* $Id: PDFGraphics.java,v 1.6 2007/09/22 12:58:40 gil1 Exp $
* $Date: 2007/09/22 12:58:40 $
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package gnu.jpdf;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Composite;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.RenderingHints.Key;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.GlyphVector;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage;
import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
* This class is our implementation of AWT's Graphics class. It provides a
* Java standard way of rendering into a PDF Document's Page.
* @author Peter T Mount, http://www.retep.org.uk/pdf/
* @author Eric Z. Beard, ericzbeard@hotmail.com
* @author Gilbert DeLeeuw, gil1@users.sourceforge.net
* @version $Revision: 1.6 $, $Date: 2007/09/22 12:58:40 $
* @see gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
public class PDFGraphics extends Graphics2D implements Serializable
* One degree in radians
private static final double degrees_to_radians = Math.PI/180.0;
private static final int FILL = 1;
private static final int STROKE = 2;
private static final int CLIP = 3;
private static final AffineTransform IDENTITY = new AffineTransform();
private static final Stroke DEF_STROKE = new BasicStroke();
* NOTE: The original class is the work of Peter T. Mount, who released it
* in the uk.org.retep.pdf package. It was modified by Eric Z. Beard as
* follows:
* The package name was changed to gnu.pdf.
* The formatting was changed a little bit.
* This used to subclass an abstract class in a different package with
* the same name (confusing). Now it's one concrete class.
* drawImage() was implemented
* It is still licensed under the LGPL.
// Implementation notes:
// Pages 333-335 of the PDF Reference Manual
// Unless absolutely required, use the moveto, lineto and rectangle
// operators to perform those actions.
// They contain some extra optimizations
// which will reduce the output size by up to half in some cases.
// About fill operators: For correct operation, any fill operation should
// start with closeBlock(), which will ensure any previous path is completed,
// otherwise you may find the fill will include previous items
private static final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.###");
private Color background;
* This is true for any Graphics instance that didn't create the stream.
* @see #create
private boolean child;
private Area clip;
* This holds the current clipRectangle
protected Rectangle clipRectangle;
private Composite composite;
private Graphics2D dg2 = new BufferedImage(2, 2, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB).createGraphics();
* This is the current font (in Java format)
private Font font;
* Part of the optimizer:
* When true, we are drawing a path.
private boolean inStroke;
* Part of the optimizer:
* When true, we are within a Text Block.
private boolean inText; // true if within a Text Block - see newTextBlock()
* The stroke line cap code;
private int lineCap = 0;
* The stroke line join code
private int lineJoin = 0;
* The stroke line width
private float lineWidth = 1.0f;
* Part of the optimizer:
* The last known moveto/lineto x coordinate
* @see #moveto
* @see #lineto
private float lx; // last known moveto/lineto coordinates
* Part of the optimizer:
* The last known moveto/lineto y coordinate
* @see #moveto
* @see #lineto
private float ly; // last known moveto/lineto coordinates
private float miterLimit = 10.0f;
* Part of the optimizer:
* When true, the font has changed.
private boolean newFont; // true if the font changes - see newTextBlock()
private Stroke originalStroke;
// Original transform
private AffineTransform oTransform;
* This is a reference to the PDFPage we are rendering to.
private PDFPage page;
* This is the current pen/fill color
private Paint paint;
* This is the current font (in PDF format)
private PDFFont pdffont;
* Part of the optimizer:
* This is written to the stream when the newPath() is called. np then clears
* this value.
private String pre_np;
// PDF space transform
private AffineTransform pTransform;
* This is the PrintWriter used to write PDF drawing commands to the Stream
private PrintWriter pw;
* RenderingHints
private RenderingHints rhints = new RenderingHints(null);
private Stroke stroke;
// Start of Graphics2D properties
// Java space transform
private AffineTransform transform;
* This is used to translate coordinates
protected float trax;
* This is used to translate coordinates
protected float tray;
* Part of the optimizer:
* The last x coordinate when rendering text
private float tx; // the last coordinate for text rendering
* Part of the optimizer:
* The last y coordinate when rendering text
private float ty; // the last coordinate for text rendering
* @see Graphics2D#addRenderingHints(Map)
public void addRenderingHints(Map<?,?> hints) {
* This produces an arc by breaking it down into one or more Bezier curves.
* It is used internally to implement the drawArc and fillArc methods.
* @param axc X coordinate of arc centre
* @param ayc Y coordinate of arc centre
* @param width of bounding rectangle
* @param height of bounding rectangle
* @param ang1 Start angle
* @param ang2 End angle
* @param clockwise true to draw clockwise, false anti-clockwise
public void arc(double axc,double ayc,
double width,double height,
double ang1,double ang2,
boolean clockwise) {
double adiff;
double x0, y0;
double x3r, y3r;
boolean first = true;
// may not need this
//if( ar < 0 ) {
//ang1 += fixed_180;
//ang2 += fixed_180;
//ar = - ar;
double ang1r = (ang1%360.0)*degrees_to_radians;
double sin0 = Math.sin(ang1r);
double cos0 = Math.cos(ang1r);
x0 = axc + width*cos0;
y0 = ayc + height*sin0;
// NB: !clockwise here as Java Space is inverted to User Space
if( !clockwise ) {
// Quadrant reduction
while ( ang1 < ang2 ) ang2 -= 360.0;
while ( (adiff = ang2 - ang1) < -90.0 ) {
double w = sin0; sin0 = -cos0; cos0 = w;
x3r = axc + width*cos0;
y3r = ayc + height*sin0;
width, height,
x0, y0,
x3r, y3r,
(x0 + width*cos0),
(y0 + height*sin0)
x0 = x3r;
y0 = y3r;
ang1 -= 90.0;
first = false;
} else {
// Quadrant reduction
while ( ang2 < ang1 ) ang2 += 360.0;
while ( (adiff = ang2 - ang1) > 90.0 ) {
double w = cos0; cos0 = -sin0; sin0 = w;
x3r = axc + width*cos0;
y3r = ayc + height*sin0;
width, height,
x0, y0,
x3r, y3r,
(x0 + width*cos0),
(y0 + height*sin0)
x0 = x3r;
y0 = y3r;
ang1 += 90.0;
first = false;
// Compute the intersection of the tangents.
