import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
* Uses preferences 161 and 162 (overwrites them) to test the data preferences functions.
public class DataPreferencesAPITest {
private static final String illegal129Chars = "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890" + // 50
"12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890" + // 100
"12345678901234567890123456789"; // 129
public void testDataPreferencesXML() throws Exception {
IFacebookRestClient<Document> client = FacebookSessionTestUtils.getValidClient( FacebookXmlRestClient.class );
Document pinkBlack = testCycle( client );
XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
XPath xpath = factory.newXPath();
xpath.setNamespaceContext( new FacebookNamespaceContext() );
* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <data_getUserPreferences_response xmlns=""
* xmlns:xsi="" list="true" xsi:schemaLocation="">
* <preference><pref_id>161</pref_id><value>Pink</value></preference> <preference><pref_id>162</pref_id><value>Black</value></preference>
* </data_getUserPreferences_response>
assertEquals( "Pink", xpath.evaluate( "//fbapi:preference[fbapi:pref_id=161]/fbapi:value", pinkBlack ) );
assertEquals( "Black", xpath.evaluate( "//fbapi:preference[fbapi:pref_id=162]/fbapi:value", pinkBlack ) );
public void testDataPreferencesJSON() throws Exception {
IFacebookRestClient<Object> client = FacebookSessionTestUtils.getValidClient( FacebookJsonRestClient.class );
JSONArray pinkBlack = (JSONArray) testCycle( client );
// [{"value":"Pink","pref_id":161},{"value":"Black","pref_id":162}]
boolean found161 = false;
boolean found162 = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < pinkBlack.length(); i++ ) {
JSONObject pref = pinkBlack.getJSONObject( i );
if ( pref.getInt( "pref_id" ) == 161 ) {
found161 = true;
assertEquals( "Pink", pref.getString( "value" ) );
} else if ( pref.getInt( "pref_id" ) == 162 ) {
found162 = true;
assertEquals( "Black", pref.getString( "value" ) );
assertTrue( found161 );
assertTrue( found162 );
public void testDataPreferencesJAXB() throws Exception {
IFacebookRestClient<Object> client = FacebookSessionTestUtils.getValidClient( FacebookJaxbRestClient.class );
Object pinkBlack = testCycle( client );
DataGetUserPreferencesResponse response = (DataGetUserPreferencesResponse) pinkBlack;
List<Preference> preferences = response.getPreference();
boolean found161 = false;
boolean found162 = false;
for ( Preference pref : preferences ) {
if ( pref.getPrefId() == 161 ) {
found161 = true;
assertEquals( "Pink", pref.getValue() );
} else if ( pref.getPrefId() == 162 ) {
found162 = true;
assertEquals( "Black", pref.getValue() );
assertTrue( found161 );
assertTrue( found162 );
private <T> T testCycle( IFacebookRestClient<T> client ) throws Exception {
try {
client.data_setUserPreference( 161, illegal129Chars );
fail( "Maximum size of preference string is 127. " + "Trying to set a larger value should result in an error." );
catch ( FacebookException ex ) {
// empty
try {
client.data_setUserPreference( 201, "Illegal preference number" );
fail( "Preference numbers must be between 0 and 200" );
catch ( FacebookException ex ) {
// empty
client.data_setUserPreference( 161, "Green" );
client.data_setUserPreference( 162, "Blue" );
assertEquals( "Green", client.data_getUserPreference( 161 ) );
assertEquals( "Blue", client.data_getUserPreference( 162 ) );
Map<Integer,String> morePrefs = new HashMap<Integer,String>();
morePrefs.put( 161, "Pink" );
morePrefs.put( 162, "Black" );
client.data_setUserPreferences( morePrefs, false );
assertEquals( "Pink", client.data_getUserPreference( 161 ) );
assertEquals( "Black", client.data_getUserPreference( 162 ) );
return client.data_getUserPreferences();