package org.drools.reteoo;
import org.drools.AssertionException;
import org.drools.DroolsTestCase;
import org.drools.FactException;
import org.drools.FactHandle;
import org.drools.RetractionException;
import org.drools.rule.BooleanConstraint;
import org.drools.rule.Declaration;
import org.drools.rule.Rule;
import org.drools.spi.BooleanExpressionConstraint;
import org.drools.spi.ClassObjectType;
import org.drools.spi.Extractor;
import org.drools.spi.ObjectType;
import org.drools.spi.PropagationContext;
import org.drools.spi.Tuple;
public class NotNodeTest extends DroolsTestCase
Rule rule;
PropagationContext context;
WorkingMemoryImpl workingMemory;
MockObjectSource objectSource;
MockTupleSource tupleSource;
MockTupleSink sink;
BetaNode node;
BetaMemory memory;
* Setup the BetaNode used in each of the tests
public void setUp()
this.rule = new Rule( "test-rule" );
this.context = new PropagationContextImpl( PropagationContext.ASSERTION,
null );
this.workingMemory = new WorkingMemoryImpl( new RuleBaseImpl( new Rete() ) );
ObjectType stringObjectType = new ClassObjectType( String.class );
/* just return the object */
Extractor stringExtractor = new Extractor() {
public Object getValue(Object object)
return object;
/* Bind the extractor to a decleration */
Declaration string1Declaration = new Declaration( 0,
3 );
/* Bind the extractor to a decleration */
Declaration string2Declaration = new Declaration( 0,
9 );
/* create the boolean expression check */
BooleanExpressionConstraint checkString = new BooleanExpressionConstraint() {
public boolean isAllowed(Object object,
FactHandle handle,
Declaration declaration, // ?string1
Declaration[] declarations, // ?string2
Tuple tuple)
String string1 = (String) object;
String string2 = (String) tuple.get( declarations[0] );
return "string1string2".equals( string1 + string2 );
/* create the constraint */
BooleanConstraint constraint = new BooleanConstraint( checkString,
new Declaration[]{string2Declaration} );
/* string1Declaration is bound to column 3 */
this.node = new NotNode( 15,
new MockTupleSource( 5 ),
new MockObjectSource( 8 ),
new BetaNodeBinder( constraint ) );
this.sink = new MockTupleSink();
node.addTupleSink( sink );
this.memory = (BetaMemory) workingMemory.getNodeMemory( node );
* Test assertion with both Objects and Tuples
* @throws AssertionException
public void testAssertPropagations() throws FactException
/* assert tuple */
FactHandleImpl f0 = new FactHandleImpl( 0 );
workingMemory.putObject( f0,
"string2" );
ReteTuple tuple1 = new ReteTuple( 9,
workingMemory );
node.assertTuple( tuple1,
workingMemory );
/* no matching objects, so should propagate */
assertLength( 1,
sink.getAsserted() );
/* assert will match, so dont propagate */
FactHandleImpl f1 = new FactHandleImpl( 1 );
String string1 = "string1";
workingMemory.putObject( f1,
string1 );
node.assertObject( string1,
workingMemory );
/* check no propagations */
assertLength( 1,
sink.getAsserted() );
/* assert tuple, will have matches, so no propagation */
FactHandleImpl f2 = new FactHandleImpl( 2 );
workingMemory.putObject( f2,
"string2" );
ReteTuple tuple2 = new ReteTuple( 9,
workingMemory );
node.assertTuple( tuple2,
workingMemory );
/* check no propagations */
assertLength( 1,
sink.getAsserted() );
/* check memory sizes */
assertEquals( 2,
memory.leftMemorySize() );
assertEquals( 1,
memory.rightMemorySize() );
/* assert tuple, no matches, so propagate */
FactHandleImpl f3 = new FactHandleImpl( 3 );
workingMemory.putObject( f3,
"string3" );
ReteTuple tuple3 = new ReteTuple( 9,
workingMemory );
node.assertTuple( tuple3,
workingMemory );
/* check there was one propatation */
assertLength( 2,
sink.getAsserted() );
/* assert tuple, no matches, so propagate */
