package jimm.datavision.source.charsep;
import jimm.datavision.Formula;
import jimm.datavision.ErrorHandler;
import jimm.datavision.source.DataCursor;
import jimm.datavision.source.Column;
import jimm.datavision.source.Query;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
* A concrete subclass of <code>DataCursor</code> that wraps a delimited file parser.
* @author Jim Menard, <a href=""></a>
public class CharSepRow extends DataCursor {
protected CharSepSource source;
protected Query query;
protected Formula whereClauseFormula;
protected boolean noMoreData;
protected DelimParser parser;
protected HashMap dateParsers;
protected boolean dateParseErrorReported;
CharSepRow(CharSepSource source, Query query) {
this.source = source;
this.query = query;
this.query.findSelectablesUsed(); // Needed so we can find columns later
String script = query.getWhereClause();
if (script != null && script.length() > 0)
whereClauseFormula = new Formula(null, source.getReport(), "", script);
* Returns the next row of data. If there is a where clause, use that to
* determine which rows we accept or reject.
public List readRowData() {
if (noMoreData)
return null;
List data = null;
boolean acceptRow;
do {
data = retrieveNextRow();
if (whereClauseFormula != null && data != null) {
// Run the Ruby script and retrive its boolean value. If true,
// accept the line. Else, reject it and move on to the next
// line.
// First, save the existing current row and make the new data
// the current row. We need to do this because the formula we
// are about to evaluate may make use of data in the new
// current row.
List origCurrRowData = currRowData;
currRowData = data; // Need data available to formula
// Evaulate the script and retrieve a boolean.
Object obj = whereClauseFormula.eval();
acceptRow = ((Boolean)obj).booleanValue();
// Replace the original current row data (acutally the previous
// row, but we don't care).
currRowData = origCurrRowData;
acceptRow = true;
} while (!acceptRow);
return data;
* Retrieve the next row of data and return it as a list of column values.
* @return a list of column values
protected List retrieveNextRow() {
if (parser == null)
parser = new DelimParser(source.getReader(), source.getSepChar());
List data = null;
try {
data = parser.parse();
catch (IOException ioe) {
noMoreData = true;
return null;
if (data == null) {
noMoreData = true;
return null;
int numColumnsInData = data.size();
int i = 0;
for (Iterator iter = source.columns(); iter.hasNext(); ++i) {
Column col = (Column);
if (i >= numColumnsInData) {
if (col.isNumeric()) {
String str = data.get(i).toString();
if (str == null || str.length() == 0)
data.set(i, new Integer(0));
else if (str.indexOf('.') == -1)
data.set(i, new Integer(str));
data.set(i, new Double(str));
else if (col.isDate())
data.set(i, parseDate(col, data.get(i).toString()));
// else, it's a string; there is nothing to modify
return data;
protected Date parseDate(Column col, String dateString) {
String formatString = col.getDateParseFormat();
// Find existing parser, if any
if (dateParsers == null)
dateParsers = new HashMap();
SimpleDateFormat parser = (SimpleDateFormat)dateParsers.get(formatString);
if (parser == null) {
parser = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString);
dateParsers.put(formatString, parser);
try {
return parser.parse(dateString);
catch (ParseException ex) {
if (!dateParseErrorReported) {
ErrorHandler.error("Parse format string = " + formatString, ex);
dateParseErrorReported = true;
return null;
public void close() {