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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbcapi;
import java.io.File;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.DatabasePropertyTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBC;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBCDataSource;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SecurityManagerSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SupportFilesSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SystemPropertyTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
// tests that appropriate and invalid connections can be made to
// an LDAPServer when property authenticationProvider is set to 'LDAP'.
// This test assumes at least one valid user (to be passed in) and one
// additional user (kathy / kathyS) to be setup in ou=People on the
// LDAPServer.
public class LDAPAuthenticationTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
private static String ldapServer;
private static String ldapPort;
private static String dnString;
private static String ldapUser; // existing valid user on ldap server
private static String ldapPassword; // password for existing valid user on ldap server
private static String ldapContextFactory; // optional initial context factory
// if not passed in with -DderbyTesting.ldapContextFactory, uses sun's
// create own policy file, so we can connect to the ldap server
private static String POLICY_FILE_NAME =
private static String TARGET_POLICY_FILE_NAME = "derby_tests.policy";
/** Creates a new instance of the Test */
public LDAPAuthenticationTest(String name) {
* Ensure all connections are not in auto commit mode.
protected void initializeConnection(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
public static Test suite() {
if (JDBC.vmSupportsJSR169())
return new TestSuite("cannt run with JSR169 - missing functionality" +
" for org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.AuthenticationService");
if (ldapUser == null || ldapUser.length() < 1)
return new TestSuite("LDAPAuthenticationTest requires property " +
"derbyTesting.ldapUser set to a valid user set up on the " +
"ldapServer, eg: -DderbyTesting.ldapUser=CharliesPwd. In addition," +
"test requires a user 'kathy', pwd 'kathyS' to be set up");
if (ldapPassword == null || ldapPassword.length() < 1)
return new TestSuite("LDAPAuthenticationTest requires property " +
"derbyTesting.ldapPassword set the password of a valid user set" +
" up on the ldapServer, eg: -DderbyTesting.ldapPassword=Charlie");
if (ldapServer == null || ldapServer.length() < 1)
return new TestSuite("LDAPAuthenticationTest requires property " +
"derbyTesting.ldapServer set, eg: " +
if (ldapPort == null || ldapPort.length() < 1)
return new TestSuite("LDAPAuthenticationTest requires property " +
"derbyTesting.ldapPort set, eg: -DderbyTesting.ldapPort=333");
if (dnString == null || dnString.length() < 1)
return new TestSuite("LDAPAuthenticationTest requires property " +
"derbyTesting.dnString for setting o=, eg: " +
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("LDAPAuthenticationTest");
baseSuite("LDAPAuthenticationTest:client", "testLDAPConnection")));
Test test = decorateWithPolicy(suite);
return test;
public static Test baseSuite(String name, String fixture) {
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(name);
Test test = new LDAPAuthenticationTest(fixture);
setBaseProps(suite, test);
// This test needs to run in a new single use database as we're setting
// a number of properties
return TestConfiguration.singleUseDatabaseDecorator(suite);
protected static void setBaseProps(TestSuite suite, Test test)
// set some debugging at database level properties
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("derby.infolog.append", "true");
props.setProperty("derby.debug.true", "AuthenticationTrace");
// add some users. these should not be defined on the ldap server
props.setProperty("derby.user.system", "manager");
props.setProperty("derby.user.Jamie", "theHooligan");
suite.addTest(new DatabasePropertyTestSetup (test, props, true));
// grant ALL FILES execute, and getPolicy permissions, as well
// as resolve/connect for the ldap server identified with the property
private static Test decorateWithPolicy(Test test) {
String ldapPolicyName = new LDAPAuthenticationTest("test").makeServerPolicyName();
// Install a security manager using the initial policy file.
test = new SecurityManagerSetup(test,ldapPolicyName );
// Copy over the policy file we want to use.
test = new SupportFilesSetup(
test, null, new String[] {POLICY_FILE_NAME},
null, new String[] {TARGET_POLICY_FILE_NAME}
return test;
* Construct the name of the server policy file.
