Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.services.locks.LockSpace
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package org.apache.derby.impl.services.locks;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.services.locks.CompatibilitySpace;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.services.locks.Lockable;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.services.locks.Limit;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.util.Matchable;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.services.sanity.SanityManager;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.services.locks.LockOwner;
A LockSpace represents the complete set of locks held within
a single compatibility space, broken into groups of locks.
A LockSpace contains a HashMap keyed by the group reference,
the data for each key is a HashMap of Lock's.
<p> A <code>LockSpace</code> can have an owner (for instance a
transaction). Currently, the owner is used by the virtual lock table to
find out which transaction a lock belongs to. Some parts of the code also
use the owner as a group object which guarantees that the lock is released
on a commit or an abort. The owner has no special meaning to the lock
manager and can be any object, including <code>null</code>. </p>
final class LockSpace implements CompatibilitySpace {
/** Map from group references to groups of locks. */
private final HashMap groups;
/** Reference to the owner of this compatibility space. */
private final LockOwner owner;
private HashMap spareGroups[] = new HashMap[3];
// the Limit info.
private Object callbackGroup;
private int limit;
private int nextLimitCall;
private Limit callback;
* Creates a new <code>LockSpace</code> instance.
* @param owner an object representing the owner of the compatibility space
LockSpace(LockOwner owner) {
groups = new HashMap();
this.owner = owner;
* Get the object representing the owner of the compatibility space.
* @return the owner of the compatibility space
public LockOwner getOwner() {
return owner;
Add a lock to a group.
protected synchronized void addLock(Object group, Lock lock)
throws StandardException {
Lock lockInGroup = null;
HashMap dl = (HashMap) groups.get(group);
if (dl == null) {
dl = getGroupMap(group);
} else if (lock.getCount() != 1) {
lockInGroup = (Lock) dl.get(lock);
if (lockInGroup == null) {
lockInGroup = lock.copy();
dl.put(lockInGroup, lockInGroup);
if (inLimit)
if (!group.equals(callbackGroup))
int groupSize = dl.size();
if (groupSize > nextLimitCall) {
inLimit = true;
callback.reached(this, group, limit,
new LockList(java.util.Collections.enumeration(dl.keySet())), groupSize);
inLimit = false;
// see when the next callback should occur, if the callback
// failed to release a sufficent amount of locks then
// delay until another "limit" locks are obtained.
int newGroupSize = dl.size();
if (newGroupSize < (limit / 2))
nextLimitCall = limit;
else if (newGroupSize < (nextLimitCall / 2))
nextLimitCall -= limit;
nextLimitCall += limit;
private boolean inLimit;
Unlock all the locks in a group and then remove the group.
synchronized void unlockGroup(LockTable lset, Object group) {
HashMap dl = (HashMap) groups.remove(group);
if (dl == null)
for (Iterator list = dl.keySet().iterator(); list.hasNext(); ) {
lset.unlock((Lock) list.next(), 0);
if ((callbackGroup != null) && group.equals(callbackGroup)) {
nextLimitCall = limit;
private HashMap getGroupMap(Object group) {
HashMap[] sg = spareGroups;
HashMap dl = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
dl = sg[i];
if (dl != null) {
sg[i] = null;
if (dl == null)
dl = new HashMap(5, 0.8f);
groups.put(group, dl);
return dl;
private void saveGroup(HashMap dl) {
HashMap[] sg = spareGroups;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (sg[i] == null) {
sg[i] = dl;
Unlock all locks in the group that match the key
synchronized void unlockGroup(LockTable lset, Object group, Matchable key) {
HashMap dl = (HashMap) groups.get(group);
if (dl == null)
return; // no group at all
boolean allUnlocked = true;
for (Iterator e = dl.keySet().iterator(); e.hasNext(); ) {
Lock lock = (Lock) e.next();
if (!key.match(lock.getLockable())) {
allUnlocked = false;
lset.unlock(lock, 0);
if (allUnlocked) {
if ((callbackGroup != null) && group.equals(callbackGroup)) {
nextLimitCall = limit;
synchronized void transfer(Object oldGroup, Object newGroup) {
HashMap from = (HashMap) groups.get(oldGroup);
if (from == null)
HashMap to = (HashMap) groups.get(newGroup);
if (to == null) {
// simple case
groups.put(newGroup, from);
if (to.size() < from.size()) {
// place the contents of to into from
mergeGroups(to, from);
Object oldTo = groups.put(newGroup, from);
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(oldTo == to, "inconsistent state in LockSpace");
} else {
mergeGroups(from, to);
private void mergeGroups(HashMap from, HashMap into) {
for (Iterator e = from.keySet().iterator(); e.hasNext(); ) {
Object lock = e.next();
Object lockI = into.get(lock);
if (lockI == null) {
// lock is only in from list
into.put(lock, lock);
} else {
// merge the locks
Lock fromL = (Lock) lock;
Lock intoL = (Lock) lockI;
intoL.count += fromL.getCount();
synchronized int unlockReference(LockTable lset, Lockable ref,
Object qualifier, Object group) {
// look for locks matching our reference and qualifier.
HashMap dl = (HashMap) groups.get(group);
if (dl == null)
return 0;
Lock lockInGroup = lset.unlockReference(this, ref, qualifier, dl);
if (lockInGroup == null) {
return 0;
if (lockInGroup.getCount() == 1) {
if (dl.isEmpty()) {
if ((callbackGroup != null) && group.equals(callbackGroup)) {
nextLimitCall = limit;
return 1;
// the lock item will be left in the group
dl.put(lockInGroup, lockInGroup);
return 1;
Return true if locks are held in a group
synchronized boolean areLocksHeld(Object group) {
return groups.containsKey(group);
* Return true if locks are held in this compatibility space.
* @return true if locks are held, false otherwise
synchronized boolean areLocksHeld() {
return !groups.isEmpty();
synchronized boolean isLockHeld(Object group, Lockable ref, Object qualifier) {
// look for locks matching our reference and qualifier.
HashMap dl = (HashMap) groups.get(group);
if (dl == null)
return false;
Object heldLock = dl.get(new Lock(this, ref, qualifier));
return (heldLock != null);
synchronized void setLimit(Object group, int limit, Limit callback) {
callbackGroup = group;
this.nextLimitCall = this.limit = limit;
this.callback = callback;
Clear a limit set by setLimit.
synchronized void clearLimit(Object group) {
if (group.equals(callbackGroup)) {
callbackGroup = null;
nextLimitCall = limit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
callback = null;
Return a count of the number of locks
held by this space. The argument bail
indicates at which point the counting
should bail out and return the current
count. This routine will bail if the
count is greater than bail. Thus this
routine is intended to for deadlock
code to find the space with the
fewest number of locks.
synchronized int deadlockCount(int bail) {
int count = 0;
for (Iterator it = groups.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
HashMap group = (HashMap) it.next();
for (Iterator locks = group.keySet().iterator(); locks.hasNext(); ) {
Lock lock = (Lock) locks.next();
count += lock.getCount();
if (count > bail)
return count;
return count;
An Enumeration that returns the the Lockables
in a group.
class LockList implements Enumeration {
private Enumeration lockGroup;
LockList(Enumeration lockGroup) {
this.lockGroup = lockGroup;
public boolean hasMoreElements() {
return lockGroup.hasMoreElements();
public Object nextElement() {
return ((Lock) lockGroup.nextElement()).getLockable();