import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
public class DashboardAPITest {
private JUnitProperties properties;
public void setUp() {
properties = new JUnitProperties();
* Basic clear operation test.
public void testMultiClearNews_basic() throws Exception {
// seed data
Long userId = Long.parseLong( properties.getUID() );
List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
ids.add( userId );
DashboardNewsItem newsItem1 = new DashboardNewsItem();
newsItem1.setMessage( "{*actor*}, this is a test message." );
newsItem1.setActionLink( new BundleActionLink( "open", "" ) );
DashboardNewsItem newsItem2 = new DashboardNewsItem();
newsItem2.setMessage( "{*actor*}, this is a test message 2." );
newsItem2.setActionLink( new BundleActionLink( "open", "" ) );
List<DashboardNewsItem> newsItems = new ArrayList<DashboardNewsItem>();
newsItems.add( newsItem1 );
newsItems.add( newsItem2 );
// submit seed data
FacebookJaxbRestClient jaxbClient = FacebookSessionTestUtils.getSessionlessValidClient( FacebookJaxbRestClient.class );
DashboardMultiAddNewsResponse addResponse = jaxbClient.dashboard_multiAddNews( ids, newsItems );
Long newsId = addResponse.getDashboardMultiAddNewsResponseElt().get( 0 ).getValue();
Assert.assertTrue( newsId > 0 );
// build parameters
Collection<Long> newsIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
newsIds.add( newsId );
Map<Long,Collection<Long>> parameter = new HashMap<Long,Collection<Long>>();
parameter.put( userId, newsIds );
// invoke api
DashboardMultiClearNewsResponse clearResponse = jaxbClient.dashboard_multiClearNews( parameter );
Assert.assertNotNull( clearResponse );
// validate
List<DashboardMultiClearNewsResponseElt> responseElts = clearResponse.getDashboardMultiClearNewsResponseElt();
Assert.assertNotNull( responseElts );
Assert.assertEquals( 1, responseElts.size() );
DashboardMultiClearNewsResponseElt userRecords = responseElts.get( 0 );
Assert.assertNotNull( userRecords );
Assert.assertEquals( userId, userRecords.getKey() );
List<IdToBooleanPair> idPairs = userRecords.getDashboardMultiClearNewsResponseEltElt();
Assert.assertNotNull( idPairs );
Assert.assertEquals( 1, idPairs.size() );
final IdToBooleanPair pair = idPairs.get( 0 );
Assert.assertEquals( newsId, pair.getKey() );
Assert.assertTrue( pair.isValue() );
* Basic clear operation test without specifying news ids.
public void testMultiClearNews_basicClearAll() throws Exception {
// seed data
Long userId = Long.parseLong( properties.getUID() );
List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
ids.add( userId );
DashboardNewsItem newsItem1 = new DashboardNewsItem();
newsItem1.setMessage( "{*actor*}, this is a test message." );
newsItem1.setActionLink( new BundleActionLink( "open", "" ) );
DashboardNewsItem newsItem2 = new DashboardNewsItem();
newsItem2.setMessage( "{*actor*}, this is a test message 2." );
newsItem2.setActionLink( new BundleActionLink( "open", "" ) );
List<DashboardNewsItem> newsItems = new ArrayList<DashboardNewsItem>();
newsItems.add( newsItem1 );
newsItems.add( newsItem2 );
// submit seed data
FacebookJaxbRestClient jaxbClient = FacebookSessionTestUtils.getSessionlessValidClient( FacebookJaxbRestClient.class );
DashboardMultiAddNewsResponse addResponse = (DashboardMultiAddNewsResponse) jaxbClient.dashboard_multiAddNews( ids, newsItems );
Long newsId = addResponse.getDashboardMultiAddNewsResponseElt().get( 0 ).getValue();
assert newsId > 0;
// build parameters
Collection<Long> parameter = new ArrayList<Long>();
parameter.add( userId );
// invoke api
DashboardMultiClearNewsResponse clearResponse = (DashboardMultiClearNewsResponse) jaxbClient.dashboard_multiClearNews( parameter );
assert clearResponse != null;
// validate
List<DashboardMultiClearNewsResponseElt> responseElts = clearResponse.getDashboardMultiClearNewsResponseElt();
assert responseElts != null;
assert responseElts.size() == 1;
DashboardMultiClearNewsResponseElt userRecords = responseElts.get( 0 );
assert userRecords != null;
assert userRecords.getKey().equals( userId );
List<IdToBooleanPair> idPairs = userRecords.getDashboardMultiClearNewsResponseEltElt();
assert idPairs != null;
assert idPairs.size() >= 1;
assert idPairs.get( 0 ).getKey() != 0;
assert idPairs.get( 0 ).isValue();
* Basic commit operation test.
