* Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.gxp.compiler.servicedir;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.alerts.AlertSink;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.base.Callable;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.base.ClassImport;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.base.DefaultingImportVisitor;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.base.Implementable;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.base.Import;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.base.InstanceCallable;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.base.PackageImport;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.base.TemplateName;
import java.util.*;
* A {@code ServiceDirectory} that looks up resources with a specific "scope".
* This scope includes a current package, and a set of class and/or package
* imports. A {@code ScopedServiceDirectory} acts as a decorator for another
* {@code ServiceDirectory}, intercepting requests for unqualified resources
* and qualifying them with respect to its scope. Requests for fully qualified
* resources are passed through to the underlying {@code ServiceDirectory}
* without modification.
* <p>When attempting to resolve an unqualified reference the rules are as
* close to the rules of the Java proramming language as possible:
* <ol>
* <li>class imports have highest precedence. Class imports are not allowed to
* be ambiguous.
* <li>the current package has the next highest precedence.
* <li>package imports have the lowest precedence. Ambigous references via
* package imports are ignored. That is, if something cannot be found via a
* class import or in the current package, but can be found via two or more
* distinct package imports, then it is considered to not have been found at
* all.
* </ol>
public class ScopedServiceDirectory implements ServiceDirectory {
private final String packageName;
private final Set<String> packageImports;
private final Map<String, TemplateName> classImports;
private final ServiceDirectory baseServiceDirectory;
private final Function<TemplateName, Callable> callableGetter =
new Function<TemplateName, Callable>() {
public Callable apply(TemplateName from) {
return baseServiceDirectory.getCallable(from);
private final Function<TemplateName, InstanceCallable> instanceCallableGetter =
new Function<TemplateName, InstanceCallable>() {
public InstanceCallable apply(TemplateName from) {
return baseServiceDirectory.getInstanceCallable(from);
private final Function<TemplateName, Implementable> implementableGetter =
new Function<TemplateName, Implementable>() {
public Implementable apply(TemplateName from) {
return baseServiceDirectory.getImplementable(from);
public ScopedServiceDirectory(AlertSink alertSink,
final ServiceDirectory baseServiceDirectory,
String packageName,
List<? extends Import> imports) {
this.baseServiceDirectory = Preconditions.checkNotNull(baseServiceDirectory);
this.packageName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(packageName);
ImportProcessor visitor = new ImportProcessor(alertSink, packageName);
for (Import imp : imports) {
this.packageImports = ImmutableSet.copyOf(visitor.getPackageImports());
this.classImports = ImmutableMap.copyOf(visitor.getClassImports());
* @return an ImportVisitor that, upon visiting an import, validates it and
* populates either classImports or packageImports as appropriate.
private static class ImportProcessor extends DefaultingImportVisitor<Void> {
private final AlertSink alertSink;
private final Set<String> packageImports = Sets.newHashSet();
private final Map<String, TemplateName> classImports = Maps.newHashMap();
public ImportProcessor(AlertSink alertSink, String packageName) {
this.alertSink = Preconditions.checkNotNull(alertSink);
public Set<String> getPackageImports() {
return packageImports;
public Map<String, TemplateName> getClassImports() {
return classImports;
public Void defaultVisitImport(Import imp) {
// do nothing
return null;
public Void visitClassImport(ClassImport imp) {
TemplateName className = imp.getClassName();
String baseName = className.getBaseName();
TemplateName redundantImport = classImports.get(baseName);
if ((redundantImport != null) && !className.equals(redundantImport)) {
alertSink.add(new AmbiguousImportError(imp, baseName, redundantImport, className));
} else {
classImports.put(baseName, className);
return null;
public Void visitPackageImport(PackageImport imp) {
return null;
private <T> T baseGet(TemplateName templateName, Function<TemplateName, T> underlyingGetter) {
if (templateName.getPackageName() == null) {
String baseName = templateName.getBaseName();
if (classImports.containsKey(baseName)) {
return underlyingGetter.apply(classImports.get(baseName));
} else {
templateName = baseFindUniquePackageMatch(baseName, underlyingGetter);
if (templateName == null) {
templateName = TemplateName.create(packageName, baseName);
return underlyingGetter.apply(templateName);
* @return the name of the unique callable that can be found by combining the
* specified baseName with our package imports. If there is not a unique
* callable, returns null.
private <T> TemplateName baseFindUniquePackageMatch(String baseName,
Function<TemplateName, T> underlyingGetter) {
TemplateName result = null;
for (String packageImport : packageImports) {
TemplateName fqName = new TemplateName.FullyQualified(packageImport, baseName);
if (underlyingGetter.apply(fqName) != null) {
if (result != null) {
// Ambiguous match.
return null;
} else {
result = fqName;
return result;
public Callable getCallable(TemplateName templateName) {
return baseGet(templateName, callableGetter);
public InstanceCallable getInstanceCallable(TemplateName templateName) {
return baseGet(templateName, instanceCallableGetter);
public Implementable getImplementable(TemplateName templateName) {
return baseGet(templateName, implementableGetter);