Copyright 2008-2010 Gephi
Authors : Mathieu Bastian <mathieu.bastian@gephi.org>
Website : http://www.gephi.org
This file is part of Gephi.
Gephi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
Gephi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Gephi. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.gephi.visualization.swing;
import com.sun.opengl.util.BufferUtil;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.nio.DoubleBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import javax.media.opengl.GL;
import javax.media.opengl.GLAutoDrawable;
import javax.media.opengl.glu.GLU;
import org.gephi.visualization.VizArchitecture;
import org.gephi.visualization.VizController;
import org.gephi.visualization.apiimpl.GraphDrawable;
import org.gephi.visualization.opengl.AbstractEngine;
import org.gephi.lib.gleem.linalg.Vec3f;
import org.gephi.visualization.apiimpl.Scheduler;
* @author Mathieu Bastian
public class GraphDrawableImpl extends GLAbstractListener implements VizArchitecture, GraphDrawable {
protected Component graphComponent;
protected AbstractEngine engine;
protected Scheduler scheduler;
protected float[] cameraLocation;
protected float[] cameraTarget;
protected double[] draggingMarker = new double[2];//The drag mesure for a moving of 1 to the viewport
protected Vec3f cameraVector = new Vec3f();
public GraphDrawableImpl() {
this.vizController = VizController.getInstance();
public void initArchitecture() {
this.engine = VizController.getInstance().getEngine();
this.scheduler = VizController.getInstance().getScheduler();
this.screenshotMaker = VizController.getInstance().getScreenshotMaker();
cameraLocation = vizController.getVizConfig().getDefaultCameraPosition();
cameraTarget = vizController.getVizConfig().getDefaultCameraTarget();
//Mouse events
if (vizController.getVizConfig().isReduceFpsWhenMouseOut()) {
final int minVal = vizController.getVizConfig().getReduceFpsWhenMouseOutValue();
final int maxVal = 30;
graphComponent.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
private float lastTarget = 0.1f;
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
if (!scheduler.isAnimating()) {
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
float fps = getFpsAverage();
float target = (float) (fps / (1. / Math.sqrt(getFpsAverage()) * 10.));
if (fps == 0f) {
target = lastTarget;
if (target <= 0.005f) {
} else if (target > minVal) {
target = minVal;
lastTarget = target;
} else if (vizController.getVizConfig().isPauseLoopWhenMouseOut()) {
graphComponent.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
protected void init(GL gl) {
engine.initEngine(gl, glu);
public void refreshDraggingMarker() {
//Refresh dragging marker
/*DoubleBuffer objPos = BufferUtil.newDoubleBuffer(3);
glu.gluProject(0, 0, 0, modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport, objPos);
double dxx = objPos.get(0);
double dyy = objPos.get(1);
glu.gluProject(1, 1, 0, modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport, objPos);
draggingMarker[0] = dxx - objPos.get(0);
draggingMarker[1] = dyy - objPos.get(1);
double[] v = {0, 0, 0, 1.0};
double[] v2 = {1.0, 1.0, 0, 1.0};
double[] d = myGluProject(v);
double[] d2 = myGluProject(v2);
draggingMarker[0] = d[0] - d2[0];
draggingMarker[1] = d[1] - d2[1];
public void setCameraPosition(GL gl, GLU glu) {
//Refresh rotation angle
glu.gluLookAt(cameraLocation[0], cameraLocation[1], cameraLocation[2], cameraTarget[0], cameraTarget[1], cameraTarget[2], 0, 1, 0);
gl.glGetDoublev(GL.GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelMatrix);
cameraVector.set(cameraTarget[0] - cameraLocation[0], cameraTarget[1] - cameraLocation[1], cameraTarget[2] - cameraLocation[2]);
protected void reshape3DScene(GL gl) {
setCameraPosition(gl, glu);
graphComponent.invalidate(); //Force canvas to be laid out with the proper size
protected void render3DScene(GL gl, GLU glu) {
scheduler.display(gl, glu);
private void renderTestCube(GL gl) {
float cubeSize = 100f;
glu.gluLookAt(cameraLocation[0], cameraLocation[1], cameraLocation[2], cameraTarget[0], cameraTarget[1], cameraTarget[2], 0, 1, 0);
gl.glColor3f(0f, 0f, 0f);
gl.glRotatef(15.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Rotate The cube around the Y axis
gl.glRotatef(15.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
gl.glBegin(GL.GL_QUADS); // Draw The Cube Using quads
gl.glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Color Blue
gl.glVertex3f(cubeSize, cubeSize, -cubeSize); // Top Right Of The Quad (Top)
gl.glVertex3f(-cubeSize, cubeSize, -cubeSize); // Top Left Of The Quad (Top)
gl.glVertex3f(-cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize); // Bottom Left Of The Quad (Top)