public void testMultiAddNews_basic() throws Exception {
// basic
Long userId = Long.parseLong( properties.getUID() );
List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
ids.add( userId );
DashboardNewsItem newsItem = new DashboardNewsItem();
newsItem.setMessage( "{*actor*}, this is a test message." );
newsItem.setActionLink( new BundleActionLink( "open", "" ) );
DashboardNewsItem newsItem2 = new DashboardNewsItem();
newsItem2.setMessage( "{*actor*}, this is a test message 2." );
newsItem2.setActionLink( new BundleActionLink( "open", "" ) );
List<DashboardNewsItem> newsItems = new ArrayList<DashboardNewsItem>();
newsItems.add( newsItem );
newsItems.add( newsItem2 );
// validate jaxb response
FacebookJaxbRestClient jaxbClient = FacebookSessionTestUtils.getSessionlessValidClient( FacebookJaxbRestClient.class );
jaxbClient.dashboard_multiAddNews( null, null );
DashboardMultiAddNewsResponse jaxbResponse = (DashboardMultiAddNewsResponse) jaxbClient.dashboard_multiAddNews( ids, newsItems );
assert jaxbResponse != null;
assert jaxbResponse.getDashboardMultiAddNewsResponseElt().size() == 1;
IdPair keyValuePair = jaxbResponse.getDashboardMultiAddNewsResponseElt().get( 0 );
assert keyValuePair.getKey().equals( userId );
assert keyValuePair.getValue() > 0;
// validate json response
FacebookJsonRestClient jsonClient = FacebookSessionTestUtils.getSessionlessValidClient( FacebookJsonRestClient.class );
jsonClient.dashboard_multiAddNews( null, null );
JSONArray jsonResponse = (JSONArray) jsonClient.dashboard_multiAddNews( ids, newsItems );
assert jsonResponse != null;
assert jsonResponse.length() == 1;
assert ( (JSONObject) jsonResponse.get( 0 ) ).getLong( userId.toString() ) > 0;
* Basic commit operation test.
public void testAddGlobalNews_basic() throws Exception {
FacebookXmlRestClient client = FacebookSessionTestUtils.getSessionlessValidClient( FacebookXmlRestClient.class );
// commit basic
DashboardNewsItem newsItem = new DashboardNewsItem();
newsItem.setMessage( "{*actor*}, this is a global test message." );
newsItem.setActionLink( new BundleActionLink( "open", "" ) );
List<DashboardNewsItem> newsItems = new ArrayList<DashboardNewsItem>();
newsItems.add( newsItem );
String imageUrl = "";
Long newsId = client.dashboard_addGlobalNews( newsItems, imageUrl );
assert newsId != null;
* Basic commit operation test.
public void testPublishActivity_basic() throws Exception {
IFacebookRestClient client = FacebookSessionTestUtils.getValidClient( FacebookXmlRestClient.class );
// commit basic
DashboardActivityItem activityItem = new DashboardActivityItem();
activityItem.setMessage( "{*actor*} is playing your game!." );
activityItem.setActionLink( new BundleActionLink( "open", "" ) );
String imageUrl = "";
Long newsId = client.dashboard_publishActivity( activityItem, imageUrl );
assert newsId != null;
* Basic commit operation test.
public void testMultiIncrementCount_basic() throws Exception {
FacebookXmlRestClient client = FacebookSessionTestUtils.getSessionlessValidClient( FacebookXmlRestClient.class );
// no exception
client.dashboard_multiIncrementCount( null );
// basic
List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
ids.add( Long.parseLong( properties.getUID() ) );
Set<Long> successfulIds = client.dashboard_multiIncrementCount( ids );
assert successfulIds != null;
assert successfulIds.size() == 1;
* Basic commit operation test.
public void testClearGlobalNews_basic() throws Exception {
FacebookXmlRestClient client = FacebookSessionTestUtils.getSessionlessValidClient( FacebookXmlRestClient.class );
// initialize to nothing
// add news to clear
DashboardNewsItem newsItem = new DashboardNewsItem();
newsItem.setMessage( "{*actor*}, this is a global test message." );
newsItem.setActionLink( new BundleActionLink( "open", "" ) );
List<DashboardNewsItem> newsItems = new ArrayList<DashboardNewsItem>();
newsItems.add( newsItem );
String imageUrl = "";
Long newsId = client.dashboard_addGlobalNews( newsItems, imageUrl );
assert newsId != null;
// make sure it clears
Collection<Long> newsIdsToClear = new ArrayList<Long>();
newsIdsToClear.add( newsId );
boolean success = client.dashboard_clearGlobalNews( newsIdsToClear );
assert success;