// We know that -fixed_90 <= adiff <= fixed_90.
double trad = Math.tan(adiff * (degrees_to_radians / 2));
double ang2r = ang2 * degrees_to_radians;
double xt = x0 - trad * width*sin0;
double yt = y0 + trad * height*cos0;
arc_add(first, width, height, x0, y0,
(axc + width * Math.cos(ang2r)),
(ayc + height * Math.sin(ang2r)),
xt, yt);
* Used by the arc method to actually add an arc to the path
* Important: We write directly to the stream here, because this method
* operates in User space, rather than Java space.
* @param first true if the first arc
* @param w width
* @param h height
* @param x0 coordinate
* @param y0 coordinate
* @param x3 coordinate
* @param y3 coordinate
* @param xt coordinate
* @param yt coordinate
private void arc_add(boolean first,
double w,double h,
double x0,double y0,
double x3,double y3,
double xt,double yt) {
double dx = xt - x0, dy = yt - y0;
double dist = dx*dx + dy*dy;
double w2 = w*w, h2=h*h;
double r2 = w2+h2;
double fw = 0.0, fh = 0.0;
if(dist < (r2*1.0e8)) {
// JM
fw = (w2 != 0.0) ? ((4.0/3.0)/(1+Math.sqrt(1+dist/w2))) : 0.0;
fh = (h2 != 0.0) ? ((4.0/3.0)/(1+Math.sqrt(1+dist/h2))) : 0.0;
// The path must have a starting point
double x = x0+((xt-x0)*fw);
double y = y0+((yt-y0)*fh);
x0 = x3+((xt-x3)*fw);
y0 = y3+((yt-y3)*fh);
// Finally the actual curve.
* This simply draws a White Rectangle to clear the area
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @param w width
* @param h height
public void clearRect(int x,int y,int w,int h) {
pw.print("q 1 1 1 RG ");// save state, set colour to White
closeBlock("B Q"); // close fill & stroke, then restore state
* @see Graphics2D#clip(Shape)
public void clip(Shape s) {
if (s == null) {
s = transform.createTransformedShape(s);
if (clip == null)
clip = new Area(s);
clip.intersect(new Area(s));
// followPath(s, CLIP);
* This extra method allows PDF users to clip to a Polygon.
* <p>In theory you could use setClip(), except that java.awt.Graphics
* only supports Rectangle with that method, so we will have an extra
* method.
* @param p Polygon to clip to
public void clipPolygon(Polygon p) {
closeBlock(); // finish off any existing path
closeBlock("W"); // clip to current path
clipRectangle = p.getBounds();
* Clips to a set of coordinates
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @param w width
* @param h height
public void clipRect(int x,int y,int w,int h) {
* All functions should call this to close any existing optimized blocks.
void closeBlock() {
* <p>This is used by code that use the path in any way other than Stroke
* (like Fill, close path & Stroke etc). Usually this is used internally.</p>
* @param code PDF operators that will close the path
void closeBlock(String code) {
if(inText) {
pw.println("ET Q");
// setOrientation(); // fixes Orientation matrix
if(inStroke) {
* This is unsupported - how do you do this with Vector graphics?
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @param w width
* @param h height
* @param dx coordinate
* @param dy coordinate
public void copyArea(int x,int y,int w,int h,int dx,int dy) {
// Hmm... Probably need to keep track of everything
// that has been drawn so far to get the contents of an area
//============ Line operations =======================
* <p>This returns a child instance of this Graphics object. As with AWT, the
* affects of using the parent instance while the child exists, is not
* determined.</p>
* <p>Once complete, the child should be released with it's dispose()
* method which will restore the graphics state to it's parent.</p>
* @return Graphics object to render onto the page
public Graphics create() {
PDFGraphics g = createGraphic(page,pw);
// The new instance inherits a few items
// g.media = new Rectangle(media);
g.trax = trax;
g.tray = tray;
g.clipRectangle = new Rectangle(clipRectangle);
return (Graphics) g;
} // end create()
* This method creates a new instance of the class based on the page
* and a print writer.
* @param page the page to attach to
* @param pw the <code>PrintWriter</code> to attach to.
protected PDFGraphics createGraphic(PDFPage page,
PrintWriter pw)
PDFGraphics g = new PDFGraphics();
return g;
* This extension appends a Bezier curve to the path. The curve
* extends from the current point to (x2,y2) using the current
* point and (x1,y1) as the Bezier control points.
* <p>The new current point is (x2,y2)
* @param x1 Second control point
* @param y1 Second control point
* @param x2 Destination point
* @param y2 Destination point
public void curveto(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2) {
* This extension appends a Bezier curve to the path. The curve
* extends from the current point to (x3,y3) using (x1,y1) and
* (x2,y2) as the Bezier control points.
