/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2003 TOPP - www.openplans.org. All rights reserved.
* This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, availible at the root
* application directory.
package org.vfny.geoserver.wfs.requests;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.geotools.feature.Feature;
import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection;
import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollections;
import org.geotools.filter.Filter;
import org.vfny.geoserver.wfs.WfsException;
* Represents a request for an insert operation. Does some type checking by
* making sure that all features added have the same schema names (which is
* also the type name). TODO: add increased typechecking, make sure schemas
* match one another.
* @author Rob Hranac, TOPP
* @author Chris Holmes, TOPP
* @version $Id: InsertRequest.java,v 1.8 2004/04/05 11:55:12 cholmesny Exp $
public class InsertRequest extends SubTransactionRequest {
/** Class logger */
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(
/** The list of features to be inserted. */
private FeatureCollection features;
/** flag to tell is all locked features should be released. */
private boolean releaseAll;
* Empty constructor.
public InsertRequest() {
features = FeatureCollections.newCollection();
* Gets whether all locked features should be released after this
* transaction, or only those that were affected.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if all locked features should be released.
public boolean getReleaseAll() {
return releaseAll;
* Sets whether all locked features should be released after this
* transaction, or only those that were affected.
* @param releaseAll whether all locked features should be released.
public void setReleaseAll(boolean releaseAll) {
this.releaseAll = releaseAll;
* Adds a feature to this insert request. Currently fairly permissive,
* just checks that the typenames match. The datasource will eventually
* complain, but it would be nice to do some more type-checking, to make
* sure the schemas match.
* @param feature To be inserted into the database.
* @throws WfsException if added typeName does not match the set typeNames.
public void addFeature(Feature feature) throws WfsException {
if (typeName == null) {
String name = feature.getFeatureType().getTypeName();
URI uri = feature.getFeatureType().getNamespace(); //DJB:: type changed to uri due to api change
LOGGER.info("got type " + name +"," + uri);
} else {
String addTypeName = feature.getFeatureType().getTypeName();
if (typeName.equals(addTypeName)) {
} else {
throw new WfsException(
"features do not match- added typeName: " + addTypeName
+ ", set typeName: " + typeName, handle);
* Convenience method to add an array of features. See addFeature.
* @param features array of features to be inserted.
* @throws WfsException if the typeNames don't match.
public void addFeatures(Feature[] features) throws WfsException {
for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
* Returns the type name of the features held in this request.
* @return the typeName.
public String getTypeName() {
return typeName;
* Sets the name. This method should generally not be used, as features
* that are added set their own name and throw exceptions if they don't
* match the typename. But this can be set before adding features if you
* want to ensure that they all match this name.
* @param typeName the name of the schema of the added features.
* @task REVISIT: This is hacked, so that the typename can be set to
* use the proper prefix when it can be found out (currently in
* TransactionResponse). The getTypeName is a bit funky for insert
* requests though, in many ways it should just not be used, for example
* when there are different featureTypes in an insert request. The
* stores to use should really be determined by each Feature. Also,
* this should be noted elsewhere, but we probably should not be relying
* on our internal prefixes for the typename. It might make more sense
* for each Request to contain a typeName and a typeURI. Of course that
* does not work super well either, since kvp requests will sometimes
* just use the prefix, without it referencing anything (though strictly
* accoring to the spec that is illegal, but it's nice to be able to do).
* But if we actually use the uris then that can make this method less
* hacky. ch
* Another option to this problem would be a getType(Data) method to
* replace String getTypeName(), as then the insert request could do
* the right lookup with its uri.
public void setTypeName(String typeName) {
this.typeName = typeName;
* Returns the features contained in this request.
* @return the array of features.
public FeatureCollection getFeatures() {
return features;
* Filters can not be added to an insert request. This is just an override
* of the setFilter method that throws an exception if called.
* @param filter a filter.
* @throws WfsException if called at all.
public void setFilter(Filter filter) throws WfsException {
throw new WfsException("Attempted to add filter (" + filter
+ ") to update request: " + handle);
* Returns the insert short.
* @return the short representation of INSERT.
public short getOpType() {
return INSERT;
* Gets the string representation of this request.
* @return A string of the handle, releaseAll status, typeName and features
* in this request.
public String toString() {
StringBuffer iRequest = new StringBuffer("Handle: " + handle);
iRequest.append("\nReleaseAll: " + releaseAll);
iRequest.append("\nTypeName: " + typeName + "\n");
Iterator featIter = features.iterator();
while (featIter.hasNext()) {
iRequest.append(featIter.next().toString() + "\n");
return iRequest.toString();
* Override of equals.
* @param obj the object to test for equality.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if obj is equal to this.
* @task REVISIT: I think the feature iteration of geotools still will not
* work, as it checks the featureID, but in an insert request the
* fid is ignored.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof InsertRequest)) {
return false;
InsertRequest testInsert = (InsertRequest) obj;
boolean isEqual = true;
if (this.handle != null) {
isEqual = this.handle.equals(testInsert.handle);
} else {
isEqual = (testInsert == null);
LOGGER.finest("handles are equal: " + isEqual);
isEqual = (this.releaseAll == testInsert.releaseAll) && isEqual;
LOGGER.finest("releaseAll equal: " + isEqual);
if (this.features.size() == testInsert.getFeatures().size()) {
//TODO: iterator through each collection. THis will be
//better when datasources return FeatureDocument.
//for(int i = 0; i < testInsert.getFeatures().size(); i++) {
//isEqual = isEqual && this.features.contains
} else {
isEqual = false;
LOGGER.finest("features are equal " + isEqual);
return isEqual;