* Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.google.feedserver.tools;
import com.google.feedserver.client.FeedServerClient;
import com.google.feedserver.resource.Acl;
import com.google.feedserver.resource.AuthorizedEntity;
import com.google.feedserver.resource.ResourceInfo;
import com.google.feedserver.util.CommonsCliHelper;
import com.google.feedserver.util.FeedServerClientException;
import com.google.gdata.util.AuthenticationException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* FeedServer client tool for setting ACLs.
* -url <aclFeedUrl> -resource <feedUrl|feedUrl/entryName> -op setAcl
* -acl (<crud><+|-><principal:...>,)*
* Special principals are:
* For per domain resources:
* DOMAIN_USERS: any user in the domain
* DOMAIN_ADMIN: any administrator in the domain
* *: anyone
* For per user resources:
* DOMAIN_INDIVIDUAL: any user in the domain
* ANY_INDIVIDUAL: any user him/herself
* *: anyone
* Example:
* -url http://feedserver-enterprise.googleusercontent.com/a/example.com/g/acl - resource Contact
* -op setAcl -acl crud+admin@example.com:gadget-dev@example.com,r+DOMAIN_USERS,
* crud-untrusted@example.com:untrusted-group@example.com
public class FeedServerClientAclTool extends FeedServerClientTool {
public static final String OPERATION_SET_ACL = "setAcl";
public static String resource_FLAG = null;
public static String resource_HELP = "resource name whose ACL to change " +
"(e.g. Contact or Contact/john.doe";
public static String acl_FLAG = null;
public static String acl_HELP = "Access control list";
public static final void main(String[] args) {
new FeedServerClientAclTool().run(args);
protected void processRequest(CommonsCliHelper cliHelper) throws FeedServerClientException,
MalformedURLException, IOException, AuthenticationException {
if (resource_FLAG == null) {
printError("resource missing (please use flag '-resource')");
} else if (OPERATION_SET_ACL.equals(op_FLAG)) {
List<Acl> existingAcls = getAcl(resource_FLAG);
if (existingAcls.size() > 1) {
printError("More than 1 ACL per resource not supported by this client tool");
} else {
setAcl(url_FLAG, resource_FLAG, existingAcls, acl_FLAG);
} else {
* Gets all the ACLs of a resource.
* @param resourceName Name of resource
* @return List of ACLs for the resource
* @throws MalformedURLException
* @throws FeedServerClientException
protected List<Acl> getAcl(String resourceName) throws MalformedURLException,
FeedServerClientException {
FeedServerClient<Acl> feedServerClient = new FeedServerClient<Acl>(
this.feedServerClient.getService(), Acl.class);
String aclFeedUrl = url_FLAG + "?bq=[resourceRule=" + resourceName + "]";
List<Acl> aclIds = feedServerClient.getEntities(new URL(aclFeedUrl));
List<Acl> acls = new ArrayList<Acl>(aclIds.size());
for (Acl aclId: aclIds) {
URL aclEntryUrl = new URL(url_FLAG + '/' + aclId.getName());
return acls;
* Sets ACLs of a resource.
* @param url URL of resource to set ACLs
* @param resource Resource to set ACLs for
* @param acls Existing ACLs to change
* @param aclDef ACL change definitions (<crud><+|-><principal:...>,)*
* @throws MalformedURLException
* @throws FeedServerClientException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
protected void setAcl(String url, String resource, List<Acl> acls, String aclDef)
throws MalformedURLException, FeedServerClientException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
String[] authorizedEntitiesDefs = aclDef.split(",");
for (String authorizedEntitiesDef: authorizedEntitiesDefs) {
String modifier = authorizedEntitiesDef.indexOf('+') > 0 ? "\\+" : "-";
String[] opEntities = authorizedEntitiesDef.split(modifier);
if (opEntities.length != 2) {
String[] entities = opEntities[1].split(":");
for (int i = 0; i < opEntities[0].length(); i++) {
char op = opEntities[0].charAt(i);
for (String entity: entities) {
if ("\\+".equals(modifier)) {
addAcl(acls, op, entity);
} else {
removeAcl(acls, op, entity);
FeedServerClient<Acl> feedServerClient = new FeedServerClient<Acl>(
this.feedServerClient.getService(), Acl.class);
for (Acl acl: acls) {
if (acl.getAuthorizedEntities().length == 0) {
delete(url + "/" + URLEncoder.encode(resource, "UTF-8"));
} else {
if (acl.getName() == null) {
acl.setResourceInfo(new ResourceInfo(resource, ResourceInfo.RESOURCE_TYPE_FEED));
feedServerClient.insertEntity(new URL(url), acl);
} else {
feedServerClient.updateEntity(new URL(url), acl);
* Adds a principal for an operation to ACLs.
* @param existingAcls ACLs to add to
* @param op Operation of interest
* @param principalToAdd Principal of interest
protected void addAcl(List<Acl> existingAcls, char op, String principalToAdd) {
removeAcl(existingAcls, op, principalToAdd);
Acl firstAcl = (existingAcls.size() > 0) ? existingAcls.get(0) : new Acl();
if (existingAcls.size() == 0) {
boolean opFound = false;
if (firstAcl.getAuthorizedEntities() != null) {
for (AuthorizedEntity authorizedEntity: firstAcl.getAuthorizedEntities()) {
if (authorizedEntity.getOperation().charAt(0) == op) {
opFound = true;
String[] currentPrincipals = authorizedEntity.getEntities();
if (currentPrincipals == null) {
authorizedEntity.setEntities(new String[]{principalToAdd});
} else {
String[] updatedPrincipals = new String[currentPrincipals.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < currentPrincipals.length; i++) {
updatedPrincipals[i] = currentPrincipals[i];
updatedPrincipals[currentPrincipals.length] = principalToAdd;
if (!opFound) {
int currentLength = firstAcl.getAuthorizedEntities().length;
AuthorizedEntity[] updatedAuthorizedEntities =
new AuthorizedEntity[currentLength + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < currentLength; i++) {
updatedAuthorizedEntities[i] = firstAcl.getAuthorizedEntities()[i];
AuthorizedEntity authorizedEntity = new AuthorizedEntity();
authorizedEntity.setEntities(new String[]{principalToAdd});
updatedAuthorizedEntities[currentLength] = authorizedEntity;
* Removes a principal for an operation from ACLs.
* @param existingAcls ACLs to remove from
* @param op Operation of interest
* @param principalToRemove Principal of interest
protected void removeAcl(List<Acl> existingAcls, char op, String principalToRemove) {
for (Acl existingAcl: existingAcls) {
if (existingAcl.getAuthorizedEntities() != null) {
List<AuthorizedEntity> updatedAuthorizedEntities = new ArrayList<AuthorizedEntity>();
for (AuthorizedEntity authorizedEntity: existingAcl.getAuthorizedEntities()) {
if (authorizedEntity.getOperation().charAt(0) == op) {
List<String> updatedPrincipals = new ArrayList<String>();
if (authorizedEntity.getEntities() != null) {
for (String principal: authorizedEntity.getEntities()) {
if (!principal.equals(principalToRemove)) {
if (updatedPrincipals.size() != 0) {
updatedPrincipals.toArray(new String[updatedPrincipals.size()]));
} else {
// not operation of interest
new AuthorizedEntity[updatedAuthorizedEntities.size()]));