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package com.gnizr.db.dao.bookmark;
import org.dbunit.dataset.IDataSet;
import org.dbunit.dataset.xml.FlatXmlDataSet;
import com.gnizr.db.dao.Bookmark;
import com.gnizr.db.dao.DaoResult;
import com.gnizr.db.dao.GnizrDBTestBase;
import com.gnizr.db.dao.User;
import com.gnizr.db.dao.user.TestUserDBDao1;
public class TestBookmarkDBDao3 extends GnizrDBTestBase {
private BookmarkDao bmarkDao;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
bmarkDao = new BookmarkDBDao(getDataSource());
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testSearchCommunityBookmarks() throws Exception{
DaoResult<Bookmark> result = bmarkDao.searchCommunityBookmarks("+MySQL +Boolean",0, 10);
assertEquals(1, result.getSize());
assertEquals(1, result.getResult().size());
assertEquals(3, result.getResult().get(0).getId());
result = bmarkDao.searchCommunityBookmarks("feature mysql",0, 10);
public void testSearchUserBookmarks() throws Exception{
DaoResult<Bookmark> result = bmarkDao.searchUserBookmarks("MySQL WordPress Plugin", new User(2),0, 10);
assertEquals(3, result.getResult().get(0).getId());
protected IDataSet getDataSet() throws Exception {
return new FlatXmlDataSet(TestUserDBDao1.class.getResourceAsStream("/dbunit/bmarkdbdao/TestBookmarkDBDao3-input.xml"));