package com.xfltr.hapax;
import static com.xfltr.hapax.Template.parse;
import com.xfltr.hapax.parser.CyclicIncludeException;
import com.xfltr.hapax.parser.EztParser;
import com.xfltr.hapax.parser.TemplateParser;
import com.xfltr.hapax.parser.TemplateParserException;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class EztTest extends TestCase {
private TemplateDictionary dict_;
// These are templates that should render succesfully.
private static final String[][] GOOD_INPUT = {
{"", ""},
{"Plain Text", "Plain Text"},
{"[title]", "Default"},
{"[define title]Issue[end]", ""},
{"[define title]Issue[end][title]", "Issue"},
{"[is title \"Title\"]Issue[end]", ""},
{"[is title \"Default\"]Issue[end]", "Issue"},
{"[define title][end][is title \"No title\"]Issue[end]", ""},
{"[define title]Issue[end][is title \"Issue\"]Issue[end]", "Issue"},
{"[if-any title]Issue[end]", "Issue"},
{"[if-any title]Issue[else]No issue[end]", "Issue"},
{"[define title][end][if-any title]Issue[end]", ""},
{"[define title][end][if-any title]Issue[else]No issue[end]", "No issue"},
{"[[][define B][[][end][B][B]", "[[["},
{"[[][# comments]", "["},
{"[if-any x]X[else]Y[end][if-any a]B[else]C[end]", "YC"},
{"[define whitespace ][end][if-any whitespace]Issue[else]No issue[end]",
"No issue"},
{"[define nest.var2]x[end][if-any nest.var2][nest.var2][else]fail[end]",
// The next two static variables are lists of templates that should throw
// exceptions during parse or eval time. Both sets should be caught during
// parsing stage, but we are using a regex parser so it is more work to do
// that.
private static String[] EVAL_FAILURES = {
"[define X]",
"[if-any X]",
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
dict_ = TemplateDictionary.create();
public void testGoodInput() throws TemplateException {
for (String[] strings : GOOD_INPUT) {
TemplateDictionary dict = TemplateDictionary.create();
dict.put("title", "Default");
String template = strings[0];
String expected_result = strings[1];
assertEquals(template, expected_result,
public void testEvalFailures() throws TemplateParserException {
for (String template : EVAL_FAILURES) {
TemplateDictionary dict = TemplateDictionary.create();
Template t = parseEzt(template);
try {
fail("Template '" + template +
"' should have thrown TemplateException.");
} catch (TemplateException e) {
// pass
public void testInHtml() throws TemplateException {
String expected =
"<a href=\"http://url/url.txt\">Anchor Text</a>";
String template =
"<a href=\"[if-any url][url][else]http://url/url.txt[end]\">Anchor Text</a>";
assertEquals(template, expected, parseEzt(template).renderToString(dict_));
public void testNestedIfsWithDictionary() throws TemplateException {
TemplateDictionary td = TemplateDictionary.create();
td.put("wombat", "hello");
String template =
"[if-any title]Issue[else][if-any wombat][wombat][else]No issue[end][end]";
assertEquals(template, "hello",
parse(EztParser.create(), template).renderToString(td));
public void testIfAnyMissingEndThrowsException()
throws TemplateParserException {
Template t = parseEzt("[if-any x]X");
try {
fail("should have thrown exception");
} catch (TemplateException e) {
// pass
public void testParserRecognizesIncompleteDirectives() {
try {
fail("[define] is recognized as a valid variable name, " +
"and it shouldn't be.");
} catch (TemplateException e) {
// do nothing
public void testDefineMissingEndThrowsException() throws TemplateException {
Template tmpl = parseEzt("[define x]X");
try {
fail("should have thrown exception");
} catch (TemplateException e) {
// pass
public void testIncludesWithLiteralFilename() throws TemplateException {
MockTemplateLoader loader = new MockTemplateLoader(EztParser.create());
loader.put("x.ezt", "hello");
loader.put("parent.ezt", "[include \"x.ezt\"]");
public void testIncludesWithLeadingHtmlString() throws TemplateException {
MockTemplateLoader loader = new MockTemplateLoader(EztParser.create());
loader.put("/x.ezt", "hello");
loader.put("parent.ezt", "[include \"/html/x.ezt\"]");
public void testCyclicIncludesThrowException() throws TemplateException {
dict_.put("x", "x.ezt");
dict_.put("y", "y.ezt");
dict_.put("z", "z.ezt");
MockTemplateLoader loader = new MockTemplateLoader(EztParser.create());
loader.put("x.ezt", "[include y]");
loader.put("y.ezt", "[include x]");
try {
fail("Failed to throw exception when templates have cyclic includes.");
} catch (CyclicIncludeException e) {
// pass
public void testIncludesWithVariableFilename() throws TemplateException {
dict_.put("x", "x.ezt");
MockTemplateLoader loader = new MockTemplateLoader(EztParser.create());
loader.put("x.ezt", "hello");
loader.put("parent.ezt", "[include x]");
// TODO: implement this feature
public void testFormatIsIgnored() throws TemplateException {
assertEquals("", parseEzt("[format raw]").renderToString(dict_));
// Ensure that no state is being shared between evaluations
public void testMultipleParses() throws TemplateException {
TemplateParser tp = EztParser.create();
Template t1 = Template.parse(tp, "[define x]X[end][x]");
Template t2 = Template.parse(tp, "[x][define y]Y[end][y]");
assertEquals("X", t1.renderToString(TemplateDictionary.create()));
assertEquals("Y", t2.renderToString(TemplateDictionary.create()));
private Template parseEzt(String template) throws TemplateParserException {
return Template.parse(EztParser.create(), template);