Package org.vfny.geoserver.wms.requests

Source Code of org.vfny.geoserver.wms.requests.GetMapKvpReader

/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2003 TOPP -  All rights reserved.
* This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, availible at the root
* application directory.
package org.vfny.geoserver.wms.requests;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.geotools.feature.FeatureType;
import org.geotools.referencing.CRS;
import org.geotools.styling.FeatureTypeConstraint;
import org.geotools.styling.NamedLayer;
import org.geotools.styling.NamedStyle;
import org.geotools.styling.SLDParser;
import org.geotools.styling.Style;
import org.geotools.styling.StyleAttributeExtractor;
import org.geotools.styling.StyleFactory;
import org.geotools.styling.StyledLayer;
import org.geotools.styling.StyledLayerDescriptor;
import org.geotools.styling.UserLayer;
import org.vfny.geoserver.Request;
import org.vfny.geoserver.ServiceException;
import org.vfny.geoserver.util.SLDValidator;
import org.vfny.geoserver.wms.WmsException;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;

* Builds a GetMapRequest object given by a set of CGI parameters supplied in
* the constructor.
* <p>
* Mandatory parameters:
* <ul>
* <li>
* LAYERS layer names, as exposed by the capabilities document, to compose a
* map with, in the order they may appear, being the first layer the one at
* the bottom of the layer stack and the last one the one at the top.
* </li>
* <li>
* STYLES list of named styles known by this server and applicable to the
* requested layers. It can be empty or contain exactly as many style names as
* layers was requested, in which case empty strings could be used to denote
* that the default layer style should be used. (exaple:
* <code>LAYERS=buildings,roads,railroads&STYLES=,centerline,</code>. This
* example says create a map with roads layer using its default style, roads
* with "centerline" style, and railroads with its default style.
* </li>
* <li>
* BBOX Area of interest for which to contruct the map image, in the Coordinate
* Reference System given by the SRS parameter.
* </li>
* <li>
* FORMAT MIME type of the resulting map, must be one of the advertised in the
* capabilities document.
* </li>
* <li>
* WIDTH desired map witdth in output units (pixels). UNITS support should be
* added to the spec, and UNITS and DPI parameters added.
* </li>
* <li>
* HEIGHT desired map height in output units (pixels). UNITS support should be
* added to the spec, and UNITS and DPI parameters added.
* </li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Optional parameters:
* <ul>
* <li>
* </li>
* <li>
* TRANSPARENT boolean indicatin wether to create a map with transparent
* background or not (if transparency is supported by the requested output
* format).
* </li>
* <li>
* EXCEPTIONS MIME type of the exception report.
* </li>
* <li>
* BGCOLOR map background color, in <code>0xRRGGBB</code> format.
* </li>
* <li>
* SLD client supplies a URL for a remote SLD document through this parameter.
* This parameter takes precedence over STYLES. If present, replaces the
* LAYERS and STYLES parameters, since they're defined in the remote document
* itself. The document send by this way will be used in "literal" or
* "library" mode, see explanation bellow.
* </li>
* <li>
* SLD_BODY client spplies the SLD document itself through this parameter,
* properly encoded  for an HTTP query string. This parameter takes
* precendence over STYLES and SLD. If present, replaces the LAYERS and STYLES
* parameters, since they're defined in the inline document itself. The
* document send by this way will be used in "literal" or "library" mode, see
* explanation bellow.
* </li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* As defined by the Styled Layer Descriptor specification, version 1.0.0, the
* SLD document supplied by the SLD or SLD_BODY parameter can be used in
* "literal" or "library" mode, depending on whether the
* <strong>LAYERS=</strong> parameter is present.
* </p>
* <p>
* Here is the explanation from the spec, section 6.4, page 10: "the SLD can
* also be used in one of two different modes depending on whether the LAYERS
* parameter is present in the request. If it is not present, then all layers
* identified in the SLD document are rendered with all defined styles, which
* is equivalent to the XML-POST method of usage. If the LAYERS parameter is
* present, then only the layers identified by that parameter are rendered and
* the SLD is used as a style library . "
* </p>
* @author Gabriel Roldan, Axios Engineering
* @version $Id:,v 1.12 2004/09/16 22:20:54 cholmesny Exp $
* @task TODO: parse and respect SRS parameter (needs reprojection support)
public class GetMapKvpReader extends WmsKvpRequestReader {
    /** DOCUMENT ME! */
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(

