import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.drools.rule.Declaration;
import org.drools.semantics.base.ClassObjectType;
import org.drools.spi.KnowledgeHelper;
import org.drools.spi.ObjectType;
* @todo make sure its solid for nested/inner class definitions
* @todo still uding == '\n' should work with newline
* @author mproctor
public class JavaMethodGenerator
private static final JavaMethodGenerator INSTANCE = new JavaMethodGenerator();
private static final String newline = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
public static JavaMethodGenerator getInstance()
return INSTANCE;
private JavaMethodGenerator()
public StringBuffer generateMethod(String methodName,
String returnType,
String exception,
String script,
Set imports,
Set usedApplicationData,
String knowledgeHelper,
Map applicationData,
Declaration[] declarations,
int indentSize)
Parameter[] source = getParameters( applicationData,
script );
int size = usedApplicationData.size() + declarations.length;
int offset = 0;
if ( knowledgeHelper != null )
Parameter[] parameters = new Parameter[size];
if ( knowledgeHelper != null )
imports.add( KnowledgeHelper.class.getName() );
parameters[0] = new Parameter( KnowledgeHelper.class.getName(),
knowledgeHelper );
offset = 1;
System.arraycopy( source,
source.length );
offset += source.length;
source = getParameters( declarations,
imports );
System.arraycopy( source,
source.length );
StringBuffer buffer = generateMethod( methodName,
indentSize );
return buffer;
private Parameter[] getParameters(Map applicationData,
Set usedApplicationData,
Set imports,
String script)
List list = new ArrayList();
Set keys = applicationData.keySet();
Iterator it = keys.iterator();
String key;
Class clazz;
String type;
int nestedClassPosition;
while ( it.hasNext() )
key = (String);
* poor mans check. Only add the application variable if it appears as text in the script
if ( script.indexOf( key ) == -1 )
clazz = (Class) applicationData.get( key );
type = clazz.getName();
nestedClassPosition = type.indexOf( '$' );
if ( nestedClassPosition != -1 )
type = type.substring( 0,
nestedClassPosition );
usedApplicationData.add( key );
imports.add( type );
list.add( new Parameter( type,
key ) );
return (Parameter[]) list.toArray( new Parameter[list.size()] );
private Parameter[] getParameters(Declaration[] declarations,
Set imports)
List list = new ArrayList();
ObjectType objectType;
Class clazz;
String identifier;
Declaration declaration;
String type;
int nestedClassPosition;
for ( int i = 0; i < declarations.length; i++ )
declaration = declarations[i];
identifier = declaration.getIdentifier();
objectType = declaration.getObjectType();
clazz = ((ClassObjectType) objectType).getType();
type = clazz.getName();
nestedClassPosition = type.indexOf( '$' );
if ( nestedClassPosition != -1 )
type = type.substring( 0,
nestedClassPosition );
imports.add( type );
list.add( new Parameter( type,
identifier ) );
return (Parameter[]) list.toArray( new Parameter[list.size()] );
public StringBuffer generateMethod(String methodName,
String returnType,
String exception,
String script,
Set imports,
Parameter[] parameters,
int indentSize)
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int lastImportIndex = getLastImportIndex( script,
imports );
String indent = indent( indentSize );
StringBuffer buffer2 = new StringBuffer();
buffer2.append( indent );
buffer2.append( "public static " );
buffer2.append( returnType );
buffer2.append( " " );
buffer2.append( methodName );
buffer2.append( "(" );
indentSize = buffer2.length();
indent = indent( indentSize );
buffer.append( buffer2 );
if ( parameters.length != 0 )
buffer.append( createParameterStringBuffer( parameters,
indent( indentSize ),
false ) );
indentSize = 4;
indent = indent( indentSize );
buffer.append( ") " );
if ( exception != null )
buffer.append( "throws " );
buffer.append( exception );
buffer.append( newline );
buffer.append( indent );
buffer.append( "{" );
buffer.append( newline );
buffer.append( indent );
buffer.append( indent );
if ( !returnType.equals( "void" ) )
imports.add( "org.drools.smf.ConditionInvoker" );
buffer.append( "return ( " );
buffer.append( script.substring( lastImportIndex ) );
while ( buffer.charAt( buffer.length() - 1 ) == '\n' )
buffer.deleteCharAt( buffer.length() - 1 );
buffer.append( " );" );
buffer.append( newline );
imports.add( "org.drools.smf.ConsequenceInvoker" );
buffer.append( script.substring( lastImportIndex ) );
if ( script.charAt( script.length() - 1 ) != '\n' )
buffer.append( newline );
buffer.append( indent );
buffer.append( "}" );
buffer.append( newline );
buffer.append( newline );
return buffer;
private StringBuffer createParameterStringBuffer(Parameter[] parameters,
String indent,
boolean indentFirst)
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
String type = null;
for ( int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++ )
if ( i > 0 )
buffer.append( "," );
buffer.append( newline );
if ( indentFirst || i > 0 )
buffer.append( indent );
// its already imported so dont use fully qualified
type = parameters[i].getType();
buffer.append( " " );
/* @todo: allow this to handle nested types and Classes with no packages */
buffer.append( type.substring( type.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1,
type.length() ) );
buffer.append( " " );
buffer.append( parameters[i].getIdentifier() );
return buffer;
* Return the index of the ; for the last import. Also removes imports from the Set that are already part of the script.
* @param script
* @param imports
* @return
* @todo should try and include relevant imports
private int getLastImportIndex(String script,
Set imports)
char[] chars = script.toCharArray();
boolean foundImport = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++ )
i = skipChars( chars,
i );
if ( chars[i] == 'i' && chars[i + 1] == 'm' && chars[i + 2] == 'p' && chars[i + 3] == 'o' && chars[i + 4] == 'r' && chars[i + 5] == 't' )
i += 6;
i = skipChars( chars,
i );
foundImport = true;
return i;
// We use this to extract imports
if ( foundImport )
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
while ( chars[i] != ';' && chars[i] != '/' && chars[i] != ' ' )
buffer.append( chars[i] );
// we go back one as it will be incremented by the loop
imports.add( buffer.toString() );
foundImport = false;
return -1;
private int skipChars(char[] chars,
int i)
boolean loop = true;
while ( loop )
switch ( chars[i] )
case '/' :
if ( chars[i + 1] == '*' )
// found '/*' skip till '*/'
i = skipSlashStarComments( chars,
i );
// found '//' spip till '\n'
while ( !(chars[i] == '\n') )
case ' ' :
case '\n' :
case ';' :
default :
loop = false;
return i;
private int skipSlashStarComments(char[] chars,
int i)
while ( !(chars[i] == '*' && chars[i + 1] == '/') )
i += 2;
while ( chars[i] == ' ' )
// skip /* ... */
if ( chars[i] == '/' && chars[i + 1] == '*' )
i = skipSlashStarComments( chars,
i );
return i;
static class Parameter
private String type;
private String identifier;
public Parameter(String type,
String identifier)
this.type = type;
this.identifier = identifier;
public String getType()
return this.type;
public String getIdentifier()
return this.identifier;
private String indent(int i)
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for ( ; i > 0; i-- )
buffer.append( " " );
return buffer.toString();