package org.gstreamer.elements;
import org.gstreamer.Element;
import org.gstreamer.Pad;
import org.gstreamer.lowlevel.GstAPI.GstCallback;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference;
public class InputSelector extends Element {
public static final String GST_NAME = "input-selector";
public InputSelector(String name) {
this(makeRawElement(GST_NAME, name));
public InputSelector(Initializer init) {
* Block all sink pads in preparation for a switch.
public static interface BLOCK {
* @return the stop time of the current switch segment, as a running time, or 0
* if there is no current active pad or the current active pad never received data.
public long block(InputSelector inputselector);
* Adds a listener for the <code>block</code> signal
* @param listener Listener to be called
public void connect(final BLOCK listener) {
connect(BLOCK.class, listener, new GstCallback() {
public long callback(InputSelector inputselector) {
return listener.block(inputselector);
* If you have a stream with only one switch element, such as an audio-only stream,
* a stream switch should be performed by first emitting the block signal, and then
* emitting the switch signal with -1 for the stop and start time values.
* The intention of the stop_time and start_time arguments is to allow multiple switch
* elements to switch and maintain stream synchronization. When switching a stream with
* multiple feeds, you will need as many switch elements as you have feeds. For example,
* a feed with audio and video will have one switch element between the audio feeds and
* one for video.
* A switch over multiple switch elements should be performed as follows: First, emit the
* block signal, collecting the returned values. The maximum running time returned by block
* should then be used as the time at which to close the previous segment.
* Then, query the running times of the new audio and video pads that you will switch to.
* Naturally, these pads are on separate switch elements. Take the minimum running
* time for those streams and use it for the time at which to open the new segment.
* If pad is the same as the current active pad, the element will cancel any previous
* block without adjusting segments.
public static interface SWITCH {
* The reason to call this function Switch in stead of switch is that "switch" is a keyword
* in Java and a Java function can't be called switch (so it's not a typo).
* @param inputselector
* @param pad the pad to switch to
* @param stop_time running time at which to close the previous segment, or -1 to use
* the running time of the previously active sink pad
* @param start_time running time at which to start the new segment, or -1 to use the
* running time of the newly active sink pad
public void Switch(InputSelector inputselector, Pad pad, long stop_time, long start_time);
* Adds a listener for the <code>switch</code> signal
* @param listener Listener to be called
public void connect(final SWITCH listener) {
connect(SWITCH.class, listener, new GstCallback() {
public void callback(InputSelector inputselector, Pad pad, long stop_time, long start_time) {
listener.Switch(inputselector, pad, stop_time, start_time);
public long block() {
LongByReference result = new LongByReference();
emit("block", result);
return result.getValue();
public void switchTo(Pad pad, long stop_time, long start_time) {
emit("switch", pad, stop_time, start_time);