    /** Used to parse SLD documents from SLD and SLD_BODY parameters */
    private static final StyleFactory styleFactory = StyleFactory

     * Indicates wether STYLES parameter must be parsed. Defaults to
     * <code>true</code>, but can be set to false, for example, when parsing a
     * GetFeatureInfo request, which shares most of the getmap parameter but
     * not STYLES.
     * @task TODO: refactor this so it dont stay _so_ ugly
    private boolean stylesRequired = true;

     * Creates a new GetMapKvpReader object.
     * @param kvpPairs DOCUMENT ME!
    public GetMapKvpReader(Map kvpPairs) {

     * Sets wether the STYLES parameter must be parsed
     * @param parseStyles
    public void setStylesRequired(boolean parseStyles) {
        this.stylesRequired = parseStyles;

     * @return DOCUMENT ME!
    public boolean isStylesRquired() {
        return this.stylesRequired;

     * Produces a <code>GetMapRequest</code> instance by parsing the GetMap
     * mandatory, optional and custom parameters.
     * @param httpRequest the servlet request who's application object holds
     *        the server configuration
     * @return a <code>GetMapRequest</code> completely setted up upon the
     *         parameters passed to this reader
     * @throws ServiceException DOCUMENT ME!
    public Request getRequest(HttpServletRequest httpRequest)
        throws ServiceException {
        GetMapRequest request = new GetMapRequest();

        String version = getRequestVersion();


        return request;

     * Parses the optional parameters:
     * <ul>
     * <li>
     * SRS
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * BGCOLOR
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * @param request DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws WmsException DOCUMENT ME!
     * @task TODO: implement parsing of transparent, exceptions and bgcolor
    public void parseOptionalParameters(GetMapRequest request)
        throws WmsException {
        String epsgCode = getValue("SRS");

        if (epsgCode != null) {
          try {
            CoordinateReferenceSystem  mapcrs = CRS.decode(epsgCode);
          }catch (Exception e){
            //couldnt make it - we send off a service exception with the correct info
            throw new WmsException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), "InvalidSRS");

        String transparentValue = getValue("TRANSPARENT");
        boolean transparent = (transparentValue == null) ? false
                                                         : Boolean.valueOf(transparentValue)

        String bgcolor = getValue("BGCOLOR");

        if (bgcolor != null) {
            try {
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                throw new WmsException("BGCOLOR " + bgcolor
                    + " incorrectly specified (0xRRGGBB format expected)");

     * Parses the mandatory GetMap request parameters:
     * <p>
     * Mandatory parameters:
     * <ul>
     * <li>
     * LAYERS
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * STYLES ommited if SLD or SLD_BODY parameters are supplied
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * BBOX
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * FORMAT
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * WIDTH
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * HEIGHT
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @param request DOCUMENT ME!
     * @parseStylesLayers true = normal operation, false = dont parse the styles and layers (used by the SLD GET/POST)
     * @throws WmsException DOCUMENT ME!
    public void parseMandatoryParameters(GetMapRequest request,boolean parseStylesLayers)
        throws WmsException {
        try {
            int width = Integer.parseInt(getValue("WIDTH"));
            int height = Integer.parseInt(getValue("HEIGHT"));
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            throw new WmsException("WIDTH and HEIGHT incorrectly specified");

        String format = getValue("FORMAT");

        if (format == null) {
            throw new WmsException("parameter FORMAT is required");


        Envelope bbox = parseBbox();

