* Portions Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 1999-2001 Language Technologies Institute,
* Carnegie Mellon University.
* All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
package com.sun.speech.freetts;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.sun.speech.freetts.lexicon.Lexicon;
* Annotates an utterance with <code>Relation.SYLLABLE</code>,
* <code>Relation.SYLLABLE_STRUCTURE</code>, and
* <code>Relation.SEGMENT</code>.
* To determine stress, the <code>isStressed</code> method relies upon
* a phone ending in the number "1". Subclasses should override
* <code>isStressed</code> and <code>deStress</code> if stresses are
* determined in other ways.
* @see Relation#SEGMENT
* @see Relation#SYLLABLE
public class Segmenter implements UtteranceProcessor {
private final static String STRESS = "1";
private final static String NO_STRESS = "0";
* Annotates an utterance with <code>Relation.SYLLABLE</code>,
* <code>Relation.SYLLABLE_STRUCTURE</code>, and
* <code>Relation.SEGMENT</code>.
* @param utterance the utterance to process/tokenize
* @see Relation#SEGMENT
* @see Relation#SYLLABLE
* @throws ProcessException if an IOException is thrown during the
* processing of the utterance
public void processUtterance(Utterance utterance) throws ProcessException {
// preconditions
if (utterance.getRelation(Relation.WORD) == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Word relation has not been set");
} else if (utterance.getRelation(Relation.SYLLABLE) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Syllable relation has already been set");
} else if (utterance.getRelation(Relation.SYLLABLE_STRUCTURE)
!= null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"SylStructure relation has already been set");
} else if (utterance.getRelation(Relation.SEGMENT) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Segment relation has already been set");
String stress = NO_STRESS;
Relation syl = utterance.createRelation(Relation.SYLLABLE);
Relation sylstructure =
Relation seg = utterance.createRelation(Relation.SEGMENT);
Lexicon lex = utterance.getVoice().getLexicon();
List syllableList = null;
for (Item word = utterance.getRelation(Relation.WORD).getHead();
word != null; word = word.getNext()) {
Item ssword = sylstructure.appendItem(word);
Item sylItem = null; // item denoting syllable boundaries
Item segItem = null; // item denoting phonelist (segments)
Item sssyl = null; // item denoting syl in word
String[] phones = null;
Item token = word.getItemAs("Token");
FeatureSet featureSet = null;
if (token != null) {
Item parent = token.getParent();
featureSet = parent.getFeatures();
if (featureSet != null && featureSet.isPresent("phones")) {
phones = (String[]) featureSet.getObject("phones");
} else {
phones = lex.getPhones(word.toString(), null);
for (int j = 0; j < phones.length; j++) {
if (sylItem == null) {
sylItem = syl.appendItem();
sssyl = ssword.addDaughter(sylItem);
stress = NO_STRESS;
syllableList = new ArrayList();
segItem = seg.appendItem();
if (isStressed(phones[j])) {
stress = STRESS;
phones[j] = deStress(phones[j]);
segItem.getFeatures().setString("name", phones[j]);
if (lex.isSyllableBoundary(syllableList, phones, j + 1)) {
sylItem = null;
if (sssyl != null) {
sssyl.getFeatures().setString("stress", stress);
* Determines if the given phonemene is stressed.
* To determine stress, this method relies upon
* a phone ending in the number "1". Subclasses should override this
* method if stresses are determined in other ways.
* @param phone the phone to check
* @return true if the phone is stressed, otherwise false
protected boolean isStressed(String phone) {
return phone.endsWith("1");
* Converts stressed phoneme to regular phoneme. This method
* merely removes the last character of the phone. Subclasses
* should override this if another method is to be used.
* @param phone the phone to convert
* @return de-stressed phone
protected String deStress(String phone) {
String retPhone = phone;
if (isStressed(phone)) {
retPhone = phone.substring(0, phone.length() - 1);
return retPhone;
* Returns the simple name of this class.
* @return the simple name of this class
public String toString() {
return "Segmenter";