// Gant -- A Groovy way of scripting Ant tasks.
// Copyright © 2006-10 Russel Winder
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
// distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
// License.
package org.codehaus.gant.tests ;
import java.util.Arrays ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream ;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream ;
import java.io.PrintStream ;
import groovy.util.GroovyTestCase ;
import gant.Gant ;
import org.codehaus.gant.GantState ;
* A Gant test case: Adds the required input stream manipulation features to avoid replication of code.
* Also prepare a new instance of Gant for each test.
* @author Russel Winder <russel@russel.org.uk>
public abstract class GantTestCase extends GroovyTestCase {
public static final String exitMarker = "------ " ;
// Groovy version numbering is complicated:
// For released versions the number is x.y.z where x is the major number, y is the minor number, and z is
// the bugfix number -- with all of them being integers.
// For released pre-release versions the number depends on the state of the release. Early on the
// numbers are x.y-beta-z. Later on they are x.y-rc-z. Or as of 2009-11-27, they will be w.x.y-beta-z
// or w.x.y-rc-z.
// For branches from the repository basically add -SNAPSHOT to the number with z being one higher than
// the last release. So checkouts of maintenance branches will have x.y.z-SNAPSHOT, while from trunk
// numbers will be like x.y-beta-z-SNAPSHOT or as of 2009-11-27 w.x.y-beta-z-SNAPSHOT.
public static final int groovyMajorVersion ;
public static final int groovyMinorVersion ;
public static final int groovyBugFixVersion ;
public static final ReleaseType releaseType ;
static {
// Since Groovy 1.6 there has been a method groovy.lang.GroovySystem.getVersion for getting the version
// string. Prior to this, whilst there was a class groovy.lang.GroovySystem, it did not have the
// appropriate method and the method org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper.getVersion had to be
// used. Supporting versions of Groovy from 1.5 onwards therefore meant using reflection. Now
// (comment dated 2010-08-08) that the 1.6 series has been "end of life"d, we choose to remove support
// for Groovy 1.5 from Gant. In fact, Gant has failed to support Groovy 1.5 for a while so there is no
// risk of problems in only allowing Groovy 1.6 onwards.
final String[] version = groovy.lang.GroovySystem.getVersion ( ).split ( "[.-]" ) ;
switch ( version.length ) {
case 3 :
// X.Y.Z
groovyBugFixVersion = Integer.parseInt ( version[2] ) ;
releaseType = ReleaseType.RELEASED ;
break ;
case 4 :
// X.Y-rc-Z
// X.Y-beta-Z
if ( version[3].equals ( "SNAPSHOT" ) ) {
groovyBugFixVersion = Integer.parseInt ( version[2] ) ;
releaseType = ReleaseType.RELEASED_SNAPSHOT ;
else {
groovyBugFixVersion = Integer.parseInt ( version[3] ) ;
final String discriminator = version[2] ;
releaseType = ( discriminator.equals ( "RC" ) || discriminator.equals ( "rc" ) ) ? ReleaseType.RC : ReleaseType.BETA ;
break ;
case 5 :
// X.Y.0-rc-Z
// X.Y.0-beta-Z
// X.Y-beta-Z-SNAPSHOT
if ( version[4].equals ( "SNAPSHOT" ) ) {
groovyBugFixVersion = Integer.parseInt ( version[3] ) ;
final String discriminator = version[2] ;
releaseType = ( discriminator.equals ( "RC" ) || discriminator.equals ( "rc" ) ) ? ReleaseType.RC_SNAPSHOT : ReleaseType.BETA_SNAPSHOT ;
else {
assert version[2].equals ( "0" ) ;
groovyBugFixVersion = Integer.parseInt ( version[4] ) ;
final String discriminator = version[3] ;
releaseType = ( discriminator.equals ( "RC" ) || discriminator.equals ( "rc" ) ) ? ReleaseType.RC : ReleaseType.BETA ;
break ;
case 6 : {
// X.Y.0-rc-Z-SNAPSHOT
// X.Y.0-beta-Z-SNAPSHOT
assert version[2].equals ( "0" ) ;
assert version[5].equals ( "SNAPSHOT" ) ;
groovyBugFixVersion = Integer.parseInt ( version[4] ) ;
final String discriminator = version[3] ;
releaseType = ( discriminator.equals ( "RC" ) || discriminator.equals ( "rc" ) ) ? ReleaseType.RC_SNAPSHOT : ReleaseType.BETA_SNAPSHOT ;
break ;
default :
throw new RuntimeException ( "Groovy version number is not well-formed." ) ;
groovyMajorVersion = Integer.parseInt ( version[0] ) ;
groovyMinorVersion = Integer.parseInt ( version[1] ) ;
public static final boolean isWindows ;
static {
final String osName = System.getProperty ( "os.name" ) ;
isWindows = ( osName.length ( ) > 6 ) && osName.substring ( 0 , 7 ).equals ( "Windows" ) ;
private ByteArrayOutputStream output ;
private ByteArrayOutputStream error ;
private PrintStream savedOut ;
private PrintStream savedErr ;
protected Gant gant ;
protected String script ;
@Override protected void setUp ( ) throws Exception {
super.setUp ( ) ;
savedOut = System.out ;
savedErr = System.err ;
output = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ;
error = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ;
System.setOut ( new PrintStream ( output ) ) ;
System.setErr ( new PrintStream ( error ) ) ;
gant = new Gant ( ) ;
gant.setBuildClassName ( "standard_input" ) ;
script = "" ;
// If the JUnit is run with fork mode 'perTest' then we do not have to worry about the static state.
// However, when the fork mode is 'perBatch' or 'once' then we have to ensure that the static state
// is reset to the normal state.
GantState.verbosity = GantState.NORMAL ;
GantState.dryRun = false ;
@Override protected void tearDown ( ) throws Exception {
System.setOut ( savedOut ) ;
System.setErr ( savedErr ) ;
super.tearDown ( ) ;
protected void setScript ( final String s ) { script = s ; System.setIn ( new ByteArrayInputStream ( script.getBytes ( ) ) ) ; }
protected Integer processTargets ( ) { gant.loadScript ( System.in ) ; return gant.processTargets ( ) ; }
protected Integer processTargets ( final String s ) { gant.loadScript ( System.in ) ; return gant.processTargets ( s ) ; }
protected Integer processTargets ( final List<String> l ) { gant.loadScript ( System.in ) ; return gant.processTargets ( l ) ; }
protected Integer processCmdLineTargets ( ) { return gant.processArgs ( new String[] { "-f" , "-" } ) ; }
protected Integer processCmdLineTargets ( final String s ) { return gant.processArgs ( new String[] { "-f" , "-" , s } ) ; }
protected Integer processCmdLineTargets ( final List<String> l ) {
final List<String> args = new ArrayList<String> ( Arrays.asList ( "-f" , "-" ) ) ;
args.addAll ( l ) ;
return gant.processArgs ( args.toArray ( new String[0] ) ) ;
protected String getOutput ( ) { return output.toString ( ).replace ( "\r" , "" ) ; }
protected String getError ( ) { return error.toString ( ).replace ( "\r" , "" ) ; }
protected String escapeWindowsPath ( final String path ) { return isWindows ? path.replace ( "\\" , "\\\\" ) : path ; }
protected String resultString ( final String targetName , final String result ) {
return targetName + ":\n" + result + exitMarker + targetName + '\n' ;