* Copyright 2005-2010 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.dozer.classmap;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.dozer.Mapping;
import org.dozer.MappingException;
import org.dozer.fieldmap.DozerField;
import org.dozer.fieldmap.FieldMap;
import org.dozer.fieldmap.GenericFieldMap;
import org.dozer.fieldmap.MapFieldMap;
import org.dozer.util.DozerConstants;
import org.dozer.util.MappingUtils;
import org.dozer.util.ReflectionUtils;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
* Internal class for adding implicit field mappings to a ClassMap. Also, builds implicit ClassMap for class mappings
* that don't have an explicit custom xml mapping. Only intended for internal use.
* @author tierney.matt
* @author garsombke.franz
public final class ClassMapBuilder {
private static final String CLASS = "class";
private static final String CALLBACK = "callback";
private static final String CALLBACKS = "callbacks";
static final List<ClassMappingGenerator> buildTimeGenerators = new ArrayList<ClassMappingGenerator>();
static final List<ClassMappingGenerator> runTimeGenerators = new ArrayList<ClassMappingGenerator>();
static {
buildTimeGenerators.add(new AnnotationPropertiesGenerator());
buildTimeGenerators.add(new AnnotationFieldsGenerator());
buildTimeGenerators.add(new MapMappingGenerator());
buildTimeGenerators.add(new BeanMappingGenerator());
buildTimeGenerators.add(new CollectionMappingGenerator());
runTimeGenerators.add(new AnnotationPropertiesGenerator());
runTimeGenerators.add(new AnnotationFieldsGenerator());
runTimeGenerators.add(new MapMappingGenerator());
runTimeGenerators.add(new BeanMappingGenerator());
private ClassMapBuilder() {
// TODO Cover with test cases
// TODO Remove duplication
// TODO Use Dozer Builder if possible ?
// TODO Add Exclude Annotation process by separate generator
// TODO Add Pluggable Buidlers
// TODO Add field matcher based builder
// TODO Add annotation based builder
* Builds new default mapping on-the-fly for previously unknown mapped class pairs.
* @param globalConfiguration
* @param srcClass
* @param destClass
* @return
public static ClassMap createDefaultClassMap(Configuration globalConfiguration, Class<?> srcClass, Class<?> destClass) {
ClassMap classMap = new ClassMap(globalConfiguration);
classMap.setSrcClass(new DozerClass(srcClass.getName(), srcClass, globalConfiguration.getBeanFactory(), null, null, null,
null, DozerConstants.DEFAULT_MAP_NULL_POLICY, DozerConstants.DEFAULT_MAP_EMPTY_STRING_POLICY, false));
classMap.setDestClass(new DozerClass(destClass.getName(), destClass, globalConfiguration.getBeanFactory(), null, null, null,
null, DozerConstants.DEFAULT_MAP_NULL_POLICY, DozerConstants.DEFAULT_MAP_EMPTY_STRING_POLICY, false));
generateMapping(classMap, globalConfiguration, buildTimeGenerators);
return classMap;
* Prepares default mappings based on provided mapping definition
* @param classMappings
* @param globalConfiguration
public static void addDefaultFieldMappings(ClassMappings classMappings, Configuration globalConfiguration) {
Set<Entry<String, ClassMap>> entries = classMappings.getAll().entrySet();
for (Entry<String, ClassMap> entry : entries) {
ClassMap classMap = entry.getValue();
generateMapping(classMap, globalConfiguration, runTimeGenerators);
private static void generateMapping(ClassMap classMap, Configuration configuration, List<ClassMappingGenerator> mappingGenerators) {
if (!classMap.isWildcard()) {
for (ClassMappingGenerator generator : mappingGenerators) {
if (generator.accepts(classMap)) {
if (generator.apply(classMap, configuration)) {
static boolean shouldIgnoreField(String fieldName, Class<?> srcType, Class<?> destType) {
if (CLASS.equals(fieldName)) {
return true;
if ((CALLBACK.equals(fieldName) || CALLBACKS.equals(fieldName))
&& (MappingUtils.isProxy(srcType) || MappingUtils.isProxy(destType))) {
return true;
return false;
public static interface ClassMappingGenerator {
boolean accepts(ClassMap classMap);
// returns true if last in the chain
boolean apply(ClassMap classMap, Configuration configuration);
public static class MapMappingGenerator implements ClassMappingGenerator {
public boolean accepts(ClassMap classMap) {
Class<?> srcClass = classMap.getSrcClassToMap();
Class<?> destClass = classMap.getDestClassToMap();
return MappingUtils.isSupportedMap(srcClass) || classMap.getSrcClassMapGetMethod() != null
|| MappingUtils.isSupportedMap(destClass) || classMap.getDestClassMapGetMethod() != null;
public boolean apply(ClassMap classMap, Configuration configuration) {
Class<?> srcClass = classMap.getSrcClassToMap();
Class<?> destClass = classMap.getDestClassToMap();
PropertyDescriptor[] properties;
boolean destinationIsMap = false;
if (MappingUtils.isSupportedMap(srcClass) || classMap.getSrcClassMapGetMethod() != null) {
properties = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(destClass);
} else {
properties = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(srcClass);
destinationIsMap = true;
for (PropertyDescriptor property : properties) {
String fieldName = property.getName();
if (shouldIgnoreField(fieldName, srcClass, destClass)) {
// already mapped
if (destinationIsMap && classMap.getFieldMapUsingSrc(fieldName) != null) {
// already mapped
if (!destinationIsMap && classMap.getFieldMapUsingDest(fieldName, true) != null) {
FieldMap fieldMap = new MapFieldMap(classMap);
DozerField srcField = new DozerField(MappingUtils.isSupportedMap(srcClass) ? DozerConstants.SELF_KEYWORD : fieldName, null);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(classMap.getSrcClassMapGetMethod()) || StringUtils.isNotEmpty(classMap.getSrcClassMapSetMethod())) {