private String makeServerPolicyName()
try {
String userDir = getSystemProperty( "user.dir" );
String fileName = userDir + File.separator + SupportFilesSetup.EXTINOUT + File.separator + TARGET_POLICY_FILE_NAME;
File file = new File( fileName );
String urlString = file.toURL().toExternalForm();
return urlString;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
protected void setDatabaseProperty(
String propertyName, String value, Connection conn)
throws SQLException {
CallableStatement setDBP = conn.prepareCall(
setDBP.setString(1, propertyName);
setDBP.setString(2, value);
protected String getDatabaseProperty(
String propertyName, Connection conn)
throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement getDBP = conn.prepareStatement(
getDBP.setString(1, propertyName);
ResultSet rs = getDBP.executeQuery();
String value = rs.getString(1);
return value;
public void testLDAPConnection() throws SQLException {
// setup
String dbName = TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getDefaultDatabaseName();
DataSource ds = JDBCDataSource.getDataSource();
Connection conn = ds.getConnection("system", "admin");
// set the ldap properties
setDatabaseProperty("derby.connection.requireAuthentication", "true", conn);
setDatabaseProperty("derby.authentication.provider", "LDAP", conn);
setDatabaseProperty("derby.authentication.server", ldapServer, conn);
setDatabaseProperty("derby.authentication.ldap.searchBase", "o=" + dnString, conn);
setDatabaseProperty("derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter","(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%USERNAME%))", conn);
// java.naming.factory.initial is Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY
// but using literal string here to avoid unnecessary import.
// If the initial context factory is not provided it'll default to
// com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory in LDAPAuthenticationSchemeImpl.
if ((ldapContextFactory != null) && (ldapContextFactory.length() > 0))
setDatabaseProperty("java.naming.factory.initial", ldapContextFactory, conn);
// shutdown the database as system, so the properties take effect
// actual test.
// first attempt simple connection that should succeed
ds = JDBCDataSource.getDataSource(dbName);
assertLDAPDSConnectionOK(ds, ldapUser, ldapPassword);
assertLDAPDrvMgrConnectionOK(dbName, ldapUser, ldapPassword);
// try to get a connection for a user that has been added, but who
// should *not* be on the ldap server; should fail
assertInvalidLDAPDSConnectionFails(ds, "Jamie", "theHooligan");
assertInvalidLDAPDrvMgrConnectionFails(dbName, "Jamie", "thHooligan");
// try to get a connection using the valid ldapuser, but incorrect pwd
assertInvalidLDAPDSConnectionFails(ds, ldapUser, ldapPassword + "ish");
assertInvalidLDAPDrvMgrConnectionFails(dbName, ldapUser, ldapPassword + "ish");
// set the users DN locally
Connection conn3 = ds.getConnection(ldapUser, ldapPassword);
String tmpString1 = "derby.user." + ldapUser;
String tmpString2 = "uid=" + ldapUser + ",ou=People,o=" + dnString;
setDatabaseProperty(tmpString1, tmpString2, conn3);
// restart to let setting take effect
JDBCDataSource.setBeanProperty(ds, "shutdownDatabase", "shutdown");
// shutdown really only happens on next attempt to connect
try {
ds.getConnection(ldapUser, ldapPassword);
fail("expected system shutdown resulting in 08006 error.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("08006", e);
// It is now required to re-establish the name
// of the database...
dbName = TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getDefaultDatabaseName();
ds = JDBCDataSource.getDataSource(dbName);
// test again
// connect using a valid ldap user/pwd
assertLDAPDSConnectionOK(ds, ldapUser, ldapPassword);
assertLDAPDrvMgrConnectionOK(dbName, ldapUser, ldapPassword);
// try to use a not specified elsewhere, but hopefully valid ldapUser:
// as no local DN is cached, look-up will be performed with the default
// search filter.
