* Copyright 2005-2010 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.dozer.propertydescriptor;
import org.dozer.MappingException;
import org.dozer.factory.BeanCreationDirective;
import org.dozer.factory.DestBeanCreator;
import org.dozer.fieldmap.FieldMap;
import org.dozer.fieldmap.HintContainer;
import org.dozer.util.BridgedMethodFinder;
import org.dozer.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.dozer.util.MappingUtils;
import org.dozer.util.ReflectionUtils;
import org.dozer.util.TypeResolver;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
* Internal class used to read and write values for fields that have a getter and setter method. This class encapsulates
* underlying dozer specific logic such as index mapping and deep mapping for reading and writing field values. Only
* intended for internal use.
* @author garsombke.franz
* @author tierney.matt
* @author dmitry.buzdin
public abstract class GetterSetterPropertyDescriptor extends AbstractPropertyDescriptor {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GetterSetterPropertyDescriptor.class);
private Class<?> propertyType;
public GetterSetterPropertyDescriptor(Class<?> clazz, String fieldName, boolean isIndexed, int index,
HintContainer srcDeepIndexHintContainer, HintContainer destDeepIndexHintContainer) {
super(clazz, fieldName, isIndexed, index, srcDeepIndexHintContainer, destDeepIndexHintContainer);
public abstract Method getWriteMethod() throws NoSuchMethodException;
protected abstract Method getReadMethod() throws NoSuchMethodException;
protected abstract String getSetMethodName() throws NoSuchMethodException;
protected abstract boolean isCustomSetMethod();
public Class<?> getPropertyType() {
if (propertyType == null) {
propertyType = determinePropertyType();
return propertyType;
public Object getPropertyValue(Object bean) {
Object result;
if (MappingUtils.isDeepMapping(fieldName)) {
result = getDeepSrcFieldValue(bean);
} else {
result = invokeReadMethod(bean);
if (isIndexed) {
result = MappingUtils.getIndexedValue(result, index);
return result;
public void setPropertyValue(Object bean, Object value, FieldMap fieldMap) {
if (MappingUtils.isDeepMapping(fieldName)) {
writeDeepDestinationValue(bean, value, fieldMap);
} else {
if (!getPropertyType().isPrimitive() || value != null) {
//First check if value is indexed. If it's null, then the new array will be created
if (isIndexed) {
writeIndexedValue(bean, value);
} else {
// Check if dest value is already set and is equal to src value. If true, no need to rewrite the dest value
try {
if (getPropertyValue(bean) == value && !isIndexed) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// if we failed to read the value, assume we must write, and continue...
invokeWriteMethod(bean, value);
private Object getDeepSrcFieldValue(Object srcObj) {
// follow deep field hierarchy. If any values are null along the way, then return null
Object parentObj = srcObj;
Object hierarchyValue = parentObj;
DeepHierarchyElement[] hierarchy = getDeepFieldHierarchy(srcObj, srcDeepIndexHintContainer);
int size = hierarchy.length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
DeepHierarchyElement hierarchyElement = hierarchy[i];
PropertyDescriptor pd = hierarchyElement.getPropDescriptor();
// If any fields in the deep hierarchy are indexed, get actual value within the collection at the specified index
if (hierarchyElement.getIndex() > -1) {
hierarchyValue = MappingUtils.getIndexedValue(ReflectionUtils.invoke(pd.getReadMethod(), hierarchyValue, null),
} else {
hierarchyValue = ReflectionUtils.invoke(pd.getReadMethod(), parentObj, null);
parentObj = hierarchyValue;
if (hierarchyValue == null) {
// If dest field is indexed, get actual value within the collection at the specified index
if (isIndexed) {
hierarchyValue = MappingUtils.getIndexedValue(hierarchyValue, index);
return hierarchyValue;
protected void writeDeepDestinationValue(Object destObj, Object destFieldValue, FieldMap fieldMap) {
// follow deep field hierarchy. If any values are null along the way, then create a new instance
DeepHierarchyElement[] hierarchy = getDeepFieldHierarchy(destObj, fieldMap.getDestDeepIndexHintContainer());
// first, iteratate through hierarchy and instantiate any objects that are null
Object parentObj = destObj;
int hierarchyLength = hierarchy.length - 1;
int hintIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < hierarchyLength; i++) {
DeepHierarchyElement hierarchyElement = hierarchy[i];
PropertyDescriptor pd = hierarchyElement.getPropDescriptor();
Object value = ReflectionUtils.invoke(pd.getReadMethod(), parentObj, null);
Class<?> clazz;
Class<?> collectionEntryType;
if (value == null) {
clazz = pd.getPropertyType();
if (clazz.isInterface() && (i + 1) == hierarchyLength && fieldMap.getDestHintContainer() != null) {
// before setting the property on the destination object we should check for a destination hint. need to know
// that we are at the end of the line determine the property type
clazz = fieldMap.getDestHintContainer().getHint();
Object o = null;
if (clazz.isArray()) {
o = MappingUtils.prepareIndexedCollection(clazz, null, DestBeanCreator.create(clazz.getComponentType()),
} else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
