* Portions Copyright 2001-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 1999-2001 Language Technologies Institute,
* Carnegie Mellon University.
* All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
package com.sun.speech.freetts.clunits;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.FeatureSet;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.FeatureSetImpl;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.Item;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.PathExtractor;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.PathExtractorImpl;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.ProcessException;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.Relation;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.Utterance;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.UtteranceProcessor;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.cart.CART;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.clunits.ClusterUnitDatabase.UnitOriginInfo;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.relp.Sample;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.relp.SampleInfo;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.relp.SampleSet;
import de.dfki.lt.freetts.ClusterUnitNamer;
* Generates the Unit Relation of an Utterance from the
* Segment Relation.
public class ClusterUnitSelector implements UtteranceProcessor {
/** Logger instance. */
private static final Logger LOGGER =
private final static PathExtractor DNAME = new PathExtractorImpl(
"R:SylStructure.parent.parent.name", true);
private ClusterUnitDatabase clunitDB;
private ClusterUnitNamer unitNamer;
* Constructs a ClusterUnitSelector.
* @param url the URL for the unit database. If the URL path ends
* with a '.bin' it is assumed that the DB is a binary database,
* otherwise, its assumed that its a text database1
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while loading the
* database
public ClusterUnitSelector(URL url) throws IOException {
this(url, null);
* Constructs a ClusterUnitSelector.
* @param url the URL for the unit database. If the URL path ends
* with a '.bin' it is assumed that the DB is a binary database,
* otherwise, its assumed that its a text database1
* @param unitNamer an optional unit namer, specifying how the cluster
* units are called in the voice database referenced by url. If this is null,
* an ldom unit naming scheme will be used (e.g., 'ae_afternoon' for the
* phoneme 'ae' in the word 'afternoon'.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while loading the
* database
public ClusterUnitSelector(URL url, ClusterUnitNamer unitNamer) throws IOException {
if (url == null) {
throw new IOException("Can't load cluster unit database");
boolean binary = url.getPath().endsWith(".bin");
clunitDB = new ClusterUnitDatabase(url, binary);
this.unitNamer = unitNamer;
* Get the sample info for the underlying database.
* @return the sample info object
public SampleInfo getSampleInfo() {
return clunitDB.getSampleInfo();
* Generates the Unit Relation from the Segment Relation.
* <br><b>Implementation note:</b><br>
* Populates the segment relation with segment names of the form:
* XX_YY where XX is the segment name (typically a phoneme)
* and YY is the word that the segment is in (stripped and
* lower case).
* The first step in cluster unit selection is to determine the unit
* type for each unit in the utterance. The unit type for
* selection in the simple talking clock example (cmu_time_awb) is
* done per phone. The unit type consists of the phone
* name followed by the word the phone comes from (e.g., n_now for
* the phone 'n' in the word 'now').
* Invoke the Viterbi algorithm (via a viterbi class) that
* selects the proper units for the segment and adds that to
* each segment item.
* For each segment, create a unit and attach features based
* upon the selected units.
* @param utterance the utterance to generate the Unit Relation
* @throws ProcessException if an IOException is thrown during the
* processing of the utterance
public void processUtterance(Utterance utterance) throws ProcessException {
Viterbi vd;
Relation segs = utterance.getRelation(Relation.SEGMENT);
utterance.setObject("sts_list", clunitDB.getSts());
vd = new Viterbi(segs, clunitDB);
for (Item s = segs.getHead(); s != null; s = s.getNext()) {
// Carry out the CART lookup for the target costs, and the viterbi
// search for finding the best path (join costs) through the candidates.
// Now associate the candidate units in the best path
// with the items in the segment relation.
if (!vd.result("selected_unit")) {
LOGGER.severe("clunits: can't find path");
throw new Error();
// If optimal coupling was used, the join points must now be copied
// from the path elements to the actual items in the segment relation.
// Based on this data, create a Unit relation giving the details of the
// units to concatenate.