* <p>The new current point is (x3,y3)
* @param x1 First control point
* @param y1 First control point
* @param x2 Second control point
* @param y2 Second control point
* @param x3 Destination point
* @param y3 Destination point
public void curveto(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2,double x3,double y3) {
* This extension appends a Bezier curve to the path. The curve
* extends from the current point to (x2,y2) using the current
* point and (x1,y1) as the Bezier control points.
* <p>The new current point is (x2,y2)
* @param x1 Second control point
* @param y1 Second control point
* @param x2 Destination point
* @param y2 Destination point
public void curveto(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) {
* This extension appends a Bezier curve to the path. The curve
* extends from the current point to (x3,y3) using (x1,y1) and
* (x2,y2) as the Bezier control points.
* <p>The new current point is (x3,y3)
* @param x1 First control point
* @param y1 First control point
* @param x2 Second control point
* @param y2 Second control point
* @param x3 Destination point
* @param y3 Destination point
public void curveto(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int x3,int y3) {
* This extension appends a Bezier curve to the path. The curve
* extends from the current point to (x2,y2) using (x1,y1) and
* the end point as the Bezier control points.
* <p>The new current point is (x2,y2)
* @param x1 Second control point
* @param y1 Second control point
* @param x2 Destination point
* @param y2 Destination point
public void curveto2(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2) {
// Arcs are horrible and complex. They are at the end of the
// file, because they are the largest. This is because, unlike
// Postscript, PDF doesn't have any arc operators, so we must
// implement them by converting into one or more Bezier curves
// (which is how Postscript does them internally).
* This extension appends a Bezier curve to the path. The curve
* extends from the current point to (x2,y2) using (x1,y1) and
* the end point as the Bezier control points.
* <p>The new current point is (x2,y2)
* @param x1 Second control point
* @param y1 Second control point
* @param x2 Destination point
* @param y2 Destination point
public void curveto2(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) {
* Converts the Java space dimension into pdf.
* @param w width
* @param h height
* @return String containing the coordinates in PDF space
private String cwh(double w,double h) {
double nw=w,nh=h; // scratch
// switch(mediaRot) {
// case PageFormat.PORTRAIT:
// Portrait
//nw = w;
nh = -h;
// break;
// case PageFormat.LANDSCAPE:
// // Landscape
// nw = h;
// nh = w;
// break;
//// case 180:
//// // Inverse Portrait
//// nw = -w;
//// //nh = h;
//// break;
// case PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE:
// // Seascape
// nw = -h;
// nh = -w;
// break;
// }
return ""+df.format(nw)+" "+df.format(nh)+" ";
* Converts the Java space dimension into pdf.
* @param w width
* @param h height
* @return String containing the coordinates in PDF space
private String cwh(int w,int h) {
return cwh((double)w,(double)h);
* Converts the Java space coordinates into pdf.
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @return String containing the coordinates in PDF space
private String cxy(double x, double y) {
// double nx = x, ny = y; // scratch
// double mh = page.getPageFormat().getHeight();
Point2D ptSrc = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
Point2D ptDst = new Point2D.Double();
transform.transform(ptSrc, ptDst);
// x += trax;
// y += tray;
// nx = x;
// ny = mh - y;
// System.out.println("\ncxy(" + ptSrc.getX() + ", " + ptSrc.getY() + ")");
// System.out.println("Old [" + nx + "," + ny + "]");
// System.out.println("Trn [" + ptDst.getX() + ", " + ptDst.getY() + "]");
// return "" + df.format(nx) + " " + df.format(ny) + " ";
return ""+df.format(ptDst.getX())+" "+df.format(ptDst.getY())+" ";
* Converts the Java space coordinates into pdf.
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @return String containing the coordinates in PDF space
private String cxy(int x,int y) {
return cxy((double)x,(double)y);
* <p>This releases any resources used by this Graphics object. You must use
* this method once finished with it. Leaving it open will leave the PDF
* stream in an inconsistent state, and will produce errors.</p>
* <p>If this was created with Graphics.create() then the parent instance
* can be used again. If not, then this closes the graphics operations for
* this page when used with PDFJob.</p>
* <p>When using PDFPage, you can create another fresh Graphics instance,
* which will draw over this one.</p>
public void dispose() {
if(child) {
pw.println("Q"); // restore graphics context
else {
pw.close(); // close the stream if were the parent
// *********************************************
// **** Implementation of java.awt.Graphics ****
// *********************************************
//============ Rectangle operations =======================
* @see Graphics2D#draw(Shape)
public void draw(Shape s) {
followPath(s, STROKE);
* <p>Not implemented</p>
* <p>Draws a 3-D highlighted outline of the specified rectangle.
* The edges of the rectangle are highlighted so that they appear
* to be beveled and lit from the upper left corner.
* The colors used for the highlighting effect are determined based on
* the current color. The resulting rectangle covers an area that
* is width + 1 pixels wide by height + 1 pixels tall.
