* Copyright 2003-2010 Terracotta, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.sf.ehcache.constructs.nonstop.store;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheException;
import net.sf.ehcache.Element;
import net.sf.ehcache.Status;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.TimeoutBehaviorConfiguration.TimeoutBehaviorType;
import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.nonstop.ClusterOperation;
import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.nonstop.NonStopCacheException;
import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.nonstop.NonstopActiveDelegateHolder;
import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.nonstop.NonstopTimeoutBehaviorFactory;
import net.sf.ehcache.search.Attribute;
import net.sf.ehcache.search.Results;
import net.sf.ehcache.search.attribute.AttributeExtractor;
import net.sf.ehcache.store.ElementValueComparator;
import net.sf.ehcache.store.Policy;
import net.sf.ehcache.store.StoreListener;
import net.sf.ehcache.store.StoreQuery;
import net.sf.ehcache.writer.CacheWriterManager;
* Implementation of {@link NonstopStore} that throws {@link NonStopCacheException} for all operations.
* @author Abhishek Sanoujam
public final class ExceptionOnTimeoutStore implements NonstopStore {
* The {@link NonstopTimeoutBehaviorFactory} to create {@link ExceptionOnTimeoutStore} stores
public static final NonstopTimeoutBehaviorFactory FACTORY = new NonstopTimeoutBehaviorFactory() {
public NonstopStore createNonstopTimeoutBehaviorStore(NonstopActiveDelegateHolder nonstopActiveDelegateHolder) {
return ExceptionOnTimeoutStore.getInstance();
* the singleton instance
private static final ExceptionOnTimeoutStore INSTANCE = new ExceptionOnTimeoutStore();
* private constructor
private ExceptionOnTimeoutStore() {
* returns the singleton instance
public static ExceptionOnTimeoutStore getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public Element get(final Object key) throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("get for key - '" + key + "' timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}
public Element getQuiet(final Object key) throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getQuiet for key - '" + key + "' timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public List getKeys() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getKeys timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public boolean put(final Element element) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, CacheException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("put for element - '" + element + "' timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public Element remove(final Object key) throws IllegalStateException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("remove for key - '" + key + "' timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public void removeAll() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("removeAll timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public void flush() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("flush timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public Object getInternalContext() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getInternalContext timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public int getSize() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getSize timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public Element putIfAbsent(Element element) throws NullPointerException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("putIfAbsent timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public Element replace(Element element) throws NullPointerException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("replace timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public void addStoreListener(StoreListener listener) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("addStoreListener timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public boolean bufferFull() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("bufferFull timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("containsKey timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public boolean containsKeyInMemory(Object key) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("containsKeyInMemory timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public boolean containsKeyOffHeap(Object key) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("containsKeyOffHeap timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public boolean containsKeyOnDisk(Object key) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("containsKeyOnDisk timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public void dispose() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("dispose timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public Results executeQuery(StoreQuery query) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("executeQuery timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public void expireElements() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("expireElements timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public Policy getInMemoryEvictionPolicy() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getInMemoryEvictionPolicy timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public int getInMemorySize() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getInMemorySize timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public long getInMemorySizeInBytes() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getInMemorySizeInBytes timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public Object getMBean() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getMBean timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public int getOffHeapSize() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getOffHeapSize timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public long getOffHeapSizeInBytes() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getOffHeapSizeInBytes timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public int getOnDiskSize() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getOnDiskSize timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public long getOnDiskSizeInBytes() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getOnDiskSizeInBytes timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public Status getStatus() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getStatus timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public int getTerracottaClusteredSize() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getTerracottaClusteredSize timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public boolean isCacheCoherent() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("isCacheCoherent timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public boolean isClusterCoherent() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("isClusterCoherent timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public boolean isNodeCoherent() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("isNodeCoherent timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public boolean putWithWriter(Element element, CacheWriterManager writerManager) throws CacheException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("putWithWriter timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public Element removeElement(Element element, ElementValueComparator comparator) throws NullPointerException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("removeElement timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public void removeStoreListener(StoreListener listener) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("removeStoreListener timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public Element removeWithWriter(Object key, CacheWriterManager writerManager) throws CacheException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("removeWithWriter timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public boolean replace(Element old, Element element, ElementValueComparator comparator) throws NullPointerException,
IllegalArgumentException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("replace timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public void setAttributeExtractors(Map<String, AttributeExtractor> extractors) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("setAttributeExtractors timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public void setInMemoryEvictionPolicy(Policy policy) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("setInMemoryEvictionPolicy timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public void setNodeCoherent(boolean coherent) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("setNodeCoherent timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public void waitUntilClusterCoherent() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
throw new NonStopCacheException("waitUntilClusterCoherent timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}.
* <p>
* Throws {@link NonStopCacheException}
public <T> Attribute<T> getSearchAttribute(String attributeName) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getSearchAttribute timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set getLocalKeys() {
throw new NonStopCacheException("getLocalKeys() timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}
public Element unlockedGet(Object key) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("unlockedGet() timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}
public Element unlockedGetQuiet(Object key) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("unlockedGetQuiet() timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}
public Element unsafeGet(Object key) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("unsafeGet() timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}
public Element unsafeGetQuiet(Object key) {
throw new NonStopCacheException("unsafeGetQuiet() timed out");
* {@inheritDoc}
public <V> V executeClusterOperation(ClusterOperation<V> operation) {
return operation.performClusterOperationTimedOut(TimeoutBehaviorType.EXCEPTION);