package com.xfltr.hapax;
import com.xfltr.hapax.parser.CTemplateParser;
import com.xfltr.hapax.parser.TemplateParser;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* TemplateCache constructs {@link Template} objects based on files stored on
* disk. TemplateCache implements an in-memory unbounded cache of parsed
* Templates. Each stored Template is automatically invalidated if the template
* file on disk changes.
* See examples/ for an example of how to use
* TemplateCache.
* It is recommended that you place a reference to your TemplateCache instance
* in some globally accessible location so that you use a single cache across
* multiple requests.
* @author dcoker
public class TemplateCache implements TemplateLoader {
private final Map<String, Template> templates_ =
new HashMap<String, Template>();
private final Map<String, Long> lastUpdated_ =
new HashMap<String, Long>();
private final String basePath_;
private final TemplateParser parser_;
* Creates a TemplateLoader using the CTemplateParser.
public static TemplateLoader create(String base_path) {
return new TemplateCache(CTemplateParser.create(), base_path);
* Creates a TemplateLoader using the given TemplateParser.
public static TemplateLoader createForParser(String base_path,
TemplateParser parser) {
return new TemplateCache(parser, base_path);
* Parses and fetches a template from disk.
* @param filename The path to the template, relative to the templateDirectory
* passed to the ctor of TemplateCache.
public Template getTemplate(String filename) throws TemplateException {
filename = PathUtil.join(basePath_, filename);
// We check the last modified timestamp on the template once per render.
// If the template has changed, we reload and reparse it. Otherwise, we
// return the copy from memory.
File file = new File(filename);
long last_modified = file.lastModified();
if (inCache(filename, last_modified)) {
return templates_.get(filename);
FileReader reader;
try {
reader = new FileReader(filename);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new TemplateException(e);
String contents;
try {
contents = readToString(reader);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new TemplateException(e);
Template results;
results = Template.parse(parser_, contents);
results.setLoaderContext(new TemplateLoaderContext(this, file.getParent()));
updateCache(filename, results, last_modified);
return results;
* Parses and fetches a template from a subdirectory of the configured
* basePath. This is useful when fetching templates with paths relative to
* other templates (such as in includes).
* TODO: This smells.
public Template getTemplate(String filename, String templateDirectory)
throws TemplateException {
assert templateDirectory.startsWith(basePath_);
String directory_relative_to_template_directory =
PathUtil.makeRelative(basePath_, "");
// Construct the filename that we use in the cache
filename =
PathUtil.join(directory_relative_to_template_directory, filename);
return getTemplate(filename);
* Private constructor.
private TemplateCache(TemplateParser parser, String templateDirectory) {
this.basePath_ = templateDirectory;
this.parser_ = parser;
private String readToString(Reader in) throws IOException {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
try {
for (int c =; -1 != c; c = {
buf.append((char) c);
return buf.toString();
} finally {
private boolean inCache(String filename, long last_modified) {
return lastUpdated_.containsKey(filename) &&
lastUpdated_.get(filename) >= last_modified;
private void updateCache(String filename, Template results,
long last_modified) {
templates_.put(filename, results);
lastUpdated_.put(filename, last_modified);