* @param x an <code>int</code> value
* @param y an <code>int</code> value
* @param width an <code>int</code> value
* @param height an <code>int</code> value
* @param raised a <code>boolean</code> value
public void draw3DRect(int x, int y,
int width, int height, boolean raised) {
// Not implemented
* Draws an arc
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @param w width
* @param h height
* @param sa Start angle
* @param aa End angle
public void drawArc(int x,int y,int w,int h,int sa,int aa) {
* <p>Not implemented</p>
* @param data a <code>byte[]</code> value
* @param offset an <code>int</code> value
* @param length an <code>int</code> value
* @param x an <code>int</code> value
* @param y an <code>int</code> value
public void drawBytes(byte[] data, int offset, int length, int x, int y) {
//============ Optimizers =======================
* @see Graphics2D#drawGlyphVector(GlyphVector, float, float)
public void drawGlyphVector(GlyphVector g, float x, float y) {
Shape s = g.getOutline(x, y);
* @see Graphics2D#drawImage(BufferedImage, BufferedImageOp, int, int)
public void drawImage(BufferedImage img, BufferedImageOp op, int x, int y) {
BufferedImage result = img;
if (op != null) {
result = op.createCompatibleDestImage(img, img.getColorModel());
result = op.filter(img, result);
drawImage(result, x, y, null);
* @see Graphics2D#drawImage(Image, AffineTransform, ImageObserver)
public boolean drawImage(Image img, AffineTransform xform, ImageObserver obs) {
// return drawImage(img, null, xform, null, obs);
return true;
* <p>Draw's an image onto the page, with a backing colour.</p>
* @param img The java.awt.Image
* @param x coordinate on page
* @param y coordinate on page
* @param bgcolor Background colour
* @param obs ImageObserver
* @return true if drawn
public boolean drawImage(Image img,int x,int y,Color bgcolor,
ImageObserver obs) {
return drawImage(img,x,y,img.getWidth(obs),img.getHeight(obs),
* Draw's an image onto the page
* @param img The java.awt.Image
* @param x coordinate on page
* @param y coordinate on page
* @param obs ImageObserver
* @return true if drawn
public boolean drawImage(Image img,int x,int y,ImageObserver obs) {
return drawImage(img,x,y,img.getWidth(obs),img.getHeight(obs),obs);
* <p>Draw's an image onto the page, with a backing colour.</p>
* @param img The java.awt.Image
* @param x coordinate on page
* @param y coordinate on page
* @param w Width on page
* @param h height on page
* @param bgcolor Background colour
* @param obs ImageObserver
* @return true if drawn
public boolean drawImage(Image img,int x,int y,int w,int h,
Color bgcolor,ImageObserver obs) {
pw.print("q "); // save state
Color c = getColor(); // save current colour
setColor(bgcolor); // change the colour
closeBlock("B Q"); // fill stroke, restore state
paint = c; // restore original colour
return drawImage(img,x,y,img.getWidth(obs),img.getHeight(obs),obs);
* <p>Draws an image onto the page.</p>
* <p>This method is implemented with ASCIIbase85 encoding and the
* zip stream deflater. It results in a stream that is anywhere
* from 3 to 10 times as big as the image. This obviously needs some
* improvement, but it works well for small images</p>
* @param img The java.awt.Image
* @param x coordinate on page
* @param y coordinate on page
* @param w Width on page
* @param h height on page
* @param obs ImageObserver
* @return true if drawn
public boolean drawImage(Image img,int x,int y,int w,int h,
ImageObserver obs) {
PDFImage image = new PDFImage(img,x,y,w,h,obs);
// The image needs to be registered in several places
// JM
/*page.addResource("/XObject << " + image.getName() + " " +
image.getSerialID() + " 0 R >>");*/
page.addImageResource(image.getName() + " " + image.getSerialID() +
" 0 R");
// q w 0 0 h x y cm % the coordinate matrix
pw.print("q " +
image.getWidth() +
" 0 0 " +
image.getHeight() +
" " + x + " " +
((int)page.getDimension().getHeight()-y-image.getHeight()) +
" cm \n" + image.getName() + " Do\nQ\n");
return false;
* Draw's an image onto the page, with scaling
* <p>This is not yet supported.
* @param img The java.awt.Image
* @param dx1 coordinate on page
* @param dy1 coordinate on page
* @param dx2 coordinate on page
* @param dy2 coordinate on page
* @param sx1 coordinate on image
* @param sy1 coordinate on image
* @param sx2 coordinate on image
* @param sy2 coordinate on image
* @param bgcolor Background colour
* @param obs ImageObserver
* @return true if drawn
public boolean drawImage(Image img,int dx1,int dy1,int dx2,
int dy2,int sx1,int sy1,int sx2,int sy2,
Color bgcolor,ImageObserver obs) {
return false;
//============ Clipping operations =======================
* Draw's an image onto the page, with scaling
* <p>This is not yet supported.
* @param img The java.awt.Image
* @param dx1 coordinate on page
* @param dy1 coordinate on page
* @param dx2 coordinate on page
* @param dy2 coordinate on page
* @param sx1 coordinate on image
* @param sy1 coordinate on image
* @param sx2 coordinate on image
* @param sy2 coordinate on image
* @param obs ImageObserver
* @return true if drawn
public boolean drawImage(Image img,int dx1,int dy1,int dx2,
int dy2,int sx1,int sy1,int sx2,int sy2,
ImageObserver obs) {
// This shouldn't be too bad, just change the coordinate matrix
return false;
* Draws a line between two coordinates.
* If the first coordinate is the same as the last one drawn
* (i.e. a previous drawLine, moveto, etc) it is ignored.
* @param x1 coordinate
* @param y1 coordinate
* @param x2 coordinate
* @param y2 coordinate
public void drawLine(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) {
//============ Arcs operations ==============================
// These are the standard Graphics operators. They use the
// arc extension operators to achieve the affect.