        //let styles and layers parsing for the end to give more trivial parameters
        //a chance to fail before incurring in retrieving the SLD or SLD_BODY
        if (parseStylesLayers)

     * creates a list of requested attributes, wich must be a valid attribute
     * name or one of the following special attributes:
     * <ul>
     * <li>
     * <b>#FID</b>: a map producer capable of handling attributes (such as
     * SVGMapResponse), will write the feature id of each feature
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * <b>#BOUNDS</b>: a map producer capable of handling attributes (such as
     * SVGMapResponse), will write the bounding box of each feature
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * @param layers info about the requested map layers
     * @return an empty list if no attributes was requested, or a
     *         <code>List&lt;List&lt;String&gt;&gt;</code> with an entry for
     *         each requested layer, where each of them consists of a List of
     *         the attribute names requested
     * @throws WmsException if: <ul><li>the number of attribute sets requested
     *         is not equal to the number of layers requested.</li> <li>an
     *         illegal attribute name was requested</li> <li>an IOException
     *         occurs while fetching a FeatureType schema to ask it for
     *         propper attribute names</li> </ul>
    private List parseAttributes(FeatureTypeInfo[] layers)
        throws WmsException {
        String rawAtts = getValue("ATTRIBUTES");
        LOGGER.finer("parsing attributes " + rawAtts);

        if ((rawAtts == null) || "".equals(rawAtts)) {
            return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

        //raw list of attributes for each feature type requested
        List byFeatureTypes = readFlat(rawAtts, "|");
        int nLayers = layers.length;

        if (byFeatureTypes.size() != nLayers) {
            throw new WmsException(byFeatureTypes.size()
                + " lists of attributes specified, expected " + layers.length,
                getClass().getName() + "::parseAttributes()");

        //fill byFeatureTypes with the split of its raw attributes requested
        //separated by commas, and check for the validity of each att name
        for (int i = 0; i < nLayers; i++) {
            rawAtts = (String) byFeatureTypes.get(i);

            List atts = readFlat(rawAtts, ",");
            byFeatureTypes.set(i, atts);

            //FeatureType schema = layers[i].getSchema();
            try {
                FeatureType schema = layers[i].getFeatureType();

                //verify that propper attributes has been requested
                for (Iterator attIt = atts.iterator(); attIt.hasNext();) {
                    String attName = (String);

                    if (attName.length() > 0) {
                        LOGGER.finer("checking that " + attName + " is valid");

                        if ("#FID".equalsIgnoreCase(attName)
                                || "#BOUNDS".equalsIgnoreCase(attName)) {
                            LOGGER.finer("special attribute name requested: "
                                + attName);


                        if (schema.getAttributeType(attName) == null) {
                            throw new WmsException("Attribute '" + attName
                                + "' requested for layer "
                                + schema.getTypeName() + " does not exists");
                    } else {
                            "removing empty attribute name from request");

                LOGGER.finest("attributes requested for "
                    + schema.getTypeName() + " checked: " + rawAtts);
            } catch ( e) {
                throw new WmsException(e);

        return byFeatureTypes;

     * parses the BBOX parameter, wich must be a String of the form
     * <code>minx,miny,maxx,maxy</code> and returns a corresponding
     * <code>Envelope</code> object
     * @return the <code>Envelope</code> represented by the request BBOX
     *         parameter
     * @throws WmsException if the value of the BBOX request parameter can't be
     *         parsed as four <code>double</code>'s
    private Envelope parseBbox() throws WmsException {
        Envelope bbox = null;
        String bboxParam = getValue("BBOX");
        Object[] bboxValues = readFlat(bboxParam, INNER_DELIMETER).toArray();

        if (bboxValues.length != 4) {
            throw new WmsException(bboxParam
                + " is not a valid pair of coordinates", getClass().getName());

        try {
            double minx = Double.parseDouble(bboxValues[0].toString());
            double miny = Double.parseDouble(bboxValues[1].toString());
            double maxx = Double.parseDouble(bboxValues[2].toString());
            double maxy = Double.parseDouble(bboxValues[3].toString());
            bbox = new Envelope(minx, maxx, miny, maxy);