Relation unitRelation = utterance.createRelation(Relation.UNIT);
for (Item s = segs.getHead(); s != null; s = s.getNext()) {
Item unit = unitRelation.appendItem();
FeatureSet unitFeatureSet = unit.getFeatures();
int unitEntry = s.getFeatures().getInt("selected_unit");
// The item name is the segment name
unitFeatureSet.setString("name", s.getFeatures().getString("name"));
int unitStart;
int unitEnd;
String clunitName = s.getFeatures().getString("clunit_name");
if (s.getFeatures().isPresent("unit_this_move")) {
unitStart = s.getFeatures().getInt("unit_this_move");
} else {
unitStart = clunitDB.getStart(unitEntry);
if (s.getNext() != null &&
s.getNext().getFeatures().isPresent("unit_prev_move")) {
unitEnd = s.getNext().getFeatures().getInt("unit_prev_move");
} else {
unitEnd = clunitDB.getEnd(unitEntry);
unitFeatureSet.setInt("unit_entry", unitEntry);
ClusterUnit clunit = new ClusterUnit(clunitDB,
clunitName, unitStart, unitEnd);
unitFeatureSet.setObject("unit", clunit);
if (true) {
unitFeatureSet.setInt("unit_start", clunit.getStart());
unitFeatureSet.setInt("unit_end", clunit.getEnd());
unitFeatureSet.setInt("instance", unitEntry - clunitDB.getUnitIndex(clunitName, 0));
} // add the rest of these things for debugging.
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine(" sr " + clunitDB.getSampleInfo().getSampleRate() + " " +
s.getFeatures().getFloat("end") + " " +
(int) (s.getFeatures().getFloat("end") *
(int) (s.getFeatures().getFloat("end")
* clunitDB.getSampleInfo().getSampleRate()));
// Associate debug info about unit origin if available:
UnitOriginInfo unitOrigin = clunitDB.getUnitOriginInfo(unitEntry);
if (unitOrigin != null) {
unitFeatureSet.setString("origin", unitOrigin.originFile);
unitFeatureSet.setFloat("origin_start", unitOrigin.originStart);
unitFeatureSet.setFloat("origin_end", unitOrigin.originEnd);
* Sets the cluster unit name given the segment.
* @param seg the segment item that gets the name
protected void setUnitName(Item seg) {
if (unitNamer != null) {
// default to LDOM naming scheme 'ae_afternoon':
String cname = null;
String segName = seg.getFeatures().getString("name");
Voice voice = seg.getUtterance().getVoice();
String silenceSymbol = voice.getPhoneFeature("silence", "symbol");
if (silenceSymbol == null)
silenceSymbol = "pau";
if (segName.equals(silenceSymbol)) {
cname = silenceSymbol + "_" + seg.findFeature("p.name");
} else {
// remove single quotes from name
String dname = ((String) DNAME.findFeature(seg)).toLowerCase();
cname = segName + "_" + stripQuotes(dname);
seg.getFeatures().setString("clunit_name", cname);
* Strips quotes from the given string.
* @param s the string to strip quotes from
* @return a string with all single quotes removed
private String stripQuotes(String s) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s.length());
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c != '\'') {
return sb.toString();
* Retrieves the string representation of this object.
* @return the string representation of this object
public String toString() {
return "ClusterUnitSelector";
* Provides support for the Viterbi Algorithm.
* Implementation Notes
* <p>
* For each candidate for the current unit, calculate the cost
* between it and the first candidate in the next unit. Save
* only the path that has the least cost. By default, if two
* candidates come from units that are adjacent in the
* database, the cost is 0 (i.e., they were spoken together,
* so they are a perfect match).
* <p>
* Repeat the previous process for each candidate in the next
* unit, creating a list of least cost paths between the
* candidates between the current unit and the unit following
* it.
* <p>
* Toss out all candidates in the current unit that are not
* included in a path.
* <p>
* Move to the next unit and repeat the process.
static class Viterbi {
private int numStates = -1;
private boolean bigIsGood = false;
private ViterbiPoint timeline = null;
private ViterbiPoint lastPoint = null;
private FeatureSet f = null;
private ClusterUnitDatabase clunitDB;
* Creates a Viterbi class to process the given utterance.