* <p>Draws an oval</p>
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @param w width
* @param h height
public void drawOval(int x,int y,int w,int h) {
drawArc(x, y, w, h, 0, 360);
* Draws a polygon, linking the first and last coordinates.
* @param xp Array of x coordinates
* @param yp Array of y coordinates
* @param np number of points in polygon
public void drawPolygon(int[] xp,int[] yp,int np) {
closeBlock("s"); // close path and stroke
* Draws a polyline. The first and last coordinates are not linked.
* @param xp Array of x coordinates
* @param yp Array of y coordinates
* @param np number of points in polyline
public void drawPolyline(int[] xp,int[] yp,int np) {
// no stroke, as we keep the optimizer in stroke state
* We override Graphics.drawRect as it doesn't join the 4 lines.
* Also, PDF provides us with a Rectangle operator, so we will use that.
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @param w width
* @param h height
public void drawRect(int x,int y,int w,int h) {
pw.print(cxy(x,y)+cwh(w,h)+"re "); // rectangle
lx=x; // I don't know if this is correct, but lets see if PDF ends
ly=y; // the rectangle at it's start.
// stroke (optimized)
* @see Graphics2D#drawRenderableImage(RenderableImage, AffineTransform)
public void drawRenderableImage(RenderableImage img, AffineTransform xform) {
drawRenderedImage(img.createDefaultRendering(), xform);
* @see Graphics2D#drawRenderedImage(RenderedImage, AffineTransform)
public void drawRenderedImage(RenderedImage img, AffineTransform xform) {
BufferedImage image = null;
if (img instanceof BufferedImage) {
image = (BufferedImage)img;
} else {
ColorModel cm = img.getColorModel();
int width = img.getWidth();
int height = img.getHeight();
WritableRaster raster = cm.createCompatibleWritableRaster(width, height);
boolean isAlphaPremultiplied = cm.isAlphaPremultiplied();
Hashtable<String, Object> properties = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
String[] keys = img.getPropertyNames();
if (keys!=null) {
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
properties.put(keys[i], img.getProperty(keys[i]));
BufferedImage result = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, isAlphaPremultiplied, properties);
drawImage(image, xform, null);
* This is not yet implemented
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @param w width
* @param h height
* @param aw a-width
* @param ah a-height
public void drawRoundRect(int x,int y,int w,int h,int aw,int ah) {
//============ Oval operations =======================
* Draws a string using a AttributedCharacterIterator.
* <p>This is not supported yet, as I have no idea what an
* AttributedCharacterIterator is.
* <p>This method is new to the Java2 API.
public void drawString(java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator aci,
float x,float y) {
* Draws a string using a AttributedCharacterIterator.
* <p>This is not supported yet, as I have no idea what an
* AttributedCharacterIterator is.
* <p>This method is new to the Java2 API.
public void drawString(java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator aci,
int x,int y) {
public void drawString(String s,float x,float y) {
newTextBlock(x, y);
pw.println(PDFStringHelper.makePDFString(s)+" Tj");
* This draws a string.
* @oaran s String to draw
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
public void drawString(String s,int x,int y) {
pw.println(PDFStringHelper.makePDFString(s)+" Tj");
* @see Graphics2D#fill(Shape)
public void fill(Shape s) {
followPath(s, FILL);
* <p>Not implemented</p>
* @param x an <code>int</code> value
* @param y an <code>int</code> value
* @param width an <code>int</code> value
* @param height an <code>int</code> value
* @param raised a <code>boolean</code> value
public void fill3DRect(int x, int y,
int width, int height, boolean raised) {
// Not implemented
* Fills an arc, joining the start and end coordinates
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @param w width
* @param h height
* @param sa Start angle
* @param aa End angle
public void fillArc(int x,int y,int w,int h,int sa,int aa) {
// here we fool the optimizer. We force any open path to be closed,
// then draw the arc. Finally, as the optimizer hasn't stroke'd the
// path, we close and fill it, and mark the Stroke as closed.
// Note: The lineto to the centre of the object is required, because
// the fill only fills the arc. Skipping this includes an extra
// chord, which isn't correct. Peter May 31 2000
closeBlock("b"); // closepath and fill
//============ Extension operations ==============================
// These are extensions, and provide access to PDF Specific
// operators.
* <p>Draws a filled oval</p>
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @param w width
* @param h height
public void fillOval(int x,int y,int w,int h) {
fillArc(x, y, w, h, 0, 360);
//============ Polygon operations =======================
* Fills a polygon.
