* Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.gxp.compiler;
import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
import com.google.common.base.Predicates;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.alerts.AlertPolicy;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.alerts.AlertSink;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.alerts.SourcePosition;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.alerts.common.IOError;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.alerts.common.ProgressAlert;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.base.ExtractedMessage;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.base.OutputLanguage;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.base.TemplateName;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.base.Util;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.codegen.CodeGeneratorFactory;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.fs.FileRef;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.parser.Parser;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.servicedir.OnDemandServiceDirectory;
import com.google.gxp.compiler.servicedir.ServiceDirectory;
import com.google.transconsole.common.messages.MessageBundle;
import com.google.transconsole.common.messages.PropertiesBundleWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.nio.charset.UnmappableCharacterException;
import java.util.*;
* A set of {@code CompilationUnit}s, and the logic for compiling (subsets of)
* them.
public class CompilationSet {
private final Map<TemplateName.FullyQualified, CompilationUnit> compilationUnits;
private final Parser parser;
private final CodeGeneratorFactory codeGeneratorFactory;
private final CompilationManager manager;
private final ServiceDirectory serviceDirectory;
private final long compilationVersion;
private final FileRef propertiesFile;
* Builds a {@code CompilationSet}.
public static final class Builder {
// Required parameters to build CompilationSet.
private final Parser parser;
private final CodeGeneratorFactory codeGeneratorFactory;
private final CompilationManager manager;
// Optional parameters to build CompilationSet.
private long compilationVersion = 0;
private FileRef propertiesFile = null;
* Creates a {@code CompilationSet}.
* @param parser the {@code Parser} that will be used for parsing source
* files
* @param codeGeneratorFactory the {@code CodeGeneratorFactory} that will be
* used for constructing {@code CodeGenerator}s, which in turn will be
* used to generate output
public Builder(Parser parser, CodeGeneratorFactory codeGeneratorFactory,
CompilationManager manager) {
this.parser = Preconditions.checkNotNull(parser);
this.codeGeneratorFactory = Preconditions.checkNotNull(codeGeneratorFactory);
this.manager = Preconditions.checkNotNull(manager);
* Builds the {@code CompilationSet}.
* @param inputFileRefs the {@code FileRef}s for the source files. A {@code
* CompilationUnit} will be created for each element.
public CompilationSet build(Iterable<FileRef> inputFileRefs) {
return new CompilationSet(this, inputFileRefs);
* Builds the {@code CompilationSet}.
* @param inputFileRefs the {@code FileRef}s for the source files. A {@code
* CompilationUnit} will be created for each element.
public CompilationSet build(FileRef... inputFileRefs) {
return build(Arrays.asList(inputFileRefs));
public Builder setCompilationVersion(long compilationVersion) {
this.compilationVersion = compilationVersion;
return this;
public Builder setPropertiesFile(FileRef propertiesFile) {
this.propertiesFile = propertiesFile;
return this;
private CompilationSet(Builder builder, Iterable<FileRef> inputFileRefs) {
this.parser = builder.parser;
this.codeGeneratorFactory = builder.codeGeneratorFactory;
this.manager = builder.manager;
this.compilationVersion = builder.compilationVersion;
this.propertiesFile = builder.propertiesFile;
this.serviceDirectory = new OnDemandServiceDirectory(this);
this.compilationUnits = createCompilationUnits(serviceDirectory,
private Map<TemplateName.FullyQualified, CompilationUnit>
createCompilationUnits(ServiceDirectory serviceDirectory,
Iterable<FileRef> inputFileRefs) {
ImmutableMap.Builder<TemplateName.FullyQualified, CompilationUnit>
mapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (FileRef inputFileRef : inputFileRefs) {
CompilationUnit unit =
new CompilationUnit(serviceDirectory, parser, inputFileRef,
mapBuilder.put(unit.getTemplateName(), unit);
return mapBuilder.build();
* @return the {@code CompilationUnit}s that make up this {@code
* CompilationSet}.