FactHandleImpl f4 = new FactHandleImpl( 4 );
workingMemory.putObject( f4,
"string4" );
ReteTuple tuple4 = new ReteTuple( 9,
workingMemory );
node.assertTuple( tuple4,
workingMemory );
/* check there was one propatation */
assertLength( 3,
sink.getAsserted() );
* assert object. While this object is correct there are incorrect tuples on the left side which will cause no matches and those left tuples will propagate
FactHandleImpl f5 = new FactHandleImpl( 5 );
String string5 = "string1";
workingMemory.putObject( f5,
string5 );
node.assertObject( string5,
workingMemory );
/* above has two none-matches, so propagate */
assertLength( 5,
sink.getAsserted() );
* assert object. While this one is incorrect Two tuples already have matches so cannot propagate
FactHandleImpl f6 = new FactHandleImpl( 6 );
String string6 = "string6";
workingMemory.putObject( f6,
string6 );
node.assertObject( string6,
workingMemory );
/* above has no matches, so check propagation */
assertLength( 7,
sink.getAsserted() );
/* check memories */
assertEquals( 4,
memory.leftMemorySize() );
assertEquals( 3,
memory.rightMemorySize() );
* Test retractions with both tuples and objects
* @throws AssertionException
* @throws RetractionException
public void testRetractPropagations() throws FactException
/* assert object */
FactHandleImpl f0 = new FactHandleImpl( 0 );
String string0 = "string1";
workingMemory.putObject( f0,
string0 );
node.assertObject( string0,
workingMemory );
/* assert tuple, will match so no propagation */
FactHandleImpl f1 = new FactHandleImpl( 1 );
workingMemory.putObject( f1,
"string2" );
ReteTuple tuple1 = new ReteTuple( 9,
workingMemory );
node.assertTuple( tuple1,
workingMemory );
/* check no propagations */
assertLength( 0,
sink.getAsserted() );
assertLength( 0,
sink.getRetracted() );
* retracting the object should mean no matches for the left tuple. So check left tuple propagated as assert
node.retractObject( f0,
workingMemory );
/* check left tuple asserted */
assertLength( 1,
sink.getAsserted() );
* make sure the asserted tuple is not joined with the right input object/handle
Object[] list = (Object[]) sink.getAsserted().get( 0 );
assertSame( tuple1,
list[0] );
/* check nothing actually propagated as retract */
assertLength( 0,
sink.getRetracted() );
* Try again with two left tuples, original is still asserted
node.assertObject( string0,
workingMemory );
/* check no propagations */
assertLength( 1,
sink.getAsserted() );
/* assert tuple, will match so no propagation */
FactHandleImpl f2 = new FactHandleImpl( 2 );
workingMemory.putObject( f2,
"string2" );
ReteTuple tuple2 = new ReteTuple( 9,
workingMemory );
node.assertTuple( tuple2,
workingMemory );
/* retracting the object should mean no matches for the two left tuples. */
node.retractObject( f0,
workingMemory );
/* check both tuples where asserted */
assertLength( 3,
sink.getAsserted() );
/* put the object back in so we can check tuple retractions */
node.assertObject( string0,
workingMemory );
/* Should retract and propagated the left tuple */
node.retractTuples( tuple1.getKey(),
workingMemory );
assertLength( 1,
sink.getRetracted() );
* retract the object, so we can later check a tuple retract with not matching objects
node.retractObject( f0,
workingMemory );
/* check tuple retract with no matches objects */
node.retractTuples( tuple2.getKey(),
workingMemory );
/* check tuplekey was propagated */
assertLength( 2,
sink.getRetracted() );
* Make sure the propagated keys where not combined with the right input object/handle
list = (Object[]) sink.getRetracted().get( 0 );
assertSame( tuple1.getKey(),
list[0] );
list = (Object[]) sink.getRetracted().get( 1 );
assertSame( tuple2.getKey(),
list[0] );