* @param xp Array of x coordinates
* @param yp Array of y coordinates
* @param np number of points in polygon
public void fillPolygon(int[] xp,int[] yp,int np) {
closeBlock(); // finish off any previous paths
closeBlock("b"); // closepath, fill and stroke
//============ Image operations =======================
* Fills a rectangle with the current colour
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @param w width
* @param h height
public void fillRect(int x,int y,int w,int h) {
// end any path & stroke. This ensures the fill is on this
// rectangle, and not on any previous graphics
closeBlock("B"); // rectangle, fill stroke
//============ Round Rectangle operations =======================
* This is not yet implemented
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @param w width
* @param h height
* @param aw a-width
* @param ah a-height
public void fillRoundRect(int x,int y,int w,int h,int aw,int ah) {
// implementation specific methods
private void followPath(Shape s, int drawType) {
PathIterator points;
if (s==null) return;
if (drawType==STROKE) {
if (!(stroke instanceof BasicStroke)) {
s = stroke.createStrokedShape(s);
followPath(s, FILL);
// if (drawType==STROKE) {
// setStrokeDiff(stroke, oldStroke);
// oldStroke = stroke;
// setStrokePaint();
// }
// else if (drawType==FILL)
// setFillPaint();
points = s.getPathIterator(IDENTITY);
int segments = 0;
float[] coords = new float[6];
while(!points.isDone()) {
int segtype = points.currentSegment(coords);
switch(segtype) {
case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
pw.print("h ");
case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO:
curveto(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4], coords[5]);
case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
lineto(coords[0], coords[1]);
case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
moveto(coords[0], coords[1]);
case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO:
curveto(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3]);
switch (drawType) {
case FILL:
if (segments > 0) {
if (points.getWindingRule() == PathIterator.WIND_EVEN_ODD)
case STROKE:
if (segments > 0)
case CLIP:
default: //drawType==CLIP
if (segments == 0)
drawRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (points.getWindingRule() == PathIterator.WIND_EVEN_ODD)
* @see Graphics2D#getBackground()
public Color getBackground() {
return background;
* Returns the Shape of the clipping region
* As my JDK docs say, this may break with Java 2D.
* @return Shape of the clipping region
public Shape getClip() {
return null;
* Returns the Rectangle that fits the current clipping region
* @return the Rectangle that fits the current clipping region
public Rectangle getClipBounds() {
return clipRectangle;
//============ Color operations =======================
* Returns the current pen Colour
* @return the current pen Colour
public Color getColor() {
return (paint instanceof Color) ? (Color) paint : Color.black;
* @see Graphics2D#getComposite()
public Composite getComposite() {
return composite;
* @see Graphics2D#getDeviceConfiguration()
public GraphicsConfiguration getDeviceConfiguration() {
return dg2.getDeviceConfiguration();
* Return's the current font.
* @return the current font.
public Font getFont() {
setFont(new Font("SansSerif",Font.PLAIN,12));
return font;
* Returns the FontMetrics for a font.
* <p>This doesn't work correctly. Perhaps having some way of mapping
* the base 14 fonts to our own FontMetrics implementation?
* @param font The java.awt.Font to return the metrics for
* @return FontMetrics for a font
public FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font font) {
Frame dummy = new Frame();
Image image = dummy.createImage(100, 100);
if (image == null) {
System.err.println("getFontMetrics: image is null");
Graphics graphics = image.getGraphics();
return graphics.getFontMetrics(font);
* @see Graphics2D#getFontRenderContext()
public FontRenderContext getFontRenderContext() {
boolean antialias = RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON.equals(getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING));
boolean fractions = RenderingHints.VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_ON.equals(getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_FRACTIONALMETRICS));
return new FontRenderContext(new AffineTransform(), antialias, fractions);
* Returns the associated PDFPage for this graphic
* @return the associated PDFPage for this graphic
public PDFPage getPage() {
return page;
* Returns the current pen Colour
* @return the current pen Colour
public Paint getPaint() {
return paint;
* @param arg0 a key
* @return the rendering hint
public Object getRenderingHint(Key arg0) {
return rhints.get(arg0);
* @see Graphics2D#getRenderingHints()
public RenderingHints getRenderingHints() {
return rhints;
* @see Graphics2D#getStroke()
public Stroke getStroke() {
return originalStroke;
* @see Graphics2D#getTransform()
public AffineTransform getTransform() {
return new AffineTransform(oTransform);
* Returns the PrintWriter handling the underlying stream
* @return the PrintWriter handling the underlying stream
public PrintWriter getWriter() {
return pw;
* @see Graphics2D#hit(Rectangle, Shape, boolean)
public boolean hit(Rectangle rect, Shape s, boolean onStroke) {
if (onStroke) {
s = stroke.createStrokedShape(s);
s = transform.createTransformedShape(s);
Area area = new Area(s);
if (clip != null)
return area.intersects(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
* This initialises the stream by saving the current graphics state, and
* setting up the default line width (for us).
* It also sets up the instance ready for graphic operations and any
* optimisations.
* <p>For child instances, the stream is already open, so this should keep
* things happy.
private void init() {
PageFormat pf = page.getPageFormat();
// save graphics state (restored by dispose)
if(child) {
pw.print("q ");
// now initialise the instance
paint = Color.black;
// possible: if parent.color is not black, then force black?
// must check to see what AWT does?
// Original User Space Transform (identity)
oTransform = new AffineTransform();
// Transform from Java Space to PDF Space
pTransform = new AffineTransform();
pTransform.translate(0, pf.getHeight());
pTransform.scale(1d, -1d);
// Combined Transform User->Java->PDF
transform = new AffineTransform(oTransform);
// Set the line width
* This is called by PDFPage when creating a Graphcis instance.
* @param page The PDFPage to draw onto.
protected void init(PDFPage page) {
this.page = page;
// We are the parent instance
child = false;
// Now create a stream to store the graphics in
PDFStream stream = new PDFStream();
// To view detail in uncompressed format comment out the next line
pw = stream.getWriter();
// initially, we are limited to the page size
clipRectangle = page.getImageableArea();
// finally initialise the stream
* This method is used internally by create() and by the PDFJob class
* @param page PDFPage to draw into
* @param pw PrintWriter to use
protected void init(PDFPage page,PrintWriter pw) {
this.page = page;
this.pw = pw;
// In this case, we didn't create the stream (our parent did)
// so child is true (see dispose)
child = true;
// finally initialise the stream
* This adds a line segment to the current path
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
public void lineto(double x,double y) {
// no optimisation here as it may introduce errors on decimal coordinates.
pw.print(cxy(x,y)+"l ");
* This adds a line segment to the current path
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
public void lineto(int x,int y) {
if(lx!=x && ly!=y)
pw.print(cxy(x,y)+"l ");
* This moves the current drawing point.
