* WSIFPort_EJOE.java
* created on 13.07.2006 by netseeker
* $Source$
* $Date$
* $Revision$
* ====================================================================
* Copyright 2006 netseeker aka Michael Manske
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* ====================================================================
* This file is part of the EJOE framework.
* For more information on the author, please see
* <http://www.manskes.de/>.
package de.netseeker.ejoe.ext.wsif;
import java.rmi.server.UID;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.wsdl.BindingOperation;
import javax.wsdl.Definition;
import javax.wsdl.Port;
import org.apache.wsif.WSIFException;
import org.apache.wsif.WSIFOperation;
import org.apache.wsif.base.WSIFDefaultPort;
import org.apache.wsif.logging.Trc;
import org.apache.wsif.providers.WSIFDynamicTypeMap;
import org.apache.wsif.util.WSIFUtils;
import de.netseeker.ejoe.ConnectionHeader;
import de.netseeker.ejoe.EJClient;
import de.netseeker.ejoe.adapter.AdapterFactory;
import de.netseeker.ejoe.adapter.SerializeAdapter;
import de.netseeker.ejoe.cache.LRUMap;
import de.netseeker.ejoe.ext.wsif.wsdl.EJOEAddress;
* WSIF port for EJOE
* @author netseeker
* @since
public class WSIFPort_EJOE extends WSIFDefaultPort
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Definition fieldDefinition;
private Port fieldPortModel;
protected Map operationInstances = new HashMap();
protected EJOEAddress ejoeAddress;
protected SerializeAdapter ejoeAdapter;
private LRUMap ejClientInstances = new LRUMap();
private Object _mutex = new Object();
* @param def
* @param port
* @param typeMaps
* @throws WSIFException
public WSIFPort_EJOE(Definition def, Port port, WSIFDynamicTypeMap typeMaps) throws WSIFException
Trc.entry( this, def, port, typeMaps );
fieldDefinition = def;
fieldPortModel = port;
ejoeAddress = (EJOEAddress) getExtElem( port, EJOEAddress.class, port.getExtensibilityElements() );
String adapter = ejoeAddress.getAdapterClass();
if ( adapter != null && adapter.length() > 0 )
ejoeAdapter = AdapterFactory.createAdapter( adapter );
catch ( Exception e )
throw new WSIFException( "The given SerializeAdapter " + adapter + " could not be loaded!", e );
if ( Trc.ON ) Trc.exit( deep() );
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.wsif.base.WSIFDefaultPort#createOperation(java.lang.String)
public WSIFOperation createOperation( String operationName ) throws WSIFException
Trc.entry( this, operationName );
WSIFOperation wo = createOperation( operationName, null, null );
Trc.exit( wo );
return wo;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.wsif.base.WSIFDefaultPort#createOperation(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public WSIFOperation createOperation( String operationName, String inputName, String outputName )
throws WSIFException
Trc.entry( this, operationName, inputName, outputName );
WSIFOperation_EJOE op = getDynamicEJOEOperation( operationName, inputName, outputName );
if ( op == null )
throw new WSIFException( "Could not create operation: " + operationName + ':' + inputName + ':'
+ outputName );
WSIFOperation wo = op.copy();
Trc.exit( wo );
return wo;
* @param name
* @param inputName
* @param outputName
* @return
* @throws WSIFException
public WSIFOperation_EJOE getDynamicEJOEOperation( String name, String inputName, String outputName )
throws WSIFException
Trc.entry( this, name, inputName, outputName );
WSIFOperation_EJOE operation = (WSIFOperation_EJOE) operationInstances
.get( getKey( name, inputName, outputName ) );
if ( operation == null )
BindingOperation bindingOperationModel = WSIFUtils.getBindingOperation( fieldPortModel.getBinding(), name,
inputName, outputName );
if ( bindingOperationModel != null )
operation = new WSIFOperation_EJOE( fieldPortModel, bindingOperationModel, this );
setDynamicWSIFOperation( name, inputName, outputName, operation );
Trc.exit( operation );
return operation;
// WSIF: keep list of operations available in this port
public void setDynamicWSIFOperation( String name, String inputName, String outputName, WSIFOperation_EJOE value )
Trc.entry( this, name, inputName, outputName );
operationInstances.put( getKey( name, inputName, outputName ), value );
* @return
public EJClient getEJClient()
EJClient client = getEJClientFromCache();
if ( client == null )
String address[] = ejoeAddress.getEjoeServerURL().split( "://" );
boolean isHttp = address[0].equalsIgnoreCase( "http" );
int index = address[1].lastIndexOf( ':' );
String host = address[1].substring( 0, index );
String sPort = address[1].substring( index + 1 );
int port = Integer.parseInt( sPort );
client = new EJClient( host, port, ejoeAdapter, ejoeAddress.getUsePersistentConnection(), isHttp,
ejoeAddress.getUseCompression() );
if ( ejoeAddress.getTimeout() > 0 )
client.setConnectionTimeout( ejoeAddress.getTimeout() );
return client;
* @param client
public void returnEJClient( EJClient client )
ConnectionHeader header = client.getConnectionHeader();
if ( header != null && header.isPersistent() )
synchronized ( _mutex )
ejClientInstances.put( new UID().toString(), client );
public String deep()
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( super.toString() + ":\n" );
buf.append( "definition:" + Trc.brief( fieldDefinition ) );
buf.append( " portModel:" + Trc.brief( fieldPortModel ) );
buf.append( " ejoeAddress:" + ejoeAddress );
buf.append( " operationInstances: " );
if ( operationInstances == null )
buf.append( "null" );
buf.append( "size:" + operationInstances.size() );
Iterator it = operationInstances.keySet().iterator();
int i = 0;
while ( it.hasNext() )
String key = (String) it.next();
WSIFOperation_EJOE woe = (WSIFOperation_EJOE) operationInstances.get( key );
buf.append( "\noperationInstances[" + i + "]:" + key + ' ' + woe + ' ' );
catch ( Exception e )
Trc.exceptionInTrace( e );
return buf.toString();
private EJClient getEJClientFromCache()
EJClient client = null;
if ( this.ejClientInstances.size() > 0 )
synchronized ( _mutex )
Object key = this.ejClientInstances.keySet().iterator().next();
client = (EJClient) this.ejClientInstances.remove( key );
return client;