* A queue of ViterbiPoints corresponding to the Items in the Relation segs
* is built up.
public Viterbi(Relation segs, ClusterUnitDatabase db) {
ViterbiPoint last = null;
clunitDB = db;
f = new FeatureSetImpl();
for (Item s = segs.getHead(); true; s = s.getNext()) {
ViterbiPoint n = new ViterbiPoint(s);
// The number of ViterbiPaths associated with each ViterbiPoint
// is determined using the variable numStates.
// TODO: Where can numStates be set?
if (numStates > 0) {
if (last != null) { // continue to build up the queue
last.next = n;
} else { // timeline is the start of the queue
timeline = n;
last = n;
if (s == null) { // no further segments, leave loop
lastPoint = n;
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine("num states " + numStates);
if (numStates == 0) { // its a general beam search
timeline.paths = new ViterbiPath();
if (numStates == -1) { // dynamic number of states (# cands)
* Sets the given feature to the given value.
* @param name the name of the feature
* @param obj the new value.
public void setFeature(String name, Object obj) {
f.setObject(name, obj);
* Gets the value for the given feature.
* @param name the name of the feature
* @return the value of the feature
public Object getFeature(String name) {
return f.getObject(name);
* Carry out a Viterbi search in for a prepared queue of ViterbiPoints.
* In a nutshell, each Point represents a target item (a target segment);
* for each target Point, a number of Candidate units in the voice database
* are determined; a Path structure is built up, based on local best transitions.
* Concretely, a Path consists of a (possibly empty) previous Path, a current Candidate,
* and a Score. This Score is a quality measure of the Path; it is calculated as the
* sum of the previous Path's score, the Candidate's score, and the Cost of joining
* the Candidate to the previous Path's Candidate. At each step, only one Path
* leading to each Candidate is retained, viz. the Path with the best Score.
* All that is left to do is to call result() to get the best-rated
* path from among the paths associated with the last Point, and to associate
* the resulting Candidates with the segment items they will realise.
void decode() {
for (ViterbiPoint p = timeline; p.next != null; p = p.next) {
// The candidates for the current item:
p.cands = getCandidate(p.item);
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine("decode " + p.cands);
if (numStates != 0) {
if (numStates == -1) {
// put as many (empty) path elements into p.next as there are candidates in p
// Now go through all existing paths and all candidates for the current item;
// tentatively extend each existing path to each of the candidates,
// but only retain the
// Attention: p.numStates is not numStates!
// numStates = a general flag indicating which type of viterbi search
// to use (only -1 seems to be implemented);
// p.numStates = the number of paths in p.statePaths, i.e. p.numStates==p.statePaths.length
for (int i = 0; i < p.numStates; i++) {
if ((p == timeline && i == 0) ||
(p.statePaths[i] != null)) {
// We are at the very beginning of the search, or have a usable path to extend
// debug(" dc p " + p);
for (ViterbiCandidate c = p.cands;
c != null; c = c.next) {
// For the candidate c, create a path extending the previous path
// p.statePaths[i] to that candidate:
ViterbiPath np = getPath(p.statePaths[i], c);
// Compare this path to the existing best path (if any) leading to
// candidate c; only retain the one with the better score.
// TODO: why should the paths leading to the candidates realising p
// be stored in p.next?
addPaths(p.next, np);
} else {
"Viterbi.decode: general beam search not implemented");
* Try to add paths to the given point.
* @param point the point to add the paths to
* @param paths the path
void addPaths(ViterbiPoint point, ViterbiPath path) {
ViterbiPath nextPath;
for (ViterbiPath p = path; p != null; p = nextPath) {
nextPath = p.next;
addPath(point, p);
* Add the new path to the state path if it is
* better than the current path. In this, state means
* the position of the candidate associated with this
* path in the candidate queue
* for the corresponding segment item. In other words,
* this method uses newPath as the one path leading to
* the candidate newPath.candidate, if it has a better
* score than the previously best path leading to that candidate.
