package org.jbpm.ui.bsh;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.jbpm.ui.common.model.Variable;
public class BSHDecisionModel {
private List<IfExpr> ifs = new ArrayList<IfExpr>();
private final List<Variable> variables;
private static Pattern IF_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("if \\((.*)\\)");
private static Pattern RETURN_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("return \"([^\"]*)\";");
public BSHDecisionModel(List<Variable> variables) {
this.variables = variables;
public BSHDecisionModel(String code, List<Variable> variables) throws Exception {
Matcher returnMatcher = RETURN_PATTERN.matcher(code);
Matcher matcher = IF_PATTERN.matcher(code);
int startReturnSearch = 0;
while (matcher.find()) {
String transition;
String ifContent = normalizeString(;
String[] strings = ifContent.split(" ");
// tmp
String lexem1Text = "";
String operator;
String lexem2Text = "";
if ((strings.length == 1) || (ifContent.indexOf("\"") > 0)) {
// i.e. var1.equals(var2) or var1.contains(var2)
int start;
if (ifContent.charAt(0) != '!') {
start = 0;
if (ifContent.contains("equals")) {
operator = "==";
} else {
operator = "contains";
} else {
start = 1;
operator = "!=";
lexem1Text = ifContent.substring(start, ifContent.indexOf("."));
lexem2Text = ifContent.substring(ifContent.indexOf("(") + 1, ifContent.length() - 1);
} else {
lexem1Text = strings[0];
operator = strings[1];
if (strings.length == 3) {
lexem2Text = strings[2];
} else {
for (int i = 2; i < strings.length; i++) {
lexem2Text += " " + strings[i];
startReturnSearch = matcher.end(1);
if (returnMatcher.find(startReturnSearch)) {
transition =;
startReturnSearch = returnMatcher.end(1);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unparsed");
if (lexem1Text.indexOf(".") > 0) {
// Java names doesn't allowed use of point in variable name
lexem1Text = lexem1Text.substring(0, lexem1Text.indexOf("."));
Variable var1 = getVariableByName(lexem1Text);
if (var1 == null) {
// variable deleted
BSHTypeSupport typeSupport = BSHTypeSupport.getByFormat(var1.getFormat());
Operation operation = Operation.getByOperator(operator, typeSupport);
if (operation == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Operation not found for operator: " + operator);
Object lexem2;
if (lexem2Text.indexOf(".") > 0) {
// Java names doesn't allowed use of point in variable name
lexem2Text = lexem2Text.substring(0, lexem2Text.indexOf("."));
Variable var2 = getVariableByName(lexem2Text);
if (var2 != null) {
lexem2 = var2;
} else if ("void".equals(lexem2Text)) {
lexem2 = "null";
} else {
lexem2 = typeSupport.unwrapValue(lexem2Text);
IfExpr ifExpr = new IfExpr(transition, var1, lexem2, operation);
if (returnMatcher.find(startReturnSearch)) {
String defaultTransition =;
IfExpr ifExpr = new IfExpr(defaultTransition);
//} else {
//throw new RuntimeException("Unable to parse BSH code from string: " + code);
public List<String> getTransitionNames() {
List<String> transitionNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for (IfExpr ifExpr : ifs) {
return transitionNames;
public String getDefaultTransitionName() {
for (IfExpr ifExpr : ifs) {
if (ifExpr.isByDefault())
return ifExpr.getTransition();
return null;
private Variable getVariableByName(String variableName) {
for (Variable variable : variables) {
if (variable.getName().equals(variableName)) {
return variable;
return null;
private static String normalizeString(String str) {
while (str.charAt(0) == ' ') {
str = str.substring(1);
while (str.charAt(str.length() - 1) == ' ') {
str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1);
return str;
public void addIfExpr(IfExpr ifExpr) {
public List<IfExpr> getIfExprs() {
return ifs;
public IfExpr getIfExpr(String transitionName) {
for (IfExpr ifExpr : ifs) {
if (transitionName.equals(ifExpr.getTransition())) {
return ifExpr;
return null;
public String generateCode() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
IfExpr defaultIf = null;
for (IfExpr ifExpr : ifs) {
if (!ifExpr.isByDefault())
defaultIf = ifExpr;
if (defaultIf != null)
buffer.append("\nreturn \"" + defaultIf.getTransition() + "\";\n");
return buffer.toString();
public static class IfExpr {
private final Variable variable;
private final Object lexem2;
private final Operation operation;
private final String transition;
private boolean byDefault;
public IfExpr(String transition) {
this.transition = transition;
this.byDefault = true;
this.variable = null;
this.lexem2 = null;
this.operation = null;
public IfExpr(String transition, Variable variable, Object lexem2, Operation operation) {
this.transition = transition;
this.variable = variable;
this.lexem2 = lexem2;
this.operation = operation;
public String generateCode() {
return "if ( " + operation.generateCode(variable, lexem2) + " ) {\n\treturn \"" + transition + "\";\n}\n";
public Variable getVariable1() {
return variable;
public Object getLexem2() {
return lexem2;
public boolean isByDefault() {
return byDefault;
public String getLexem2TextValue() {
if (lexem2 instanceof Variable) {
return ((Variable) lexem2).getName();
} else if (lexem2 instanceof String) {
return (String) lexem2;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("lexem2 class is " + lexem2.getClass().getName());
public Operation getOperation() {
return operation;
public String getTransition() {
return transition;