            if (minx > maxx) {
                throw new WmsException("illegal bbox, minX: " + minx + " is "
                    + "greater than maxX: " + maxx);

            if (miny > maxy) {
                throw new WmsException("illegal bbox, minY: " + miny + " is "
                    + "greater than maxY: " + maxy);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            throw new WmsException(ex,
                "Illegal value for BBOX parameter: " + bboxParam,
                getClass().getName() + "::parseBbox()");

        return bbox;

     * Parses the list of style names requested for each requested layer and
     * looks up the actual Style objects, which are returned in an ordered
     * list.
     * <p>
     * A client _may_ request teh default Style using a null value (as in
     * "STYLES="). If  several layers are requested with a mixture of named
     * and default styles,  the STYLES parameter includes null values between
     * commas (as in  "STYLES=style1,,style2,,").  If all layers are to be
     * shown using the default style, either the  form "STYLES=" or
     * "STYLES=,,," is valid.
     * </p>
     * @param request DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param layers the requested feature types
     * @return a full <code>List</code> of the style names requested for the
     *         requiered layers with no null style names.
     * @throws WmsException if some of the requested styles does not exist or
     *         its number if greater than zero and distinct of the number of
     *         requested layers
    private List parseStylesParam(GetMapRequest request,
        FeatureTypeInfo[] layers) throws WmsException {
        String rawStyles = getValue("STYLES");
        List styles = styles = new ArrayList(layers.length);

        int numLayers = layers.length;

        if ("".equals(rawStyles)) {
            LOGGER.finer("Assigning default style to all the requested layers");

            for (int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++)
        } else {
            List styleNames = readFlat(rawStyles, INNER_DELIMETER);

            if (numLayers != styleNames.size()) {
                String msg = numLayers + " layers requested, but found "
                    + styleNames.size() + " styles specified. "
                    + "Since SLD parameter is not yet implemented, the STYLES parameter "
                    + "is mandatory and MUST have exactly one value per requested layer";
                throw new WmsException(msg, getClass().getName());

            String currStyleName;
            Style currStyle;
            FeatureTypeInfo currLayer;

            for (int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) {
                currStyleName = (String) styleNames.get(i);
                currLayer = layers[i];

                if ((null == currStyleName) || "".equals(currStyleName)) {
                    currStyle = currLayer.getDefaultStyle();
                } else {
                    currStyle = findStyle(request, currStyleName);

                    if (currStyle == null) {
                        String msg = "No default style has been defined for "
                            + currLayer.getName();
                        throw new WmsException(msg,

                try {
                    checkStyle(currStyle, layers[i].getFeatureType());
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new WmsException(
                        "Error obtaining FeatureType for layer "
                        + layers[i].getName());

                LOGGER.fine("establishing " + currStyleName + " style for "
                    + layers[i].getName());

        return styles;

     * @param request
     * @param currStyleName
     * @return the configured style named <code>currStyleName</code> or
     *         <code>null</code> if such a style does not exists on this
     *         server.
    public static Style findStyle(GetMapRequest request, String currStyleName) {
        Style currStyle;
        Map configuredStyles = request.getWMS().getData().getStyles();

        currStyle = (Style) configuredStyles.get(currStyleName);

        return currStyle;

     * Checks to make sure that the style passed in can process the
     * FeatureType.
     * @param style The style to check
     * @param fType The source requested.
     * @throws WmsException DOCUMENT ME!
    private void checkStyle(Style style, FeatureType fType)
        throws WmsException {
        StyleAttributeExtractor sae = new StyleAttributeExtractor();

        String[] styleAttributes = sae.getAttributeNames();

        for (int i = 0; i < styleAttributes.length; i++) {
            String attName = styleAttributes[i];

            if (fType.getAttributeType(attName) == null) {
                throw new WmsException(
                    "The requested Style can not be used with "
                    + "this featureType.  The style specifies an attribute of "
                    + attName + " and the featureType definition is: " + fType);