Class<?> genericType = ReflectionUtils.determineGenericsType(pd);
if (genericType != null) {
collectionEntryType = genericType;
} else {
collectionEntryType = fieldMap.getDestDeepIndexHintContainer().getHint(hintIndex);
//hint index is used to handle multiple hints
hintIndex += 1;
o = MappingUtils.prepareIndexedCollection(clazz, null, DestBeanCreator.create(collectionEntryType), hierarchyElement
} else {
try {
o = DestBeanCreator.create(clazz);
} catch (Exception e) {
//lets see if they have a factory we can try as a last ditch. If not...throw the exception:
if (fieldMap.getClassMap().getDestClassBeanFactory() != null) {
o = DestBeanCreator.create(new BeanCreationDirective(null, fieldMap.getClassMap().getSrcClassToMap(), clazz, clazz, fieldMap.getClassMap()
.getDestClassBeanFactory(), fieldMap.getClassMap().getDestClassBeanFactoryId(), null));
} else {
ReflectionUtils.invoke(pd.getWriteMethod(), parentObj, new Object[] { o });
value = ReflectionUtils.invoke(pd.getReadMethod(), parentObj, null);
//Check to see if collection needs to be resized
if (MappingUtils.isSupportedCollection(value.getClass())) {
int currentSize = CollectionUtils.getLengthOfCollection(value);
if (currentSize < hierarchyElement.getIndex() + 1) {
collectionEntryType = pd.getPropertyType().getComponentType();
if (collectionEntryType == null){
collectionEntryType = ReflectionUtils.determineGenericsType(pd);
value = MappingUtils.prepareIndexedCollection(pd.getPropertyType(), value, DestBeanCreator.create(collectionEntryType), hierarchyElement.getIndex());
//value = MappingUtils.prepareIndexedCollection(pd.getPropertyType(), value, DestBeanCreator.create(collectionEntryType), hierarchyElement.getIndex());
ReflectionUtils.invoke(pd.getWriteMethod(), parentObj, new Object[] { value });
if (value != null && value.getClass().isArray()) {
parentObj = Array.get(value, hierarchyElement.getIndex());
} else if (value != null && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
parentObj = MappingUtils.getIndexedValue(value, hierarchyElement.getIndex());
} else {
parentObj = value;
// second, set the very last field in the deep hierarchy
PropertyDescriptor pd = hierarchy[hierarchy.length - 1].getPropDescriptor();
Class<?> type;
// For one-way mappings there could be no read method
if (pd.getReadMethod() != null) {
type = pd.getReadMethod().getReturnType();
} else {
type = pd.getWriteMethod().getParameterTypes()[0];
if (!type.isPrimitive() || destFieldValue != null) {
if (!isIndexed) {
Method method = null;
if (!isCustomSetMethod()) {
method = pd.getWriteMethod();
} else {
try {
method = ReflectionUtils.findAMethod(parentObj.getClass(), getSetMethodName());
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
ReflectionUtils.invoke(method, parentObj, new Object[] { destFieldValue });
} else {
writeIndexedValue(parentObj, destFieldValue);
protected Object invokeReadMethod(Object target) {
Object result = null;
try {
result = ReflectionUtils.invoke(getReadMethod(), target, null);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
return result;
protected void invokeWriteMethod(Object target, Object value) {
try {
ReflectionUtils.invoke(getWriteMethod(), target, new Object[] { value });
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
private DeepHierarchyElement[] getDeepFieldHierarchy(Object obj, HintContainer deepIndexHintContainer) {
return ReflectionUtils.getDeepFieldHierarchy(obj.getClass(), fieldName, deepIndexHintContainer);
private void writeIndexedValue(Object destObj, Object destFieldValue) {
Object existingValue = invokeReadMethod(destObj);
Object indexedValue = MappingUtils.prepareIndexedCollection(getPropertyType(), existingValue, destFieldValue, index);
invokeWriteMethod(destObj, indexedValue);
private Class determinePropertyType() {
Method readMethod = getBridgedReadMethod();
Method writeMethod = getBridgedWriteMethod();
Class returnType = null;
try {
returnType = TypeResolver.resolvePropertyType(clazz, readMethod, writeMethod);
} catch (Exception ignore) {
if (returnType != null) {
return returnType;
if (readMethod == null && writeMethod == null) {
throw new MappingException("No read or write method found for field (" + fieldName
+ ") in class (" + clazz + ")");
if (readMethod == null) {
return determineByWriteMethod(writeMethod);
} else {
try {
return readMethod.getReturnType();
} catch (Exception e) {
// let us try the set method - the field might have inacessible 'get' method
return determineByWriteMethod(writeMethod);
private Class determineByWriteMethod(Method writeMethod) {
try {
return writeMethod.getParameterTypes()[0];
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MappingException(e);
private Method getBridgedReadMethod() {
try {
return BridgedMethodFinder.findMethod(getReadMethod(), clazz);
} catch (Exception ignore) {
return null;
private Method getBridgedWriteMethod() {
try {
return BridgedMethodFinder.findMethod(getWriteMethod(), clazz);
} catch (Exception ignore) {
return null;
public Class<?> genericType() {
Class<?> genericType = null;
try {
Method method = getWriteMethod();
genericType = ReflectionUtils.determineGenericsType(method, false);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
log.warn("The destination object: {} does not have a write method for property : {}", e);
return genericType;