* @param point where the path is added
* @param newPath the path to add if its score is best
void addPath(ViterbiPoint point, ViterbiPath newPath) {
if (point.statePaths[newPath.state] == null) {
// we don't have one yet, so this is best
point.statePaths[newPath.state] = newPath;
} else if (isBetterThan(newPath.score,
point.statePaths[newPath.state].score)) {
// its better than what we already have
point.statePaths[newPath.state] = newPath;
} else {
// its not better that what we already have
// so we just forget about it.
* See if a is better than b. Goodness is defined
* by 'bigIsGood'.
* @param a value to check
* @param b value to check.
* return true if a is better than b.
private boolean isBetterThan(int a, int b) {
if (bigIsGood) {
return a > b;
} else {
return a < b;
* Find the best path through the decoder, adding the feature
* name to the candidate.
* @param feature the feature to add
* @return true if a best path was found
boolean result(String feature) {
ViterbiPath path;
if (timeline == null || timeline.next == null) {
return true; // null case succeeds
path = findBestPath();
if (path == null) {
return false;
for (; path != null; path = path.from) {
if (path.candidate != null) {
return true;
* Given a feature, copy the value associated with feature
* name from the path to each item in the path.
* @param feature the name of the feature.
void copyFeature(String feature) {
ViterbiPath path = findBestPath();
if (path == null) {
return; // nothing to copy, empty stream or no solution
for (; path != null; path = path.from) {
if (path.candidate != null && path.isPresent(feature)) {
* Finds the best (queue of) candidate(s) for a given (segment) item.
* This traverses a CART tree for target cluster selection as described in
* the paper introducing the clunits algorithm. This corresponds to the
* "target costs" described for general unit selection.
* @return the first candidate in the queue of candidate units for this item.
private ViterbiCandidate getCandidate(Item item) {
// TODO: This should better be called getCandidates() (plural form),
// because what it does is find all the candidates for the item
// and return the head of the queue.
String unitType = item.getFeatures().getString("clunit_name");
CART cart = clunitDB.getTree(unitType);
// Here, the unit candidates are selected.
int[] clist = (int[]) cart.interpret(item);
// Now, clist is an array of instance numbers for the units of type
// unitType that belong to the best cluster according to the CART.
ViterbiCandidate p;
ViterbiCandidate all;
ViterbiCandidate gt;
all = null;
for (int i = 0; i < clist.length; i++) {
p = new ViterbiCandidate();
p.next = all; // link them reversely: the first in clist will be at the end of the queue
p.item = item; // The item is the same for all these candidates in the queue.
p.score = 0;
// remember the absolute unit index:
p.setInt(clunitDB.getUnitIndex(unitType, clist[i]));
all = p;
// this is OK
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine(" gc adding " + clist[i]);
// Take into account candidates for previous item?
// Depending on the setting of EXTEND_SELECTIONS in the database,
// look the first candidates for the preceding item,
// and add the units following these (which are not yet candidates)
// as candidates. EXTEND_SELECTIONS indicates how many of these
// are added. A high setting will add candidates which don't fit the
// target well, but which can be smoothly concatenated with the context.
// In a sense, this means trading target costs against join costs.
if (clunitDB.getExtendSelections() > 0 &&
item.getPrevious() != null) {
// Get the candidates for the preceding (segment) item
ViterbiCandidate lc = (ViterbiCandidate) (item.
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine(" lc " + lc);
for (int e = 0; lc != null &&
(e < clunitDB.getExtendSelections());
lc = lc.next) {
int nu = clunitDB.getNextUnit(lc.ival);
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine(" e: " + e + " nu: " + nu);
if (nu == ClusterUnitDatabase.CLUNIT_NONE) {
// Look through the list of candidates for the current item:
for (gt = all; gt != null; gt = gt.next) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine(" gt " + gt.ival + " nu " + nu);
if (nu == gt.ival) {
// The unit following one of the candidates for the preceding
// item already is a candidate for the current item.
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine("nu " + clunitDB.getUnit(nu).getName() + " all " +
clunitDB.getUnit(all.ival).getName() +
" " + all.ival);
if ((gt == null)&&clunitDB.isUnitTypeEqual(nu, all.ival)) {
// nu is of the right unit type and is not yet one of the candidates.
