package org.drools.smf;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.jci.readers.ResourceReader;
import org.apache.commons.jci.stores.ResourceStore;
import org.drools.rule.Declaration;
import org.drools.rule.Rule;
import org.drools.spi.Consequence;
import org.drools.spi.RuleComponent;
public class RuleCompiler
private static final RuleCompiler INSTANCE = new RuleCompiler();
public static RuleCompiler getInstance()
return RuleCompiler.INSTANCE;
private RuleCompiler()
public void compile(Rule rule,
String packageName,
Map parents,
Map ruleNameMap,
String knowledgeHelper,
ResourceReader src,
ResourceStore dst,
ClassLoader classLoader) throws IOException
Map map = new HashMap();
Map files = new HashMap();
Map invokers = new HashMap();
files.put( "invokers",
invokers );
// First gather up all the conditions for the different SMF compiler lists
List conditions = rule.getConditions();
Iterator it = conditions.iterator();
SemanticRule condition = null;
SemanticRuleCompiler compiler = null;
Object object = null;
while ( it.hasNext() )
object =;
//only process this component if it implements the SemanticRule interface
if ( ! ( object instanceof SemanticRule ) )
condition = (SemanticRule) object;
compiler = condition.getSemanticRuleCompiler();
List list = (List) map.get( compiler );
if ( list == null )
list = new ArrayList();
list.add( condition );
map.put( compiler,
list );
List list = null;
// Add the consequence for to its smf compiler list
Consequence consequence = rule.getConsequence();
//only process this component if it implements the SemanticRule interface
if ( consequence instanceof SemanticRule )
compiler = ((SemanticRule) consequence).getSemanticRuleCompiler();
list = (List) map.get( compiler );
if ( list == null )
list = new ArrayList();
list.add( consequence );
map.put( compiler,
list );
it = map.keySet().iterator();
RuleComponent[] components = null;
String semanticPackageName = null;
String name = null;
String className = null;
List declarations = null;
while ( it.hasNext() )
// Make a copy of the imports
// Cannot use the original as it will be updated by the compiler
Set imports = new HashSet();
imports.addAll( rule.getImporter().getImports() );
compiler = (SemanticRuleCompiler);
list = (List) map.get( compiler );
components = (RuleComponent[]) list.toArray( new RuleComponent[list.size()] );
name = rule.getName();
className = (String) ruleNameMap.get( rule.getName() );
if ( className == null )
semanticPackageName = packageName + "." + compiler.getSemanticType();
className = generateUniqueLegalName( semanticPackageName,
name.toUpperCase().charAt( 0 ) + name.substring( 1 ),
"." + compiler.getSemanticType() );
ruleNameMap.put( rule,
className );
declarations = rule.getParameterDeclarations();
compiler.generate( components,
(Declaration[]) declarations.toArray( new Declaration[declarations.size()] ),
(String) parents.get( compiler.getSemanticType() ),
files );
compile( files, src, dst, classLoader );
compile( invokers, src, dst, classLoader );
// it = files.keySet().iterator();
// Object object = null;
// list = null;
// while ( it.hasNext() )
// {
// object =;
// if ( object instanceof SemanticRuleCompiler ) {
// compiler = (SemanticRuleCompiler) object;
// list = ( List ) files.get( compiler );
// compiler.compile( ( String[] ) list.toArray( new String[ list.size() ] ),
// src,
// dst );
// }
// }
// it = invokers.keySet().iterator();
// object = null;
// list = null;
// while ( it.hasNext() )
// {
// object =;
// if ( object instanceof SemanticRuleCompiler ) {
// compiler = (SemanticRuleCompiler) object;
// list = ( List ) files.get( compiler );
// compiler.compile( ( String[] ) list.toArray( new String[ list.size() ] ),
// src,
// dst );
// }
// }
private void compile( Map files,
ResourceReader src,
ResourceStore dst,
ClassLoader classLoader)
Iterator it = files.keySet().iterator();
Object object = null;
List list = null;
SemanticRuleCompiler compiler = null;
while ( it.hasNext() )
object =;
if ( object instanceof SemanticRuleCompiler ) {
compiler = (SemanticRuleCompiler) object;
list = ( List ) files.get( compiler );
compiler.compile( ( String[] ) list.toArray( new String[ list.size() ] ),
* Takes a given name and makes sure that its legal and doesn't already exist. If the file exists it increases counter appender untill it is unique.
* @param packageName
* @param name
* @param ext
* @return
private String generateUniqueLegalName(String packageName,
ResourceReader src,
String name,
String ext)
// replaces the first char if its a number and after that all non
// alphanumeric or $ chars with _
String newName = name.replaceAll( "(^[0-9]|[^\\w$])",
"_" );
// make sure the class name does not exist, if it does increase the counter
int counter = -1;
boolean exists = true;
while ( exists )
String fileName = packageName.replaceAll( "\\.",
"/" ) + newName + "_" + counter + ext;
exists = src.isAvailable(fileName);
// we have duplicate file names so append counter
if ( counter >= 0 )
newName = newName + "_" + counter;
return newName;