     * @param request DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws WmsException DOCUMENT ME!
    private void parseLayersAndStyles(GetMapRequest request)
        throws WmsException {
        String sldParam = getValue("SLD");
        String sldBodyParam = getValue("SLD_BODY");

        if (sldBodyParam != null) {
            LOGGER.fine("Getting layers and styles from SLD_BODY");
        } else if (sldParam != null) {
            LOGGER.fine("Getting layers and styles from reomte SLD");
        } else {
            FeatureTypeInfo[] featureTypes = null;
            List styles = null;
            featureTypes = parseLayersParam(request);


            if (isStylesRquired()) {
                styles = parseStylesParam(request, featureTypes);
                if (isStylesRquired()) {


     * Takes the SLD_BODY parameter value and parses it to a geotools'
     * <code>StyledLayerDescriptor</code>, then takes the layers and styles to
     * use in the map composition from there.
     * @param request DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws WmsException DOCUMENT ME!
    private void parseSldBodyParam(GetMapRequest request)
        throws WmsException {
        final String sldBody = getValue("SLD_BODY");

        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            LOGGER.fine("About to parse SLD body: " + sldBody);
        if (getValue("VALIDATESCHEMA") != null)
          //Get a reader from the given string
            Reader reader = getReaderFromString(sldBody);
          //-InputStream in = new StringBufferInputStream(sldBody);
          // user requested to validate the schema.
          SLDValidator validator = new SLDValidator();
          List errors =null;

           //Create a sax input source from the reader
            InputSource in = new InputSource(reader);
            errors = validator.validateSLD(in, request.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getServletContext());
            if (errors.size() != 0) {
              reader = getReaderFromString(sldBody);
              throw new WmsException(SLDValidator.getErrorMessage(reader, errors));
//-        errors = validator.validateSLD(in, request.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getServletContext());
//-        try{
//-          in.close();
//-        }
//-        catch(Exception e)
//-      {
//-          // do nothing
//-      }
//-        if (errors.size() != 0)
//-        {
//-          in = new StringBufferInputStream(sldBody);
//-          throw new WmsException(SLDValidator.getErrorMessage(in,errors));
//-        }

//-        InputStream in = new StringBufferInputStream(sldBody);
//-        SLDParser parser = new SLDParser(styleFactory, in);
        Reader reader = getReaderFromString(sldBody);
        SLDParser parser = new SLDParser(styleFactory, reader);
        StyledLayerDescriptor sld = parser.parseSLD();
        parseStyledLayerDescriptor(request, sld);

     * Create a reader of the given String.
     * This reader will be used in the InputSource for the sld parser.
     * The advantage with a reader over a input stream is that we don't have to consider encoding.
     * The xml declaration with encoding is ignored using a Reader in parser.
     * The encoding of the string has been appropiate handled by the servlet when streaming in.
     * @param sldBody the sldbody to create a reader of.
     * @return The created reader
     * @see Reader
    private Reader getReaderFromString(String sldBody) {
      return new StringReader(sldBody);
     * @param request DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws WmsException DOCUMENT ME!
    private void parseSldParam(GetMapRequest request) throws WmsException
        String urlValue = getValue("SLD");              

        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            LOGGER.fine("about to load remote SLD document: '" + urlValue + "'");

