package org.drools.rule;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.drools.FactHandle;
import org.drools.reteoo.InstrumentedReteTuple;
import org.drools.reteoo.InstrumentedWorkingMemoryImpl;
import org.drools.spi.BooleanExpressionConstraint;
import org.drools.spi.ClassObjectType;
import org.drools.spi.ConstraintComparator;
import org.drools.spi.Extractor;
import org.drools.spi.LiteralExpressionConstraint;
import org.drools.spi.ObjectType;
import org.drools.spi.ReturnValueExpressionConstraint;
import org.drools.spi.Tuple;
public class ConstraintTest extends TestCase
public ConstraintTest()
super( );
* <pre>
* ( Cheese (type "cheddar") )
* </pre>
* This is currently the same as using a ReturnValueConstraint just that it
* doesn't need any requiredDeclarations
public void testLiteralConstraint()
LiteralExpressionConstraint isCheddar = new LiteralExpressionConstraint( ) {
public boolean isAllowed(Object object,
ConstraintComparator comparator)
Cheese cheese = (Cheese) object;
return cheese.getType( ),
"cheddar" );
* Creates a constraint with the given expression
LiteralConstraint constraint0 = new LiteralConstraint( isCheddar,
new StringConstraintComparator( ConstraintComparator.EQUAL ) );
Cheese cheddar = new Cheese( "cheddar",
5 );
/* check constraint */
assertTrue( constraint0.isAllowed( cheddar ) );
Cheese stilton = new Cheese( "stilton",
5 );
/* check constraint */
assertFalse( constraint0.isAllowed( stilton ) );
* <pre>
* ( Cheese ( type ?typeOfCheese ) )
* </pre>
public void testBoundConstraint()
InstrumentedWorkingMemoryImpl workingMemory = new InstrumentedWorkingMemoryImpl( );
ObjectType stringObjectType = new ClassObjectType( String.class );
/* Determines how the bound value is extracted from the column */
Extractor typeOfCheeseExtractor = new Extractor( ) {
public Object getValue(Object object)
return ((Cheese) object).getType( );
/* Bind the extractor to a decleration */
/* Declarations know the column they derive their value form */
Declaration typeOfCheeseDeclaration = new Declaration( 0,
0 );
/* Create some facts */
Cheese cheddar = new Cheese( "cheddar",
5 );
FactHandle f0 = workingMemory.createFactHandle( 0 );
workingMemory.putObject( f0,
cheddar );
InstrumentedReteTuple tuple = new InstrumentedReteTuple( 0,
workingMemory );
/* check constraint on the column */
assertEquals( "cheddar",
tuple.get( typeOfCheeseDeclaration ) );
* <pre>
* (Cheese (type ?typeOfCheese )
* (Cheese (type ?typeOfCheese )
* </pre>
* In this case its really up to the compiler to realise the second binding
* really is actually a constraint, ie making sure it has the same value as
* derived from the first column's type field.
public void testDoubleBoundConstraint()
InstrumentedWorkingMemoryImpl workingMemory = new InstrumentedWorkingMemoryImpl( );
ObjectType stringObjectType = new ClassObjectType( String.class );
/* Determines how the bound value is extracted from the column */
Extractor typeOfCheeseExtractor = new Extractor( ) {
public Object getValue(Object object)
return ((Cheese) object).getType( );
/* Bind the extractor to a decleration */
/* Declarations know the column they derive their value form */
Declaration typeOfCheeseDeclaration = new Declaration( 0,
0 );
ReturnValueExpressionConstraint isCheddar = new ReturnValueExpressionConstraint( ) {
public boolean isAllowed(Object object,
FactHandle handle,
Declaration[] declarations,
Tuple tuple,
ConstraintComparator comparator)
return ((Cheese) object).getType( ),
tuple.get( declarations[0] ) );
* Creates a constraint with an expression and an array of required
* declarations
ReturnValueConstraint constraint1 = new ReturnValueConstraint( isCheddar,
new Declaration[]{typeOfCheeseDeclaration},
new StringConstraintComparator( ConstraintComparator.EQUAL ) );
Cheese cheddar0 = new Cheese( "cheddar",
5 );
FactHandle f0 = workingMemory.createFactHandle( 0 );
workingMemory.putObject( f0,
cheddar0 );
InstrumentedReteTuple tuple = new InstrumentedReteTuple( 0,
workingMemory );
Cheese cheddar1 = new Cheese( "cheddar",
5 );
FactHandle f1 = workingMemory.createFactHandle( 1 );
workingMemory.putObject( f1,
cheddar1 );
tuple = new InstrumentedReteTuple( tuple,
new InstrumentedReteTuple( 1,
workingMemory ) );
assertTrue( constraint1.isAllowed( cheddar1,
tuple ) );
cheddar1 = new Cheese( "stilton",
5 );
workingMemory.putObject( f1,
cheddar1 );
* simulate a modify, so we can check for a false assertion.
