* Portions Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 1999-2001 Language Technologies Institute,
* Carnegie Mellon University.
* All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
package com.sun.speech.freetts.diphone;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.FeatureSet;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.Item;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.ProcessException;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.Relation;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.Utterance;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.UtteranceProcessor;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.relp.Sample;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.relp.SampleInfo;
* Generates the Unit Relation of an Utterance from the
* Segment Relation.
public class DiphoneUnitSelector implements UtteranceProcessor {
// the UnitDatabase to use
private DiphoneUnitDatabase diphoneDatabase;
// The Utterance that this DiphoneUnitSelector works on
// private Utterance utterance;
* Constructs a DiphoneUnitSelector.
* @param url the URL for the unit database. If the URL path ends
* with a '.bin' it is assumed that the DB is a binary database,
* otherwise, its assumed that its a text database1
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while loading the
* database
public DiphoneUnitSelector(URL url) throws IOException {
if (url == null) {
throw new IOException("Can't load unit database");
boolean binary = url.getPath().endsWith(".bin");
diphoneDatabase = new DiphoneUnitDatabase(url, binary);
* Get the sample info for the underlying database.
* @return the sample info object
public SampleInfo getSampleInfo() {
return diphoneDatabase.getSampleInfo();
* Generates the Unit Relation from the Segment Relation.
* @param utterance the utterance to generate the Unit Relation
* @throws ProcessException if an IOException is thrown during the
* processing of the utterance
public void processUtterance(Utterance utterance) throws ProcessException {
if (utterance.getRelation(Relation.SEGMENT) == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException
("DiphoneUnitSelector: Segment relation does not exist");
* Creates the Unit Relation in the given utterance from
* the diphone units and their some associated information from
* the units database.
* @param utterance the utterance that gets the new unit relation
private void createUnitRelation(Utterance utterance) {
Item segmentItem0, segmentItem1;
float end0, end1;
int targetEnd;
Item unitItem0, unitItem1;
String diphoneName;
Relation unitRelation = utterance.createRelation(Relation.UNIT);
Relation segmentRelation = utterance.getRelation(Relation.SEGMENT);
for (segmentItem0 = segmentRelation.getHead();
segmentItem0 != null && segmentItem0.getNext() != null;
segmentItem0 = segmentItem1) {
segmentItem1 = segmentItem0.getNext();
diphoneName = segmentItem0.getFeatures().getString("name") + "-" +
// First half of diphone
end0 = segmentItem0.getFeatures().getFloat("end");
targetEnd = (int) (end0 *
unitItem0 = createUnitItem(unitRelation, diphoneName, targetEnd, 1);
// Second half of diphone
end1 = segmentItem1.getFeatures().getFloat("end");
targetEnd = (int) (((end0 + end1)/2.0) *
unitItem1 = createUnitItem(unitRelation, diphoneName, targetEnd, 2);
* Returns a new Item (a Unit) in the given Relation, and
* sets the new Item to the given diphone name, target end,
* unit entry (index in the database), and unit part (1 or 2).
* @param unitRelation the relation that gets the new item
* @param diphoneName the name of the dipohone
* @param targetEnd the time at the end of this unit
* @param unitPart the item can be in the first(1) or second part (2)
private Item createUnitItem(Relation unitRelation,
String diphoneName,
int targetEnd,
int unitPart) {
Diphone diphone = (Diphone) diphoneDatabase.getUnit(diphoneName);
if (diphone == null) {
("FreeTTS: unit database failed to find entry for: " +
Item unit = unitRelation.appendItem();
FeatureSet unitFeatureSet = unit.getFeatures();
unitFeatureSet.setString("name", diphoneName);
unitFeatureSet.setInt("target_end", targetEnd);
unitFeatureSet.setObject("unit", new DiphoneUnit(diphone, unitPart));
// unitFeatureSet.setInt("unit_part", unitPart);
return unit;
* Returns a string representation of this object.
* @return a string representation of this object
public String toString() {
return "DiphoneUnitSelector";
* A wrapper around the Diphone class that turns the
* diphone into a unit
class DiphoneUnit implements com.sun.speech.freetts.Unit {
private Diphone diphone;
private int unitPart;
* Contructs a diphone unit given a diphone and unit part.
* @param diphone the diphone to wrap
* @param unitPart which half (1 or 2) does this unit represent
public DiphoneUnit(Diphone diphone, int unitPart) {
this.diphone = diphone;
this.unitPart = unitPart;
* Returns the name of this Unit.
* @return the name of the unit
public String getName() {
return diphone.getName();
* Returns the size of the unit.
* @return the size of the unit
public int getSize() {
return diphone.getUnitSize(unitPart);
* Retrieves the nearest sample.
* @param index the ideal index
* @return the nearest Sample
public Sample getNearestSample(float index) {
return diphone.nearestSample(index, unitPart);
* Returns a string representation of this object.
* @return a string representation of this object
public String toString() {
return getName();
* Dumps this unit.
public void dump() {