* Portions Copyright 2004 DFKI GmbH.
* Portions Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 1999-2001 Language Technologies Institute,
* Carnegie Mellon University.
* All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
package de.dfki.lt.freetts;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Locale;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.Age;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.Gender;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.PartOfSpeech;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.PartOfSpeechImpl;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.PhoneSet;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.PhoneSetImpl;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.Tokenizer;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.UtteranceProcessor;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.clunits.ClusterUnitPitchmarkGenerator;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.clunits.ClusterUnitSelector;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.en.us.CMULexicon;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.en.us.FeatureProcessors;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.lexicon.Lexicon;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.relp.AudioOutput;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.relp.SampleInfo;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.relp.UnitConcatenator;
* A simple dummy voice as a starting point for non-US-English
* cluster unit voices. All NLP stuff would need to be implemented
* in order for this to become a full TTS voice.
public class ClusterUnitVoice extends Voice implements ConcatenativeVoice {
private PhoneSet phoneSet;
protected URL database;
protected URL phonesetURL;
protected URL partOfSpeechURL;
protected ClusterUnitSelector unitSelector;
private ClusterUnitNamer unitNamer;
public ClusterUnitVoice(String name, Gender gender, Age age,
String description, Locale locale, String domain,
String organization, Lexicon lexicon, URL database) {
this(name, gender, age, description, locale, domain,
organization, lexicon, database, null, null, null);
* Creates a ClusterUnitVoice
* @param database the database of the voice
* @param unitNamer specifies the name of the Units (if null, an
* ldom naming scheme will be used: 'ae_afternoon')
* @param phonesetURL leads to the phoneset, which will be used
* for the FeatureProcessors (can be null)
* @param partOfSpeechURL leads to the pos-textfile which will be used
* for the FeatureProcessors (can be null)
public ClusterUnitVoice(String name, Gender gender, Age age,
String description, Locale locale, String domain,
String organization, Lexicon lexicon, URL database,
ClusterUnitNamer unitNamer, URL phonesetURL, URL partOfSpeechURL) {
//TODO: do something useful with the lexicon
super(name, gender, age, description, locale,
domain, organization);
if (lexicon != null) {
} else {
// Use a small dummy lexicon
setLexicon(new CMULexicon("cmutimelex"));
this.database = database;
this.unitNamer = unitNamer;
this.phonesetURL = phonesetURL;
this.partOfSpeechURL = partOfSpeechURL;
try {
unitSelector = new ClusterUnitSelector(getDatabase(), unitNamer);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
* Get the sample info for the underlying database.
* @return the sample info object
public SampleInfo getSampleInfo() {
return unitSelector.getSampleInfo();
public Tokenizer getTokenizer() {
return null;
protected void loader() throws IOException {
protected UtteranceProcessor getAudioOutput() throws IOException {
return new AudioOutput();
* Gets the url to the database that defines the unit data for this
* voice.
* @return a url to the database
public URL getDatabase() {
return database;
* Returns the unit selector to be used by this voice.
* Derived voices typically override this to customize behaviors.
* This voice uses a cluster unit selector as the unit selector.
* @return the post lexical processor
* @throws IOException if an IO error occurs while getting
* processor
public UtteranceProcessor getUnitSelector() throws IOException {
return unitSelector;
* Returns the pitch mark generator to be used by this voice.
* Derived voices typically override this to customize behaviors.
* There is no default unit selector
* @return the post lexical processor
* @throws IOException if an IO error occurs while getting
* processor
public UtteranceProcessor getPitchmarkGenerator() throws IOException {
return new ClusterUnitPitchmarkGenerator();
* Returns the unit concatenator to be used by this voice.
* Derived voices typically override this to customize behaviors.
* There is no default unit selector
* @return the post lexical processor
* @throws IOException if an IO error occurs while getting
* processor
public UtteranceProcessor getUnitConcatenator() throws IOException {
return new UnitConcatenator();
protected void setupFeatureProcessors() throws IOException {
if(phonesetURL != null){
phoneSet = new PhoneSetImpl(phonesetURL);
if(partOfSpeechURL != null){
PartOfSpeech pos = new PartOfSpeechImpl(partOfSpeechURL,
addFeatureProcessor("gpos", new FeatureProcessors.Gpos(pos));
addFeatureProcessor("word_break", new FeatureProcessors.WordBreak());
addFeatureProcessor("word_punc", new FeatureProcessors.WordPunc());
addFeatureProcessor("word_numsyls",new FeatureProcessors.WordNumSyls());
addFeatureProcessor("ssyl_in", new FeatureProcessors.StressedSylIn());
addFeatureProcessor("syl_in", new FeatureProcessors.SylIn());
addFeatureProcessor("syl_out", new FeatureProcessors.SylOut());
addFeatureProcessor("ssyl_out", new
addFeatureProcessor("syl_break", new FeatureProcessors.SylBreak());
addFeatureProcessor("old_syl_break", new FeatureProcessors.SylBreak());
addFeatureProcessor("num_digits", new FeatureProcessors.NumDigits());
addFeatureProcessor("month_range", new FeatureProcessors.MonthRange());
new FeatureProcessors.TokenPosGuess());
new FeatureProcessors.SegmentDuration());
addFeatureProcessor("sub_phrases", new FeatureProcessors.SubPhrases());
addFeatureProcessor("asyl_in", new FeatureProcessors.AccentedSylIn());
addFeatureProcessor("last_accent", new FeatureProcessors.LastAccent());
addFeatureProcessor("pos_in_syl", new FeatureProcessors.PosInSyl());
addFeatureProcessor("position_type", new
addFeatureProcessor("ph_cplace", new FeatureProcessors.PH_CPlace());
addFeatureProcessor("ph_ctype", new FeatureProcessors.PH_CType());
addFeatureProcessor("ph_cvox", new FeatureProcessors.PH_CVox());
addFeatureProcessor("ph_vc", new FeatureProcessors.PH_VC());
addFeatureProcessor("ph_vfront", new FeatureProcessors.PH_VFront());
addFeatureProcessor("ph_vheight", new FeatureProcessors.PH_VHeight());
addFeatureProcessor("ph_vlng", new FeatureProcessors.PH_VLength());
addFeatureProcessor("ph_vrnd", new FeatureProcessors.PH_VRnd());
addFeatureProcessor("seg_coda_fric", new
addFeatureProcessor("seg_onset_fric", new
addFeatureProcessor("seg_coda_stop", new
addFeatureProcessor("seg_onset_stop", new
addFeatureProcessor("seg_coda_nasal", new
addFeatureProcessor("seg_onset_nasal", new
addFeatureProcessor("seg_coda_glide", new
addFeatureProcessor("seg_onset_glide", new
addFeatureProcessor("seg_onsetcoda", new
addFeatureProcessor("syl_codasize", new
addFeatureProcessor("syl_onsetsize", new
addFeatureProcessor("accented", new FeatureProcessors.Accented());
* Given a phoneme and a feature name, return the feature
* @param phone the phoneme of interest
* @param featureName the name of the feature of interest
* @return the feature with the given name
public String getPhoneFeature(String phone, String featureName) {
if (phoneSet != null)
return phoneSet.getPhoneFeature(phone, featureName);
return null;