* Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License *
* version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in *
* the LICENSE file. *
package org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered;
import org.apache.batik.util.DoublyLinkedList;
public class LRUCache {
* Interface for object participating in the LRU Cache. These
* inform the object of key events in the status of the object in
* the LRU cache.
public interface LRUObj {
* Called when the object first becomes active in the LRU cache.
* @param nde The LRU cache node associated with this object.
* should be remembered so it can be returned by
* <tt>lruGet</tt>.
public void lruSet(LRUNode nde);
* Called to get the LRU node for this object. Should return the
* node passed in to lruSet.
public LRUNode lruGet();
* Called to inform the object that it is no longer in the cache.
public void lruRemove();
* Interface for nodes in the LRU cache, basicly nodes in a doubly
* linked list.
public class LRUNode extends DoublyLinkedList.Node {
private LRUObj obj = null;
public LRUObj getObj () { return obj; }
protected void setObj (LRUObj newObj) {
if (obj != null) obj.lruRemove();
obj = newObj;
if (obj != null) obj.lruSet(this);
private DoublyLinkedList free = null;
private DoublyLinkedList used = null;
private int maxSize = 0;
public LRUCache(int size) {
if (size <= 0) size=1;
maxSize = size;
free = new DoublyLinkedList();
used = new DoublyLinkedList();
while (size > 0) {
free.add(new LRUNode());
public int getUsed() {
return used.getSize();
public synchronized void setSize(int newSz) {
if (maxSize < newSz) { // list grew...
for (int i=maxSize; i<newSz; i++)
free.add(new LRUNode());
} else if (maxSize > newSz) {
for (int i=used.getSize(); i>newSz; i--) {
LRUNode nde = (LRUNode)used.getTail();
maxSize = newSz;
public synchronized void flush() {
while (used.getSize() > 0) {
LRUNode nde = (LRUNode)used.pop();
public synchronized void remove(LRUObj obj) {
LRUNode nde = (LRUNode)obj.lruGet();
if (nde == null) return;
public synchronized void touch(LRUObj obj) {
LRUNode nde = (LRUNode)obj.lruGet();
if (nde == null) return;
public synchronized void add(LRUObj obj) {
LRUNode nde = (LRUNode)obj.lruGet();
// already linked in...
if (nde != null) {
if (free.getSize() > 0) {
nde = (LRUNode)free.pop();
} else {
nde = (LRUNode)used.getTail();
protected synchronized void print() {
System.out.println("In Use: " + used.getSize() +
" Free: " + free.getSize());
LRUNode nde = (LRUNode)used.getHead();
if (nde == null) return;
do {
nde = (LRUNode)nde.getNext();
} while (nde != used.getHead());