package examples.xml.biztalk;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import weblogic.xml.dom.DOMParser;
import weblogic.xml.dom.DOMParserException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
* A Biztalk document that has been received by a
* Biztalk Server. Implements examples.xml.biztalk.IncomingMessage
* and includes the ability to parse the document using a
* DOM parser.
* @author Copyright (c) 2000 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
public class DOMIncomingMessage implements IncomingMessage {
private static final String NODE_BIZTALK = "biztalk_1";
private static final String NODE_HEADER = "header";
private static final String NODE_DELIVERY = "delivery";
private static final String NODE_BODY = "body";
private static final String NODE_FROM = "from";
private static final String NODE_TO = "to";
private static final String NODE_PROCESS = "process";
private static final String NODE_ADDRESS = "address";
private static final String ATTRIBUTE_XMLNS = "xmlns";
private static final String NODE_HANDLE = "handle";
private static final String NODE_REFERENCE_ID = "referenceID";
private transient Node bizNode=null;
private transient Node docNode=null;
private transient Node toNode=null;
private transient Node fromNode=null;
private String bizDoc=null;
public DOMIncomingMessage(String doc) {
bizDoc = doc;
private void parsedoc() throws BizException {
Reader r = new StringReader(bizDoc);
DOMParser parser = DOMParser.getDOMParser("com.sun.xml.parser.Parser");
try {
docNode = parser.getDocument(r);
bizNode = docNode.getFirstChild();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BizException(e.getMessage());
} catch (DOMParserException e) {
throw new BizException(e.getMessage());
// return child of top node
private Node findNode(String name) {
NodeList nl = bizNode.getChildNodes();
for (int i = nl.getLength(); --i >= 0; ) {
Node n = nl.item(i);
if (n.getNodeName().equals(name)) return n;
return null;
//return child of nd node
private Node findNode(Node nd, String name) {
NodeList nl = nd.getChildNodes();
if (nl != null) {
for (int i = nl.getLength(); --i >= 0; ) {
Node n = nl.item(i);
if (n.getNodeName().equals(name)) return n;
return null;
public String getXML() throws BizException {
if (bizDoc == null) throw new BizException("Empty XML string");
return bizDoc;
public String getType() throws BizException {
if (bizNode == null) {
if (bizNode == null) throw new BizException("Parse failure");
Node nd = findNode(NODE_BODY);
if (nd != null) {
NodeList nl = nd.getChildNodes();
if (nl != null) {
int cnt = nl.getLength();
for (int i=0;i<cnt;i++) {
Node n = nl.item(i);
if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return n.getNodeName();
throw new BizException("Invalid payload");
else {
throw new BizException ("No payload");
else {
throw new BizException("No body");
public String getNameSpace() throws BizException {
if (bizNode == null) {
if (bizNode == null) return null;
// find the payload start node then return the xmlns attr value
String ret = null;
Node tNode = findNode(NODE_BODY);
if (tNode != null) {
NodeList tList = tNode.getChildNodes();
if (tList != null) {
int cnt = tList.getLength();
for (int i=0;i<cnt;i++) {
Node n = tList.item(i);
if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
NamedNodeMap attrs = tList.item(0).getAttributes();
if (attrs != null) {
Node ns = attrs.getNamedItem(ATTRIBUTE_XMLNS);
if (ns != null) {
ret = ns.getNodeValue();
return ret;
public String getBizNameSpace() throws BizException {
if (bizNode == null) {
if (bizNode == null) return null;
// find the biztalk_1 node then return the xmlns attr value
String ret = null;
Node bizNode = findNode(NODE_BIZTALK);
NamedNodeMap attrs = bizNode.getAttributes();
if (attrs != null) {
Node ns = attrs.getNamedItem(ATTRIBUTE_XMLNS);
if (ns != null) {
ret = ns.getNodeValue();
return ret;
// from block
private String getFromNodeAttribute(String name) {
// returns the value of the 1st(only) child under the named node
String ret = null;
// find from node if first time
if (fromNode == null) {
Node h = findNode(NODE_HEADER);
if (h != null) {
Node d = findNode(h,NODE_DELIVERY);
if (d != null) {
fromNode = findNode(d,NODE_FROM);
if (fromNode != null) {
Node nd = findNode(fromNode,name);
if (nd != null) {
NodeList nl = nd.getChildNodes();
if ((nl != null) && (nl.getLength() > 0)) {
ret = nl.item(0).getNodeValue();
return ret;
public String getFromAddress() throws BizException {
if (bizNode == null) {
if (bizNode == null) return null;
return getFromNodeAttribute(NODE_ADDRESS);
public String getFromReferenceID() throws BizException {
if (bizNode == null) {
if (bizNode == null) return null;
return getFromNodeAttribute(NODE_REFERENCE_ID);
public String getFromProcess() throws BizException {
if (bizNode == null) {
if (bizNode == null) return null;
return getFromNodeAttribute(NODE_PROCESS);
public String getFromHandle() throws BizException {
if (bizNode == null) {
if (bizNode == null) return null;
return getFromNodeAttribute(NODE_HANDLE);
// to block
private String getToNodeAttribute(String name) {
// returns the value of the 1st(only) child under the named node
String ret = null;
// find to node if first time
if (toNode == null) {
Node h = findNode(NODE_HEADER);
if (h != null) {
Node d = findNode(h,NODE_DELIVERY);
if (d != null) {
toNode = findNode(d,NODE_TO);
if (toNode != null) {
Node nd = findNode(toNode,name);
if (nd != null) {
NodeList nl = nd.getChildNodes();
if ((nl != null) && (nl.getLength() > 0)) {
ret = nl.item(0).getNodeValue();
return ret;
public String getToAddress() throws BizException {
if (bizNode == null) {
if (bizNode == null) return null;
return getToNodeAttribute(NODE_ADDRESS);
public String getToReferenceID() throws BizException {
if (bizNode == null) {
if (bizNode == null) return null;
return getToNodeAttribute(NODE_REFERENCE_ID);
public String getToProcess() throws BizException {
if (bizNode == null) {
if (bizNode == null) return null;
return getToNodeAttribute(NODE_PROCESS);
public String getToHandle() throws BizException {
if (bizNode == null) {
if (bizNode == null) return null;
return getToNodeAttribute(NODE_HANDLE);
// message body
public String getBodyAsXML() throws BizException {
throw new BizException("getBodyAsXML: no implmented");
* Returns the DOM Node object repesenting the Body element in the document.
* @return Node object for Body element
* @exception BizException thrown if unable to parse or read document
public Object getBodyAsObject()throws BizException
if (bizNode == null) {
if (bizNode == null) return null;
return (findNode(NODE_BODY));
* Returns the DOM Node object repesenting the first element of the payload in the document.
* @return Node object for payload element
* @exception BizException thrown if unable to parse or read document
public Object getPayloadAsObject() throws BizException {
if (bizNode == null) {
if (bizNode == null) return null;
Node nd = findNode(NODE_BODY);
if (nd != null) {
NodeList nl = nd.getChildNodes();
if (nl != null) {
int cnt = nl.getLength();
for (int i=0;i<cnt;i++) {
Node n = nl.item(i);
if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return n;
return null;
// create a response to this message
* Not implemented
* @exception BizException thrown if unable to parse or read document
public OutgoingMessage createResponse(String type, String name) throws BizException {
if (bizNode == null) {
throw new BizException("createResponse: not implemented");