assertFalse( constraint1.isAllowed( cheddar1,
tuple ) );
* <pre>
* (Cheese (price ?price1 )
* (Cheese (price ?price2&:(= ?price2 (* 2 ?price1) )
* </pre>
public void testBooleanExpressionConstraint()
InstrumentedWorkingMemoryImpl workingMemory = new InstrumentedWorkingMemoryImpl( );
ObjectType integerObjectType = new ClassObjectType( Integer.class );
/* Determines how the bound value is extracted from the column */
Extractor priceOfCheeseExtractor = new Extractor( ) {
public Object getValue(Object object)
return new Integer( ((Cheese) object).getPrice( ) );
/* Bind the extractor to a decleration */
/* Declarations know the column they derive their value form */
Declaration price1Declaration = new Declaration( 0,
0 );
/* Bind the extractor to a decleration */
/* Declarations know the column they derive their value form */
Declaration price2Declaration = new Declaration( 1,
1 );
BooleanExpressionConstraint isDoubleThePrice = new BooleanExpressionConstraint( ) {
public boolean isAllowed(Object object,
FactHandle handle,
Declaration declaration, // ?price2
Declaration[] declarations, // ?price1
Tuple tuple)
int price1 = ((Integer) tuple.get( declarations[0] )).intValue( );
int price2 = ((Integer) tuple.get( declaration )).intValue( );
return (price2 == (price1 * 2));
BooleanConstraint constraint1 = new BooleanConstraint( isDoubleThePrice,
new Declaration[]{price1Declaration} );
Cheese cheddar0 = new Cheese( "cheddar",
5 );
FactHandle f0 = workingMemory.createFactHandle( 0 );
workingMemory.putObject( f0,
cheddar0 );
InstrumentedReteTuple tuple = new InstrumentedReteTuple( 0,
workingMemory );
Cheese cheddar1 = new Cheese( "cheddar",
10 );
FactHandle f1 = workingMemory.createFactHandle( 1 );
workingMemory.putObject( f1,
cheddar1 );
tuple = new InstrumentedReteTuple( tuple,
new InstrumentedReteTuple( 1,
workingMemory ) );
assertTrue( constraint1.isAllowed( cheddar1,
tuple ) );
* <pre>
* (Cheese (price ?price )
* (Cheese (price =(* 2 ?price) )
* (Cheese (price >(* 2 ?price) )
* </pre>
public void testReturnValueConstraint()
InstrumentedWorkingMemoryImpl workingMemory = new InstrumentedWorkingMemoryImpl( );
ObjectType integerObjectType = new ClassObjectType( Integer.class );
/* Determines how the bound value is extracted from the column */
Extractor priceOfCheeseExtractor = new Extractor( ) {
public Object getValue(Object object)
return new Integer( ((Cheese) object).getPrice( ) );
/* Bind the extractor to a decleration */
/* Declarations know the column they derive their value form */
Declaration priceDeclaration = new Declaration( 0,
0 );
ReturnValueExpressionConstraint isDoubleThePrice = new ReturnValueExpressionConstraint( ) {
public boolean isAllowed(Object object,
FactHandle handle,
Declaration[] declarations, // ?price
Tuple tuple,
ConstraintComparator comparator)
int price = ((Integer) tuple.get( declarations[0] )).intValue( );
return new Integer( ((Cheese) object).getPrice( ) ),
new Integer( 2 * price ) );
ReturnValueConstraint constraint1 = new ReturnValueConstraint( isDoubleThePrice,
new Declaration[]{priceDeclaration},
new NumericConstraintComparator( ConstraintComparator.EQUAL ) );
ReturnValueConstraint constraint2 = new ReturnValueConstraint( isDoubleThePrice,
new Declaration[]{priceDeclaration},
new NumericConstraintComparator( ConstraintComparator.GREATER ) );
Cheese cheddar0 = new Cheese( "cheddar",
5 );
FactHandle f0 = workingMemory.createFactHandle( 0 );
workingMemory.putObject( f0,
cheddar0 );
InstrumentedReteTuple tuple = new InstrumentedReteTuple( 0,
workingMemory );
Cheese cheddar1 = new Cheese( "cheddar",
10 );
FactHandle f1 = workingMemory.createFactHandle( 1 );
workingMemory.putObject( f1,
cheddar1 );
tuple = new InstrumentedReteTuple( tuple,
new InstrumentedReteTuple( 0,
workingMemory ) );
assertTrue( constraint1.isAllowed( cheddar1,
tuple ) );
assertFalse( constraint2.isAllowed( cheddar1,
tuple ) );
static public class Cheese
private String type;
private int price;
public Cheese(String type,
int price)
this.type = type;
this.price = price;
public String getType()
return this.type;
public int getPrice()
return this.price;
public boolean equals(Object object)
return this.type.equals( ((Cheese) object).getType( ) );
static public class Person
private String name;
public Person(String name)
{ = name;
public String getName()