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
public void moveto(double x,double y) {
// no optimisation here as it may introduce errors on decimal coordinates.
pw.print(cxy(x,y)+"m ");
* This moves the current drawing point.
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
public void moveto(int x,int y) {
if(lx!=x || ly!=y)
pw.print(cxy(x,y)+"m ");
* Functions that draw lines should start by calling this. It starts a
* new path unless inStroke is set, in that case it uses the existing path
void newPath() {
if(inText) {
if(!inStroke) {
if(pre_np!=null) {
pw.print(pre_np); // this is the prefix set by setOrientation()
pre_np = null;
pw.print("n ");
// an unlikely coordinate to fool the moveto() optimizer
lx = ly = -9999;
* <p>Functions that draw text should start by calling this. It starts a text
* block (accounting for media orientation) unless we are already in a Text
* block.</p>
* <p>It also handles if the font has been changed since the current text
* block was started, so your function will be current.</p>
* @param x x coordinate in java space
* @param y y coordinate in java space
void newTextBlock(float x,float y) {
// close the current path if there is one
if(inStroke) {
// create the text block if one is not current. If we are, the newFont
// condition at the end catches font changes
if(!inText) {
// This ensures that there is a font available
pw.print("q BT ");
// produce the text matrix for the media
// switch(mediaRot) {
// case PageFormat.PORTRAIT: // Portrait
// //pw.println("1 0 0 1 0 0 Tm");
// break;
// case PageFormat.LANDSCAPE: // Landscape
// pw.println("0 1 -1 0 0 0 Tm"); // rotate
// break;
// case 180: // Inverted Portrait
// pw.println("1 0 0 -1 0 0 Tm");
// break;
// case PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE: // Seascape
// pw.println("0 -1 1 0 0 0 Tm"); // rotate
// break;
// }
// move the text cursor by an absolute amount
pw.print(txy(x,y)+"Td ");
} else {
// move the text cursor by a relative amount
//int ox=x-tx, oy=ty-y;
//pw.print(""+ox+" "+oy+" Td ");
//pw.print(cwh(x-tx,y-ty)+"Td ");
pw.print(twh(x,y,tx,ty)+"Td ");
// preserve the coordinates for the next time
tx = x;
ty = y;
if(newFont || !inText)
pw.print(pdffont.getName()+" "+font.getSize()+" Tf ");
// later add colour changes here (if required)
inStroke = newFont = false;
inText = true;
* This is used to add a polygon to the current path.
* Used by drawPolygon(), drawPolyline() and fillPolygon() etal
* @param xp Array of x coordinates
* @param yp Array of y coordinates
* @param np number of points in polygon
* @see #drawPolygon
* @see #drawPolyline
* @see #fillPolygon
public void polygon(int[] xp,int[] yp,int np) {
// newPath() not needed here as moveto does it ;-)
for(int i=1;i<np;i++)
* @see Graphics2D#rotate(double)
public void rotate(double theta) {
* @see Graphics2D#rotate(double, double, double)
public void rotate(double theta, double x, double y) {
transform.rotate(theta, x, y);
* @see Graphics2D#scale(double, double)
public void scale(double sx, double sy) {
transform.scale(sx, sy);
this.stroke = transformStroke(originalStroke);
* @see Graphics2D#setBackground(Color)
public void setBackground(Color color) {
background = color;
* Clips to a set of coordinates
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @param w width
* @param h height
public void setClip(int x,int y,int w,int h) {
clipRectangle = new Rectangle(x,y,w,h);
closeBlock(); // finish off any existing paths
closeBlock("W n"); // clip to current path
* As my JDK docs say, this may break with Java 2D.
* <p>Sets the clipping region to that of a Shape.
* @param s Shape to clip to.
public void setClip(Shape s) {
Rectangle r = s.getBounds();
* Sets the color for drawing
* @param c Color to use
public void setColor(Color c) {
* @see Graphics2D#setComposite(Composite)
public void setComposite(Composite comp) {
this.composite = comp;
* This extension sets the line width to the default of 1mm which is what
* Java uses when drawing to a PrintJob.
public void setDefaultLineWidth() {
closeBlock(); // draw any path before we change the line width
pw.println("1 w");
* This sets the font.
* @param f java.awt.Font to set to.
public void setFont(Font f) {
// optimize: Save some space if the font is already the current one.