// add it to the queue of candidates for the current item:
p = new ViterbiCandidate();
p.next = all;
p.item = item;
p.score = 0;
all = p;
item.getFeatures().setObject("clunit_cands", all);
return all;
* Construct a new path element linking a previous path to the given candidate.
* The (penalty) score associated with the new path is calculated as the sum of
* the score of the old path plus the score of the candidate itself plus the
* join cost of appending the candidate to the nearest candidate in the given path.
* This join cost takes into account optimal coupling if the database has
* OPTIMAL_COUPLING set to 1. The join position is saved in the new path, as
* the features "unit_prev_move" and "unit_this_move".
* @param path the previous path, or null if this candidate starts a new path
* @param candiate the candidate to add to the path
* @return a new path, consisting of this candidate appended to the previous path, and
* with the cumulative (penalty) score calculated.
private ViterbiPath getPath(ViterbiPath path,
ViterbiCandidate candidate) {
int cost;
ViterbiPath newPath = new ViterbiPath();
newPath.candidate = candidate;
newPath.from = path;
// Flite 1.1 has some logic here to test to see
// if the unit database is fully populated or not and if not
// load fixed residuals and calculate distance with a
// different distance algorithm that is designed for fixed
// point. FreeTTS doesn't really need to do that.
if (path == null || path.candidate == null) {
cost = 0;
} else {
int u0 = path.candidate.ival;
int u1 = candidate.ival;
if (clunitDB.getOptimalCoupling() == 1) {
Cost oCost = getOptimalCouple(u0, u1);
if (oCost.u0Move != -1) {
newPath.setFeature("unit_prev_move", new
if (oCost.u1Move != -1) {
newPath.setFeature("unit_this_move", new
cost = oCost.cost;
} else if (clunitDB.getOptimalCoupling() == 2) {
cost = getOptimalCoupleFrame(u0, u1);
} else {
cost = 0;
// cost *= clunitDB.getContinuityWeight();
cost *= 5; // magic number ("continuity weight") from flite
// TODO: remove the state attribute from ViterbiPath, as it is simply path.candidate.pos!
newPath.state = candidate.pos;
if (path == null) {
newPath.score = cost + candidate.score;
} else {
newPath.score = cost + candidate.score + path.score;
return newPath;
* Find the best path. This requires decode() to have been run.
* @return the best path.
private ViterbiPath findBestPath() {
ViterbiPoint t;
int best;
int worst;
ViterbiPath bestPath = null;
if (bigIsGood) {
worst = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
} else {
worst = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
best = worst;
// TODO: do not need t, can use lastPoint throughout
t = lastPoint;
if (numStates != 0) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine("fbp ns " + numStates + " t "
+ t.numStates + " best " + best);
// All paths end in lastPoint, and take into account
// previous path segment's scores. Therefore, it is
// sufficient to find the best path from among the
// paths for lastPoint.
for (int i = 0; i < t.numStates; i++) {
if (t.statePaths[i] != null &&
(isBetterThan(t.statePaths[i].score, best))) {
best = t.statePaths[i].score;
bestPath = t.statePaths[i];
return bestPath;
* Find the optimal coupling frame for a pair of units.
* @param u0 first unit to try
* @param u1 second unit to try
* @return the cost for this coupling, including the best coupling frame
Cost getOptimalCouple(int u0, int u1) {
int a,b;
int u1_p;
int i, fcount;
int u0_st, u1_p_st, u0_end, u1_p_end;
int best_u0, best_u1_p;
int dist, best_val;
Cost cost = new Cost();
u1_p = clunitDB.getPrevUnit(u1);
// If u0 precedes u1, the cost is 0, and we're finished.
if (u1_p == u0) {
return cost;
// If u1 does not have a previous unit, or that previous
// unit does not belong to the same phone, the optimal
// couple frame must be found between u0 and u1.
if (u1_p == ClusterUnitDatabase.CLUNIT_NONE ||
clunitDB.getPhone(u0) !=
clunitDB.getPhone(u1_p)) {
cost.cost = 10 * getOptimalCoupleFrame(u0, u1);
return cost;
// If u1 has a valid previous unit, try to find the optimal
// couple point between u0 and that previous unit, u1_p.