gl.glVertex3f(cubeSize, cubeSize, 1.0f); // Bottom Right Of The Quad (Top)
gl.glColor3f(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f); // Color Orange
gl.glVertex3f(cubeSize, -cubeSize, cubeSize); // Top Right Of The Quad (Bottom)
gl.glVertex3f(-cubeSize, -cubeSize, cubeSize); // Top Left Of The Quad (Bottom)
gl.glVertex3f(-cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize); // Bottom Left Of The Quad (Bottom)
gl.glVertex3f(cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize); // Bottom Right Of The Quad (Bottom)
gl.glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // Color Red
gl.glVertex3f(cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize); // Top Right Of The Quad (Front)
gl.glVertex3f(-cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize); // Top Left Of The Quad (Front)
gl.glVertex3f(-cubeSize, -cubeSize, cubeSize); // Bottom Left Of The Quad (Front)
gl.glVertex3f(cubeSize, -cubeSize, cubeSize); // Bottom Right Of The Quad (Front)
gl.glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Color Yellow
gl.glVertex3f(cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize); // Top Right Of The Quad (Back)
gl.glVertex3f(-cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize); // Top Left Of The Quad (Back)
gl.glVertex3f(-cubeSize, cubeSize, -cubeSize); // Bottom Left Of The Quad (Back)
gl.glVertex3f(cubeSize, cubeSize, -cubeSize); // Bottom Right Of The Quad (Back)
gl.glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Color Blue
gl.glVertex3f(-cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize); // Top Right Of The Quad (Left)
gl.glVertex3f(-cubeSize, cubeSize, -cubeSize); // Top Left Of The Quad (Left)
gl.glVertex3f(-cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize); // Bottom Left Of The Quad (Left)
gl.glVertex3f(-cubeSize, -cubeSize, cubeSize); // Bottom Right Of The Quad (Left)
gl.glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Color Violet
gl.glVertex3f(cubeSize, cubeSize, -cubeSize); // Top Right Of The Quad (Right)
gl.glVertex3f(cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize); // Top Left Of The Quad (Right)
gl.glVertex3f(cubeSize, -cubeSize, cubeSize); // Bottom Left Of The Quad (Right)
gl.glVertex3f(cubeSize, -cubeSize, -cubeSize); // Bottom Right Of The Quad (Right)
gl.glEnd(); // End Drawing The Cube
public void renderScreenshot(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {
GL gl = drawable.getGL();
if (vizController.getVizModel().isUse3d()) {
} else {
setCameraPosition(gl, glu);
engine.display(gl, glu);
public void display() {
public double[] myGluProject(float x, float y) {
return myGluProject(new double[]{x, y, 0, 1.0});
public double[] myGluProject(float x, float y, float z) {
return myGluProject(new double[]{x, y, z, 1.0});
public double[] myGluProject(double[] in) {
double[] res = new double[2];
double[] out = transformVect(in, modelMatrix);
double[] out2 = transformVect(out, projMatrix);
out2[0] /= out2[3];
out2[1] /= out2[3];
out2[2] /= out2[3];
res[0] = viewport.get(0) + (out2[0] + 1) * viewport.get(2) / 2;
res[1] = viewport.get(1) + viewport.get(3) * (out2[1] + 1) / 2;
return res;
private double[] transformVect(double[] in, DoubleBuffer m) {
double[] out = new double[4];
out[0] = m.get(0) * in[0] + m.get(4) * in[1] + m.get(8) * in[2] + m.get(12) * in[3];
out[1] = m.get(1) * in[0] + m.get(5) * in[1] + m.get(9) * in[2] + m.get(13) * in[3];
out[2] = m.get(2) * in[0] + m.get(6) * in[1] + m.get(10) * in[2] + m.get(14) * in[3];
out[3] = m.get(3) * in[0] + m.get(7) * in[1] + m.get(11) * in[2] + m.get(15) * in[3];
return out;
public double[] gluUnProject(float x, float y, float z) {
DoubleBuffer buffer = BufferUtil.newDoubleBuffer(3);
glu.gluUnProject(x, y, z, modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport, buffer);
return new double[]{buffer.get(0), buffer.get(1), buffer.get(2)};
public float[] getCameraLocation() {
return cameraLocation;
public void setCameraLocation(float[] cameraLocation) {
this.cameraLocation = cameraLocation;
public float[] getCameraTarget() {
return cameraTarget;
public void setCameraTarget(float[] cameraTarget) {
this.cameraTarget = cameraTarget;
public Component getGraphComponent() {
return graphComponent;
public Vec3f getCameraVector() {
return cameraVector;
public int getViewportHeight() {
return viewport.get(3);
public int getViewportWidth() {
return viewport.get(2);
public double getDraggingMarkerX() {
return draggingMarker[0];
public double getDraggingMarkerY() {
return draggingMarker[1];
public DoubleBuffer getProjectionMatrix() {
return projMatrix;
public DoubleBuffer getModelMatrix() {
return modelMatrix;
public IntBuffer getViewport() {
return viewport;