DozerField destField = new DozerField(MappingUtils.isSupportedMap(destClass) ? DozerConstants.SELF_KEYWORD : fieldName, null);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(classMap.getDestClassMapGetMethod())
|| StringUtils.isNotEmpty(classMap.getDestClassMapSetMethod())) {
return true;
public static class BeanMappingGenerator implements ClassMappingGenerator {
public boolean accepts(ClassMap classMap) {
return true;
public boolean apply(ClassMap classMap, Configuration configuration) {
Class<?> srcClass = classMap.getSrcClassToMap();
Class<?> destClass = classMap.getDestClassToMap();
PropertyDescriptor[] destProperties = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(destClass);
for (PropertyDescriptor destPropertyDescriptor : destProperties) {
String fieldName = destPropertyDescriptor.getName();
if (shouldIgnoreField(fieldName, srcClass, destClass)) {
// If field has already been accounted for, then skip
if (classMap.getFieldMapUsingDest(fieldName) != null
|| classMap.getFieldMapUsingSrc(fieldName) != null) {
// If destination field does not have a write method, then skip
if (destPropertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod() == null) {
PropertyDescriptor srcProperty = ReflectionUtils.findPropertyDescriptor(srcClass, fieldName, null);
// If the sourceProperty is null we know that there is not a corresponding property to map to.
// If source property does not have a read method, then skip
if (srcProperty == null || srcProperty.getReadMethod() == null) {
addGenericMapping(classMap, configuration, fieldName, fieldName);
return false;
public static class CollectionMappingGenerator implements ClassMappingGenerator {
public boolean accepts(ClassMap classMap) {
Class<?> srcClass = classMap.getSrcClassToMap();
Class<?> destClass = classMap.getDestClassToMap();
return MappingUtils.isSupportedCollection(srcClass) && MappingUtils.isSupportedCollection(destClass);
public boolean apply(ClassMap classMap, Configuration configuration) {
FieldMap fieldMap = new GenericFieldMap(classMap);
DozerField selfReference = new DozerField(DozerConstants.SELF_KEYWORD, null);
return true;
public static class AnnotationPropertiesGenerator implements ClassMappingGenerator {
public boolean accepts(ClassMap classMap) {
return true;
public boolean apply(ClassMap classMap, Configuration configuration) {
Class<?> srcType = classMap.getSrcClassToMap();
PropertyDescriptor[] srcProperties = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(srcType);
for (PropertyDescriptor property : srcProperties) {
Method readMethod = property.getReadMethod();
if (readMethod != null) {
Mapping mapping = readMethod.getAnnotation(Mapping.class);
String propertyName = property.getName();
if (mapping != null) {
validate(mapping, readMethod);
String pairName = mapping.value();
addGenericMapping(classMap, configuration, propertyName, pairName);
Class<?> destType = classMap.getDestClassToMap();
PropertyDescriptor[] destProperties = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(destType);
for (PropertyDescriptor property : destProperties) {
Method readMethod = property.getReadMethod();
if (readMethod != null) {
Mapping mapping = readMethod.getAnnotation(Mapping.class);
String propertyName = property.getName();
if (mapping != null) {
validate(mapping, readMethod);
String pairName = mapping.value();
addGenericMapping(classMap, configuration, pairName, propertyName);
return false;
public static class AnnotationFieldsGenerator implements ClassMappingGenerator {
public boolean accepts(ClassMap classMap) {
return true;
public boolean apply(ClassMap classMap, Configuration configuration) {
Class<?> srcType = classMap.getSrcClassToMap();
Field[] srcFields = srcType.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : srcFields) {
Mapping mapping = field.getAnnotation(Mapping.class);
String fieldName = field.getName();
if (mapping != null) {
validate(mapping, field);
String pairName = mapping.value();
addFieldMapping(classMap, configuration, fieldName, pairName);
Class<?> destType = classMap.getDestClassToMap();
Field[] destFields = destType.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : destFields) {
Mapping mapping = field.getAnnotation(Mapping.class);
String fieldName = field.getName();
if (mapping != null) {
validate(mapping, field);
String pairName = mapping.value();
addFieldMapping(classMap, configuration, pairName, fieldName);
return false;
private static void addFieldMapping(ClassMap classMap, Configuration configuration,
String srcName, String destName) {
FieldMap fieldMap = new GenericFieldMap(classMap);
DozerField sourceField = new DozerField(srcName, null);
DozerField destField = new DozerField(destName, null);
// add CopyByReferences per defect #1728159
MappingUtils.applyGlobalCopyByReference(configuration, fieldMap, classMap);
private static void addGenericMapping(ClassMap classMap, Configuration configuration,
String srcName, String destName) {
FieldMap fieldMap = new GenericFieldMap(classMap);
fieldMap.setSrcField(new DozerField(srcName, null));
fieldMap.setDestField(new DozerField(destName, null));
// add CopyByReferences per defect #1728159
MappingUtils.applyGlobalCopyByReference(configuration, fieldMap, classMap);
private static void validate(Mapping annotation, Member member) {
if (annotation.value().trim().equals("")) {
throw new MappingException("Mapping annotation value missing at "
+ member.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + member.getName());