if(font!=f) {
font = f;
pdffont = page.getFont("/Type1",f.getName(),f.getStyle());
// mark the font as changed
newFont = true;
private void setLineCap(int cap) {
int lineCap = 0;
switch (cap) {
case BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER:
lineCap = 0;
case BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND:
lineCap = 1;
case BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL:
lineCap = 2;
if (this.lineCap != lineCap) {
closeBlock(); // draw any path before we change the line width
this.lineCap = lineCap;
pw.println(""+lineCap+" J");
private void setLineJoin(int join) {
int lineJoin = 0;
switch (join) {
case BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER:
lineJoin = 0;
case BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND:
lineJoin = 1;
case BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL:
lineJoin = 2;
if (this.lineJoin != lineJoin) {
closeBlock(); // draw any path before we change the line width
this.lineJoin = lineJoin;
pw.println(""+lineJoin+" j");
* This extension allows the width of the drawn line to be set
* @param width Line width in pdf graphic units (points)
public void setLineWidth(float width) {
if (width != this.lineWidth) {
closeBlock(); // draw any path before we change the line width
this.lineWidth = width;
pw.println(""+width+" w");
private void setMiterLimit(float limit) {
if (limit != this.miterLimit) {
closeBlock(); // draw any path before we change the line width
this.miterLimit = limit;
pw.println(""+limit+" M");
* Sets the paint for drawing
* @param paint Paint to use
public void setPaint(Paint paint) {
this.paint = paint;
if (paint instanceof Color) {
Color c = (Color) paint;
double r = ((double) c.getRed()) / 255.0;
double g = ((double) c.getGreen()) / 255.0;
double b = ((double) c.getBlue()) / 255.0;
closeBlock(); // This ensures any paths are drawn in the previous
// colours
pw.println("" + r + " " + g + " " + b + " rg "
+ r + " " + g + " " + b + " RG");
* Not implemented, as this is not supported in the PDF specification.
public void setPaintMode() {
* Sets a rendering hint
* @param arg0
* @param arg1
public void setRenderingHint(Key arg0, Object arg1) {
if (arg1 != null) {
rhints.put(arg0, arg1);
} else {
// Add Graphics2D methods.
* @see Graphics2D#setRenderingHints(Map)
public void setRenderingHints(Map<?,?> hints) {
* @see Graphics2D#setStroke(Stroke)
public void setStroke(Stroke s) {
originalStroke = s;
this.stroke = transformStroke(s);
if (stroke instanceof BasicStroke) {
BasicStroke bs = (BasicStroke) stroke;
// TODO: Line dash pattern
* @see Graphics2D#setTransform(AffineTransform)
public void setTransform(AffineTransform t) {
// Save copy of original transform.
oTransform = t;
// Working copy of transform
transform = new AffineTransform(t);
// Concatenate Java Space to PDF Space transform
this.stroke = transformStroke(originalStroke);
* Not implemented, as this is not supported in the PDF specification.
* @param c1 Color to xor with
public void setXORMode(Color c1) {
//============ Text operations =======================
* @see Graphics2D#shear(double, double)
public void shear(double shx, double shy) {
transform.shear(shx, shy);
* @see Graphics2D#transform(AffineTransform)
public void transform(AffineTransform tx) {
this.stroke = transformStroke(originalStroke);
private Stroke transformStroke(Stroke stroke) {
if (!(stroke instanceof BasicStroke))
return stroke;
BasicStroke st = (BasicStroke)stroke;
float scale = (float)Math.sqrt(Math.abs(transform.getDeterminant()));
float dash[] = st.getDashArray();
if (dash != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < dash.length; ++k)
dash[k] *= scale;
return new BasicStroke(st.getLineWidth() * scale, st.getEndCap(), st.getLineJoin(), st.getMiterLimit(), dash, st.getDashPhase() * scale);
* @see Graphics2D#translate(double, double)
public void translate(double tx, double ty) {
transform.translate(tx, ty);
trax = (float) tx;
tray = (float) ty;
* @see Graphics#translate(int, int)
public void translate(int x, int y) {
translate((double)x, (double)y);
* Converts the Java space coordinates into pdf text space.
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @param tx coordinate
* @param ty coordinate
* @return String containing the coordinates in PDF text space
private String twh(float x,float y,float tx,float ty) {
float nx=x, ny=y;
float ntx=tx, nty=ty;
int mh = (int) page.getPageFormat().getHeight();
int sx=1,sy=1;
// switch(mediaRot)
// {
// case PageFormat.PORTRAIT:
// Portrait
//nx = x;
ny = mh - y;
nty = mh - ty;
// break;
// case PageFormat.LANDSCAPE:
// // Landscape
// //nx = y;
// //ny = x;
// //ntx = ty;
// //nty = tx;
// //sy=-1;
// nx = x;
// ny = -y;
// ntx = tx;
// nty = -ty;
// //sy=-1;
// break;
// case 180:
// // Inverse Portrait
// // to be completed
// nx = mw - x;
// //ny = y;
// break;
// case PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE:
// // Seascape
// // to be completed
// nx = mw - y;
// ny = mh - x;
// break;
// }
nx = sx*(nx-ntx);
ny = sy*(ny-nty);
return ""+df.format(nx)+" "+df.format(ny)+" ";
* Converts the Java space coordinates into pdf text space.
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @return String containing the coordinates in PDF text space
private String txy(float x,float y) {
// float nx=x, ny=y;
// int mh = (int) page.getPageFormat().getHeight();
Point2D ptSrc = new Point2D.Float(x, y);
Point2D ptDst = new Point2D.Float();
transform.transform(ptSrc, ptDst);
// // handle any translations
// x+=trax;
// y+=tray;
// nx = x;
// ny = mh - y;
// System.out.println("\ntxy(" + ptSrc.getX() + ", " + ptSrc.getY() + ")");
// System.out.println("Old [" + nx + "," + ny + "]");
// System.out.println("Trn [" + ptDst.getX() + ", " + ptDst.getY() + "]");
// return ""+df.format(nx)+" "+df.format(ny)+" ";
return ""+df.format(ptDst.getX())+" "+df.format(ptDst.getY())+" ";
} // end class PDFGraphics