract is to
* always return the same string, even if it has been changed in the properties file
* during runtime, so the app gets unregistered correctly.
public String getXmlRpcHandlerName() {
if (xmlrpcHandlerName == null) {
xmlrpcHandlerName = props.getProperty("xmlrpcHandlerName", this.name);
return xmlrpcHandlerName;
* Return a string representation for this app.
public String toString() {
return "[Application "+name+"]";
public int countThreads() {
return threadgroup.activeCount();
public int countEvaluators() {
return allThreads.size();
public int countFreeEvaluators() {
return freeThreads.size();
public int countActiveEvaluators() {
return allThreads.size() - freeThreads.size();
public int countMaxActiveEvaluators() {
// return typemgr.countRegisteredRequestEvaluators () -1;
// not available due to framework refactoring
return -1;
public long getRequestCount() {
return requestCount;
public long getXmlrpcCount() {
return xmlrpcCount;
public long getErrorCount() {
return errorCount;
* @return ...
public long getStarttime() {
return starttime;
* Return the name of the character encoding used by this application
* @return the character encoding
public String getCharset() {
return charset;
* Periodically called to log thread stats for this application
public void printThreadStats() {
logEvent("Thread Stats for " + name + ": " + threadgroup.activeCount() +
" active");
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
long free = rt.freeMemory();
long total = rt.totalMemory();
logEvent("Free memory: " + (free / 1024) + " kB");
logEvent("Total memory: " + (total / 1024) + " kB");
* Check if a method may be invoked via XML-RPC on a prototype.
protected void checkXmlRpcAccess(String proto, String method)
throws Exception {
String key = proto + "." + method;
// XML-RPC access items are case insensitive and stored in lower case
if (!xmlrpcAccess.contains(key.toLowerCase())) {
throw new Exception("Method " + key + " is not callable via XML-RPC");
class CronRunner extends Thread {
RequestEvaluator thisEvaluator;
CronJob job;
public CronRunner(RequestEvaluator thisEvaluator, CronJob job) {
this.thisEvaluator = thisEvaluator;
this.job = job;
public void run() {
try {
thisEvaluator.invokeInternal(null, job.getFunction(),
RequestEvaluator.EMPTY_ARGS, job.getTimeout());
} catch (Exception ex) {
logEvent("error running " + job + ": " + ex);
} finally {
thisEvaluator = null;
public String toString() {
return "CronRunner[" + job + "]";