package ejmf.toolkit.gui;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.LayoutManager;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder;
import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
import ejmf.toolkit.multiplayer.MultiPlayer;
import ejmf.toolkit.multiplayer.Track;
import ejmf.toolkit.multiplayer.TrackList;
import ejmf.toolkit.util.MixFileData;
import ejmf.toolkit.util.MixTrackData;
import ejmf.toolkit.util.StateWaiter;
import ejmf.toolkit.util.Utility;
* Display the visual components from multiple Players
* from one of the following sources:
* <ul>
* <li>MultiPlayer
* <li>MixFileData
* <li>An array of Players
* <li>An array of MediaLocators
* <li>An array of Strings
* <li>A single MediaLocator and a count of how many
* times media is to be displayed.
* </ul>
* The Player's media is displayed within a JPanel using
* a GridLayout as the default. The grid is made as square as possible.
* To change the layout manager, override the <code>createLayout</code>
* method.
* Each visual component is bordered by a etched and titled border.
* To change the border drawn around the media, override the <code>
* createBorder</code> method.
public class NPlayerPanel extends JPanel {
private Player[] players;
private TrackList tracks;
* Create an NPlayerPanel from a array of MediaLocators.
* The MediaLocators are used to construct the Players.
* @param mls An array of MediaLocators.
* @exception NoPlayerException if Player can not be constructed.
* @exception IOException if DataSource can not be connected to.
public NPlayerPanel(MediaLocator[] mls)
throws NoPlayerException, IOException {
* Create an NPlayerPanel from a MultiPlayer.
* In this case, Players are already constructed.
* Players are moved to prefetch state.
public NPlayerPanel(MultiPlayer mp) {
tracks = mp.getTrackList();
Vector v = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < tracks.getNumberOfTracks(); i++) {
Track track = tracks.getTrack(i);
if (track.isAssigned()) {
players = new Player[v.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
StateWaiter waiter = new StateWaiter(players[i]);
displayPlayer(players[i], tracks.getTrack(i).getMediaLocator());
* Create an NPlayerPanel from an array of Players.
* In this case, Players are already constructed.
* Players are moved to prefetch state.
public NPlayerPanel(Player[] players) {
StateWaiter waiter;
this.players = players;
for (int i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
waiter = new StateWaiter(players[i]);
displayPlayer(players[i], null);
* Add the Player's visual component to the
* the Panel.
private void displayPlayer(Player p, MediaLocator ml) {
Component c = p.getVisualComponent();
if (c != null) {
add(new GridPanel(createBorder(ml), c));
* Create an NPlayerPanel from a MixFileData object
* For each element a Player is created and
* its visual component displayed.
* @param mixList a MixFileData object
* @exception NoPlayerException if Player can not be constructed.
* @exception IOException if DataSource can not be connected to.
* @see ejmf.toolkit.util.MixTrackData
* @see ejmf.toolkit.util.MixFileData
public NPlayerPanel(MixFileData mixList)
throws NoPlayerException, IOException {
int n = mixList.getNumberOfTracks();
MediaLocator[] mls = new MediaLocator[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
MixTrackData d = mixList.getMixTrackData(i);
mls[i] = Utility.appArgToMediaLocator(d.mediaFileName);
* Create an NPlayerPanel from an array of media file names
* For each file named in the array a MediaLocator is
* constructed. From each MediaLocator a Player is created and
* its visual component displayed.
* @param mediaFiles An array of Strings which
* @exception NoPlayerException if Player can not be constructed.
* @exception IOException if DataSource can not be connected to.
public NPlayerPanel(String[] mediaFiles)
throws NoPlayerException, IOException {
MediaLocator[] mls = new MediaLocator[mediaFiles.length];
for (int i = 0; i < mediaFiles.length; i++) {
mls[i] = Utility.appArgToMediaLocator(mediaFiles[i]);
* Create an NPlayerPanel that displays a single media
* source multiple times.
* @param nPlayers the number of Players to create
* @param media A MediaLocator.
* @exception NoPlayerException if Player can not be constructed.
* @exception IOException if DataSource can not be connected to.
public NPlayerPanel(int nPlayers, MediaLocator media)
throws NoPlayerException, IOException {
MediaLocator[] mls = new MediaLocator[nPlayers];
for (int i = 0; i < nPlayers; i++) {
mls[i] = media;
* Given an array of MediaLocators, create Players and
* add them to display Panel.
private void createAndDisplayPlayers(MediaLocator[] mls)
throws NoPlayerException, IOException {
StateWaiter waiter;
players = new Player[mls.length];
for (int i = 0; i < mls.length; i++) {
players[i] = Manager.createPlayer(mls[i]);
waiter = new StateWaiter(players[i]);
displayPlayer(players[i], mls[i]);
* Create an etched and titled border based on a Player MediaLocator.
* Default implementation creates an EtchedBorder with the
* title displayed at top left. If no title is provided,
* a simple EtchedBorder is drawn.
* Subclasses should over-ride this method to create a
* custom border.
* @param ml A associated with a Player
* @return a javax.swing.border.Border
protected Border createBorder(MediaLocator ml) {
return (ml != null) ?
(Border) new TitledBorder(new EtchedBorder(), ml.toString()) :
(Border) new EtchedBorder();
* Create the LayoutManager for the NPlayerPanel
* The default layout is a GridLayout with a 10
* pixel horizontal and vertical gaps.
* Subclasses over-ride this method to provide their
* layout.
* @param n the number of Players to be dispalyed.
* @return java.awt.LayoutManager
protected LayoutManager createLayout(int n) {
double rt = Math.sqrt((double) n);
int gdim = (int) rt;
if ((double) gdim < rt)
return new GridLayout(gdim, gdim, 10, 10);
* Return an array of Player references naming Players
* displayed in NPlayerPanel.
* @return An array of Players.
public Player[] getPlayers() {
return players;
class GridPanel extends JPanel {
public GridPanel(Component c) {
setBorder(new EtchedBorder());
public GridPanel(Border border, Component c) {