* Copyright 2002-2005 Uwyn bvba/sprl <info[remove] at uwyn dot com>
* Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License, v2.1 or later
* $Id: Register.java 1178 2005-01-05 20:38:38Z gbevin $
package com.uwyn.drone.modules;
import com.uwyn.drone.core.AbstractModule;
import com.uwyn.drone.core.Bot;
import com.uwyn.drone.core.exceptions.CoreException;
import com.uwyn.drone.protocol.AttributeCode;
import com.uwyn.drone.protocol.ServerMessage;
import com.uwyn.drone.protocol.commands.Privmsg;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Register extends AbstractModule
private static final String[] MESSAGE_COMMANDS = new String[] {"register"};
private static final Pattern REGISTER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^\\s*([^\\s]+)\\s+(.+)\\s*$");
private static final HashMap HELPMAP = new HashMap();
AttributeCode.BOLD+"Register"+AttributeCode.BOLD+" makes the bot register itself with a server bot."+AttributeCode.ENDLINE+
" "+AttributeCode.ENDLINE+
"Syntax: "+AttributeCode.BOLD+"REGISTER <botnick> <password>"+AttributeCode.BOLD+""+AttributeCode.ENDLINE+
" "+AttributeCode.ENDLINE+
"Registers the bot with its current nick with the provided"+AttributeCode.ENDLINE+
"bot nick and the provided password."+AttributeCode.ENDLINE);
public String getName()
return "REGISTER";
public String getDescription()
return "Registers the bot with a nick bot.";
public Map getHelpMap()
return HELPMAP;
public String[] getMessageCommands()
public void messageCommand(Bot bot, String nick, String command, String arguments, ServerMessage fullMessage)
throws CoreException
if (command.equals("register"))
if (null == arguments ||
arguments.length() < 2)
bot.send(new Privmsg(nick, "You need to provide 2 arguments to the command."));
Matcher register_matcher = REGISTER_PATTERN.matcher(arguments);
if (!register_matcher.matches() ||
register_matcher.groupCount() != 2)
bot.send(new Privmsg(nick, "Invalid syntax '"+command+" "+arguments+"'"));
String botnick = register_matcher.group(1).toLowerCase();
String password = register_matcher.group(2);
bot.send(new Privmsg(botnick, "register "+password));