assertLDAPDSConnectionOK(ds, "kathy", "kathyS");
assertLDAPDrvMgrConnectionOK(dbName, "kathy", "kathyS");
// again try to get a connection for a user that has been added, but
// should *not* be on the ldap server; should fail
assertInvalidLDAPDSConnectionFails(ds, "Jamie", "theHooligan");
assertInvalidLDAPDrvMgrConnectionFails(dbName, "Jamie", "theHooligan");
// try to get a connection using the valid ldapuser, but incorrect pwd
assertInvalidLDAPDSConnectionFails(ds, ldapUser, ldapPassword + "ish");
assertInvalidLDAPDrvMgrConnectionFails(dbName, ldapUser, ldapPassword + "ish");
assertLDAPDSConnectionOK(ds, ldapUser, ldapPassword);
// as we don't have requireAuthentication, or the authentication provider,
// set on system level, we can shutdown the system with any user.
assertDSSystemShutdownOK("someuser", "somestring");
// cleanup. Can't use default teardown mechanism yet as it uses default
// user/password and we're set to LDAP Authentication at this point.
// cleanup gets a conn using the ldap user & pwd, so we can unset the
// requireAuthentication so the default teardown & db cleanup can happen
protected void cleanup(DataSource ds) throws SQLException {
Connection conn2 = ds.getConnection(ldapUser, ldapPassword);
setDatabaseProperty("derby.connection.requireAuthentication", "false", conn2);
JDBCDataSource.setBeanProperty(ds, "shutdownDatabase", "shutdown");
// shutdown only really happens on attempting to get a connection;
// this exercise is needed so the DatabasePropertySetup.teardown() can work.
// Getting a 08006 is not really part of the test, but would be good
// to be warned of if it happens.
try {
ds.getConnection(ldapUser, ldapPassword);
fail("expected system shutdown resulting in 08006 error.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertSQLState("08006", e);
public void assertLDAPDSConnectionOK(
DataSource ds, String user, String password)
throws SQLException {
Connection conn = ds.getConnection(user, password);
protected void assertLDAPDrvMgrConnectionOK(
String dbName, String user, String password)
throws SQLException
String url = TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getJDBCUrl(dbName);
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
public void assertInvalidLDAPDSConnectionFails(
DataSource ds, String user, String password)
throws SQLException {
try {
ds.getConnection(user, password);
fail("expected invalid connection error (for DataSource)");
} catch (SQLException se) {
assertSQLState("08004", se);
protected void assertInvalidLDAPDrvMgrConnectionFails(
String dbName, String user, String password)
throws SQLException
String url = TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getJDBCUrl(dbName);
try {
DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password).close();
fail("expected invalid connection error (for DataSource)");
} catch (SQLException se) {
assertSQLState("08004", se);
protected void assertDSSystemShutdownOK(
String user, String password)
throws SQLException {
DataSource ds;
if (usingEmbedded())
// we cannot use JDBCDataSource.getDataSource() (which uses the
// default database name), unless we specifically clear the
// databaseName. Otherwise, only the database will be shutdown.
// The alternative is to use jDBCDataSource.getDatasource(dbName),
// where dbName is an empty string - this will in the current code
// be interpreted as a system shutdown.
ds = JDBCDataSource.getDataSource();
JDBCDataSource.clearStringBeanProperty(ds, "databaseName");
// With client, we cannot user clearStringBeanProperty on the
// databaseName, that will result in error 08001 -
// Required DataSource property databaseName not set.
// So, we pass an empty string as databaseName, which the current
// code interprets as a system shutdown.
ds = JDBCDataSource.getDataSource("");
JDBCDataSource.setBeanProperty(ds, "shutdownDatabase", "shutdown");
try {
ds.getConnection(user, password);
fail("expected system shutdown resulting in XJ015 error");
} catch (SQLException e) {
// expect XJ015, system shutdown, on successful shutdown
assertSQLState("XJ015", e);