// Find out which of u1_p and u0 is shorter.
// In both units, we plan to start from one third of the unit length,
// and to compare frame coupling frame by frame until the end of the
// shorter unit is reached.
u0_end = clunitDB.getEnd(u0) - clunitDB.getStart(u0);
u1_p_end = clunitDB.getEnd(u1_p) - clunitDB.getStart(u1_p);
u0_st = u0_end / 3;
u1_p_st = u1_p_end / 3;
if ((u0_end - u0_st) < (u1_p_end - u1_p_st)) {
fcount = u0_end - u0_st;
// We could now shift the starting point for coupling in the longer unit
// so that the distance from the end is the same in both units:
/* u1_p_st = u1_p_end - fcount; */
} else {
fcount = u1_p_end - u1_p_st;
// We could now shift the starting point for coupling in the longer unit
// so that the distance from the end is the same in both units:
/* u0_st = u0_end - fcount; */
// Now go through the two units, and search for the frame pair where
// the acoustic distance is smallest.
best_u0 = u0_end;
best_u1_p = u1_p_end;
best_val = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (i = 0; i < fcount; ++i) {
a = clunitDB.getStart(u0)+ u0_st + i;
b = clunitDB.getStart(u1_p) + u1_p_st + i;
dist = getFrameDistance(a, b,
+ Math.abs( clunitDB.getSts().getFrameSize(a) -
clunitDB.getSts().getFrameSize(b)) *
if (dist < best_val) {
best_val = dist;
best_u0 = u0_st + i;
best_u1_p = u1_p_st + i;
// u0Move is the new end for u0
// u1Move is the new start for u1
cost.u0Move = clunitDB.getStart(u0) + best_u0;
cost.u1Move = clunitDB.getStart(u1_p) + best_u1_p;
cost.cost = 30000 + best_val;
return cost;
* Returns the distance between the successive potential
* frames.
* @param u0 the first unit to try
* @param u1 the second unit to try
* @return the distance between the two units
int getOptimalCoupleFrame(int u0, int u1) {
int a, b;
if (clunitDB.getPrevUnit(u1) == u0) {
return 0; // consecutive units win
if (clunitDB.getNextUnit(u0) != ClusterUnitDatabase.CLUNIT_NONE) {
a = clunitDB.getEnd(u0);
} else { // don't want to do this but it's all that is left to do
a = clunitDB.getEnd(u0) - 1; // if num frames < 1 this is bad
b = clunitDB.getStart(u1);
return getFrameDistance(a, b,
+ Math.abs( clunitDB.getSts().getFrameSize(a) -
clunitDB.getSts().getFrameSize(b)) *
* Get the 'distance' between the frames a and b.
* @param a first frame
* @param b second frame
* @param joinWeights the weights used in comparison
* @param order number of compares
* @return the distance between the frames
public int getFrameDistance(int a, int b, int[] joinWeights,int order) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine(" gfd a " + a + " b " + b + " or " + order);
int r, i;
short[] bv = clunitDB.getMcep().getSample(b).getFrameData();
short[] av = clunitDB.getMcep().getSample(a).getFrameData();
for (r = 0, i = 0; i < order; i++) {
int diff = av[i] - bv[i];
r += Math.abs(diff) * joinWeights[i] / 65536;
return r;
* Represents a point in the Viterbi path. A point corresponds to an item,
* e.g. a Segment.
* Each ViterbiPoint knows
* about its next ViterbiPoint, i.e. they can form a queue.
static class ViterbiPoint {
Item item = null;
// TODO: remove the numStates attribute from ViterbiPoint, as this is only statePaths.length
int numStates = 0;
int numPaths = 0;
ViterbiCandidate cands = null;
ViterbiPath paths = null;
ViterbiPath[] statePaths = null;
ViterbiPoint next = null;
* Creates a ViterbiPoint for the given item. A typical item of choice is a Segment item.