        URL sldUrl;

        try {
            sldUrl = new URL(urlValue);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            String msg = "Creating remote SLD url: " + e.getMessage();
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, msg, e);
            throw new WmsException(e, msg, "parseSldParam");

        if (getValue("VALIDATESCHEMA") != null)
          // user requested to validate the schema.
          SLDValidator validator = new SLDValidator();
          List errors =null;
          try {
            //JD: GEOS-420, Wrap the sldUrl in getINputStream method in order
            // to do compression
            InputStream in = getInputStream(sldUrl);
            errors = validator.validateSLD(in, request.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getServletContext());
            if (errors.size() != 0)
              throw new WmsException(SLDValidator.getErrorMessage(sldUrl.openStream(),errors));
          catch (IOException e)
            String msg = "Creating remote SLD url: " + e.getMessage();
                LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, msg, e);
                throw new WmsException(e, msg, "parseSldParam");
        SLDParser parser;

        try {
          //JD: GEOS-420, Wrap the sldUrl in getINputStream method in order
        // to do compression
            parser = new SLDParser(styleFactory, getInputStream( sldUrl));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            String msg = "Creating remote SLD url: " + e.getMessage();
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, msg, e);
            throw new WmsException(e, msg, "parseSldParam");

        StyledLayerDescriptor sld = parser.parseSLD();
        parseStyledLayerDescriptor(request, sld);

     * Looks in <code>sld</code> for the layers and styles to use in the map
     * composition and sets them to the <code>request</code>
     * <p>
     * If <code>sld</code> is used in "library" mode, that is, the LAYERS param
     * is also present, saying what layers must be taken in count, then only
     * the layers from the LAYERS parameter are used and <code>sld</code> is
     * used as a style library, which means that for each layer requested
     * through LAYERS=..., if a style if found in it for that layer it is
     * used, and if not, the layers default is used.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * By the other hand, if the LAYERS parameter is not present all the layers
     * found in <code>sld</code> are setted to <code>request</code>.
     * </p>
     * @param request the GetMap request to which to set the layers and styles
     * @param sld a SLD document to take layers and styles from, following the
     *        "literal" or "library" rule.
     * @throws WmsException if anything goes wrong
     * @throws RuntimeException DOCUMENT ME!
    private void parseStyledLayerDescriptor(final GetMapRequest request,
        final StyledLayerDescriptor sld) throws WmsException {
        FeatureTypeInfo[] libraryModeLayers = null;

        if (null != getValue("LAYERS")) {
  "request comes in \"library\" mode");
            libraryModeLayers = parseLayersParam(request);

        final StyledLayer[] styledLayers = sld.getStyledLayers();
        final int slCount = styledLayers.length;

        if (slCount == 0) {
            throw new WmsException("SLD document contains no layers");

        final List layers = new ArrayList();
        final List styles = new ArrayList();

        FeatureTypeInfo currLayer;
        Style currStyle;

        if (null != libraryModeLayers) {
            int lCount = libraryModeLayers.length;

            for (int i = 0; i < lCount; i++) {
                currLayer = libraryModeLayers[i];
                currStyle = findStyleOf(request, currLayer, styledLayers); // DJB: this might not be 100% correct, but its close enough until someone complains
        } else {
            StyledLayer sl = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < slCount; i++) {
                sl = styledLayers[i];
                String layerName = sl.getName();
                if(null == layerName)
                  throw new WmsException("A UserLayer without layer name was passed");

                  // handle the InLineFeature stuff
                    // TODO: add support for remote WFS here
                if ((sl instanceof UserLayer) && (((UserLayer)sl)).getInlineFeatureDatastore()!=null )
                  //SPECIAL CASE - we make the temporary version
                  UserLayer ul = ((UserLayer)sl);
                  currLayer = new TemporaryFeatureTypeInfo(ul.getInlineFeatureDatastore(), ul.getInlineFeatureType());
                  currLayer = GetMapKvpReader.findLayer(request, layerName);
               // currStyle = findStyleOf(request, currLayer, styledLayers); // DJB: this looks like a bug, we should get the style from styledLayers[i]
                 // the correct thing to do its grab the style from styledLayers[i]
                 //   inside the styledLayers[i] will either be :
                 //     a) nothing - in which case grab the layer's default style
                 //     b) a set of:
                 //             i) NameStyle -- grab it from the pre-loaded styles
                 //             ii)UserStyle -- grab it from the sld the user uploaded
                // NOTE: we're going to get a set of layer->style pairs for (b).
                addStyles(request,currLayer,styledLayers[i],   layers,styles);
               // styles.add(currStyle);
        request.setLayers((FeatureTypeInfo[])layers.toArray(new FeatureTypeInfo[layers.size()]));