public final List<CompilationUnit> getCompilationUnits() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(compilationUnits.values());
* @return the {@code CompilationUnit} with the specified TemplateName
* CompilationSet}.
public final CompilationUnit getCompilationUnit(TemplateName.FullyQualified templateName) {
return compilationUnits.get(templateName);
* Compiles {@code CompilationUnits} into the specified {@code
* OutputLanguage}s. Only outputs that {@code allowedOutputPredicate} returns
* {@code true} for will actually be generated.
public void compile(AlertSink alertSink, AlertPolicy alertPolicy,
Iterable<OutputLanguage> outputLanguages,
Predicate<FileRef> allowedOutputPredicate) {
Set<CompilationUnit> extractMessagesFrom = Sets.newHashSet();
List<CompilationTask> sourceNotChanged = Lists.newArrayList();
for (CompilationUnit cUnit : getCompilationUnits()) {
FileRef sourceFileRef = cUnit.getSourceFileRef();
SourcePosition sourcePosition = new SourcePosition(sourceFileRef);
for (OutputLanguage language : outputLanguages) {
String suffix = language.getSuffix(compilationVersion);
FileRef outputFileRef = sourceFileRef.removeExtension().addSuffix(suffix);
if (allowedOutputPredicate.apply(outputFileRef)) {
CompilationTask task =
new CompilationTask(cUnit, codeGeneratorFactory, language,
// if the output file does not exist (last modified = 0) or if the source has been
// modified since the last time that the output has been generated, or if the source has
// changed, then we need to recompile the target
if (outputFileRef.getLastModified() < sourceFileRef.getLastModified()
|| manager.sourceChanged(task)) {
task.execute(alertSink, alertPolicy);
} else {
alertSink.add(new ProgressAlert(sourcePosition, "Skipped (source unchanged)"));
} else {
alertSink.add(new ProgressAlert(sourcePosition, "Skipped (output supressed)"));
// For each task we didn't execute, check to see if any of the interfaces
// it depends on have changed (which could happen as a result of
// recompiling one of the things it depends on).
// TODO(laurence): see whether it's possible to combine these two loops by
// having usedInterfacesChanged not change its value.
for (CompilationTask task : sourceNotChanged) {
if (manager.usedInterfacesChanged(task)) {
FileRef sourceFileRef = task.getCompilationUnit().getSourceFileRef();
SourcePosition sourcePosition = new SourcePosition(sourceFileRef);
alertSink.add(new ProgressAlert(sourcePosition, "Reconsidered; callees have changed"));
task.execute(alertSink, alertPolicy);
// Optionally write out a java properties file that contains
// strings extracted from <gxp:msg>s
if (propertiesFile != null && !extractMessagesFrom.isEmpty()) {
SourcePosition outputPosition = new SourcePosition(propertiesFile);
alertSink.add(new ProgressAlert(outputPosition, "Generating"));
List<ExtractedMessage> messages = Lists.newArrayList();
for (CompilationUnit cUnit : extractMessagesFrom) {
MessageBundle messageBundle = Util.bundleMessages(alertSink, messages);
PropertiesBundleWriter pbw = new PropertiesBundleWriter(messageBundle);
try {
Writer writer = propertiesFile.openWriter(Charsets.US_ASCII);
try {
} finally {
} catch (UnmappableCharacterException uce) {
// These are caused by coding errors, not user error.
throw new AssertionError(uce);
} catch (IOException iox) {
alertSink.add(new IOError(propertiesFile, iox));
alertSink.add(new ProgressAlert(outputPosition, "Generate finished"));
* Convenience method which compiles allowing all outputs.
public final void compile(AlertSink alertSink, AlertPolicy alertPolicy,
Iterable<OutputLanguage> outputLanguages) {
compile(alertSink, alertPolicy, outputLanguages, Predicates.<FileRef>alwaysTrue());