* @param item the item of interest
public ViterbiPoint(Item item) {
this.item = item;
* Initialize the path array to the given size.
* @param size the size of the path array
public void initPathArray(int size) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine("init_path_array: " + size);
numStates = size;
statePaths = new ViterbiPath[size];
* Initializes the dynamic path array. The path array will have
* as many ViterbiPath members as there are candidates in the
* queue starting with candidate.
* Side effect on parameter: This will set the pos member of the
* candidates in the queue starting with candidate to the position
* in the queue.
* @param candidate the first candidate of interest
public void initDynamicPathArray(ViterbiCandidate candidate) {
int i = 0;
for (ViterbiCandidate cc = candidate; cc != null;
i++, cc = cc.next) {
cc.pos = i;
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine("init_dynamic_ path_array: " + i);
public String toString() {
return " pnt: " + numStates + " paths " + numPaths;
* Represents a candidate for the Viterbi algorthm.
* Each candidate knows about its next candidate, i.e. they can form
* a queue.
static class ViterbiCandidate {
int score = 0;
Object value = null;
int ival = 0;
int pos = 0;
Item item = null;
ViterbiCandidate next = null;
* Sets the object for this candidate.
* @param obj the object
void set(Object obj) {
value = obj;
* Sets the integer value for this candidate. This can be used for saving
* the unit index of the candidate unit represented by this ViterbiCandidate.
* @param ival the integer value
void setInt(int ival) {
this.ival = ival;
set(new Integer(ival));
* Converts this object to a string.
* @return the string form of this object
public String toString() {
return "VC: Score " + score + " ival " + ival + " Pos " + pos;
* Describes a Viterbi path.
static class ViterbiPath {
int score = 0;
int state = 0;
ViterbiCandidate candidate = null;
private FeatureSet f = null;
ViterbiPath from = null;
ViterbiPath next = null;
* Sets a feature with the given name to the given value.
* @param name the name of the feature
* @param value the new value for the feature
void setFeature(String name, Object value) {
if (f == null) {
f = new FeatureSetImpl();
f.setObject(name, value);
* Retrieves a feature.
* @param name the name of the feature
* @return the feature
Object getFeature(String name) {
Object value = null;
if (f != null) {
value = f.getObject(name);
return value;
* Determines if the feature with the given name
* exsists.
* @param name the feature to look for
* @return <code>true</code> if the feature is present;
* otherwise <code>false</code>.
boolean isPresent(String name) {
if (f == null) {
return false;
} else {
return getFeature(name) != null;
* Converts this object to a string.
* @return the string form of this object
public String toString() {
return "ViterbiPath score " + score + " state " + state;
* Information returned from getOptimalCoupling.
class Cost {
int cost = 0;
int u0Move = -1;
int u1Move = -1;
* A Cluster Unit.
class ClusterUnit implements com.sun.speech.freetts.Unit {
private ClusterUnitDatabase db;
private String name;
private int start;
private int end;
* Contructs a cluster unit given.
* @param db the database
* @param name the unitName
* @param start the start
* @param end the end
public ClusterUnit(ClusterUnitDatabase db, String name, int start,int end) {
this.db = db;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.name = name;
* Returns the start.
* @return the start
public int getStart() {
return start;
* Returns the end.
* @return the end
public int getEnd() {
return end;
* Returns the name of this Unit.
* @return the name of this unit
public String getName() {
return name;
* returns the size of the unit.
* @return the size of the unit
public int getSize() {
return db.getSts().getUnitSize(start, end);
* Retrieves the nearest sample.
* @param index the ideal index
* @return the nearest Sample
public Sample getNearestSample(float index) {
int i, iSize = 0, nSize;
SampleSet sts = db.getSts();
// loop through all the Samples in this unit
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
Sample sample = sts.getSample(i);
nSize = iSize + sample.getResidualSize();
if (Math.abs(index - (float) iSize) <
Math.abs(index - (float) nSize)) {
return sample;
iSize = nSize;
return sts.getSample(end - 1);
* gets the string name for the unit.
* @return string rep of this object.
public String toString() {
return getName();
* Dumps this unit.
public void dump() {