   * the correct thing to do its grab the style from styledLayers[i]
     * inside the styledLayers[i] will either be :
     *  a) nothing - in which case grab the layer's default style
     *  b) a set of:
     * i) NameStyle -- grab it from the pre-loaded styles
     *  ii)UserStyle -- grab it from the sld the user uploaded
     *  NOTE: we're going to get a set of layer->style pairs for (b).
     *        these are added to layers,styles
     *   NOTE: we also handle some featuretypeconstraints
   * @param request
   * @param currLayer
   * @param layer
   * @param layers
   * @param styles
  public static void addStyles(GetMapRequest request, FeatureTypeInfo currLayer, StyledLayer layer, List layers, List styles) throws WmsException
    if (currLayer == null)
      return; // protection
    Style[] layerStyles =null
    FeatureTypeConstraint[]  ftcs = null;
    if (layer instanceof NamedLayer)
      ftcs = ((NamedLayer) layer).getLayerFeatureConstrains();
      layerStyles = ((NamedLayer) layer).getStyles();
    else if (layer instanceof UserLayer)
      ftcs = ((UserLayer)layer).getLayerFeatureConstraints();
      layerStyles = ((UserLayer) layer).getUserStyles();
      //DJB:  TODO: this needs to do the whole thing, not just names
      if (ftcs != null)
        for (int t=0;t<ftcs.length;t++)
          FeatureTypeConstraint ftc = ftcs[t];
          if (ftc.getFeatureTypeName() != null)
            String ftc_name = ftc.getFeatureTypeName();
              //taken from lite renderer
            boolean matches ;
              matches = currLayer.getFeatureType().isDescendedFrom(null,ftc_name) || currLayer.getFeatureType().getTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase(ftc_name);
            catch(Exception e)
              matches = false; // bad news
            if (!matches)
              continue ; // this layer is fitered out         
      //handle no styles -- use default
      if ( (layerStyles == null) || (layerStyles.length ==0))
        styles.add( currLayer.getDefaultStyle() );
      for (int t=0;t<layerStyles.length;t++)
        if (layerStyles[t] instanceof NamedStyle)
          Style s = findStyle( request, ((NamedStyle) layerStyles[t]).getName() );
          if (s == null)
            throw new WmsException("couldnt find style named '"+((NamedStyle) layerStyles[t]).getName()+"'");

     * Finds the style for <code>layer</code> in <code>styledLayers</code> or
     * the layer's default style if <code>styledLayers</code> has no a
     * UserLayer or a NamedLayer with the same name than <code>layer</code>
     * <p>
     * This method is used to parse the style of a layer for SLD and SLD_BODY parameters,
     * both in library and literal mode. Thus, once the declared style for the given layer
     * is found, it is checked for validity of appliance for that layer (i.e., whether the
     * featuretype contains the attributes needed for executing the style filters).
     * </p>
     * @param request used to find out an internally configured style when referenced by name by a NamedLayer
     * @param layer one of the internal FeatureType that was requested through the LAYERS parameter
     * or through and SLD document when the request is in literal mode.
     * @param styledLayers a set of StyledLayers from where to find the SLD layer with the same
     * name as <code>layer</code> and extract the style to apply.
     * @return the Style applicable to <code>layer</code> extracted from <code>styledLayers</code>.
     * @throws RuntimeException if one of the StyledLayers is neither a UserLayer nor a NamedLayer. This
     * shuoldn't happen, since the only allowed subinterfaces of StyledLayer are NamedLayer and UserLayer.
     * @throws WmsException
    private Style findStyleOf(GetMapRequest request, FeatureTypeInfo layer,
        StyledLayer[] styledLayers)throws WmsException {
        Style style = null;
        String layerName = layer.getName();
        StyledLayer sl;

        for (int i = 0; i < styledLayers.length; i++) {
            sl = styledLayers[i];

            if (layerName.equals(sl.getName())) {
                if (sl instanceof UserLayer) {
                    Style[] styles = ((UserLayer) sl).getUserStyles();

                    if ((null != styles) && (0 < styles.length)) {
                        style = styles[0];
                } else if (sl instanceof NamedLayer) {
                    Style[] styles = ((NamedLayer) sl).getStyles();

                    if ((null != styles) && (0 < styles.length)) {
                        style = styles[0];

                    if (style instanceof NamedStyle) {
                        style = findStyle(request, style.getName());
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unknown layer type: " + sl);


        if (null == style) {
            style = layer.getDefaultStyle();

    FeatureType type;
      type = layer.getFeatureType();
    }catch(IOException ioe){
      throw new RuntimeException("Error getting FeatureType, this should never happen!");
    checkStyle(style, type);
        return style;

     * Parses the requested layers given by the LAYERS request parameter and
     * looks up their corresponding FeatureTypeInfo objects in the server.
     * @param request
     * @return
     * @throws WmsException
    private FeatureTypeInfo[] parseLayersParam(GetMapRequest request)
        throws WmsException {
        FeatureTypeInfo[] featureTypes;
        String layersParam = getValue("LAYERS");
        List layerNames = layerNames = readFlat(layersParam, INNER_DELIMETER);
        int layerCount = layerNames.size();

        if (layerCount == 0) {
            throw new WmsException("No LAYERS has been requested",

        featureTypes = new FeatureTypeInfo[layerCount];

        String layerName = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++) {
            layerName = (String) layerNames.get(i);

            FeatureTypeInfo ftype = findLayer(request, layerName);
            featureTypes[i] = ftype;

        return featureTypes;

     * @param request
     * @param layerName
     * @return
     * @throws WmsException DOCUMENT ME!
    public static FeatureTypeInfo findLayer(GetMapRequest request, String layerName)
        throws WmsException {
        Data catalog = request.getWMS().getData();
        FeatureTypeInfo ftype = null;

        try {
            ftype = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(layerName);
        } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
          WmsException e = new WmsException(ex,
                layerName + ": no such layer on this server", "LayerNotDefined");
          e.setCode("LayerNotDefined"); //DJB: added this for cite tests
          throw e;

        return ftype;
     * This method gets the correct input stream for a URL.
     * If the URL is a http/https connection, the Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate is added.
     * It the paramter is added, the response is checked to see if the response
     * is encoded in gzip, deflate or plain bytes. The correct input stream wrapper is then
     * selected and returned.
     * This method was added as part of GEOS-420
     * @param sldUrl The url to the sld file
     * @return The InputStream used to validate and parse the SLD xml.
     * @throws IOException
    private InputStream getInputStream(URL sldUrl) throws IOException {
      //Open the connection
      URLConnection conn = sldUrl.openConnection();

      //If it is the http or https scheme, then ask for gzip if the server supports it.
      if (conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) {
        //Send the requested encoding to the remote server.
        conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate");
      //Conect to get the response headers
      //Return the correct inputstream
      //If the connection is a url, connection, check the response encoding.
      if (conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) {
        //Get the content encoding of the server response
        String encoding = conn.getContentEncoding();
        //If null, set it to a emtpy string
        if (encoding == null) encoding = "";
        if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) {
          //For gzip input stream, use a GZIPInputStream
          return new GZIPInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
        } else if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("deflate")) {
          //If it is encoded as deflate, then select the inflater inputstream.
          return new InflaterInputStream(conn.getInputStream(), new Inflater(true));
        } else {
          //Else read the raw bytes
          return conn.getInputStream();
      } else {
        //Else read the raw bytes.
        return conn.getInputStream();

Related Classes of org.vfny.geoserver.wms.requests.GetMapKvpReader

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